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Jack Herer Passes Away


Active member
Dam I'm speechless ...so much I wanna say but I'm a leave it at ..thanks for the insight and knowledge jack....to his family I'm sorry for your pain your in my prayers..Cpt.kush


The Hemperor.....he stood up for the cause, even spent time in Federal prison for bogus charges like being on federal property rallying for cannabis...as someone said on to the next realm....peACE


Peace be unto his Family and Friends......thank you Mr. Herer for your Shining Light and we will be more than honored to carry on the torch.


New member
The movement wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for you! R.I.P Mr. Herer. Just maybe the volcano in Iceland is really Jack fogging the biggest "Jack" joint ever in heaven!


New member
I am MedMike the host of the "Jack Herer Awards". I'd like to invite everyone to join me in honoring Jack Herer this week. Spread the word as far and wide as you can! We will be doing a special hottalkla.com PotCast on 420 (April 20th at 12:30 pst) I will be joining Adamacadocious and Manny Blunts and we will be talking about Jack and honoring him and talking about the events that will be honoring him this week as well. We will be filming and potcasting live from THC Expose in LA as well 4/23-25. You can find more at medmike.org.
Thank you Jack for all you have given us and all you endured to allow us to have it! We love you...:thank you:



Active member
RIP Jack Herrer

Thank you for opening my eyes.

I bought his hemp bound edition, and then another for my daughter.
He spoke with me on the phone a couple of times about the order, even after he had a stroke. Unbelievably nice about it.

My condolances to family.

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