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HookaHittn AF's Outdoors


That fish took about 45 mins to land. This was fishing from the bank. When I set the hook on this fish it was instantly snagged on the rocks. I could feel the fish on the line fighting and pulling but couldn't get it to go anywhere. Pretty much had to wait it out for 30 mins or so. Then I started trying to pull as hard as I could without snapping the line. Slowly but surely it started to come in. I was getting a half inch of line back each time I pulled. Then eventually the fish came un-snagged and I got it in.

As for the grow, the weather has turned for the better. Temps in the mid 60s and should be in the mid 70s in a few days. So far 4 Jems have popped and 2 Lowasis have popped. I will get some pics when they have some really leaves going.


Hey Guys hows it going? :tiphat:

Just a little quick update for you guys. Ive been working the past 8 days straight and haven't really had time to be on here... Anyways the weather has been kinda playing with my emotions. We will get a few nice days of sun then a storm will come through and rain for a day or two... :dunno: I made the mistake and left my seedlings out one day in the rain a few days ago. The got pretty soaked and I think over watered a bit. However today temps are to be in the 70s and they are soaking up some rays right now. I had 100 % germ rate with the 4 Jems and 4 Lows. :yay: I still don't know how they will react to the poor growing conditions they have been through. Hopefully they don't turn into some little stumpies. I will get you guys some pics in a few days when I have time. Not too much to show right now as they only have single blade leaves. I will probly just turn these first few into a seed run, :plant grow: and get a stock pile of seeds for the summer months. I am running kinda low on beans as I've gifted a few of my friends with some Jems... Hopefully the karma will be returned to me later..Good day.


Anyways the weather has been kinda playing with my emotions. We will get a few nice days of sun then a storm will come through and rain for a day or two...
Exactly the same here.
It is the longest winter I have experienced since I came.
All 5 of the pots I put in have given good germ rates..
it has been about 10 days since they went in...

soooooo slooooowwwww...:watchplant:

It is frustrating the Chuff out of me.

Mother nature is a law unto herself..no good fretting about it.

Talking about that..I've still got my Visitors...
who would believe that a bloody volcano in Iceland could totally close down Europes air-traffic...?

That fish took about 45 mins to land
Worth every minute my m8..it is a Beaut..

Have a great weekend...:joint:


My Auto blueberry, diesel ryder and big devil are indoors and doing great, I am in Eastern Ky and the weather has been atleast 60f and no higher than 90f going on a month now. My outdoor autos are about 20 days old and 8-10" tall and they are loving this weather but tonight is going to get down to low 40's. I'm still waiting on my Purple Jem beans,can't wait to get those started. I have never spoken to you on here Mossy but I am a HUGE fan of your work... i think a lot of MJ growers are greatfull for your contribution!


I have never spoken to you on here Mossy but I am a HUGE fan of your work... i think a lot of MJ growers are greatfull for your contribution!
Aw cheers m8..it is much appreciated...:tiphat:

You know what they say ..breeders can work as hard as they want..
It is the Growers that make a breeder look good.

All done with help from my growing friends. :good:


Quick Update: The plants are looking a lot better today. Weather has been warm and sunny with temps in the upper 60s. They look to be kicking out their 3 fingered leaves. A few of the Jems seem to have some kinda deformation on the leaves. I think it may have been caused by the cold wet weather they went through. The other ones look fine and are kicking...

Ill get some shots of them tmrw...


Hows it goin Guys??? :wave:

Finally got some time off from work to get some pics for you. They are starting to take off a little now. We've been getting a lot better weather the last few days. Temps are to be near 80 F. today... Yay! :jump: haha... Two of the Jems have some kinda problem with the leaves. I thought it could be from the cold or something. I almost thought it was over watering from when it rained all day. But they are dried out now and still look the same... We shall see if they pull out of it. anyways heres some pics of the grow.


Jems - You can see the two weird jems on the left. Never had this before with them..



:smoke out: Puff Puff Passn...


Temps are to be near 80 F. today... Yay!

Wish ours were....
I've put a couple of punnets out for test germ and I could do with a break in the Dank :plant grow:

We shall see if they pull out of it.
No m8..them is dead.
Plus..you may have probs with the bottom one on the right too.
Pull 'em and re-germ.
They are your IBL's right..you have spare..?

Luck on the Low's.....:clover:


Mossy yes those are Jem IBL. The two on the right look fine. I will let the two sickly ones go for another week to see what happens. Almost looks like some kinda nute burn but I havent hit them with anything till today... Its crazy how similar the jems are to the lows.. almost cant tell them apart.


Active member
I'll catch a chair, paper, and some stuff to see how goes your grow...
Here we are having changing weather (rain, sun...). I hope the sun will shine!


I will let the two sickly ones go for another week
HHH man..you're a trained KILLER...:shooty:
put the poor little buggers out of their misery.

(ha ha..don't listen to me..I am just as Bad..I Hate to kill them too
if you have space why not let them try..)

hearts like Little Lions..

Its crazy how similar the jems are to the lows.. almost cant tell them apart
Most start to show their individuality around sex



Well everyone I have some bad news on the grow... :hide: I think all these storms we've been having in my area have severely affected my plants. Cold temps and lots of rain are never good for canna growing. I think they may have some root rot or just are really over watered. Even the biggest ones are affected. Its sad to say but I think I am just going to scrap this whole run and start out fresh. Temps however are in the upper 70s today and perfect growing weather. Its just these storms that seem to come every week that are messing everything up. We have another rain storm scheduled for tuesday/wed...... :lightning: Ha can you tell I'm tired of the rain and want sunny days? I may let the lil bugger go a little longer to see if I can at least salvage some seeds out of this run. That was half of my lowasis beans and I don't really want to waste the genetics. Its weird the smallest plants seem to be the least affected... Eh oh well I get you guys some pics if they turn around. :drum:


I think all these storms we've been having in my area have severely affected my plants. Cold temps and lots of rain are never good for canna growing.

Boo the bad weather m8...:covereyes:
Shame for the girls.

We are exactly the same..sitting under a thunderstorm that seems to be trapped by our mountains and is just going round and round and coming back at us.

Its sad to say but I think I am just going to scrap this whole run and start out fresh
It is Sad..but sometimes it has to be done.
Once AF's get hit that hard..they really are screwed.
With a long season girl you have catch up time

But AF's do all their growing in the first 3 weeks..no second veg time.
If they get hammered in the first 3 weeks..it is Almost impossible to regain.

That was half of my lowasis beans and I don't really want to waste the genetics.
Then you need to IBL them next time round..you managed it with the JEM..
You is an expert now..:dance013:

Ha can you tell I'm tired of the rain and want sunny days?

Have a great weekend m8...:joint:


Looks as if I will have to put them out of their misery.... Damn weather has pissed me off... ahh oh well I have more beans to plant. I think I will get some germing after this next storm passes early this week. Seems the rain isn't done yet over here. Few days of sun then rain again.....


Hooka, :comfort:;)

Why don't you do seedrun with 'em?
You got nothing to loose.
...Or is it too late for that?

We got 2 inches of snow couple days ago. it melted allready but tells you where I'm at. ;)
Can't wait to pop some seeds!


I may see if I can salvage any pollen from the lowasis seedlings. I don't want to waste these genetics. Plus I only have 4 more Low beans to play with... The Jems I'm not really worried about, I have more I can germ. I think its just all the wasted time that's getting to me. They have been growing for a month or so and haven't even got past their 3 fingered leaves yet... That tells you they are extremely stunted.. not good for AF's.


Ended up having to compost all but 2 of the lows... I may get some new beans soaking tonight to plant tmrw... Kinda bums me out that the weather messed up my first run.. Ah oh well maybe it will work out and wont rain again till very late in the fall...


Well fellas this grow is officially over for the moment. I check on the remaining two lowasis seedlings and they were wilted over and dead. I think it could have been from getting two hot a few days ago. Aint that that shits though... Plants getting over watered from the rain then 2 days later its in the 80s and the plants get burned to a crisp... Oh well I will be getting some new beans soaking today. Problly get them planted when this storm we have goin on right now blows out... Ahhh send me sunny weather karma guys... Maybe I should just wait till june to start germing seeds haha..



Don' know why..
there's no sun up in the sky..
Stormy weather...:whistling:

I shouldn't say this..coz we will probably get hail-stones tomorrow..
BUT..I think Our weather may have broke.
For the last couple of days we have been misty as anything in the mornings..
and the temps have just woofed..fingers crossed eh!

Sunshine karma for you....:tiphat:

Maybe I should just wait till june to start germing seeds haha..

I Think that you were simply hit at the wrong time.
They were just too young to sustain that kind of damage.
I wouldn't let it put you off trying early season again next spring.

Hope the next lot is all Girls...:good:


I think you are right mossy. The storms just came at the wrong time and didn't ever stop. Rain for 2-3 days then sun for 2-3 days... Its nice and sunny again today. Temps are still 10 degrees below their average for this time of year. If I would have been able to have an indoor grow going this would be a different story. I could have moved them indoors during the rain and back out when the sun was back.. I haven't even had a chance to start my veggi garden yet. The soil hasn't had a chance to dry out so I cant get in there to till the soil. Maybe the weather is on the turn around though...