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Tutorial Organics for Beginners


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
How can you tell they need water before they Droop?

Read my post above. Weight. Oh, and the fact that the soil drys up and tightens up quite a bit. There are tons of little signs. You have to pay attention to them. That's how I do it anyway.


Read my post above. Weight. Oh, and the fact that the soil drys up and tightens up quite a bit. There are tons of little signs. You have to pay attention to them. That's how I do it anyway.

Oh sorry I'm aware of the weight of the pot as an indicator, just curious of some other signs?


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Oh sorry I'm aware of the weight of the pot as an indicator, just curious of some other signs?

Try sticking your pinky finger down into the soil...if it's dry 2" down, it needs to be watered.

I'm sure there are many more...just give it a whirl, you'll figure it out as you go along.


Active member
this question has to do with the maxicrop seaweed. hopefully someone will be able to help me out with this. im using the guano tea recipe from burnone's original post.
now im having trouble finding the 1-0-4 maxicrop, i did however find the maxicrop 1-0-2 powdered kelp, and the maxicrop liquid 0-0-1. i figured i would be able to make something work using the two products. seeing that i could make up for K with the liquid.
how would i go about turning those two into the needed 1-0-4?


The Mad Monk
You could combine the powdered & liquid, I suppose. I'd just use the 1-0-2, that's how Algamin kelp comes and that works very well. It's sorta like two middleweight boxers... head-to-head the guy who can throw more consistent punches will do better than the guy trying to land a few big shots. Supplying it consistently is more important than supplying it heavily, IMHO.

Good luck!


Active member
thanks man, and would you have any idea how to combine the two to make exactly what i need?
heres what seems logical to me...
please correct me if i am wrong.
my recipe calls for 2.5 tablespoons maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp in 2.5 gallons of water.
so if i give them the 2.5 tbs of the 1-0-2 that = 1% N, and 2% K
so then i would need to add the other 2% K.
so if the liquid is a 0-0-1, i would need to add 2 tablespoons to correct the lost 2%. directions on bottle would equal just about what i had figured. which is one cap full to one gallon of water.

does this make sense? or am i way off?


thanks man, and would you have any idea how to combine the two to make exactly what i need?
heres what seems logical to me...
please correct me if i am wrong.
my recipe calls for 2.5 tablespoons maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp in 2.5 gallons of water.
so if i give them the 2.5 tbs of the 1-0-2 that = 1% N, and 2% K
so then i would need to add the other 2% K.
so if the liquid is a 0-0-1, i would need to add 2 tablespoons to correct the lost 2%. directions on bottle would equal just about what i had figured. which is one cap full to one gallon of water.

does this make sense? or am i way off?

Nothing is written in stone. Use the one product for now and see how it works that way.



is hydrated lime the same as dolomite lime? i've never used any lime products and found this yesterday. would it be safe to use in my soil?


somebody with some knowledge please check this out. i bought a bag but didn't mix any while making some soil. not sure if it's the same stuff. it has super high calcium but the mag is nowhere. it's the only lime i could find locally that was powdered. i found regular dolomite but it was chunky.


Active member
check around and see if you can find a product called "soil sweetener" by sunleaves. if the place you go to sells the sunleaves guanos, they should have the soil sweetener, which is powdered dolomite lime.


i think someone should make a list of ingredients usable in mixes with their uses, what the thing actually does, the amount u should use per gallon and what ingredients they can be interchanged with. if this has already been done would someone be kind enough to direct me to it? i was also wondering what the going rate is on ewc tea because i found a source for it that sells it at 9 bucks a gallon


somebody with some knowledge please check this out. i bought a bag but didn't mix any while making some soil. not sure if it's the same stuff. it has super high calcium but the mag is nowhere. it's the only lime i could find locally that was powdered. i found regular dolomite but it was chunky.

Do not use the hydrated lime. Use the chunky dolomite. What you want is a ratio of 35% mg to 45 % ca or some where in that area.



i think someone should make a list of ingredients usable in mixes with their uses, what the thing actually does, the amount u should use per gallon and what ingredients they can be interchanged with. if this has already been done would someone be kind enough to direct me to it? i was also wondering what the going rate is on ewc tea because i found a source for it that sells it at 9 bucks a gallon

Check out the first page. You can read the NPK ratios and substitute from there. Most of the tings listed can be found in almost all parts of the world in some form.

EWC I use about 2 handfuls for 5 gallons of water. I would not recommend using bottled EWC tea. The point with the EWC tea is microbiology not NPK. Most of the micro organisms will be dead or dormant. Kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me.



Active member


hey Burn1, im sure youre real tired of the stupid questions, but i am a little confused with your measurements.

specifically, im talking about recipe#3 guano and kelp

now with the maxicrop, you have edited the measurement a few times now and i am confused as to which one it is. because you have yet to edit your OP.

your original post says for the flowering mix add 5 (TSP) maxicrop

now your edited post says for the flowering mix add 5 (TBS) maxicrop

i am a little confused as to which one it is, could you clear this up for me please. as i like to not fudge recipes and follow directions. thanks


Check out the first page. You can read the NPK ratios and substitute from there. Most of the tings listed can be found in almost all parts of the world in some form.

EWC I use about 2 handfuls for 5 gallons of water. I would not recommend using bottled EWC tea. The point with the EWC tea is microbiology not NPK. Most of the micro organisms will be dead or dormant. Kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me.

alright sounds good i guess. i think i might just put info on an ingredient into a text file every time i read something about it. i only wanted it so all the info is in one place and because i cant remember the uses of all these amendments. and thanks for the stuff about the ewc tea


Do not use the hydrated lime. Use the chunky dolomite. What you want is a ratio of 35% mg to 45 % ca or some where in that area.


Hey Von, is the dolomite ratio really supposed to be 45% ca and 35% mg? Because the powdered dolomite I have is 22% ca and 12% mg?


Hey Von, is the dolomite ratio really supposed to be 45% ca and 35% mg? Because the powdered dolomite I have is 22% ca and 12% mg?

you have the right ratio ca to mg. That is just what mine is. I have another that varies also.


Active member
I'd like to thank burnone for this thread, its really helped me with organics and growing in general. This thread rocks. Since i've switched to organics i've had far less troubles than with synthetic nutes and my plants are loving it, i'm about to brew up some earthworm casting tea for my mother plants. Organics is really a fun way to grow.


The ratio you want is 2:1, so two times more ca than mg. It isn't the percentage you need to watch for, but the ratio. The types of lime you don't want to use have little to no mg. (hydrated etc.)
Even with good dolomite lime in your mix you might have to supplement mg though, especially when using rainwater or RO, because Cannabis is such a mg pig.