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Lazyman's 16KW Headbanger


Overkill is under-rated.
You got some big balls posting the details here mang. Thanks for the educational and good luck to you.

Really? What do you think is gonna happen as a result of me posting this thread? I'm a legal grower in a med state, growing for ten patients that need medicine. All documentation posted and in one of the most MMJ-friendly counties in the state.

Nothing personally identifiable, unless you know something I dont? I know there are lots of guys bigger than me, including right here on this forum, and hell, probably some within walking distance of me! :laughing:


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks folks! :) Yep I'm stoked, 50 are at week 2 of flower, 50 at week 2 of veg, and 60 cuts growing roots. Got 3 strains/sizes of moms already bushin out for the next few crops, and the last 8 lights are going in as I type. Muahaha!! Monthly harvests, what a trip that's gonna be!

I can't wait to come in here and say "alright harvested X this month, next one's in 4 weeks!"


Love the bare bulbs, I really need to make this switch. Why don't you strap those filters to the ceiling instead of sitting on the floor?


Overkill is under-rated.
Well, I have more floor space than ceiling height, and it's nice to be able to move them around or add/replace them easily if needed. I thought about it but the effort to benefit ratio was way too high ;)


Awesome stuff lazy..

Have you experiemented much with that lighting style (on/off)?

Do you think it would work in a single row grow..
for instance 4 1000w lights in a row. Lights 1 & 3 on for 2 yrs - then lights 2 & 4, ect..or would one not gain the benefits of overlapping lighting ect with all the lights in a single row.

If this is really the way to go then the MLC controllers will dual triggers make this a peice of cake.


Overkill is under-rated.
Though I think it would work fine in a single row, if you could make it a 2X2 square of lights you'd get more overlap for sure.

Just got back from checkin on the room, haven't been there since Tuesday and all was well. Had to tweak a couple of the Blumat valves but nothing major.

The first GS cuts I took are finally growing roots, about time! I took two and potted them to grow into future replacement moms, and the rest are going to a friend tomorrow.

The Jackpots are getting huge, over 16 inches tall and very wide and bushy, amazing strain. I forgot my camera, forgive me gang!

My dog got skunked last night so she slept in the garage, after he got washed of course. Garage still reeeks, really bad. I brought home the big ozone generator cannon and hooked it up, let's see if ozone beats skunk! :)

Sprayed some copper soap on the GS moms as they still had some PM that Safers Fungicide wasn't working on, and sprayed the shit out of all the girls in flower with plain RO. Since I cut the nutes back they're looking much better, a few more days and I'll put some food back into the res again.

GE Merlin RO filter seems to have finally broken in, the longer it runs the cleaner the output water gets. Goes from 578 in to 72 out, and dropping.

Got the next 8 ballasts mounted and wired, just waiting for the light fixtures and MLC 8 to come in. 8 more Ushios are waiting in the basement too. I was thinking about staggering them MH/HPS again, maybe next time I change bulbs I'll buy half and half.

I think the next purchase is probably gonna have to be the Santa Fe. The two dehueys I have are doing fine at the moment, but I think once the flower room is doubled it's gonna be a problem. :Sigh: it's always something.

Hopefully I can make it through the end of June air cooling the lights 8 at a time, then install the chiller/heat exchanger come July, and probably CO2 come August. hehehe

That's it for now folks, feel free to hit me up with questions, I don't keep secrets from IC!


Overkill is under-rated.
Hey thanks man, welcome one and all! I really appreciate the comments and support guys, it's because of folks like you that I made IC my new home!


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
man this is just getting better and better by the sounds of it, id love to be able to grow weed all day like this lol.


Overkill is under-rated.
Ya know, I said it before in my 8KW, but now I work even less. Growing is NOT supposed to be this easy! Aside from cloning, transplanting, and trimming, the room takes care of itself.

I could probably raise the lights and top off nutes and leave for a week if I wanted, and 3 weeks if I had to. Might lose a few of the girls, but I doubt there'd be any catastrophes.

Will definitely be getting a security/camera system soon though, would love to have a motorized pan/tilt/zoom camera that can look around in the dark or the light in each room. :) Especially from a smartphone!


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
man that sounds intense everything could be controlled through a computer and you just control it in your room lol.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah I could add a Growtronix or nano plc's to run stuff, but most of it just isn't needed here. As long as you build redundancy and emergency countermeasures into each system it just works in the first place. You can just monitor it or have it text you if the floor gets wet or something.

I mean ideally I'd want each pot to have a sensor in it that can text me if it dries out for some reason, but I don't see that as feasible right now.


Tropical Outcast

would love to have a motorized pan/tilt/zoom camera that can look around in the dark or the light in each room. :)

Especially from a smartphone!

As you probably already know there are plenty of those around and work well as long as there is an internet/WiFi connection available:

Yeah you are reading right on the 2nd model:
You can CALL your camera and say something through the speaker to who ever is in hearing distance! About $80 bucks!
"Built-in Microphone and Speaker allow you to communicate with people directly."
"Supports Mobile Phone View & P/T Control such as Iphone & Smart phone"



Overkill is under-rated.
Ok, couple updates:

Sealed up and cleaned out the drying room, hung an oscillating wall fan and 5 drying racks in there. Should be just about right for each monthly crop (around 2# a rack.)

Cleaned up a bunch of crap and vacummed all the floors.

Got my BLue Dragon cut (BBXSD) and an ooooold school True Purple (Mendo OG) cut from a friend, he tells me the Blue Dragon is super good. We shall see!

Cleaned out the trimming room so I can fit some chairs and a light in there. Gotta vacuum it still and reorganize but there's room now at least. Also gonna build a narrow workbench so trimmers can work in the flower room too.

Redid some plumbing, added a bunch of elbows so no chance of kinked hoses, also looks much better. Of course, I bought 6 more elbows and needed 7. Figures!

The new 8 light relay and 8 more ballasts are mounted and wired, just waiting for the damn light cords to arrive. Still.

Moved my 8" intake fan to another end of the wall and put a bug net over it, blows nice cold air in as the 2 12" blow out. Fans don't run long or often, good stuff!

Changed out a couple reservoirs and am still feeding plain water to the PMN in flower, they're at 2 weeks now and looking wonderful. I took pics, they're uploading now!

Oh, went to the INCHYE Cannabis and Hemp expo today, what a treat. Got to meet Ed Rosenthal and saw lots of cute chicks handing out keychains, pot cookies and free weed-laced koolaid. Someone even had a raffle for a fully flowered GDP girl, looked like a few ounces of weed! Lots of good smoke and people, very fun, highly recommended. Bring a backpack if you go! Not much for growers, mostly smokers.


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks Dub! Yeah it's really not too bad, I'm still doing some "one-time" setup and construction work at this point, but it's ne arly done. The plaint maintenance at this point is near zero, mist a couple trays of clones every day or two and that's about it.
Ok, picture time!

Purple Mr Nice at 2 weeks flower:
http://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=10350&pictureid=355533 http://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=10350&pictureid=355536

And the veg room: Jackpot at 2 weeks veg!

Some GS and PMN moms:

Double 8 light relays and 16 ballasts:

:) Enjoy folks!


Active member
yo! i loved your 8kw grow, and now this 16 lighter in a basement is "off the chains"

I wish there were more houses available with basements around my parts.... yerp.

Blue dragon and a mendo OG purple cut? nice. i'm looking forward to seeing more results from the blue dragon cut, curious as to what's crackin with that.

good luck!