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twin 3600w grows


Active member
hi digi,
i posted this in another thread but should have put it here. big mike sent me this: www.GrowersUnderGround.com/Myth
since you are the best one to answer it, what do you think?

thanks for taking the time.
it's a big help to a noobie like me.

shine on ***/\~~~~

fortunately i havent yet bought into that theory yet...
intresting article, thanks for shareing.

7-13 pics taken 7-9

the AK are real winners, a true growers strain.




jack the ripper. obviousely shes primarily sativa, my first round with her, well see how long she takes. looks like an 80day'r...


satori.. shes a toug
h plant to clone. %10 sucess at best.


white widdow... my fuckin' favorate!


the "small" room...
day 43, and looking good.

next run im thinking of trying pure %100 home-made, tea. i made some for this run and my other chemdog run, really enjoyed the process.. more on that later.


New member
The AK looks amazing, your setup and strains have me drooling. I do have a question though; do you have any problems cloning the White Widow? A friend of mine has a couple of them and they took forever to root, maybe a month or longer. I was wondering this because I recently helped him clone and noticed he takes very weak clones. Either way what strain do you prefer growing? Thanks and keep up the great work and sweet pics!:yes:
A couple of questions

A couple of questions

DH, Your grow looks great. I don't know if this thread is still alive but I have a couple of questions of "how does he do that?" I'm new here but a regular at RIU so I hope you don't think I'm a total newb.

  1. That string net you use for stability, what is it and where do you get it?
  2. I know you don't like to post your recipe, but I would like to find out what bottles you use to make it your chem/organic mix. Is that asking too much?
Best, YGB
Another thread halted after my posts. I think I'll post to all threads here on IC and bring this entire site to a complete stop. I love community!


Active member
DH, Your grow looks great. I don't know if this thread is still alive but I have a couple of questions of "how does he do that?" I'm new here but a regular at RIU so I hope you don't think I'm a total newb.

  1. That string net you use for stability, what is it and where do you get it?
  2. I know you don't like to post your recipe, but I would like to find out what bottles you use to make it your chem/organic mix. Is that asking too much?
Best, YGB

sorry dude, been real busy lately...

that string net is "trellis netting" available at home-depo or hydrostores.
works fairly well.

an connie A&B
an fulvic
an organic-b
an humic
an B-52
an sensical
an big bud
an bud candy
an barricade
an tarantula
an sensizyme

plant success (white shark) microhizzal

bloom ultrawk 1-2
bloom phat wk 3-6
bloom ooze wk 7-8

botanicare(organicare) seaplex

home-made tea useing
indonesian bat guano,
worm castings,
kelp meal,
bone meal,
fish bone meal,
alfalfa meal,
brewed for 24 hours w/air-stone

usualy about 300-600 'base' (connie+sensical) and 200-400 tea, with mild amounts of boosters, bloom, bigbud etc.
2 week reservoirs... flush at wk9-10
ppms stay below 1000 usualy, with 1k coming at wk 5-6 then back down... 800-600 etc.

all RO water.

alot of trimming to do, plants to stake-up, aranging, cleaning, cloneing, watering, ...
hope to have pics up tonight....
been working on trimming my AK, schedualed to start a stagered harvest on...tonight... day 62...

hope to have pics up tonight....:joint:


Active member
The AK looks amazing, your setup and strains have me drooling. I do have a question though; do you have any problems cloning the White Widow? A friend of mine has a couple of them and they took forever to root, maybe a month or longer. I was wondering this because I recently helped him clone and noticed he takes very weak clones. Either way what strain do you prefer growing? Thanks and keep up the great work and sweet pics!:yes:

AK, white widdow and satori are all a bitch to clone. IME

widdow takes a while. is very finiky, hates food. thats why i have such a disperportionate amount of chemdog... i can take a shit. stick a clone it the dooky, and itll comeout screaming!

id like to have 1/3ak 1/3 widdow and 1/3 mix of chemdog, and jack the ripper.
widdow is a bitch. so is AK... :(
started 2 OG seeds and 1 bluecheese seed. looking good so-far.
So, from reading on the first page... you run this whole grow off a 40 gal res in constant flow? Jeesh, wouldn't the tubing alone hold a few gallons or so, how does that work?


New member
i think you got me wrong.
im about growing THE BEST. AND trying to get BOAT loads of it.

lucas works. and will get the job done. you'll have some plant matter with trichombes and all that.

i just happen to want people to smell my bag(within a bag, within another bag), before i even walk up. AND.. AND. i want it to stick TO THE BAG.
i want each genetic line to be as pronounced as possible.

i also need to make sure the plants are "ready", im not just talking 'ok to flower' or, 'established', i want them screaming "BITCH, flower me NOOWW!!"

using PGR's such as bushmaster or bloom phat cause terpine production to decrease, have to make sure that is addressed aswell.

id give some more info on my line but everyone seams to love growing
"work weed"
im not doing anything people havent talked 20 kinds of shit on.
besides, it doesnt matter what fertalizer you use, routine maintinance and TRIMMING are bigger keys then people give them credit for.

DH, are you cultivating for mmj purposes?

This is quite the grow, I can see why you're so critical.

Where's your newest thread? :)


New member
hey looks very nice did u make your nft drip buckets? if so would it be easy to make out of the cap ebb n flow bucket system?