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Burning on the tips of the leafs = too many nutes.

Also we have some conflicting findings here. Some say H&G is fine with bubbles in the res. Others are saying no bubbles. As I recall there is a miss print on some of the older products and older grow schedules that says no bubbles but they got rid of it several months ago. Bubbles that are too large can kill some beneficial fungi. If you use a bubble stone you shouldn't have to worry about that though. I would refer to the compost tea guru's on how oxygenation effects growth and stability of aerobic micro organism colonies.

Lots of Mad Farmer products seem to be almost identical to H&G ones. The M.O.A.B. is the same thing as shooting powder. I think the only difference is M.O.A.B. is made with food grade ingredients and all H&G products are made with pharmaceutical grade ingredients.

Also if you think they are locked out USE MAGIC GREEN! I call the stuff green paint. It is wonderful. Just don't over do it at the beginning of veg cause they will develop poor roots because they can get almost everything they need from this stuff. Also it smells like the dirtiest rotten vagina you have ever smelled but it works like magic.


New member
Cravin morehead - mix the a, then the b, then pH adjust!! then add all your additives and your done! 5.8pH is optimal. if you are using other cal/mags i WOULD NOT. H&G aquaflakes with all the additives is a COMPLETE nutrient line. no need to add anything else!!
I 2nd what Turgor said ^^^.....

Add A, stir, then add B, stir good......NOW adjust yer pH to 5.8 (I think thats what they call for but 2x check their site). Stir very well.

NOW, add your weekly additives stirring in between. Let it sit for 15 and check your readings.

All done. :)


Active member
I 2nd what Turgor said ^^^.....

Add A, stir, then add B, stir good......NOW adjust yer pH to 5.8 (I think thats what they call for but 2x check their site). Stir very well.

NOW, add your weekly additives stirring in between. Let it sit for 15 and check your readings.

All done. :)

Yep. But I've found, for me anyway, that letting the stirred Water & A sit for 10 minutes or so, then adding the B, mixing and waiting 10 minutes or so before PH'ing and adding amendments, resulted in a more stable ph mix altogether.


New member
Grapeman - i dont let mine stand quite as long but would definitely want to if in a recirculating system. i drain to waste so i add 'A' in my res, mix it pretty good with my wand (2 to 3 min) then add 'B' and mix again. then additives. pH for me is stable and i've never had any issues.

Admiral Canna - i'm with you, i dont buy into the 3 day flush either. I find at least a 5 - 7 day flush is appropriate to get everything out. will be MUCH smoother smoke if one flushes for 6 -7 days vs. 2 -3 days
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Active member
Good evening all.. I just did a res change on my girls. When I got to the last bucket (i run dwc) I noticed a strong smell in the bucket as I changed the nutes. It was the old nute mix in the res.. none of my other buckets have ever had that smell. The leaves on that plant were yellowing, but I expected that at week 6 of the feeding regimen. This was my first week of using the Shooting Powder. I was reluctant, but this is my first run on H&G nutes and I wanted to do it to their schedule and adjust from there with what I learn on this round. BTW, for those interested, I figured out the formula for us mortals that don't want to mix up 25 gallons from a packet of the powder. It comes out to 3.2 grams per gallon and conveniently, a teaspoon of the Shooting Powder weighs 3.2 grams! So, that might take some of the fright out of people that are hesitant to use it because of measuring calculation. I'm gonna check that plant's rez tomorrow to see if it still stinks.. if it does. I'll just run it with clear water for a day or so and see what happens.

mgk :tiphat: (my eye is all better now..)


Active member
I just answered my own question. I thought.. when ever I smelled an aquarium with that kind of smell, it was usually because of lack of water circulation. Well, that's exactly what it was. I hope this doesn't take that plant down. What happened was the plant had choked the airline down to the point to where no bubbles were happening! I don't have any spare stones (that won't happen again), so I just chopped the airline and stuffed it down in the bucket.. I know it's not as good as fine bubbles, but it will have to do until I can go to WallyWorld tomorrow and fetch some new stones. Another good reason for my switch over to Coco!

mgk :shucks:
I love the 'shucks' emoticon. Funny shit. LOL

I was gonna say MGK....was that the last or outer bucket in the circle. Nice. Glad you fingered it out. Bubbles are key.

Why did you have a black eye MGK?

I just took down 5 plants that were on a 2nd test batch of H&G nutes. This strain is a nute whore.....so it did very well. Ran it on the reg schedule, not aggressive.

Ran outta Shooting Powder....so they only got 2 doses (1/3 of what they would have had)....so I upped the Bud XL to 6 tsp instead of 3.8 (in a 5 gallon bucket) and ran the bases at Week 5 recs....worked out to be 19tsp A&B (again....5 gallon bucket).

5 plants in 3 gallon buckets of ProMix. Vegged 3 weeks from clone under 400W Hortilux Crazy Blue MH. Then flowered under 1000W Hortilux HPS for 63 days. Lookin at 3oz per plant. Anyone think thats great, shitty, average......please comment. Always interested in others yields.

MGK, you clearly grow hydro. What are you seeing for yields mang?


Active member
I love the 'shucks' emoticon. Funny shit. LOL

Why did you have a black eye MGK?

Um.. I uttered the name of a non approved seed vendor and one of Gypsy's thugs came and beat me up..

Ran outta Shooting Powder....so they only got 2 doses (1/3 of what they would have had)....so I upped the Bud XL to 6 tsp instead of 3.8 (in a 5 gallon bucket) and ran the bases at Week 5 recs....worked out to be 19tsp A&B (again....5 gallon bucket).

5 plants in 3 gallon buckets of ProMix. Vegged 3 weeks from clone under 400W Hortilux Crazy Blue MH. Then flowered under 1000W Hortilux HPS for 63 days. Lookin at 3oz per plant. Anyone think thats great, shitty, average......please comment. Always interested in others yields.

MGK, you clearly grow hydro. What are you seeing for yields mang?

Well, I'm no old pro by any means, but I'd be damn proud of 3 zips per plant! My first hydro grow was 4 Whiteberry fems from Paradise Seeds. I got about 6 ounces of primo top drawer, about 2 ounces of 'kind' bud type nugs, and about 3 ounces of very usable chop for some absolutely awesome hash. That was done with General Hydro full line (silly me) and ran at the 'aggressive-advanced' mode. Pictures in my gallery. My next adventure was a 6 hole dripper and had a disaster with a hermie and my whole crop was loaded with beans.. I think I chased that down to light leaks in the closet. I got those buttoned up now and have seen no hermans this time. blah blah blah.. woof woof woof.. sorry..

I'm curious about your 'Shooting Powder' results.. I decided to proceed with it even tho I've read some negative stuff about it. I would be willing to bet that bad results are from not bothering figuring out the proper dosage. I just did a little math.. the packet weighs 80 grams and divided that by 25 and got the grams per gallon of 3.2.. and guess what! A teaspoon weighs 3.2 grams! Anyway.. how'd it work out for ya?

mgk :tiphat:
Beat up by a thug....LMFAO Glad yer all better now. LOL

Yea I am pleased with 3 per plant. Altho, my pals sometimes do more. I think in the end, it comes down to plant manipulation. I been doing more topping and doing it earlier on in life....like topping a rooted clone. Seems to work better for the yield....on the strains I have anywho.

Hermis suck. Had one a couple months ago and was complacent as it had been awhile since I grew from seed. Fucker seeded 2 of my plants good. ARGH!

Yea I ran with the Shooting Powder for half the plants on the first test batch.

I weighed the packet too. I came up with 15 grams per 5 gallon bucket....so we are on the same page there.

I can say the buds that got it weigh a lil more than the ones that didn't get it. I did follow the sched so there were a couple times they got 30g in the 5 g bucket.

Off 6 plants I pulled lil over 12 oz.

The 2nd test batch is a different strain that is a nute whore. They are coming down tonight. And I def think I am lookin at 3 oz per plant.

Seems like the nute pigs do very well on H&G. The one strain that didn't like it was gettin the boot for its finickiness anyways.....but I think it was proof, some strains can't take the amount of nutes that line provides.

cravin morehead

Active member
thanks for the answers guys!!! mgk- glad your eye is all healed up!!! i'll be using all this advice next round, should be starting it in a week or so, as soon as im flushed out and got new clone roots showing...

thanks again


Active member


Good evening all.. I just did a res change on my girls. When I got to the last bucket (i run dwc) I noticed a strong smell in the bucket as I changed the nutes. It was the old nute mix in the res.. none of my other buckets have ever had that smell. The leaves on that plant were yellowing, but I expected that at week 6 of the feeding regimen. This was my first week of using the Shooting Powder. I was reluctant, but this is my first run on H&G nutes and I wanted to do it to their schedule and adjust from there with what I learn on this round. BTW, for those interested, I figured out the formula for us mortals that don't want to mix up 25 gallons from a packet of the powder. It comes out to 3.2 grams per gallon and conveniently, a teaspoon of the Shooting Powder weighs 3.2 grams! So, that might take some of the fright out of people that are hesitant to use it because of measuring calculation. I'm gonna check that plant's rez tomorrow to see if it still stinks.. if it does. I'll just run it with clear water for a day or so and see what happens.

mgk :tiphat: (my eye is all better now..)

Dude I have no idea how u came up with 3.2 grams.
Shooting Powder comes in a 65 gram packet. So
65/25 gallons = 2.6 grams per gallon. When weighed 2.6 grams is 1/2 a teaspoon.
Also this is another way HW says to use shooting powder-
" Fill a one gallon container (like an old bottled water or cleaned out milk jug) 2/3 full with luke-warm water and add one sachet of Shooting Powder to it. The Shooting Powder will fizz and bubble. Wait for the fizzing to slow, and then top off the water. Put the lid on the container and shake to ensure the Shooting Powder is fully dissolved. This gallon is now an impromptu Shooting Powder concentrate.
Now, you can add 151ml of your new Shooting Powder concentrate per gallon of feed water! It's just that easy."

Hope this helps


H&G aquaflakes with all the additives is a COMPLETE nutrient line. no need to add anything else!!

H&G is a pretty "complete line". They do lack things though. I add cal/mg+ when its needed, but usually less than the recommended amount. I have aquaflakes + the entire line and have used it in 5 RDWC runs. I think this has to do with the source water. A lot of guys are just de-chlorinating tap water and using it. That's not a bad way to go. You get more minerals and micro's and its simple. I use RO and I took the actual RO filter off for this round so now I just have filtered water. I think this will eliminate the need for cal/mg.

Also I add a carb load because they don't provide one. They would much rather see you pour roots excellurator in your res every week without anything to feed the micro organisms so they die and you have to keep adding that expensive shit.

Magic Green is good stuff. Folic acid, kelp, molassas, a little roots excel, alfalfa meal, fish hydrolysate, coconut water, and two secret ingredients (that you have to be my best friend to know) are what this stuff is made of. I make compost tea and mix the magic green with compost tea instead of water. It works even better and no bugs on my buds :)

If you want to make that roots excellurator last you can make a compost tea and add a little roots excel + some kind of simple sugar. I use my home made carb load. Let her brew for a day or two and BAM! You now have a whole bucket of roots excel.

Shooting Powder - weight is the easiest way to measure it. I would think that most of you guys have a scale lol. Also this stuff makes your ppm skyrocket! I usually put less nutes in when adding this stuff. If I was running @ 1000 ppm before adding the shooting powder I drop the A&B down to about 800 ppm and then add the shooting powder. I can expect to be somewhere between 1100 and 1200 after adding it. Like I said earlier M.O.A.B. is the same thing but cheaper.

H&G is easy on heavy feeders. I think it has something to do with the drip clean. It's supposed to keep nute lock from happening. It works too! If you over do it you will see yellow tips on your leafs. Just tone it down and that will gvo away. I have had strains that want it as low as EC .6 and some as high as 2.0

PH stability can be achieved in a number of ways. Letting your A&B mix thoroughly one before the other helps. Adding a carb load and some compost tea helps too. If anything at least the carb load on top of the micro organisms in H&G will help stabilize.


Dude I have no idea how u came up with 3.2 grams.
Shooting Powder comes in a 65 gram packet. So
65/25 gallons = 2.6 grams per gallon. When weighed 2.6 grams is 1/2 a teaspoon.
Also this is another way HW says to use shooting powder-
" Fill a one gallon container (like an old bottled water or cleaned out milk jug) 2/3 full with luke-warm water and add one sachet of Shooting Powder to it. The Shooting Powder will fizz and bubble. Wait for the fizzing to slow, and then top off the water. Put the lid on the container and shake to ensure the Shooting Powder is fully dissolved. This gallon is now an impromptu Shooting Powder concentrate.
Now, you can add 151ml of your new Shooting Powder concentrate per gallon of feed water! It's just that easy."

Hope this helps

Thats a good idea for measurement of shooting powder. I do wonder if keeping it suspended in water would destabilize it though. I'm sure it can't hurt as long as you use it up in a timely manner.


Good evening all.. I just did a res change on my girls. When I got to the last bucket (i run dwc) I noticed a strong smell in the bucket as I changed the nutes. It was the old nute mix in the res.. none of my other buckets have ever had that smell. The leaves on that plant were yellowing, but I expected that at week 6 of the feeding regimen. This was my first week of using the Shooting Powder. I was reluctant, but this is my first run on H&G nutes and I wanted to do it to their schedule and adjust from there with what I learn on this round. BTW, for those interested, I figured out the formula for us mortals that don't want to mix up 25 gallons from a packet of the powder. It comes out to 3.2 grams per gallon and conveniently, a teaspoon of the Shooting Powder weighs 3.2 grams! So, that might take some of the fright out of people that are hesitant to use it because of measuring calculation. I'm gonna check that plant's rez tomorrow to see if it still stinks.. if it does. I'll just run it with clear water for a day or so and see what happens.

mgk :tiphat: (my eye is all better now..)

It is 2.6 grams per gallon not 3.2.....

Please be careful when giving exact info......
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H&G is a pretty "complete line". They do lack things though. I add cal/mg+ when its needed, but usually less than the recommended amount. I have aquaflakes + the entire line and have used it in 5 RDWC runs. I think this has to do with the source water. A lot of guys are just de-chlorinating tap water and using it. That's not a bad way to go. You get more minerals and micro's and its simple. I use RO and I took the actual RO filter off for this round so now I just have filtered water. I think this will eliminate the need for cal/mg.

Also I add a carb load because they don't provide one. They would much rather see you pour roots excellurator in your res every week without anything to feed the micro organisms so they die and you have to keep adding that expensive shit.

Magic Green is good stuff. Folic acid, kelp, molassas, a little roots excel, alfalfa meal, fish hydrolysate, coconut water, and two secret ingredients (that you have to be my best friend to know) are what this stuff is made of. I make compost tea and mix the magic green with compost tea instead of water. It works even better and no bugs on my buds :)

If you want to make that roots excellurator last you can make a compost tea and add a little roots excel + some kind of simple sugar. I use my home made carb load. Let her brew for a day or two and BAM! You now have a whole bucket of roots excel.

Shooting Powder - weight is the easiest way to measure it. I would think that most of you guys have a scale lol. Also this stuff makes your ppm skyrocket! I usually put less nutes in when adding this stuff. If I was running @ 1000 ppm before adding the shooting powder I drop the A&B down to about 800 ppm and then add the shooting powder. I can expect to be somewhere between 1100 and 1200 after adding it. Like I said earlier M.O.A.B. is the same thing but cheaper.

H&G is easy on heavy feeders. I think it has something to do with the drip clean. It's supposed to keep nute lock from happening. It works too! If you over do it you will see yellow tips on your leafs. Just tone it down and that will gvo away. I have had strains that want it as low as EC .6 and some as high as 2.0

PH stability can be achieved in a number of ways. Letting your A&B mix thoroughly one before the other helps. Adding a carb load and some compost tea helps too. If anything at least the carb load on top of the micro organisms in H&G will help stabilize.
Keep me up to date on the ro filter-less idea. Im not sure about all the sodium chloride though.......

And next round Im gonna try no cal-mag as thats what IMOP might be causing the problem(s) to begin with.

Im pretty sure somewhere that I read you were running drip to waste? Are you running AquaFlakes or Coco version?

Might just try the coco version against the 'overall verdict' that the aqua is superior , even in drain to waste.


Active member
I see Grapeman has a 'banned' under his name. Is he banned? Seemed like he was a knowledgeable guy. :shucks:

I sure hope not.. he IS a very knowledgeable guy! He's not only knowledgeable in our hobby, but he's an expert in the vinyards! AND, a lot of things cross over believe it or not..

mgk :tiphat:


Now go back and READ the package and it states that 65 grams for 25 gallons.

65 divided by 25 = 2.6 Not 3.2

3.2 = 123% of recommend dose......