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First Grow, 1000W Closet! pics posted



These spots started poppin up a few days ago only on 3 leafs on 1 plant, should i be worried?


Tropical Outcast
These spots started poppin up a few days ago , only on 3 leafs on 1 plant should i be worried?

Looks like nute burn (EC to high), as long as it stays only on ONE plant I wouldn't be worried...although I would feed them a little less...maybe 10%

BUT since it's only on ONE PLANT...maybe you splashed some nute solution on those leaves and your HID's burned them.

Looks like nute burn (EC to high), as long as it stays only on ONE plant I wouldn't be worried...although I would feed them a little less...maybe 10%

BUT since it's only on ONE PLANT...maybe you splashed some nute solution on those leaves and your HID's burned them.


I think he hit that on the head...you just flipped, changed nutes to higher concentrations, so you may see a reaction...are you using nutes every time you water? I always alternate Nutes, water, water...nutes, water water....that's just me, and I rarely burn my girls, til about week 5 or 6 (depending on flowering time) when I hit em hard with nutes for a week or so....

This is just my method and it has worked for me...others, I am sure, have their method...


Your first grow is lookin dank dude! Props. Next time I think you should try the scrog, it would create a nice even canopy for you to work with. Keep up the good work!

KB :joint:
Thanks for all the advice guys, but yea they are getting a little nute burn i think, PH is still jumping but not as much so im sure it was because i didnt rinse the groton before using.

Day 4 of Flower.
Did a little moving around in the room, had to turn the ac unit towards the wall because it was blowing to hard on the closet plant, also hung a fans on each wall to blow over the canopy.


Outside the room with the doors open...

These girls are getting big! no more closet space left. only place to go is up lol.

Temps stay around 75-78 and humity stays around 50%, cant complain with the portable ac unit...

Took some pics on the g/fs camera, alot better then mine. Ill post those pics later.


Firstly, great first grow, you obviously did your homework. Secondly, that is the smallest space i have ever seen a 1k watt. But, with proper hvac, and no leaf bleaching you are golden.

A few things.

I highly recommend that you at least fim the tops of each plant, and the other highest branches, This will allow your plants to spread out a bit. If you can lst the main branch, that would help too.

Definitely remove the shelf, your plants will need it.

If you aren't already doing it, i recommend adding humic/fulvic acid to your nutrients, that will allow the plants to deal with stress better and absorb more nutrients without burn.

Also, not sure how your clones are doing, you indicated they were under a t5. They prefer very low light, i love to use a 23watt cfl(6400color), with root gel and peatpods, and get roots after about 10days, fully rooted by 14 days.

Again, fantastic job, keep up the good work!
YOu are kicking butt,
Firstly, great first grow, you obviously did your homework. Secondly, that is the smallest space i have ever seen a 1k watt. But, with proper hvac, and no leaf bleaching you are golden.

A few things.

I highly recommend that you at least fim the tops of each plant, and the other highest branches, This will allow your plants to spread out a bit. If you can lst the main branch, that would help too.

Definitely remove the shelf, your plants will need it.

If you aren't already doing it, i recommend adding humic/fulvic acid to your nutrients, that will allow the plants to deal with stress better and absorb more nutrients without burn.

Also, not sure how your clones are doing, you indicated they were under a t5. They prefer very low light, i love to use a 23watt cfl(6400color), with root gel and peatpods, and get roots after about 10days, fully rooted by 14 days.

Again, fantastic job, keep up the good work!
YOu are kicking butt,

Thanks for the help! Did my homework for awhile your right.

I was goin to go with a 600w but was told by a friend that grew to go with a 1000w, thank god i purchased an air cooled or i would have been screwed, my temps stay around 76 since i vent both the air cooled tube and the ac unit into the huge attic space above. Also no light bleaching here, took pics when hps was off, you can see nothing but solded green.

Not to familiar with fim, isnt that pinching off the top? and lst is where you tie the top branch down past the others so they all think they are the tops?

Clones didnt make it, i dont think i took very good ones, only a couple but it was my first time so i was just tryin it. still have the 4x4 with the t5 system but i was thinking about cropping this one and purchasing clones for the tray and go with a sog.

Heres a little peak of whats to come...

ALSO! When do i lollipop??? i dont want to stress them to much but im thinking its about to be that time.

I mounted a personal fan at the base of the plants to blow under the canopy and 2 of the larger black fans mounted on each side of the wall blowing over the canopy, im sure these girls are loving it lol..

Thanks again for the advice everyone and the props, keep them coming lol.
That's hard to say...they slow most towards the end of flowering.

Keep in mind some strains stretch 3x their length during flowering!

Yea i heard about 4 to 5 weeks in they start to slow down alot. im running out of room they are all already 23 -25 inch tall on Day 6 of flower, the pistols are starting to shoot out all over the place where the flowers are forming, pics coming later.

Update: Day 12 of Flower

Update: Day 12 of Flower

Day 12 of flower, buds are starting to pop out everywhere! These girls are getting huge, 30 inchs tall now...






When do i lollipop these girls? Also when is the last day you can take clones, heard you can still cut clones for a few weeks, they root faster but take a week or two to transition back to vegg?
