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mother and son pot emails:


well no offense bro but your reply was just as stupid as hers. you accuse her of not listening to you yet you didnt even reply to a single concern she raised. you are approaching the subject from entirely the wrong angle anyway. she doesnt care about it being legalized, she cares about what effects smoking it has on YOU and your future. the only way you are going to "win" this argument is to convince her that pot is not having a negative influence on your life.

thats true i probably was too agressive about that, i just have a hard time trying to negate things my mom says about the bible it will like really hurt her feelings so i avoided talking a lot about the religious part


Active member
I mean i really wish she could change her mind because of the mountain of evidence but she really is set in her ways and sadly i doubt i would be able to.

i wish she would just accept my lifestyle and stop trying to make me into her perfect little church going son.

I would show her the science behind it.

And show her that video link for youtube I posted.

Its a perfect example of how people should be held responsible for their actions, not a plant. A plant doesn't define a person.

Alcohol is a poison. It is far more detrimental to oneself and society then cannabis.


The cat that loves cannabis
Alcohol is a poison. It is far more detrimental to oneself and society then cannabis.

Won't matter, her church told her alcohol was good, and weed is bad, and she believes it, and that's it.

She also believes it when the church told her that a 900 year old guy built a boat big enough to hold 2 of every bird, animal, and insect in existence, plus the fresh water fish, and a years worth of food for all of them, and then sailed it around the completely flooded earth for a whole year.

You have to be a complete idiot to believe a story like that.
Until she can pull that bible out of her ass she will never have an open mind about anything.

Drug her, tell her god told you to, then start speaking in tounges


Active member
Just dont even really say anything.

Just forward her the video, and some science. And say something like, Mom, I'd like to just forward these to you, they offer some supporting evidence through science and 25 years of use. Irv Rosenfeld's famliy is in medicine. This is no joke. Make sure she watches it.

Like these three links.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvzX8aNwxgM <-- first hand testimony of federal medicinal user that handles millions$ daily

And show her this graph (notice the doctors that did this graph in the lower right hand corner!!)

Say, this isn't from me, this is from real world professionals and DOCTORS.
If she argues with that, there is no winning, unless you turn out to be successful which is many things to many different people.

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. Genesis 1:29


I would show her the science behind it.

And show her that video link for youtube I posted.

Its a perfect example of how people should be held responsible for their actions, not a plant. A plant doesn't define a person.

Alcohol is a poison. It is far more detrimental to oneself and society then cannabis.

I don't think that video would help im not a medical patient. :p

but i agree with you there and that vid has very good arguments for medical cannabis


Active member
I don't think that video would help im not a medical patient. :p

but i agree with you there and that vid has very good arguments for medical cannabis

Thats true. And I know this just takes more of a leap if you are weary of legalization, but people self medicate all the time, and if your mom was ok with you taking anti depressents or anti anxiety meds she should be ok with you self medicating with something as benign as cannabis.

I think a lot of people who use cannabis are self medicating, some are not. But self medication is a broad spectrum.

I was in your shoes. My mom never liked the idea, but she is fine with alcohol. It took me a while, and most of the time it was an unspoken thing between us. But she slowly and still is coming to the light..

I feel for you man. Just keep it cool and dont get in a fight over it, because your mom will only blame the weed in the end. So this may be a battle you dont fight with your mom.



to the guy who said

his mother should get checked for stupidity

i think that's harsh and un, comprehensive


Active member
clearly your mom is a little whacked out, but I also think there is another side to this story...all the religious talk aside, pot absolutely can be a negative thing in someone's life...judging by what she was saying it seems like a negative thing in YOUR life at least to some degree. it's ridiculous to look at pot through rose-colored glasses as though it is completely and utterly innocuous and harmless, it simply is not.
The other day a family friend who has a significant habit with Vicodin, hydrocodone, and oxycodone told me a story about her smoking a joint one time and getting "so sick she didn't know what to do". And so I asked her, acting very concerned, if the pills that she habitually takes make her feel sick, and she says "no not at all". To which I thought was strange as opoid based drugs will make a lot of people nauseous. So I asked her if she was aware that marijuana is prescribed for chemotherapy patients to help with their nausea and give them an appetite, and she just sat there looking stupid. Point being, people will lie to support a law even if the claim they don't believe in it.


Active member
I highly suggest you let your mom watch the movie "The Union".. I made my parents watch this video with me one day.. as they share the same views as your mom, and I would say it had a positive effect in allowing them to accept this culture and REALLY OPEN THEIR EYES UP.. and little baby steps in the right direction will always help..

Here are two quotes I got from Howard Marks when I queried him about parents and their understanding of this passion of ours:

"Parents do grow up, all the best -Howard Marks"

"Realize you can't control events, but you can control your attitude to any event -Howard Marks"


Active member
i second what was said up above a few posts. have her watch the union! very informative.


Your relationships are also affected by pot. You know in your heart that what you're doing is wrong, no matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise. As a result, you avoid most social contact. You tell yourself that you just don't like people, but that's not true. When you were younger, you were quite social, and it's only since you've been smoking that you've avoided all your family and old friends. So, pot actually completely controls everything in your life right now. It has affected you: mind, body and soul. It has robbed us of you, it has robbed God of you, it has affected your career choices and perhaps your girlfriend choices. These are HUGE! And none of these effects is positive in your life.

Aside from any mention of god your mom just described me to a tee. I cant help it I just love weed, most people suck anyways so I dont think Im missing much. Besides Im cool to hang out with anyone who chooses weed as their anti drugm but most of the time still dont like people in my house, i prefer the company of all my female roommates . Myself and people that prefer to get drunk just dont mix well, alcohol makes people do shitty things. You mom is ass backwards and needs to do a fact check, but people like her cant be convinced know matter what. My mom is the same way, my dad is a career pot head and shes been in denial for over 25 years. She thinks weed is the devil but has no quams mixing her pills with a few cocktails.

There are 3 types of people in this world people who drink, people who smoke and people that just dont give a fuck. i dont bother with drinkers, especially religious drinkers:moon:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
dude i cant even read any more then the first paragraph but people like your mom is why this country is falling apart... shes a sheep and brainwashed to the very core...


[FONT=&quot] i send to my mom because of her arguments about the bible:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I realize “natural “ does not mean healthy, however, Botulinum toxin is… just that a toxin. Natural or not we know its bad. Marijuana is a plant. A plant. It just grows like that, you do not have to change it in ANY way. It doesn’t even have to be modified from its plant form like other drugs such as heroin or cocaine. So seriously what has been around longer a man made substance or a God made substance? Ahh yes god does mention plants in the bible doesn’t he? [/FONT]God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31).
He doesn’t say “I have given you everything I have ever created, every toxin and poisonous substance I have created and it is very good” does he?
[FONT=&quot]yes I know this isn’t specifically referring to cannabis but lets have a pastor ron moment here. “what is left out of every?” lol. And what does he say about his herbs bearing seed. They are very good. [/FONT]
The word Cannabis derives from the Hebrew word Kaneh-Bosem which literally translates 'Fragrant Cane' and yes it is in the bible in the recipe that God gives moses for the anointing oil:

Exodus 30, verses 22 - 30

Anointing Oil

22 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23 "Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant cane, 24 500 shekels of cassia - all according to the sanctuary shekel - and a hin of olive oil. 25 Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. . . .

30 "Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as priests."

The chief unit of weight was the SHEKEL, called also the holy shekel or shekel of the sanctuary; subdivided into the beka (i.e. half ), and the gerah (i.e. a grain ).



1/20 shekel
0.5 g
1/15 oz.

10 gerahs, 1/2 shekel
5 g.
3/16 oz.

1 1/2 bekas, 3/4 shekel
7 g.
1/4 oz.

2 bekas, 1 1/2 pims
10 g
1/2 oz.

75 pims, 50 shekels
500 g
1 lb.

60 minas, 3000 shekels
30 kg
66 lbs.

Converted into today's measurements:

liquid myrrh 500 shekels 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)
cassia 500 shekels 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)
cinnamon leaf 250 shekels 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)
cannabis flowers 250 shekels 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)
olive oil 1 hin 6.5 liters (1.72 gallons)

In the traditional method, all of these ingredients would have been mixed with water and then boiled until all the water evaporated. The oil was then strained and ready for use.

You made a comment about how alcohol is recognized by God or something and that kinda made me giggle because man made alcohol and God made weed. Does he value the creations of man over his own? Does he not recognize his own creations?
"The Lord said unto me, "I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest. For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches." (Is. 18:4-5) "And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more." (Ezekiel 34:29)

"One believeth that he may eat all things. Another...eateth herbs. ... Let us not, therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." (Epistle of St. Paul: Romans 14: 2,3,13,14,17

So that’s why I think weed is in the bible and God recognizes it. I am not presenting this information for you to agree with the way I am living my life right now, nor am I trying to justify my actions. All I am trying to do is make you realize that marijuana is not as harmful as It is cracked up to be, and you have been lied to. Human beings have been using it since the dawn of time, and it is one of the most benign substances known to man. (former head of the DEA said that)
I think it should be legalized because I don’t think I am a criminal. Do you think I am a criminal mom? Do you think I deserve to be locked up? If so why don’t you call the cops on me right now? I am not a criminal and this substance which is safer to consume than alcohol and cigarettes should not be illegal.


Hello son,

I read your Bible verses in my Bible and I was surprised that you interpret them to mean that God is encouraging people to smoke pot, that in fact He gave it to us to enhance our lives! I am wondering if you searched out these Scriptures for yourself or if you got them from some Rastafarian website....

As you know, coming up in a Word church, we must "rightly divide the Word" in order to come away with the meaning God intended. Many people mangle the Scriptures to substantiate their rebellion, thinking that it somehow mitigates the pending judgement, but God is not mocked. One must take the meaning of the Word and choose to obey or disobey--both have consequences.

Here is a breakdown of the Scriptures that you sent. The Scripture in Genesis about God giving us plants for food is indeed correct. But pot is not food. Nor did God intend for all plants to be eaten. In fact, some plants are very poisonous! But all plants are good for a particular use--even if it's just to look pretty or produce oxygen. Even marijuana is useful for making rope! So it's quite a stretch to say that because all God's plants are good means we should all smoke pot.

I don't have the energy to go get the Concordance to look up the Hebrew word used for fragrant cane, so I'll just assume that it is marijuana. So? If you read the Scripture, the oil was to be poured on the tabernacle, utensils, altars, and the priests. In verses 31-33 of that chapter say, "And you shall speak to the children of Israel saying: 'This shall be a holy anontining oil to Me throughout your generations. It shall not be poured on man's flesh; nor shall you make any other like it according to its composition. It is holy, and it shall be holy to you. Whoever compounds any like it, or whoever puts any of it on an outsider, shall be cut off from his people." No smoking of pot is being condoned here.

Alcohol is a man-made thing, yes. But Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. If God thought alcohol is automatically evil, then He and the devil are in league together with that miracle! Obviously, alcohol is approved of by God, but not to drunkeness.

The Scripture in Isaiah 18:4-5 is a prophecy against Ethiopia. In it, the Prophet Isaiah was telling them that BEFORE the harvest (when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower) He will prune them. Finishing that verse says that the "cut down branches will be left together for the mountain birds of prey; and the beasts of the field will winter on them". As you know, there is no fruit to harvest on seed-bearing plants until the flower has been fertilized which then becomes a fruit. God is warning Ethiopia that before they enjoy any fruit from their labors they will be CUT OFF! It's a curse: do all the work and get no pay. I'm not sure where you see God sanctioning pot smoking here. In fact, quite the contrary. He is pronouncing judgement on a sinful nation.

In the Ezekiel Scripture, the prophet is foretelling about Jesus. From verse 11 onward, he is talking about how Jesus will care for us as a good shepherd cares for His sheep. Starting in verse 28 it says, "And they shall no longer be a prey for the nations, nor shall beasts of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and no one shall make them afraid. I will raise up for them a garden of renown, and they shall no longer be consumed with hunger in the land, nor bear the shame of the Gentiles anymore. Thus they shall know that I, the Lord their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are My people," says the Lord God. "You are My flock, the flock of My pasture; you are men, and I am your God." says the Lord God. Well how you can take away from that passage that God gave us pot to make us happy is very sad indeed. Even pot smokers know that they get very hungry after smoking. But this garden satisfies hunger--no way it can be a crop of cannibis!

Finally, the Scripture in Romans about not judging what another eats or drinks is why we don't have a problem with Matt and Abbi being vegans. That Scripture concerns eating and drinking not pot smoking. But the Bible does say how you should treat your body. "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."

You say that you don't think God cares what you put in your mouth, but He does. He knows the number of hairs on your head. Don't you think He cares that you need something besides Him to be fulfilled in life? "Thou shall have no other gods before Me." (1st commandment). He will also judge us on what we do with our talents ($$$) in life. The unprofitable servant is "cast into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." How much more will He care if we don't fulfill our purpose because we lacked the gumption as a result of smoking pot? I'm quite certain that He cares ALOT! He is there for you, son. The Holy Spirit produces such a high--it's legal, moral and good!

I am concerned that you would offer up such feeble Biblical support for pot. I know you're an intelligent, discerning man. So all I can deduce is that you are merely parroting some gibberish that you found on a website written by people whose brains are fried. If you're going to be a pothead, don't try to hide behind the Word. That is far more dangerous than smoking pot. Just be honest with yourself and admit you're in rebellion. It will go far easier on you.

As for the legalization of pot: I don't care. Will I vote for it? Probably not, but I really don't care! The reason that I am so upset about this issue is because it's YOU! Do you remember how upset I was when you were smoking cigarettes? It's like that, except that there are other issues that make it even worse than cigarettes: immorality, illegality and lack of career opportunities for you. What you don't seem to understand is that even if your dreams come true and it's legalized in November, no one will change their hiring policies and allow potheads to work for them. So the only thing that changes is that you won't be arrested for possesion. That's why I care so much. It isn't healthy, it hinders your life, and for what?! You might ask yourself why you need such help to feel good.

As for criminal status, anyone who breaks the law is considered a criminal. Look in the dictionary. So you must therefore be a criminal. I have actually thought of turning you in--seriously! However, I believe that you are experiencing the last bit of grace coming to you. If you don't have ears to hear, that grace will lift. Don't harden your heart and experience sacrifice. Repent now and escape lasting consequences. You will eventually repent. I'm hoping it will be without the sacrifice part. Ask anyone who has experienced sacrifice as a result of sin and they always say that it is far greater than the momentary pleasure in which they indulged.

You have been alluding to a future in this arena. I surmise that you plan on growing it or something for a living. Of course you know that idea's about as appealing to me as having my daughters be prostitutes as a career choice....But just looking at it in a business sense, I don't think it's going to work out. Either it becomes legalized and there's no way you'll be able to complete with plantations, or it remains illegal in which you're eventually convicted of a crime and sent to jail. You can mock the law all you want. That's what criminals do. But they don't look so wise sitting in a jail cell.

It's time to open your heart and eyes son. It's time to be a man and face yourself in the mirror. There's nothing wrong with needing help. We all fall short and need God. Failures don't define a man, but how he deals with the failure determines the measure of a man. It's your time to make the change. Your window of grace is closing. Repent now and be saved!

I love you with all my heart,




[FONT=&quot]i reply:

[FONT=&quot] please watch this video! ( go to youtube and search [/FONT][FONT=&quot]YYpt_H6g_44 )[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Hi mom. Yeah I did get some of those quotes from some random sites but those versus just talk about plants and stuff not pot. I basically just wanted to see your explanation cause I don’t really care for going through the bible trying to figure stuff out, when you probably already know.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]You’re mistaken about the point of my emails. I repeat: I am not trying to say that god wants everyone to smoke weed, nor am I trying to get you to agree with my current lifestyle. Yes, I know that they didn’t get high from the anointing oil but it is documented that back then they also burned “fragrant cane” as incense. What happens when you burn marijuana?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The only reason I am putting up these scriptures was to inform you that weed is in the bible and god knows everything about his own creations he must know that his plant is safer to consume than alcohol, which is legal and which we don’t send people to jail and turn their lives upside down for consuming something that isn’t going to harm your body in any way.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The law of the land makes me a criminal mom yes. But WE CONTROL THE LAW OF THE LAND, and you want to keep it how it is? Why? Seriously why? And If you were to ever turn me in. wow mom, that would be the last time I call you mom, mark my words. Any family that would turn in their own family to their own corrupted government. (ESPECIALLY for something so stupid) is not my family. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]People are smoking pot all around us. We are not arguing to make it legal so everyone will accept it as moral and ok. NO! we want to not be persecuted by our own government for something that is widely practiced every day by a large portion of its citizens. Our laws don’ t reflect our views and that needs to change. THAT IS ALL I AM SAYING. I DO NOT CARE IF YOU DON’T AGREE WITH MY LIFESTYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]But you want to sit there and keep it how it is because your son smokes pot and you are so offended. You just want to keep it legal because you think its immoral and you want to retain that aspect of control, even though this isn’t about the morality of pot.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Its time to open YOUR eyes mom.[/FONT]

I say make her back up her views with scripture. Just like most bible thumpers, she can probably just regurgitate what she heard some preacher say. If she puts all her faith in the book then use the book to prove her wrong. There was so much wrong with what she said, I hardly know where to begin.
1 alcohol is MUCH more of an intoxicant that pot...not an opinion...fact.
The book she goes by says that God gave man ALL seed bearing plants to use.
I bet she doesn't realize that the Holy Annointing Oil used by Moses and all priests in the bible including Jesus was made with Cannabis. The King James translation of "sweet cane" in the recipe has been proven wrong by more than one Israeli professors.
Nowhere in the bible does it say that alcohol is OK. But a self-righteous hypocrite wouldn't be a self-righteous hypocrite if the couldn't find some way of justifying there actions while looking down and passing judgment on someone else for something similar.
How about this...Your body is a temple and alcohol is harmful to that temple whereas pot isn't. I could go on and on but I believe you get my point. If you can change her views(and I doubt it), it's gonna take alot of research on your part. HH

...and when she brings up the "Law of the land" crap, point out everytime you see her speed or any other "minor" offence as you see God doesn't see sin in different degrees like we do. In his eyes sin is sin...whether speeding or murder, it's the same. And then give her the ole ..... " Remove the bean from your own eye before you try to remove the splinter from your brother's eye". They hate it when you use there own logic and words to show them how fucked up they are. HH

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