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plantys outdoor 2010


Active member
that schedule doesn't work for my work schedule in the veg room... wopuld have been cool if it did...i don't see this causing any problems.

I got a handful of plants last year from a friend who had em in a 24hr veg room... he gave me 3 well-established plants in 3 gallon pots and a Blue Dream clone in a 3.5 inch square pot.... The 3 well-established plants all flowered in late may when the weather got bad for a week. I just moved them into the black box and replaced them in the full season pots.

I'm going to get em down to 17-18 hours before putting them out this year.

localhero: way I see it, if you are going to change your dark time from one end of the day to the other, seems like you're either going to have to do 24 hours of light or 24 hours of dark to make it happen. I feel like a few days of 24 light and then the change is the least abrupt and stressful. Just a feeling... probably doesn't make much of a difference in the long run. I have seriosly fucked up my light cycles during veg and have not noticed a bit of a difference.


ive never had an issue with putting out plants from 20-4 mid-late may.........ever.

I've got plants out side now in my heated lit greenie :dance013:

I need the lights running to keep them vegging, but you're right. If you put starts out in mid may and do things that way you probably won't have any problems. I'm trying to come out with some plants that already have 6 weeks of veg on them before they hit their final beds out door.

I'm transplanting in to 2 gallons today and in a couple weeks 7 gallons.


got it. you guys reminded me i need to coordinate my indoor veg to outdoor natural (accounting for supplemental lights coming on at 330am) .

What wattage are you guys gonna use for your supplemental lights? Im either goin with 9 watt cfls or 23watt cfls. less bright the better for neighbors. more bright the better for plants.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
going from 24 hour light down to 18-6 this week. transplanting from 5in netpots to 5gal pots, was going to do 10gal but i want a solid root mass for when they go into the 200s.. Thinking of bringing the light down to 16-8 last week of april then ima put out for the 1st. last year i put out the 1st and they were in 24hour fluorcent light. none preflowered. this year all 20 will be in 5gals under a 1000w hps.. planty whats your latitude? im curious if i can hit the 5+ mark at 43 degrees.


im using 3 1000wt halides and 3 1000wt hps. i run the bigger lights for the heat mainly. woke up this morning to nearly 6 inches of snow. crazy spring in norcal. im also on a generator so i either use all the power available or waste diesel and money. still have enuff power for the house and such. my greenhouse is 16' wide 12' high and 72' long. everything is about 12" to 24" tall and in pots ranging from 5 gallon to 20 gallon smart pots. oh and its all blue dream!!!! lol jk


im using 3 1000wt halides and 3 1000wt hps. i run the bigger lights for the heat mainly. woke up this morning to nearly 6 inches of snow. crazy spring in norcal. im also on a generator so i either use all the power available or waste diesel and money. still have enuff power for the house and such. my greenhouse is 16' wide 12' high and 72' long. everything is about 12" to 24" tall and in pots ranging from 5 gallon to 20 gallon smart pots. oh and its all blue dream!!!! lol jk

Don't poke the lions:)

try comb

Active member
I've got plants out side now in my heated lit greenie :dance013:

I need the lights running to keep them vegging, but you're right. If you put starts out in mid may and do things that way you probably won't have any problems. I'm trying to come out with some plants that already have 6 weeks of veg on them before they hit their final beds out door.

I'm transplanting in to 2 gallons today and in a couple weeks 7 gallons.

i see that...........i have plenty of space indoor and keep them indoor until mid may......bringing them outside on sunny days, until the light stops hitting them, then back inside. i think both ways will be effective and let them get use to the big halide.


planty, your operation looks like a military compound! I just read through your thread, and you certainly put time into your plans, and it looks like all that planning time is really paying off. Fantastic work on the greenhouse, dude! I'm looking forward to having my hair blown back once you unveil your plants. Be good out there, hombre - keep up the awesome work for our awesome cause. Pass the legalization to the rest of the country when you're done with it!


Remember, perfect planning prevents piss poor performance...and no battle plan survives first contact...mine sure hasn't. I've been ducking and dodging bull shit since we got started on this years project. This year is going to pop off big. I'm going to share plant photos once they hit the beds since every one knows what a bunch of starts in 2 gallon pots looks like...


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I have not checked it out yet, But I am posting here to tag this thread, Gonna run through it when I have some time.


Madrus Rose

post 69
What's up bro I already know. To fill 1 of the containers I am going to use :

6 Bales Sunshine Mix #4
1 Bag Grade #4 perlite
1 50# bag fish bone meal or steamed bone meal
7.5# gypsum
7.5# dolomite lime
4 25# bags sup r green
8oz myco apply endo blend
2oz biozome

Will water in with Biotron innoculant. Would like to have my planters filled by the end of March so they can cure April and May for a strong june planting

I can probably get all the planters filled and mixed in about a weeks time. I'm having the soil delivered in a couple weeks once it isn't raining so much.

Sup CaliColi! Been a minute! You would be proud of me!

Sounds like a nice mix & u been a hard working man this month ! We did really well with the Sunshine#4 last summer & heard alot of peeps opting in a big way for the ProMix HP for the OD too . Have gotten some of the local G-stores to load up on both brands this month . Nice light , fluffy consistency with good uniform water retention , just add ammendments water in ....let cure for a bit & way ya go .

And good genetics always a plus too , ;)
good job mon , looking forward to the lineup

best regards, let the Spring begin !



PS: Am addicted to GH Floralicous+ indoors or out ...& lean more to constant feed .


I just use a nice fish product a nice kelp product and some worm casting tea. What ya posted isn't what I'm going with..close but I made a lot of changes...I'm going with the kitchen sink approach. As in throw everything & the kitchen sink at them in the soil. and going with the fish kelp worm in the 2500 gallon tank. Thanks for the kind words much luck to you this summer!


Got my irrigation tank and pump set up. 3600 GPH @ 40 psi. 2" inlet 1" out let 1" all over the yard 1/2" up tot he beds 1/4 to my sprayers. Going to have all my line and sprayers and stakes ordered up on Monday. All my amendments are here. Will have all my beds filled and bedded down with wheat straw till planting time. The weather should be right for that here around the 15-20th of May. At that time I'm going to pull the straw back turn the beds down plant and replace the wheat straw. I will also be spreading straw ALL over my garden. I mean ALL over it.

If I was more inland or south I could go earlier..but here in the high country I just can't risk losing all that hard work to a freak storm happening..something my valley is notorious for...


to make it BRIGHT. talked to this one guy that I picked some interesting things up from


Active member
My homegirl mulched with straw two seasons ago... one thing she did not figure was that mice LOVE straw... she had some gnawing on her stems. by no means was it a total crop failure, but a couple of would-be trees never made it. a cat prowling the garden would have kept this from happening.


I have 2 barners. ;) No rodent problems last year! I'm going to put a little mini cage around the bottom of each stem too of chicken wire just to make it that much more difficult to get to and keep just up to the mini cage. Although one of my kittahs loves to munch stems..leaves..I let them run around from day till dusk out side. They cry by the door in the morning and come through the window at night. When I am out side they follow me like dogs. I raised my cats from the time they could fit inside the palm of my hand. Their mom got hit by a car :(