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Damakkus Grow Room


West Coast ICer
My Status

My Status

To my friends that have wondered what happened to me

Well to be honest, I have this cancer kicking my ass on top of all my other issues. I dont want to complain just want my friends to know my status and why I have not posted. I was told I have two weeks before this shit hits my brain. I do not want to accept this info.

I have not had the strength to grow but with the help of chemo I hope to change that.

Last years outdoor didnt happen as I got too sick to harvest. What a disaster.

I am in need of some quality cuts and I have no clue which direction to turn. Schmoe always helped me in these situations but he has his own troubles now.

Well no matter what happens "The Grow Must Go On!"

GROW UNITED my friends



West Coast ICer
Thanks fireburner23, but things have changed.

I will get some pics of what I have going on.

Thanks for stoppin by




West Coast ICer
Hey sorry for no updates, I am in the hospital fighting this damn cancer. Anyhow The grow must go on!
God bless you all and thanks for being my friends.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? We do all miss you.. be strong and we are all sending you good vibes, and your in our thoughts and prayers brother see ya back here soon... peace n puffs..



West Coast ICer
Thanks for your support sackoweed, means a lot!

I will try to get some pics of what I have going on. Things are not looking too good since I have been in the hospital. But not bad overall.

As soon as I build up some strength I will do that but for now I can only do so much as chemotherapy really drains the body. All I do is lay in bed thinking of the stuff I need done. kinda sucks but what can you do.

Grow United


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? I just saw you were on.. I hope yer feeling better, and im thinking of ya as yer always in my prayers brother Lets kick that Ass and get ya flowing again back to gardening.. sending ya good vibes as always god bless and i hope you have a pain free week enjoy.. your brother, peace n pufs..



will be here when you return well, soon. take it easy brother, your in my prayers


best of luck against the dreaded disease
prayers for you and yours my brother


West Coast ICer
My friends, wanted you to know my cancer is in remission!

I am doing much better. I have a hard time doing anything for more than a few minutes.

I have managed to get a garden going and can't wait to share :D

I will post some pics but I think it is time for a new thread.



West Coast ICer
Esben my friend, i am so happy to be given another chance! I am getting stronger everyday.

TrichyTrichy and Big D, yes it is. I was in stage 5 which I was also told this is the last stage. Now I am cancer free in just a few months time. I feel I have been given a second chance.

I was able to keep some genetics alive passed to me from my man joeshmoe. If anyone has any word on how he is doing please PM me. Also wanna give a special thanks to my wife for taking care of me and my gals during my time of need. I could not of made it without her.

I have some photos to share but I just dont know how anymore as things have changed so please bare with me as I am trying to get it together LOL

For now here is some Burkle I just started.

I will be back with more. I must go water my OD before it gets too hot out.



to hear and see this make me warm inside!

damn i miss to hear news on joes sit myself