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Categorizing Cannabis Strains According to Benefits


If I remember correctly, wasnt there a spray called X-spray from Holland somewhile ago?
Of 85% ethanol and alot\unspecified amounts of honeyoil.
Just enough eth.for getting it through the pumpmechanism.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Ok, Sweet Tooth #4 by Spice of Life, made by Breeder Steve.

I have smoked alot of good shit in my time and it by far one of the most happy herbs there is. It is not the strongest potency wise but surely not weak at all, I would say like a 7 or 8 out of 10 on a potency scale. It's effects seem to be very balanced and it has noticeable effects on muscle tension and stress related physical ailments. It is one of the most therapuetic herbs I have found for me at least. It takes off the weird spooky & scary edge that alot of weed can give and engulfs you in a warm totally happy fuzzy yet functional buzz that is still clear and allows you to think straight but seems to slow down or eliminate obsessive compulsive thoughts. It is very uplifting to your attitude & spirit and afterwards you feel revived and rested instead of burnt out or worn out like many strains have made me feel before.

I know a young lady here locally who is a medical user and she has bouts with severe paranoia and anxiety attacks from some type of schizo-affective disorder and with regular use of the Sweet Tooth she is nearly symptom free and not nearly as stressed out or frazzled as she used to appear because she is not fighting with her own mind. She say's it's like a miracle cure for her and makes her feel "normal".

There is just something special about the Sweet Pink Grapefruit part in it that I can't quite place and as many of you probably know the Sweet Tooth was bred from it with a special DJ short's blueberry male that was said to be one in a million (Blueberry, has fantastic medical qualities on it's own as well) and then the Tooth was backcrossed to it's Sweet Pink Grapefruit mother several times and sold as either the Sweet Tooth #3 or the further down the line incross the #4. They are both very very similiar. It has been said that the company sativex paid alot of money for a strain very high in limonene content and while Sweet Tooth may or may not be high in that terpene, (I believe it is) I am speculating that it contains some other type of distinct properties not found in 95% of other strains that lack the SPG genetic content. I have also smoked pure "SPG" and for some reason it did not seem to have the same glowy positive effect the Sweet Tooth gave which I have come to believe is because of the synergy of it and the blueberry genes working together to create specific terpenes & terpinoids that compliment each other in this cross. Now remember of course that this strain was created from enormous populations of plants by a top 5 breeder in the entire world of Cannabis who is basically legendary. Breeder Steve had access to thousands and thousands of plants to choose from while in Switzerland so the ones used specifically to make Sweet Tooth and it's relatives and siblings are of a very special hand selected pedigree, even royal some say. ;)

Anyhoo, I wanted to just let everyone know that for Depression, Anxiety, and Mental suffering like PTSD, OCD, Mood Disorders, and Personality Disorders the Sweet Tooth seems to be very good at regulating them to a manageable and less intense state. It also works great for Insomnia, Muscle Tension, and General Aches & Pains. I would imagine it would be very useful to those suffering from MS and various nerve disorders as well.

Good luck everyone on your quest for the right medicine! The Sweet Tooth will surely cure whatever ails ya! :joint:


Does anyone know what type of strain the medusers from usa or canada prefer for spasm related to Tourettes grand mal?
I have a friend with ms as well as epilepsy and he finds best relief from a strain from British columbia seeds named couchlock, after that he has a preference to Jack Herer, Super Crystal,Big Bang from GHS and finally barneys farm's G13 haze. I figure if it can deal with the grand mal's he gets from epilepsy plus the seizures from his ms it should rock for you


Questions like this about strains that have superior relief for specific conditions prove a point that have been trying to make for a long time the level of ThC in the plant has nothing at all to do with its effectiveness . What trully matters is the percentage of each individual cannabinoid within each plant and there reaction to each other as from the genetic studies i have read about cannabis it seems that not every strain of cannabis has the genetic to prouce every cannabinoid there is nor the genetics to produce the cannabinoids in there makeup to any large quantity Every strain dependent on its heritage has the genetics to produce specific cannabinoids at a specific potency but some of these are far superios at there job due to the climate they come from and the care put into providing them with the perfect enviromet needed to aid in this endevour. And finally one of the most important factors in geting the most from your plants is the method of curing. Fast curing will usually result in poor medicine but if you are good at your job and are able to sweat your buds for a long time before burping the jars you will find the buds have an even stronger couclock effect.


Garden Nymph
:thank you: All for your contributions. Whew, that was a long read, SOTF lol. But makes me want to try out Sweet Tooth.

Agree, cateros. Amount of cbd matters more..


:thank you: All for your contributions. Whew, that was a long read, SOTF lol. But makes me want to try out Sweet Tooth.

Agree, cateros. Amount of cbd matters more..
Its not even cbd but also cbn and the way they react to larger or smaller amounts of thc not to mention the way each of these cannabinoids react to different cring techniques. then there are all the other cannabinoids that arent even mentioned but each plays a role in its effect and when not cured properly we destroy the active ingriedients.


Garden Nymph
True, there are many more chemicals in there that aren't mentioned too often. I'm glad that you are mentioning these, since this helps people understand why different strains affect different people (something we had to discuss in the beginnings of the thread!).

Maybe if you can compile all of the info that you have on the cbd, cbn, and thc and how they (as well as other chemicals, unknown or not) affect different people into bulleted paragraphs, people will be more able to easily read the info. I will also try to research and add on the subject.

I liked this article: "Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia-like symptoms in people who use cannabis"

Research on the effects of thc and cbd on "working memory": http://www.ukcia.org/research/THCCBDWorkingMemory.pdf

"Cannabidiol and (-)Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol are Neuroprotective Antioxidants"

A Chemotaxonomic Analysis of Cannabinoid Variation in Cannabis (Cannabaceae)

Seasonal Fluctuations in Cannabinoid Content of Kansas Marijuana

Of course look at the dates of these articles before you read them, to orient yourself "to the times." The studies done in the '70s might be radically different from those done today.
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This is a little paper I found on the chemical makeup of cannabis which shows why there is no way to create a standardized way to prescribe cannabis for medicinal use without pharmaceutical companies stepping in and striping all the cannabinoids from the plant and then mixing them in the ratios they decide upon.........

Approximately 61 cannabinoids are known to exist, although some of these are breakdown products or artifacts .Cannabigerol (CBG) is the direct precursor of cannabichromene (CBC), cannabidiol (CBD), and 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) . A homologous series of compounds with propyl side-chains is biosynthesized from cannabigerovarin (CBGV), including cannabivarichromene (CBCV), cannabidivarin (CBDV), and 9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), respectively .THC and/or CBD are generally produced in greatest abundance. However, THCV and less commonly CBDV may exceed the levels of THC and/or CBD in some plants . THC and THCV are primarily responsible for the euphoric effects.

The cannabinoid content of different strains of Cannabis is associated with their geographic origins. Extracts of Cannabis indica ("Indian hemp") were commonly used in Western medicine, while the common hemp of Europe was generally regarded as unsuitable for medicinal use . Small and Beckstead observed that most strains in their collection that produced high levels of THC originated from latitudes south of 30°N. They detected elevated levels of a cannabinoid presumed to be cannabigerol monomethylether (CBGM) in strains from northeast Asia. High levels of THCV were reported in Cannabis strains from southern Africa, India, Nepal, and eastern Asia .

Researchers have found that certain chemotypes of cannabis have been found to have higher levels of each of these cannabinoids and some actually are lacking the genetics for these cannabinoids altogether. This is why there will never be a standardized method of prescribing cannabis unless the pharmaceutical companies are going to extract every known cannabinoid and mix them together in different ratios in essence creating a hyperpotent cannabis medication.

I have to appoligize here 4 years of university chemistry took over after a big big big fatty.


Garden Nymph
Yep, that's the problem. It's like if a doctor gave the same prescription amount to a child as he would to an adult. It doesn't make sense, because the two people would react differently to those dosage amounts.

It is really trial and error that I find the strains that I like, for whatever ailments I may have.


I have gotten my Angel Dust from Grow Doc. And my Life Saver from Temple Hill Collective.

Have been gifted both at times---the Angel Dust has grown the same each time. Life Saver has also grown the same(and has always been from original BOG genetics).
I think consistency in grow techniques is extremely important in garnering the same results.

Fat J

Hey there, fun idea:

IMHO - Green Crack is really good for depression and has a real creative twist to it.

I second GDP for pain/insom, and would add Grape Ape and Purple Urkle to those categories.

Black Domina was great for insomnia for me, blue dream had a strong appetite increasing effect and a creative buzz, but didnt help much with pain or insomnia.

Keep up the great work ^^


I know this is old, but a friend uses Deep Chunk (T Hill) and Moby Dick for asthma...
He says maybe the "pine/mint" flavour in Moby has to do with same terpenes in minty/piney oils they use for this in natural therapy....
Not sure about that, but hope it helps someone


Garden Nymph
I know this is old, but a friend uses Deep Chunk (T Hill) and Moby Dick for asthma...
He says maybe the "pine/mint" flavour in Moby has to do with same terpenes in minty/piney oils they use for this in natural therapy....
Not sure about that, but hope it helps someone

Thanks for participating :wave:
I've added your suggestion to my first post on this thread.


Hippie Lettuce, this thread is a very good idea. Could you add this: Kali Mist against pain& cramps during a women's period. Looong established remedy for this in the Netherlands.
PS: Don't know if it also helps against moodswings& general bitchiness. Man can only hope. ;)
Im little confused about this strain guide here, looking something for insomnia(or getting good night sleep when stressed) and on the first post it is stated that Kali mist is good for insomnia, when im looking for kali mist, i think it was serious seeds, the description is that it is very very sativa and "Very strong, clear and energizing high". reading this i wouldnt suggest this strain, lets say patient/friend of mine. Hell i just last night tested my gf who had sleeping problems due the studies and Ultimate strain didnt work for her, and its more indica than Kali Mist. today im gonna give her lowryder, its pretty heavy indica, hope this works.
As i understand it is very delicate issue, since it depend also how far has the amber let to developed and so on but isnt there some "universal" truth that for example 90% sativa Kali Mist isnt very good for insomnia? That you should aim for more indica. OG Kush #18 has also worked great for my "patient". At first it gives you quite energetic, strong high and when it passes my gf sleeps like a baby. Just trying to make some sense of all of this, cause ill be ordering some seeds for a couple of months and it will be excellent to have some sleep helpers in hand alongside my party haze(fumacondios) :)

If anyone can suggest something in this 2 page list, ill be more than thankful!


its the only place i can and have order(ed). Wish much sunenergy to all!