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LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: HG LED 205w vs. PS 180w


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I thought you had some pix Wizo? You haven't been around too much lately, everything alright?


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ICMag Donor
Replace the misters with hers? Do you mean the ones that spin 360? I use those for cloning purposes only, I have used them in aero set ups before and found the 360 misters that ez cloners use work better imo.

I hear ya on the root space, but 9" is decent. Most aero systems on the market only provide 7". Shit the aeroflo from GH only allows for 5" and I saw amazing results off that system. So yes, a deeper chamber may be better, but I believe you'll be pretty hard pressed to find a 2 foot deep chamber for your roots, 5 gal buckets come to mind as being the closest and cheapest.

Not spinners. Her Aero system uses the same type of mist assemblies as I am. I get my aero parts from Reptile Basics


Active member
Not spinners. Her Aero system uses the same type of mist assemblies as I am. I get my aero parts from Reptile Basics

My misters are made by Tefen, and built/sold by MisterKing.com I didn't get mine from Reptile Basics. Very similar though.


Day 14 of 12/12

Day 14 of 12/12

So here we are at 14 days of bloom. I know HGL changed their spectrums in hopes that plants grown under their lights wouldnt stretch as much, and I can say without a doubt they achieved that. It's the ProSource side that is kinda stretchin' a bit. Hopefully, the PS plants are done stretching now as the light is raised as high as possible. So if they continue to stretch up then I'll be bending those shoots back down and using twist ties to keep the canopy even (i'd do the same thing if the hgl plants had same issue) anyways, enough talk time for some pictures

Side by Side

PS Pictures

HG LED Pictures

So from my point of view it appears that the HGL light is outperforming the PS light so far.... Still early

Also the canopy on the HGL side is just perfect!!!
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Active member
Nice update Wizo! Here are some more side by side shots ;)




Hey Wizo, nice update. I was just thinking today about the first gen v.s the 2nd. Yea the mother plant I am flowering, shes stretching far man, and she was even topped big time!!

I was pretty scared to see what was going to happen to my good grow but so far it does seem like the plants under my second gen are stretching at a much slower rate. buuut that coulda beend cause I topped and fimmed them...

This strain seem heavy Sativa so I had though that was mostly to blame whne watching the momma. I hope I don't run into problems when I run them both together.. might have to buy another second gen..


Active member
Hey Wizo, nice update. I was just thinking today about the first gen v.s the 2nd. Yea the mother plant I am flowering, shes stretching far man, and she was even topped big time!!

The 2nd gen not only causes less stretch with your plants, it also contains more of the red spectrum that is vital for flowering vs the 1st gen. So you should have plants that are even more compact, denser bud, and a slightly higher yield (although the 2nd gen units draw less actual power than the 1st gens). As you can see in Wizo's update, our 2nd gen panels also seem to be flowering at a faster rate in comparison to the PS plants. This is likely due to the extra red as discussed above ;) Looking forward to your next journal MeanBean!


Hey Led Girl, well not sure if you saw it but the first link in my sig is what I got going on now hehehe! Can't wait to link both my lights up on that train!!

got some femanized seeds outta my last harvest sooo I am going to go back to the oasis strain for the next grow. 4 plants from seed, 2 penetrators on my system so thats like each plant has its own penetrator for flower.... should be real nice!!

Got the seeds in paper towel now!!! hope it's not to early. I forget how long it will take tell there ready to flower...


Wow, your getting a lot of bushy growth in there under both lights but I do see an increased density in the hgl section.

In any case, this is looking like an impressive LED grow and something I have been waiting to see for some time now. What a thrill to see this develop right in front of my eyes over the last few years. I can say if these finish like they have started I'm gonna be impressed.

Nice show.

Dude, I've been really impressed overall with the plant mass that has been created from both of these lights. I recently had a friend from out of town over who was equally impressed and was blown away that these lights could produce plants of their stature.


so wanted to put a few pics up with the lights out and me holding a t5 for lighting. I do this usually a few times a week to see the plants in a much more natural light to get a better sense of how the plants are doing. this is the start of day 20 of bloom...

HydroGrow LED 205w

Jumbo 180w from ProSource



Active member
nice update ww. Looks like the hgl is out in front. And yeah, that is a nice even canopy.


nice update ww. Looks like the hgl is out in front. And yeah, that is a nice even canopy.

Thanks man, you're doin a kick ass job over on your comparison grow as well.

Def appears that the HGL is out to the early lead. Very even canopy indeed...


Active member
Def appears that the HGL is out to the early lead. Very even canopy indeed...

Did you see the results posted of the Haight Solid State grow comparison? They did 133g wet with their 186W panel, while we did 313g wet with our 126W. That's over double the yield while giving them a 33% power advantage. Hopefully you'll post some numbers that make people drop their jaws over here as well ;)


Mines Not gonna drop, I knew this was coming in the beginning of Dec when I saw a single plant grow journal under the HSS light..

I have a feeling the prosource will do better than the Hss but no way will it beat the 205.

So what did they do spend all the R&D money on the iphone like case but ignored the spectrum's.

Seems they built this light by consumer insite, not functionality

"looks cool": iphone like case, well until it gets used for a few days and sags in the middle, all the Hss light seem to do this...

"high powered led" does not make technical sense "we've been over this"

Green Light "so plants look right" yeah thanks......

How is any of this helping to grow my plants?


Active member
LoL, I didn't expect yours to drop Meanbean. But there were lots of other members like SFHaze, or even those who had never heard of either company before who were amazed by the difference. Just to illustrate how far off our two panels are from each other, even if Haight Solid State had two of their 186W Panels (372W) vs our single 126W, we still would have come out with a 15% higher yield! So in this scenario their nearly 400W of LED wouldn't even compare to our 126W of LED, let alone a 400W HID, yet each of their 186W panels is rated equivalent to a 600W HPS!

What scares me is that their site says "Patent Pending" on their grow lights. Why would you waste money patenting such a poor and inefficient design? It's not like Patents are cheap... unlike their panels that "sag" after 2 months of use, 6W LED's which obviously don't hold a candle to our 1W's, or their 1 year warranty due to no fans or heatsinks.
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Day 28 Pictures

Day 28 Pictures

Sorry folks for the lack of pics and updates was super sick there for about 5 days and spent the last couple of days gettin caught up.

So here's some pictures taken 2 days ago at the start of day 28 of bloom for the girls...

HydroGrow LED 205w

ProSource Jumbo 180w

So far, it still appears that the HGL is out in front. But over the past couple of days the PS is starting to come back and beginning to close the gap. Both side I still feel are a bit behind my 600w that started 3 days behind the LED's. But I'm not dealing with any of the issues brought on by HID light so as long as they keep it close, I'm in, especially during summer months here in sunny cal...

Oh yeah, and sorry for the lack of better quality pics on the ps side, the fan leaves on that side are just all over the place so its hard to get a good bud shot.


Things are coming along Wizo, I think after these next few L.E.D. grows are completed it's going to be hard to argue LED's aren't a viable light source. HGL is Leading the way.

Well I know the way I setup my light mover I am going to get double the results of not having it on the rail., however I wonder how much more you could get outta led's just using a light mover for what it's intended??

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