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Scrub's PLL Coco Cupboard and Friends


weed fiend
Hey Scrubs, the scrog is looking very healthy. That's a nice trellis too. Mine tried to stretch through the center of the plastic mesh and will have to be replaced.

b00m, that's a frikin jungle, man. :)


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Nice plants Scrub. I need to find a rack similar to yours for my case. I've been looking around but haven't found anything appropriate yet.:smokeit:


Grow like nobody is watching
Gday guys. Thanks Disco, I saw you mention that and it was a deciding factor on using this style of screen (plus I have tons of it). Before I mounted the smart pot in the scrog cage, I actually sat it, fully watered, on the screen, and it's not going anywhere :good:

Ghost, all I can say is become a regular at your local thrift stores. Also join Freecycle in your area and you'll have all sorts of junk perfect for growing (and aspecially micro growing) in no time flat, and very cheap or free. :D:yes:

Man, I was freaking out about flip time being very soon, but it's still a while away! The Leda Uno is in the biggest pot that will fit (in my new runoff collection setup) and it's starting to really suffer....so it may be going outside and something smaller to replace it, we'll see. It still hasn't sexed as far as I can tell.





Getting my watts worth in the tent:

TWxPD #2 is getting huge:



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey bro your second pic is just so nice and a lush green and healthy shine coming off them too, good work. That TW x PD is going bonkers with regrowth mate, it's looking very healthy and will provide lots of healthy cuts by the looks of it.
Inspiring stuff.

Peace an Respect


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey thanks b00m :) That big TWx is not going to provide any more cuts as I kept a smaller cut as the new mum. Just gonna keep vegging until I can't fit it in a duffel bag anymore, lol, then hike it up the mountain and pin it down so it covers a reasonably huge area flatly, then grow a carpet of bud in the lovely old sun. (north facing slope, big grassy clearings, lovely!)

I have a pile of the soil & ferts I was using for my organics, now been improved and should be perfect to just drop it in and let flower in-ground. I can't do coco, it's just too tough getting there to water enough. We get nice amounts of rain at the moment so I kind of want it to look after itself. Gotta start lugging soil soon. Peace.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Yeah that TW is looking nice..came back pretty well huh? same as that lead uno..thats sweet...whats the genetics on that?What do you think of this Trainwreck grown outside?
Take care Scrub and happy growing!


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey dudez! Yeah BC that is not bad I guess! Not sure of the LU genetics but it's KC Brains and I respect him as a breeder but this strain seems to suck balls.

Yup, it's the one under the screen, Hydro. The big one (relatively speaking). She's about day 53 above soil but gave out plenty of cuts early on too. The leaf stems on the upper portions were going really purple, like deficiency level purple and growth slowed down. I lowered the ph a little, applied a magic soup, and it seems be helping.



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Sounds like a good plan, you going to put her out in the middle of winter?? I know you get mild wnters but I don't think you will get much growth out of her, I dunno, what you reckon?? Like you say keep vegging her till she can't fit in the duffel and put her out and hope for the best. It'll probably kick arse outside anyways, I'd be doing it to if I could grow OD in winter.

Peace Bro


Grow like nobody is watching
I have no worries about the winter bro, they grow great all year and get essentially the same amount of daylight hours as any other time. Maybe not quite as fast growth as other times but still fine. As long as you adjust your headspace that it's going to be flipped 12/12 the first night I leave it out, then it's possible to work around that restriction as well as you can. I don't follow the seasons and shit - I have to check the internet to find what season we're in, lol, but I went through my old galleries and no probs at all at that time of year it seems. The rain might screw me up though, but there's no way in hell I'm walking that far to go water it twice a week, lol, so the rain is okay with me. They were somewhat loose structured buds so I'm hoping I'll be okay as long as no cyclones or grasshoppers hit :D

Indoor/Outdoor is a kickass system when you're in the right living situation. A lot of peeps are doing it these days (indeed, every grower I know). You increase your turnover by many times, depending how you look at it. You are only vegging indoors so you can now veg your plants bigger than ever before - the biggest they will fit in! Because you're only vegging, there is no worries about light leaks or timer malfunctions causing hermies. Also, plants in veg can deal with much higher temps so it's easy street there too. A lot of people could afford to lose a carbon filter also (I didn't use one)

Now, when is the hardest stage of growing outdoors? Exactly, it's when you're trying to raise the little guys and even a cockroach or a tiny caterpillar or anything like that is potentially, nay, likely, to take your little seedlings out. Even a damn twig falling! Omg that kind of shit goes on all day out in the bush! It's way away from home so you're hardly ever there, it could pour rain for 2 weeks solid, a kangaroo could bounce on it, a cop could see it, anything could happen and it probably will. And after all that they could well be males. Eff that, homiez.

This way you work with clones if you desire (far more preferable, and known female, and known exact flowering time), and they are raised safely indoors and veg just fine under low wattage fluoros. Say it takes 2 months to veg, well that's 2 months of bullshit you just passed by while laying on your couch eating doritoes and watching Adult Swim! Compare how many plants you lose outdoors compared to how many you lose indoors, getting them to the flowering stage, and how much walking and mosquitoes you would have dealt with. You just saved yourself a lotta bullshit, no joke.

Another factor is that cows, wallabies, etc only tend to fuck up younger plants. So anyway, then it's just a short sprint to the finish under the great pl-l in the sky. There isn't a heavy track worn down and all sorts of other benefits, the more you think of it. Like because you're only vegging in the cab, you can now veg twice as often. No mother plants needed as you just use the one going into flower to supply them.

The cops could raid you the day before harvest and they would only find a few plants vegging into the lights and they might even let you go because they see you don't have a clue about growing, lol. But you'll still have your big ass outdoor plants safe away from home. I get nervous as shit when there's plants flowering in my house :) so I don't get that when the plants are way away.

In short, it maximises the good aspects of both outdoor, and indoor. Doing all indoor, or all outdoor doesn't compare, in my opinion. This gives you 6 almost guaranteed* harvests per year if you veg for 2 months.

*there are no guarantees in life :D

The biggest, hardest part of the whole idea is finding a suitable place where you can transfer the vegged plants safely. You've also gotta be close to the tropic of whatever it was too. That kind of rules out 99% of icmag, lol.

Anyways, just another coffeed up rant from Scrub. What say ye?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Wow bro, I was gunna say scrubz has been up the coffee today lol. Very thought though response, and I whole heartedly agree with ya logic it makes perfect sense, I've been putting my extra plants from the veg cab outside and yep she works a treat.
The great pl-l in the sky rofl, haven't heard that one before, only the great hps in the sky.
Oh and the missues wants me to go hps with a grow tent, she's sick of me wingeing between harvests and knows I can save money by not buying herb off the street and even make some $ on the side when required, how fucking choice is that, woohoo.

Peace Bruz
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Grow like nobody is watching
Hahaha yeah I can go on a bit :tiphat:

Yeah tents are a very good choice I reckon. Very quick and easy to pull down and move. Make sure you read up because there are some dodgy ass tents available in oz. Mine included. I have to keep it covered/dark room or it would be light leak city.

HPS is the way to go too man :good:

Btw have you looked up light dep? (light deprivation). It might give you some options working outdoors. Peace bro.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Thanks bro I'll look into it. What's the brand of your tent?? So I can steer clear of those ones.

Cheers mate


Grow like nobody is watching
Mine is a growlush, mate. You will probably need to buy a bit of ducting too, for light blocking. Mine just has 125mm holes. I wedge 150mm ducting in super tight.


Grow like nobody is watching
Well, not much else to show so I had a dig through the archives :smoke:

Here is the best Aussie Blue from the first batch I grew. It was my first time in coco and I didn't have an EC meter and I was feeding it double what I fed after getting a meter. That's how flexible coco is.


Mainly posting it as an example because that pic was taken 29/5 which means it was put out pretty much at this exact time of year right now. :)

By 5 months later I was pulling over a pound on the best plants. Coco ownz and that is why I always tell people to use it :) Here's some more old shots I took:




mad librettist

Active member
hey scrub what about floating row covers? maybe find one that blends in a bit.

protects against many things. although I guess it makes heat worse.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey buddy. You mean for the winter or something? There is just no need. No frost or anything. I had to google row covers. It sounds like the frost mat stuff I have? Anyways yeah, not too keen on anything being visible at all. But thank you for the suggestion.