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Spider mites AKA The Borg


Thanks for the reply. I called my hydro shop and they only carry Azamax, but I understand it's basically the same thing. I'm gonna pick up some of that and some Einstein Oil just to be safe. Gonna try to up my humidity as well, because I'm in Colorado and it's a dry 31% inside my tent... just some open containers of water and some misting throughout the day I guess.

I might just axe my Trainwreck babies just to be safe for my next batch and clean out my veg chamber very well. I'm going to be in flowering with the big ones for another 7-8 weeks, which will be enough time to get back to the 10" or so that I have with these Trainwrecks with the Super Star (Sensi Star 2bx) seeds that I have sitting here. Fresh start with babies from seed, clean the hell out of my flower chamber when I'm done there, and apply neem from the get-go to stop them from showing up. No more outside clones either... seeds only for me, I can't risk that bullshit.
Yeah, it is the same stuff. I used it on the OG kush clone that i received and saw damage on the leafs a couple days later. It turned out to be the borg and the azatrol knocked it out :D Be careful with it, my friend burned a couple of clones. Not too sure why, anyone here know?


Active member
Seriously... I haven't had a headache in ages, but I was so mad today trying to find these little bastards and Safer/Neem the crap out of them and I'm sitting here trying to Poison Kush my way out of this headache.

I applied quite a bit (let it dry off them hit it again) to my Juliet since it was the one I noticed the most problems on... I pinched a few leaves off of it that had the most damage. I gave the other plants in the flower chamber and my Trainwreck babies a nice spray right after the light went off, so hopefully a humid and cool (lights went off 20 mins ago and it's 68 in there) night and the Einstein Oil/Safer soap combination will knock 'em back.

Glad I caught it early enough into flowering, but still extremely annoying. I'll get some Azamax soon, but they only had the massive bottle today. They advised me that it would be great to use in the last few weeks before harvest if the problem persists (as opposed to the Neem/Safer mix, which is good only in early flowering or veg), as it's safe for vegetables and whatnot.. That sound about right?

I'll get you yet, you little 8-legged cannabis vampire a-holes.


Active member
phytoselius persimilis +success

phytoselius persimilis +success

I have had 100% success using predatory mites"phytoselius persimilis"
In wales 24 kw grow 6 seperate rooms + 1 propagation room.
For years on and off trying sprays and trying phytoselius persimilis before also no success.
I decided to try phytoselius persimilis Again on a big seed crop, I bought 2 vials of 2000 predators every 7 days for 6 weeks begining when seedlings 3 weeks old ,making sure enviroment as good as could be for predators 25-30c 75% humidity .
i guess every room got 6 applications all leaves were touching .
By 8 weeks time to switch to 12 hrs i could not find any spider mites nor any predators ,and completley clear all the way till cropping .
After this success i automaticly introduce mites consectively for 6 weeks ,i also carried on a 1 yr 3 mnth cycle of cuts veg n flowering no spidermite anywhere .
Seams to work for me with 6 weekly applications of 4000 predators


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
WOW...1st off. 6 Rooms? 24K? HOLY GUY! 2nd...I usually use the neem approach all the way through veg and do not have a problem. I will have to look into this predatory approach. How much $$$$ for something like this? Do you special order them?
Stumbleweed- Use the azamax/azatrol at least every 7 days for 4 weeks, or give up on your flower, or you could use something harsher, but I don't recommend this.

If you use floramite on your veg room & it should kill the buggers. You need to dip them. But if you have mites in your flower room, they will make it into your veg room(imho) & re-contaminate.

Predatory Mites- Good for you, if you got rid of mites with predatory mites. I've tried this in the past & I was able to make it thru a grow, but with damage & a slight mold problem from the high humidity I was running.

My guess is that your 75% humidity and your room running at 77-86 degrees had as much to do with killing the bad mites as predatory mites. Spider mites don't do well in humid weather. They can't molt well & this is the way that most oil based spider mite pesticides work. i.e. sm90, dormant spray, ect.

If I tried to run a flower room at 75% humidity and temps exceeding 85 I would expect bud rot. Good for you, getting threw a grow @75% humidity. What did you use, if anything, to prevent bud rot?


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
If I tried to run a flower room at 75% humidity and temps exceeding 85 I would expect bud rot. Good for you, getting threw a grow @75% humidity. What did you use, if anything, to prevent bud rot?
I would love to know myself. :rolleyes:
75% (even higher) humidity in our flower room occurred but only during time when lights were off. This was back in our nubian days when we did not have a temp monitor with min/max.\; did not catch it until too late. This practically killed our garden and we got less than 1/2 expected yield.


Well-known member
how do you guys prepare the room after a grow for the next one??

1st off... we have a mite problem, have had it since we started a few years ago.. what we have done is clean the room, bomb it with something stronger then dr dooom, then spray the floor/walls with a bleach solution. we clean the hydro buckets/rocks with bleach and start the grow.. within 2 weeks once the ladies are accustomed to their new surroundings, we hit em with some flormite, and then again about 2 1/2 weeks later as we are going 12/12.. this has worked pretty well, so well that our present grow we only hit em once in veg at 2-3 weeks, and ofcourse now 6 weeks into flower they are back, and even see some webbing (not good).. we do not want to spray anything this far into 12/12, so every other day we are spraying the plants with plain H20 trying to keep em at bay.

so now in a few weeks when we start again, how should we prepare?? ..the mites are not being introduced from the clones , as we dunk em before bringin em in the grow room. the mites are already in the room... and can't seem to rid ourselves of em..

in the past we have tried neem/hotpepper-tobaco spray,safers/predator mite/lady bugs/etc/etc... to little or no avail.

certainly floramite works, but would like to find a way to hospitalize the room and not spray anything on the ladies.. thanks

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
how do you guys prepare the room after a grow for the next one??

1st off... we have a mite problem, have had it since we started a few years ago.. what we have done is clean the room, bomb it with something stronger then dr dooom, then spray the floor/walls with a bleach solution. we clean the hydro buckets/rocks with bleach and start the grow.. within 2 weeks once the ladies are accustomed to their new surroundings, we hit em with some flormite, and then again about 2 1/2 weeks later as we are going 12/12.. this has worked pretty well, so well that our present grow we only hit em once in veg at 2-3 weeks, and ofcourse now 6 weeks into flower they are back, and even see some webbing (not good).. we do not want to spray anything this far into 12/12, so every other day we are spraying the plants with plain H20 trying to keep em at bay.

so now in a few weeks when we start again, how should we prepare?? ..the mites are not being introduced from the clones , as we dunk em before bringin em in the grow room. the mites are already in the room... and can't seem to rid ourselves of em..

in the past we have tried neem/hotpepper-tobaco spray,safers/predator mite/lady bugs/etc/etc... to little or no avail.

certainly floramite works, but would like to find a way to hospitalize the room and not spray anything on the ladies.. thanks
Have you tried "Pure " spray? Its OMRI

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
If its real bad, clear and clean the room and bomb with something other than pyrethrins. They seem to make the mites shit out a months worth of eggs the first sniff they get.But watch the half life on what ever you use.At my grow shop they have something. Butyloxide or something. I cant remember. Its long lasting. Be careful and wait till its safe to re plant the room.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
I have been using homemade insecticidal soap on my blue dream (anyone else notice that blueberry and its crosses are like spider mite candy?) It is working like magic. seriously you would be surprised what a little soap can do it has stopped my mites in their tracks and I have done everything before from neem, azomax/trol bombing etc etc. give it a try just might save your grow and its organic !!!
how do you guys prepare the room after a grow for the next one??

1st off... we have a mite problem, have had it since we started a few years ago.. what we have done is clean the room, bomb it with something stronger then dr dooom, then spray the floor/walls with a bleach solution. we clean the hydro buckets/rocks with bleach and start the grow.. within 2 weeks once the ladies are accustomed to their new surroundings, we hit em with some flormite, and then again about 2 1/2 weeks later as we are going 12/12.. this has worked pretty well, so well that our present grow we only hit em once in veg at 2-3 weeks, and ofcourse now 6 weeks into flower they are back, and even see some webbing (not good).. we do not want to spray anything this far into 12/12, so every other day we are spraying the plants with plain H20 trying to keep em at bay.

so now in a few weeks when we start again, how should we prepare?? ..the mites are not being introduced from the clones , as we dunk em before bringin em in the grow room. the mites are already in the room... and can't seem to rid ourselves of em..

in the past we have tried neem/hotpepper-tobaco spray,safers/predator mite/lady bugs/etc/etc... to little or no avail.

certainly floramite works, but would like to find a way to hospitalize the room and not spray anything on the ladies.. thanks

You have successfully grown your own strain of suppermites. Congratulations!!!

Consider shutting down and removing all plants from your place. Including everything in your veg room. Is it cold in your veg room? Mites go dormant in cold conditions.

The normal life cycle of a mite is about 28 days. Florimite is non systemic and lasts for about 21 days. So if one mite hatches and moves to the top of the plant, then it can survive, multiply, and travel back in time & re-infest your grow room. O.K. maybe they don't travel back in time, that might have been the borg on star trek, but close enough.


Spider mites can lay dormant and survive for months, and even endure sub zero degrees. You cant kill them by taking a break.

I got completely rid of them by a few treatments with high level CO2. And a release of predator mites afterward.


Well-known member
So if one mite hatches and moves to the top of the plant, then it can survive, multiply, and travel back in time & re-infest your grow room. O.K. maybe they don't travel back in time, that might have been the borg on star trek, but close enough.

thanks... thats what we are trying to avoid... the supermite... and thats why we only sprayed once this grow... any idea of a good fogger to use?? this dr doom shit containing pyrethrins has been worthless to us when we used it in the past...


Well, this is the first time I've had a mite problem. Got some clones at a dispensary, blah blah blah. Recognized the mite damage as soon as I got them home, saw mites and eggs on the undersides of the leaves. Trimmed a leaf that looked really bad and flushed it (don't wanna throw a mite collection into the trash for them to crawl out).

So anyway, I went on the net to look up homemade remedies, because at the time I didn't have anything on hand. Found a recipe that's 50% rubbing alcohol, 50% water, and a few drops of dish soap. It sounded (and smelled) WAAAY too harsh, but at that point I had a "fuck it" mentality, and went with it.

The alcohol mix DESTROYED them, and did zero damage to the plants. It was a mite graveyard after the first application. Hit the plants once daily with that spray until floramite came, then I stopped the alcohol and hosed them down with that.

It hasn't been very long, but I don't see any mites. If they ever rear their nasty heads in the future, I'll use this combo again. Weaken and perhaps destroy them with the first, seal the deal with floramite.

As an aside, some people seem to be worried about floramite. I don't see any problem using it in veg, because the veg leaves are completely removed and discarded at harvest. I wouldn't use any such pesticides in flower, though (just my opinion). Would have to resort to those cold water treatments, or something similar.
Good job jawnroot. Expect to see some damage in about... 28 days. Start looking closely at your plants in about a month for eggs. A week or two after that for a full infestation. I honestly hope that you got them all, but it never goes that way. Only when you dip small clones. & I suggest dipping them 2 or 3 times a week apart with different things, starting with florimite.
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Good job jawnroot. Expect to see some damage in about... 28 days. Start looking closely at your plants in about a month for eggs. A week or two after that for a full infestation. I honestly hope that you got them all, but it never goes that way. Only when you dip small clones. & I suggest dipping them 2 or 3 times a week apart with different things, starting with florimite.

I'm hoping for the best. These clones are pretty small, so I'm going to hope/assume I got them all, that is, until/if I see a resurgence. I also plant to hit with Azamax into flowering as a preventative.

Have you used floramite, etc, in the past? Were your results not so good?


So I would like to know how would you guys go about controlling mites, and whatever else may be on the outdoors when doing an outdoor grow? Any ideas when growing a strain like C99.:thank you:


So I would like to know how would you guys go about controlling mites, and whatever else may be on the outdoors when doing an outdoor grow? Any ideas when growing a strain like C99.:thank you:

From what I've read, for outdoors I guess your best bet would be to apply azamax every two weeks throughout the cycle. It's safe, non-toxic, hits a wide variety of pests, and should be a good preventative. Stop 4 weeks before harvest.

Spray the plants with flouramite every 30 days in veg as an early barrier against mites, but only in veg.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I have been using homemade insecticidal soap on my blue dream (anyone else notice that blueberry and its crosses are like spider mite candy?) It is working like magic. seriously you would be surprised what a little soap can do it has stopped my mites in their tracks and I have done everything before from neem, azomax/trol bombing etc etc. give it a try just might save your grow and its organic !!!

Yes they eat it like candy. I run Orange Krush crosses and they are half blueberry. The mites actually eat the trichomes or something. They disapear. Anyway Im using Azamax mixed with Pure spray. 1 tablespoon each per gallon batch. I dont see any mites after 1 week of daily sprays. The plants look great now. Both work on mites and the pure takes out the leaf mold too