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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
LOl an example of your lazy friend and some stupid white kids doesnt validate your point. Lets keep letting them take our jobs at a lower pay rate, then that will become the minimum wage. Then you have a country full of people competing for minimum wage jobs. Sounds like a prosperous country. And now that the market is saturated with low paying jobs where will the immagrants go now? Sounds like your fucking two countries to me.

ohh thanx for the negative rating... lmfao.. Anyhow i said this BUT i guess for the hard of reading.. uhm the pay rate is already set... And that illegal is taking the jobs YOU probably didnt take and some on here that said they would complain at 7.50 an hr would not take.. lmfao.. The only competing for those jobs are by illegals.. as you said above they are only taking our jobs but at a lower pay rate that makes you look even more of a whiny lazy person...

And like i said in my earlier post that you neg bombed me the immigrants will go WHERE EVER there is work.. read back example my neighbor moving several states away and leaving his family to continue to put food, clothes etc on his family's back.. Unlike the lazy person (amercian) who would complain about the money he is to make... and pawn that job off on a HS kid saying that he/she should work it... That is america's problem imho we dont want to admit and always point the finger at someone else... again this is my opinion you dont have to agree and i dont have to agree with you we are in america right? lmfao!!! peace n pufs..

this is what i am talking about, puttin certain jobs of any title or at any place into a HS kids hands, and not an adult. isnt it the same money it pays the bills the same you just are making as much.. Im generalizing here if you dont have a job and dunkin donuts is hiring, why would you not work but, instead complain and say this is for hs. I say arrogance and just lazy... I dont understand... 7.50 an hr is better than no $$$ an hour.. IMHO..

It of course is better than nothing, but I'd still complain!
Some people just have more to offer than $7.5, hedge their bets on that, and are able to.
Some aren't and have to pay the price of uprooting their entire lives.

I don't see it as Americans being lazy, I think it's more like perceived self-worth and living standards actively directing human nature.
People pass up those 7.50 jobs because they can, not to chop their nose in order to spite their face.


Well American cars are damn expensive and companies were run into the ground because of unions trying to make sure people got paid more than they were worth, so I guess it evens out?

No doubt financial mismanagement and irresponsibility caused the demise of the American Auto Empire. Competition is producing more for less and savvy consumers are getting more for their buck buying vehicles manufactured elsewhere. This is forcing the American Auto Empire to change their business model and product to remain competitive.

Imagine if they had to compete against vehicles manufactured by slave labor. Those producers could afford to undercut responsible competition by the money saved in not paying competitive wages, taxes, and insurance.

Here is my question: everyone, including yourself, complains about illegals to government. Why don't you complain to the people who hire them? If they didn't hire them, they wouldn't move here. Truth is if they didn't come work, you would find something else to complain about, particularly the fact goods (fruits/vegetables especially) cost so much because people don't hire cheap labor.

True - gov't can only enact and try to enforce laws. As we know, if there is a demand, no law is gonna stop the supply.

For this scenario, it is the employer hiring the illegal immigrant who is really doing the damage ... harming legitimate competition trying to play by the rules, encouraging illegal immigration, and many times screwing over the hard working alien by not paying them at all because who are they gonna complain to!?

The cost scenario ... also as we here know, the more something costs to buy, the more potential for profit there is and the more interest there is in marketing the product. So yes, initially, prices could go up for those markets heavily dependent upon illegal labor; however, the market would balance as, with the absence of illegal competition, the void would fill and supply and demand would bring equilibrium. We see the same in "our" market, no?

I used to live in national capital of a particular item of fruit. Being a picker in the summer paid better than most other summer jobs that people have and if you returned more summers your wage went up nicely. You also made bank because of the fact you worked a lot of hours during the most important month of the season and got overtime. Only a few college/high school kids would usually apply besides the mexicans to pick fruit in the summer. Americans believe that picking fruit is "migrant work" and they are above it, that is the truth. They associate it with slavery. Truth is they are simply too lazy and don't want to do hard, "backbreaking" work.

Me too. Worked in the canneries in Alaska and also in the Catskills where apples were primarily harvested by West Indie natives. I made mad money working harder than most ever will, side by side with many men from Central America who even quit due to the conditions (in the Winter ... Summer was awesome).

I have no problem with migrant workers ... so long as they are "on the books" as in, paying taxes, insured, and subject to the same oversight and regulations as every other one of us out there busting our humps. The "black market" labor force does have substantial negative impact on our economy.

Neo 420

Active member
The race question is a viable one. Their are thousands of federal and state programs to aid minorities in the US. We know that Whites will be minorities to Blacks, Hispanics and Asians in 40 years.

Please do not inject false information into the discussion. The fastest growing race population in the USA is Hispanic. Period. They alone will be the majority in about a century. Don't lump all minorities into one package to prove your theories.

Race Percentage Number
White alone(Not including the 29.2 million White Hispanic and Latino Americans: 65.4% or 198.9 million) 75.0% 228.2 million
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, of any race 15.4% 46.9 million
Black or African American alone 12.4% 37.6 million
Some other race alone 4.9% 15.0 million Asian alone 4.4% 13.4 million
Two or more races 2.3% 7.0 million
American Indian or Alaska Native alone 0.8% 2.4 million
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander alone 0.14% 0.43 million


Active member
Got my census in the mail yesterday. On the front is a warning that it must be returned by law.
It went straight into the garbage.
No corrupt government is going to tell me what to do, especially one that is complicit in allowing tens of millions of illegals pour over our borders.
Anyone else?

you should fill it out, it helps get money for roads and traffic improvements, bus lines etc.

i worked for the census in 2000... and its just to get numbers of the age population to determin things like school age population for statistics like when they figure metropolitan areas, age of work force, industrial sreas, farm figures, the machine used to even NOT IMPUT THE NAME , or atleast my supervisor told me.

thatd be a funny headline "census form leads to bust"
although it sounds like itll read "cencus form in trash leads to pot bust"

it only heps you people out...

the police cant get to the info anyways, its a different branch altogether.


donut engineer
My girlfriend filled it out and sent it in before I had the chance to ignore it. Funny thing is, she's not even a citizen :)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Exactly my point that somehow they totally missed. Americans are lazy and think they deserve more. They categorize jobs as "high school jobs" or "migrant jobs" and then convince themselves they can't work in that field, it's just not acceptable to them, when it is the only place to get a job.

They may have an empty plate and a cold bed at night, but at least they kept their dignity by not taking a job that was below them. :rolleyes:

Exactly, you get it!!! right on.. I couldnt have said it any better myself.. IMHO it's a ME world.. Everyone has the WHAT ABOUT ME!!! mentality... i deserve more cos im ME!!!! lmfao.. get a clue people.. thanx RIP BONG great post.. peace n pufs to you have a great day..



The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Exactly my point that somehow they totally missed. Americans are lazy and think they deserve more. They categorize jobs as "high school jobs" or "migrant jobs" and then convince themselves they can't work in that field, it's just not acceptable to them, when it is the only place to get a job.

They may have an empty plate and a cold bed at night, but at least they kept their dignity by not taking a job that was below them. :rolleyes:

I say this towards fast food personally lol. I feel that is 100% below me since I never did it as a teenager. If I was broke, hungry and had no place would I go and work at a fast food place? NOPE but man would I eat their food and beg for change outside :jump:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
It of course is better than nothing, but I'd still complain!
Some people just have more to offer than $7.5, hedge their bets on that, and are able to.
Some aren't and have to pay the price of uprooting their entire lives.

I don't see it as Americans being lazy, I think it's more like perceived self-worth and living standards actively directing human nature.
People pass up those 7.50 jobs because they can, not to chop their nose in order to spite their face.

its funny the people that are not choppin their noses to spite their faces are the ones still bitching while standing in the umemployment line.. STILL with their face intact.. But BROKE!!! and who pays their shit WE do the ones that are willing to chop their noses off.. so they can stay home and sit on a computer and puff weed all day, along with bitching about the govt that does not have a 30 dollar an hr job for them.. The only people that THINK they can afford to pass up the lower paying jobs DO cos they know that they can get the regular taxpayer to pay for them to sit home with that ebt card and welfare or unemployment check, and barely squeak by. Bitching the whole time trying to act like they are part of the something pretending to look for a job.. lol... peace n pufs..



Active member
You guys want to knock off the "Illegal Immigration" B.S.? It's only illegal because unconstitutional laws have been put in place.

I've said it before and many more educated folks than I, have said it many times in the past..... America is BUILT on immigrants. They're the only ones that understand WHY they came to America and what FREEDOM is really supposed to be about.

I see so few "Born in America" American's that actually know ANYthing about what this country stands for.... it's pathetic and scary.

These boards are filled with comments from Americans that haven't spent even 10 minutes educating themselves on liberty and the preservation of human rights.

Educate Yourself People! Then Educate Your Neighbor!
its funny the people that are not choppin their noses to spite their faces are the ones still bitching while standing in the umemployment line.. STILL with their face intact.. But BROKE!!! and who pays their shit WE do the ones that are willing to chop their noses off.. so they can stay home and sit on a computer and puff weed all day, along with bitching about the govt that does not have a 30 dollar an hr job for them.. The only people that THINK they can afford to pass up the lower paying jobs DO cos they know that they can get the regular taxpayer to pay for them to sit home with that ebt card and welfare or unemployment check, and barely squeak by. Bitching the whole time trying to act like they are part of the something pretending to look for a job.. lol... peace n pufs..

Of course, who wouldn't pass that up?
The only problem with your logic would be that unemployment insurance is finite, and people have to look for jobs because it's in their best interest.


Custom User Title
Well I sure hope those of you that threw your census in the trash have any grow related odors under control, because you're going to have some visitors. :)


Active member
A lot of you guys aren't old enough to remember what this country was like before the Hispanic invasion. If you live in Florida, California, Arizona, New Mexico, or anywhere near our southern border, and you are old enough to remember, you would know without any doubt that our country was much better off without them. These areas have been ruined by unchecked "immigration", which is really an all out invasion, in reality an act of war. These people aren't pioneers, they are leeches. Immigrants who came to this country in the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s were pioneers. They were coming to a vast unsettled country. They came from all countries and spoke all languages, but came together to form the "melting pot", they all learned English, and they built this country from nothing to the number 1 country in the world. They fought and won 2 world wars, while millions of them died. But the people coming now are not pioneers. They are coming to a country that is already established, already built, already #1. They come here to work the system, to have their babies, to bleed our social services, to use our emergency rooms, and many of them don't even have the respect to learn our language. They actually are trying (and succeeding in some cases) to make Spanish an official language of this country. This country was founded with English as our language, and our laws are based on English law. Yet, in California, because of their vast numbers, public servants are actually required to speak Spanish. What an outrage! Imagine going to another country and demanding that they speak our language. Imagine going to Mexico and demanding social services! LOL! They will laugh at you when they are done looking at you like you are crazy. In fact, Americans cannot immigrate to Mexico without putting up a large amount of cash. This illegal invasion of our country would not be tolerated anywhere else in the world. But our Hispanic politicians do everything possible to allow more and more Hispanics to get in. After all, that is how they are empowered. They care nothing about America or the people they are invading. They have no respect for our language or culture. They care only about Hispanics. There are dozens of groups promoting Hispanics in this country, many of them quite militant. Try forming a group promoting white people, and it is called a rascist hate group.
Throughout history, empires go out with a wimper, not a bang. When enough foriegners move into a country, it soon becomes their country. And, that is what's happening here. Our country is becoming their country, and we are going to do nothing about it?
IMO, this is war, and should be treated as such. These people need to come here because they ruined their countries by overpopulating them. Now we are going to allow them to ruin our country?
I say no. Build a wall around the whole southern border if necessary. Put Americans back to work building it, and keep those bastards out.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
You guys want to knock off the "Illegal Immigration" B.S.? It's only illegal because unconstitutional laws have been put in place.

I've said it before and many more educated folks than I, have said it many times in the past..... America is BUILT on immigrants. They're the only ones that understand WHY they came to America and what FREEDOM is really supposed to be about.

I see so few "Born in America" American's that actually know ANYthing about what this country stands for.... it's pathetic and scary.

These boards are filled with comments from Americans that haven't spent even 10 minutes educating themselves on liberty and the preservation of human rights.

Educate Yourself People! Then Educate Your Neighbor!
It's the strangest thing, but I have a different OPINION.
I would say that America is built ON the bodies of the natives BY a workforce of slaves and indentured servants.
Would that be the liberty or the preservation of human rights that you were talking about?
Unless by immigrants you mean the people that crossed the Bering Straits on foot some time after the last ice age....... then I totally agree that America is built on immigrants.
Claiming that you are one of the few who "actually know ANYthing about what this country stands for..." is ridiculous. Were you there when the Constitution was written so you could ask its authors what they really meant?
While freedom, liberty, and the preservation of human rights are wonderful ideals to strive for they aren't now, and I doubt ever have been, what this country stands for. Recently you've got Gitmo, the Patriot act, and the repeal of Glass-Stegall. Back during the founding of our nation I suspect unfair taxation was more of the real issue than the window dressings of human rights and liberty.
And really, currently, with such a diverse population how could one set of values ever apply to everyone? Surely its people make up a nation, not words on paper about ideals and dreams... Selective immigration rights have a long tradition in America. Some folks are just upset that we're not selective enough and we don't enforce the laws already on the books.
wow, a simple task and we cannot even get that done, its amazing how some of you even grow this lovely plant. A job is a job is a job, food in your stomach is a full belly, I could give two shits less what minimum wage is, the fact that I will have a job no matter what the pay is, is a good thing. We (Americans) are not above anyone else, we as Americans have become so arrogant, nothing is ever good enough for anyone anymore. Throw um away, just hurting yourself, hahahaha.


Active member
Retro you sound like your Just Plain ole scared of People that dont look anything like you or the people in your circle. sounds to me you want to live in some sort of fantasy land where everything was suppose to be good? Good for who? you better hope your children or any that you may care about dont grow up in that type of place where people think like you do.. Im so Glad USA voted Obama..


The race question is a viable one. Their are thousands of federal and state programs to aid minorities in the US. We know that Whites will be minorities to Blacks, Hispanics and Asians in 40 years. But when will Blacks be minorities to Hispanics? Who will these programs service?
How do we plan for the future. Do we flip flop and exclude those that are considered minorities now. To end questions of race then we must end the practice of declaring anyone a minority. Would that be good or bad?

Not looking at any other thing in your post but blacks are already minorities to Hispanics and have been for the past 4-7 years. Don't quote me on this but I believe they lead african americans by 5-10% with the disparity growing wider each day.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Of course, who wouldn't pass that up?
The only problem with your logic would be that unemployment insurance is finite, and people have to look for jobs because it's in their best interest.

there is a problem with people having to look for jobs? i guess the business owners should go door knocking and beggin people to come work for them.. And as far as insurance and unemployment having be finite how is what i said putting limitations on any of those two things. Im talking about lazy ass americans that expect and not go out and earn.. logic is if you need a job and your arrogance in waiting has since come and gone, and you still have no JOB take the 7.50 an hr.. then as YOU make money to LIVE be looking for that "dream" job... as for insurance talk to obama on that.. All i know is im tired of lazy fucking people bitching about not having. but in the same breath say and dont do shit about it but blah blah blah blah... I work a reg job and do side work off of that job as well, on top of fighting part time to supplement my income.. And i have insurance.. So life atm is ok and thank god.. having a job is not in ones best interest? peace n pufs..
