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A Letter to the Guy who keeps Ripping My Plants

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Hey there. I went to check on some of my plants in containers last year and all I found was some empty beer bottles. These rippers were celebrating stealing my nice plants. Out of six plants three nice ones in pots were gone and the two in the ground were not found and one lonely Sativa in a pot was undisturbed. I like the camera idea so you would know who is Ripping you off. Most likely could be someone you know. I am looking into some early finishing outdoor strains that may have a change to ripen before the Rippers get off their hemeroid stricken arse's to come and look for the fruits of my hard work. What goes around comes around and hopefully they will someday burn for their thievery. Good luck with this years grow and may you harvest be bountiful and free from those fool rippers. Regards.

we hunt okanogan... found a HUGH op, it was mostly gone but looked ripped, shit stroon everywhere half ripped up plants laying about must have been 500 sites...


Cannabis 101
lol that sucks it has happen to the best of us... go pee inside his car thats what I did ones.
They do say you need to plant way more than what you plan on taking home some for the animals some for the earth and some for you.
I met a guy im amsterdam that he didn't give a damn when people took his outdoors... he said if it makes them smile Im happy :D
COOLest dood ever


Active member
sounds like a job for the Ruger Mini 14 ranch rifle...bury that fool in the woods and let the worms eat him..
What a great opportunity to set up a camera, or set up traps. I would love to be in your situation! But that is only because I am fucking crazy.


to bad you coudlnt grow weed that made the smokers dick turn into ramen noodle! i always wondered what kind of asshole it took to hunt down other growers fruits? if you happen to know this individual you should never disclose that your aware just continualy ruin his/her life!


Active member
Maybe somebody was tired of the POLLEN and wanted to make sure you don't continue to do that shit.

Your pollen karma catches up.

May karma have mercy on you, and you might be able to rid yourself of the ripper.

Edit: Reading comprehension. Three years now....damn that sucks. It has to be a neighbor or somebody pretty close...

Maybe it's some "do-gooder" conservative, anti-drug crusader who thinks they are doing god's work by destroying the devil's weed.

Regardless of their motive, it's just creepy that they follow your every move so closely.

Stay safe.

Thought about that one too...
Maybe it's some "do-gooder" conservative, anti-drug crusader who thinks they are doing god's work by destroying the devil's weed.

Regardless of their motive, it's just creepy that they follow your every move so closely.

Stay safe.


In search of Genetics
Unless its your property there is always another side to the story.

If your planting on someone else's property, it might not be a thief.
Or it could be someone who feels that your plants are going to lead to there grow ( maybe they feel they where there first).

You have let this go on for 3 years? After the first time your security has been comprimised its time to find a new spot ( not a mile down the creek! A NEW SPOT totally different zone.) The worst part is for 3 years this other person has been sending you a message and you have repeatedly ignored it, this other person could be just as pissed at you for not getting the message to back off, and next time you go check on your plants they could be waiting for you. Of course we only have your word for it and only know your side of the story so we can only assume.

If i where you i would get the message and move somewhere different, Good luck!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i agree with others. i doubt they are taking your plants for their garden. sounds like your on someone elses plot. your security has been comprimised. time to find a new location and move on. im suprised this has gone on for 3 years....
That sucks. I hate rippers.

I'm sure it's been said before, but if you're guerrilla growing it's likely that the person that's been ripping your plants may well know you.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Sorry to here that girl

Sorry to here that girl

I have had assholes steal the smallest plants ppl will take whatever they can get and once they know your there they will keep coming back .. no doubt about that girl.. been down that road.. have to move.... or make them step in big piles of dog shit thats always good for a laugh:).. peace out Headband707


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Put out some males Lola, see how he likes that in his garden :sasmokin:

Or just one of those little stickers that says "Smile, you're on camera"


Cannabis 101
one way to get ride of praying eyes is to plant a field of poison ivy before your patch, on the way, or around it... it won't kill him and you'll know who it was by the swollen face and body .
Also leave some cold beers around your patch maybe he decides to pee on a poison Ivy..:yoinks::YaRight::nanana:

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Seriously, I would put out some male clones with a small gps tracking device in the rootball, or you could use a hunting dog tracking collar. When you transplant the clone into a small pot put the tracker right in the center of the soon to be rootball. Then you know where his plot is and his ladies get knocked up.


Cannabis 101
Seriously, I would put out some male clones with a small gps tracking device in the rootball, or you could use a hunting dog tracking collar. When you transplant the clone into a small pot put the tracker right in the center of the soon to be rootball. Then you know where his plot is and his ladies get knocked up.

:yeahthats but make it a female plant that way he takes it home.. then you know his address with the hiddin gps and you send him some pollen in the mail :) that should teach him.


I guess I have not made this clear.

I am not dumb enough to grow in the same spot every year.

My patches are sometimes 2 miles apart.

There are about 6 different landowners, so it ain't one landowner pissed off and going around to other peoples land diggin shit up.

It is someone who is stealing clones, cause they like my genetics.

I planted in swamp, bat caves, middle of field, in fence rows last year.

He got the swamp, bat caves, but did not find middle of field or fence row.

Some dude likes my genetics and is stealing clones to raise himself.

May his dick lay limp forever.

I also walk to these spots, through fields and dales. No roads do I use. I do not drive.

It is really hard on me to get these plants out doors.

It is somebody who does not have a job, and walks through the woods huntin for my plants.

I bet they must go every weekend hunting.

I left Him 13 male clones that were unsexed last fall. But The Ripper did not take the bait.
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