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PG&E Visitor, says "Your usage is up!" Real or fake?


Freedom Fighter
Well, my remote op had a visitor Friday. Here's the details, second hand but its all i got:

Dark blue PG&E pickup truck, no boom/lift or ladder
Drove to security gate, honked, was allowed in (resident figured it was a meter reader) as is practice.
Single white male passenger, ~40 yrs old no hardhat/clipboard (empty handed)
Came walked perimeter of property, saw construction trash and maybe my 4 exhaust vents. Enough to worry. Was there 2-3 minutes.
As he was getting into his truck, he was questioned by someone who was there:

"What did you need?"

Nothing, your usage is up!

"Yeah so, I just got my big woodshop running again and have been working a lot."

(Guy looks skeptical)

Ok Well someone will be back.

Drives away.

I get the phone call, and PGE is called, and we ask politely, "I just moved in two days ago, and someone came by and hassled my elderly uncle about our power usage!"

PGE replies, we don't do that, we never do that, we didn't send anyone out today. We also don't care why or if your usage is up.

Nice eh? I have 1500W of t5's running and a dehuey, nothin else. About the same draw as a baseboard heater!

So my options I believe are as follows:

It's a ripper: Let's just say that's the best scenario, and the worst possible outcome for the poor bastard. It would be a simple ruse, to ask about power having followed someone from a hydro shop, but I never go from hydro shop to grow, ever.

It's DEA: Local LEO doesn't have the time or resources to forge their own PGE truck, and the power was just transferred a few days ago. DEA is gonna be really sad to see 55 legal girls and 10 patient scrips on the wall though! I'm happy to deal with the local Sheriff, I have even contemplated reporting this to them.

It's PGE, and a wire repair guy had an overloaded circuit up the line or something. Doesnt make sense, but only PGE would know if there was any difference in power draw. Unless it was just a guess from a ripper, then we're back to the first scenario.

Baby girls have been at the grow for a week, which makes it very unlikely its cops. They need a week to wipe their asses!

Thoughts, suggestions? Nobody has been back since but it's only been a few days. Trash is picked up and the exhaust vents are better hidden, but since the meter is 4 feet from the exhaust vents there's not a ton I can do.

I notice you didn't mention your guy at the grow, in your possibilities--
I have no idea about him personally...but there are a couple more possibilities if looked at by a 3rd party (such as us)
1- Your guy is a Drama King...some ppl thrive on keeping excitement at a peak--
2- Your guy is setting up a scenario to get ripped...so that the focus isn't on him--

I only bring this up, because none of the rest of it makes any sense-- And you said the guy walked the perimeter of the fence...why was he allowed to do that??


Overkill is under-rated.
I notice you didn't mention your guy at the grow, in your possibilities--
I have no idea about him personally...but there are a couple more possibilities if looked at by a 3rd party (such as us)
1- Your guy is a Drama King...some ppl thrive on keeping excitement at a peak--
2- Your guy is setting up a scenario to get ripped...so that the focus isn't on him--

I only bring this up, because none of the rest of it makes any sense-- And you said the guy walked the perimeter of the fence...why was he allowed to do that??

Good points both. The guy is kinda disabled so he sits in his bedroom 24X7 pretty much, and yep its possible he is dramatizing, but I had him repeat the story over and over (old cop trick) and it matched each time.

Well if he wants to rip me he's way early, but if he does so the deal is off and he loses the family ranch. My rent is the only thing keeping them afloat and they know it very well. They simply can't afford to make the payments if I leave, and they owe more on it than its worth. We kinda have each other by the balls, so to speak. I'd rather walk away from the place then start shit, all I have to do is not come back and it's all over.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Crazy shit bro.

It definitely sounds like a recon mission. I don't know that an energy company would send someone out to check on $50 increase. That seems off to me.

The pretext for his mission sounds like police recon or the very least not your average ripper.

Unless, this dude works for PG&E and is scouting places for rippers on the side, I would suspect the Feds to be the only ones that would go through so much operational planning and undercover recon for a bust. But if you are legal then I just don't see them wasting their time with that.

I guess I would place my wager on PG&E working for rippers on the side scouting places out.

Mr. Mustard, in the growroom, with the 12guage. I hate mysteries like these.

Take care bro!


Active member
Unless, this dude works for PG&E and is scouting places for rippers on the side, I would suspect the Feds to be the only ones that would go through so much operational planning and undercover recon for a bust. But if you are legal then I just don't see them wasting their time with that.
9-5er Mad that this fucking druggdealers are making money while he losses his house.......Im sure plenty of the pg&e as times get ruff are ganking houses or at-least trading in the tip to the Retarded cousin or friends for kick back $$$$:dance013:
man this would freak me the hell out . even tho im legal medi patient but them feds scare the shit out of me . even with only a small chance its them id probly just clean shop. better safe then sorry and since outdoor season is just right around the corner id be gettin ready to rock that out but im a paranoid grower so i always take the safest route even if i lose a few bucks out of it better then being in prison for a wile.


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback, the PGe guy working for a ripper is a possibility for sure, but I still think he was probably there to make sure the meter was working right, due to the high bill (which they noticed right around the time I came around.) Could just be a coincedence.


Active member
The feds wouldn't give themselves away that easily...
That would be so sloppy of them they don't want you to know what's coming while they gather evidence.
They want to catch you red handed not make you tighten everything up cuz you know they're watching you.
Same with sherriffs sitting in your driveway. It's what you don't c or know about that should worry you. No use worrying about that either though cuz you do what you can and the rest is out of your control.
When they do come for you it's like you never knew what hit you. Pow out of the blue. Feds play hardball you won't have a clue they are onto you till it's too late.

I'd bet it's just pge especially if they are puttin in smart meters in the area. Other option is PGE snitch, but that's a very small chance if you ask me. Plus he already gave himself away so now your on alert. Ripper wouldn't want to do that. Don't get too paranoid haha.


Active member
Remember feds have something like a 99% conviction rate so when they go in they go for the kill. They don't want any mistakes such as tipping off the suspect.


Active member
Iwouldnt worry too much about PG&E, if you are on a smart meter they know the signature of the current using items in your household already. If you have a medical need you can apply for a medical discount from PG&E to lower the cost of your bill.

I doubt rippers would be interested to 1500 watts either.

Blow hot air much?


Overkill is under-rated.
So far all is quiet today, I did note on the LEO logs that they contacted whoever it was on my street, and since they didn't contact me, it must have been someone else! Thank GOD.

No news from PGE either, I did my first full power test (smoke test!) the other day, only 8 lights at the moment but WOW. Bare bulbs are vicious on the old eyes, buying some welding glasses before I move things into flower.

Interestingly enough, the flowering lights activated the TEST button on my carbon monoxide/smoke detector, and it did its full self-test each time. If that happens again I'm buying a different one, that would get annoying!


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks a million guys! Nobody else would understand, but ya'll sure do! :) You're the best!


my wife doesnt even understand these things we go through. kinda nice to have a bit of a support group to talk to, imo. good luck.

S. H. - that would be cool/ scary to see that link


Is it possible there is an illegal power tap in your
neighborhood? Walking the perimeter to check for
any undisclosed power lines?Maybe they meant excessive
power consumption for the area and not specifically your

Not a good situation having anyone poking around
when you are just starting to fire up in a new location.:thinking:


Thanks a million guys! Nobody else would understand, but ya'll sure do! :) You're the best!

Shit Lazy... I still have to go outside to have a smoke & looksee every time a chopper flies within 5 miles of my place... let alone a visit ;-)

I'm thinkin the paranoid existence has got to fuck with us over time... just so caught up in it on a day to day basis (year after year after year) that anytime a bird tweets we think it has got to be the secret agents in the bushes...

I swear the baby across the street stares at me... as if she knows what i'm doing... going to have to keep my eye on her... ;-)

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