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for PA The Barry Busch Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act of 2009


The next thing going on is Lobbyists needed for January 25th and 26th 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the capital in Harrisburg. This is huge and very important

717-235-2840, 717-873-3254

as far as another hearing hearing it would be best to call frank Olivers office and ask his secretary when the next meeting will be if they get enough calls they will set up the next hearing I already have plans to call on monday

Contact Information:
E-Mail: Click here to contact Member
Home Page: http://www.pahouse.com/oliver

Hon. Frank Louis Oliver
2839 West Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19130
(215) 684-3738
Fax: (215) 235-4629

Hon. Frank Louis Oliver
34E East Wing
PO Box 202195
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2195
(717) 787-3480
Fax: (717) 783-0684


I have contacted a Dem. and a Repub. Both from the same county in central PA. The Dem. just said outright he will not support MMJ bill. The Republican's office was caught off guard, he didn't know what to say and didn't give me a position.


Thanks Makk for Placing that call keep calling every few weeks

To everybody else if you want A MJ bill then you need to call your Reps if not then you better make plans to move


There will be people lobbying Monday and Tuesday in Harrisburg from 9-12. If you can’t make it to Harrisburg on Monday or Tuesday these would be very good days to call or email your Legislator even if you have already done so. If you’re wondering about the next hearing call frank Oliver’s office and ask them.

send a email tell your friends and family to also send one



Active member
hey all... this is a letter i sent my reps. If anyone wants to criticize it, improve it, or use it feel free:


I am writing to urge you to cosponsor H.B. 1393. This bill would pioneer a program to permit the medical use of Cannabis under state law.

This much needed legislation can offer relief to many people with debilitating conditions currently not effectively treated by available medicines for which herbal Cannabis has been proven efficacious.

Cannabis also offers unique benefits over some conventional medicines due to its low toxicity and relatively low cost compared to pharmaceuticals; particularly when grown by the patient them-self, but even when purchased at black market prices.

For some ailments which Cannabis has been proven to be clinically efficacious, such as HIV associated neuropathic pain, there are currently not any FDA approved medications (Abrams, et. al. 2007, Neurology).

Please help Pennsylvania join the 14 other states that have recognized their citizens right to medical treatment; return the right to make decisions about medication to a doctor and their patient.

I look forward to hearing your stance on this important issue.



I just watched the beginning of a good video on cannabis. I'm not able to post videos yet and am not sure if it's been posted on IC yet. Anyway, In it it says the first two copies of the declaration of independence were written on paper made from hemp. We all know where that document was signed. I find it amazing that PA has yet to consider MMJ. I will continue to write to my representatives on this issue.


I just watched the beginning of a good video on cannabis. I'm not able to post videos yet and am not sure if it's been posted on IC yet. Anyway, In it it says the first two copies of the declaration of independence were written on paper made from hemp. We all know where that document was signed. I find it amazing that PA has yet to consider MMJ. I will continue to write to my representatives on this issue.

Pennsylvania actually had an extensive hemp industry. Unfortunately politicians sided with wood pulp paper industry and outlawed it along with recreational / medical marijuana. Some towns still reflect this industry to this day by being named after it.
hey all... this is a letter i sent my reps. If anyone wants to criticize it, improve it, or use it feel free:

I am writing to urge you to cosponsor H.B. 1393. This bill would pioneer a program to permit the medical use of Cannabis under state law.

This much needed legislation can offer relief to many people with debilitating conditions currently not effectively treated by available medicines for which herbal Cannabis has been proven efficacious.

Cannabis <strike>also</strike> offers unique benefits over some conventional medicines due to its low toxicity and relatively low cost compared to pharmaceuticals, particularly when grown by the patients. <strike>but even when purchased at black market prices.</strike> (I'd leave this part out).

For some ailments which Cannabis has been proven to be clinically efficacious, such as HIV associated neuropathic pain, there are currently not any FDA approved medications (Abrams, et. al. 2007, Neurology). (don't add the reference unless you'll be including a footnote on the bottom of the letter)

Please help Pennsylvania join the 14 other states that have recognized their citizen's right to medical treatment; return the right to make decisions about medication to <strike>a</strike> doctors and their patients.

I look forward to hearing your stance on this important issue.

My comments in the quote.

I changed some things because of subject/verb agreement and others to just make it a little more readable.

I'm no grammar teacher, so take my changes with a grain of salt.

All in all, I like it and I think I'll use it (or some form of it) when I write my state representative.


Friday’s gubernatorial debate saw Democrats Joe Hoeffel and Jack Wagner both endorse the medical marijuana access in Pennsylvania. Saturday night’s US Senate Forum saw candidates address questions from Twitter. Joe Sestak didn’t get the question but now-Democrat Arlen Specter gave his strong endorsement to medical marijuana.

The most interesting twist for the marijuana issue came when gubernatorial hopeful Chris Doherty was booed by the audience for turning his terse negative answer on medical marijuana into a rail on drugs. It seems that such outright prohibitionist rhetoric is rather unwelcome these days among progressives in PA.

No matter the Democrat who wins the party nomination for Governor they will likely face Republican Tom Corbitt:bashhead:. He’s the current state Attorney General, an elected office in PA.


I hope many of you understand that this next election is going to be very important for us. not voting is not going to get us anyware
yes i am with you. all pa residents must stand up for a rights to meds. just like other citzens in the country have been granted there rights. what are we second class citzenz here in pa? i think not. if it works in other states why not ours too? much love



If you want to get this bill moving then call

Contact Information:
E-Mail: Click here to contact Member
Home Page: http://www.pahouse.com/oliver

Hon. Frank Louis Oliver
2839 West Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19130
(215) 684-3738
Fax: (215) 235-4629

Hon. Frank Louis Oliver
34E East Wing
PO Box 202195
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2195
(717) 787-3480
Fax: (717) 783-0684


New member
Hey T.M. thanks for all of this great info. I am getting my to do list in order. i support this issue 100% and have been unable to find a for real org other than NORML to help out with.
Keep the faith.


The next thing going on is Lobbyists needed for March 8th and 9th9:00 a.m. to Noon at the capital in Harrisburg. This is huge and very important

717-235-2840, 717-873-3254

as far as another hearing hearing it would be best to call frank Olivers office and ask his secretary when the next meeting will be if they get enough calls they will set up the next hearing I already have plans to call on monday

Contact Information:
E-Mail: Click here to contact Member
Home Page: http://www.pahouse.com/oliver

Hon. Frank Louis Oliver
2839 West Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19130
(215) 684-3738
Fax: (215) 235-4629

Hon. Frank Louis Oliver
34E East Wing
PO Box 202195
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2195
(717) 787-3480
Fax: (717) 783-0684


Yes everything on the first post still applies


Educational March and Protest in the month of March at the same location in York at the George Street US-30 Intersection.
SATURDAY MARCH 13th 12-2pm
(weather permitting)
(meet on Weis Market parking lot, same as last time)

Educational March and Protest in East Stroudsburg.
Location still to be determined
(weather permitting)
(local folks will have to follow me up)

Signs and Literature will be provided but feel free to bring your own,
just make sure they are legible and appropriate

Just So You Know
You are welcome to wear sunglasses, hats, facepaint,
no masks are to be worn or face coverings

I had 13 events last year and cops showed up at every one of them with no hassles or arrests. The police are not the enemy our legislators who are divorced from reality and science are!

2nd Annual March on the Capital FOR HB 1393

When: April 20th, 2010
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Where: Main Steps into the Capital

Do not continue to sit by silently and let these legislators ruin our state. 13 events and no one arrested nor target…nothing period! Again the police are not the enemy. It is the law makers who need the reality check. Lets give them just that in November 2010, but we need to begin organizing now. If you choose to live in fear then you will always live in fear. The truth will set you free. Light defeats darkness. Come out with the truth into the light and with courage, put fear where it belongs on these legislators. A bill has been introduced, if you do not come forward now…then when will you? Now is the time to demand your civil rights. Tell your friends and neighbors! If you love this country like I do, then I will see you on the steps April 20th!

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