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Mac vs. PC - the great debate


yup, depends on what you want to do...

yup, depends on what you want to do...

but for shits and giggles you can't beat this with a stick!

only $320 usd on newegg

great portability, long battery life and the 10" screen is perfectly adequate.

Brand ASUS
Series Eee PC Seashell
Model 1005HA-PU1X-BU
Part# 90OA1BB64111131U11HQ
Color Royal Blue
Operating System
OS Provided Windows XP Home
CPU Type Intel Atom
CPU Speed N280(1.66GHz)
CPU L2 Cache 512KB
Chipset Intel 945GSE
Screen Size 10.1"
Widescreen Display Yes
Display Type WSVGA
Max Resolution 1024 x 600
Display Feature LED backlight
Graphics Processor Intel GMA950
Video Memory Shared system memory
Memory Speed DDR2
Memory 1GB
Hard Drive
Hard Drive Spec + 10GB Internet Storage
Dimension & Weight
Dimension 10.31" x 7.01" x 1.02-1.44"
Weight 2.81 lbs.
Netbook Camera
Camera Type Built-in
Camera Pixels 1.3 Megapixel
LAN 10/100Mbps
WLAN 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN
Bluetooth Yes
Expansion / Connectivity
Video Ports 1 x VGA
Audio Ports Audio Jack - Out (3.5mm)
Audio Jack - In (3.5mm)
Audio Hi-Definition Audio CODEC
Digital Array Mic
Speaker Built-in stereo speakers
Input Device
Touchpad Yes
Keyboard Standard
Card Reader
Card Reader MMC/SD(SDHC)
Battery 6-Cell 63Wh Li-ion Battery
Battery Life 10.5 hours


LOL I can't wait till the day MAC shares an equal part of the market. The day when MAC fanboys will realize their system wasn't immune to being hacked or getting viruses after all. It is only that way b/c the people writing the malware or hackers trying to make botnets didn't waste their time on a system that only accounts for about 10% of the total internet connections. Think about it... when time is not on your side such as malware, you want to infect as many users as quickly as possible before the anti-virus companies put it on a black list, you won't be trying to infect an operating system that you are not likely to bump into.


Active member
but for shits and giggles you can't beat this with a stick!

only $320 usd on newegg

Those netbooks are complete crap and atom processors are weak, but to each his own. Everybody has different uses and requirements for their machines.



imho it just doesnt matter what HW or OS you run .. afterall its all a big pile of shit :p


Active member
PC's are deff. the best for gaming. Macs software for gaming sucks

That is 100% true. If somebody is a hardcore gamer or intends to play a lot of games, OS X is not the best choice for that. You can install windows on a Mac now though with no probs ever since Mac switched over to intel.



Active member
lets see does mac crash NO

does mac go blue screen NO

does mac get virus NO

does mac get hacked NO

Macs crash. Macs get viruses. Macs get hacked.

Its not about money or looks its about the product working each and everytime as expected

its about installing a proggy in like 3 seconds versus 2 hours

its about function

PC's just dont function man

You're comparing Macs and PCs by saying things install faster? :jerkit: If PCs don't function, then how the hell have I been using a computer for the past 10 years?

Fact is MAC is a better product bottom line there is no debate

That's not a fact. That's an opinion.

I was just trying to get the point across that there is no debate due to MAC being a a better product no matter how you slice it. And by that i mean they look better feel better run smoother and faster n have a greater ease of use.


Looks better = Opinion, and nothing more

Feel better = WTF does that mean? I just rubbed my PC and it felt nice. :dunno:

Run smoother and faster = Smoother and faster than what? I can almost guarantee my PC will run smoother and faster than your Mac. But either way, that's a ridiculous statement. There are tons of different Macs, and there are tons of different PCs.

Greater ease of use = Opinion

But i would go around saying that PC is very virus prone

I've used PCs for 15 years. I've used Macs too. I've used PCs that I've built myself for the past 6 years. I've never had anti virus programs, and guess what? I've never had a virus! If you take some basic preventative measures you've got nothing to worry about with viruses, but don't go around making ignorant statements like this.

You're acting like you're talking about facts, but really, these are all pretty fanboyish comparisons.


like I said in my first post, if you aren't in the video/media editing business there is absolutely no reason to purchase a mac.


lets see does mac crash NO

does mac go blue screen NO

does mac get virus NO

does mac get hacked NO

Did Microsoft steal appels OS yes and they always have and do and always will when ever apple puts out new product.

Which is better???

It's no question. If you have never owned a mac then you have no opinion.

My PC does not crash, does not go blue screen. Windows 7 is faster than Kenny Powers' fastball.

I've had a PC since 1990 and I have never once in my life gotten a virus or been hacked. I was pirating warez and music on AOL before the kid had the idea for napster, so it's not like I only go to church websites. Not downloading everything that pops up your screen and attempting to win $10 million by playing whack-a-whatever-celebrity-is-infamous is how you don't get viruses.

Iphone is pretty awesome also. There's so many new innovations in that phone.

They took an ipod and added the ability to make phone calls and that is a new innovation? To me that seems like they took two existing products and combined them.

I just took a shit and put a bow tie on it.
one word: INNOVATION

Apple has a more aesthetically pleasing OS, that is why artists, musicians and creative people gravitate towards Mac. It simply looks and feels better when using it. People who have an eye for design understand this. People who don't understand this are happy with a PC running windows or whatever.

You seriously just said you bought a mac because the OS was prettier and made my point for me; "oooo shiny!"

I remember a few years ago people with "an eye for design" in New York City at some fancy art gallery had a display of "art" where a guy threw his feces at canvas.

These art experts have an "eye for design" so they use macs. Personally I don't prefer to play with my shit.

But then again my shit doesn't have a one button mouse. :laughing:

for most people to get a hackintosh that works 95% good, but I think that very few people have one that is 100% perfect, where every thing runs completely as it should.

If you claim to use 100% of your computer's features you are full of shit. I'd bet the average person probably uses less than 50% of their computer's features. Why do you think netbooks market so well? Nobody uses laptops for much but internet and word processing.


Active member
You seriously just said you bought a mac because the OS was prettier and made my point for me; "oooo shiny!"

Yes, Macs look better. I'm not just talking about the hardware, but also the OS, the layouts, the fonts etc. Basically everything. It's like with cars, some people like the way a Ferrari looks and other people are perfectly happy with driving a prius. They both get you from point A to B.

And that "one button" mouse statement is pure ignorance. You can use any mouse you want, even one with 10 fucking buttons on it.

I'd rather navigate the cursor using my dick on my Mac trackpad as opposed to using a PC.

If you claim to use 100% of your computer's features you are full of shit. I'd bet the average person probably uses less than 50% of their computer's features.

Yes, I use all of the vital features on the computer 100%. I am talking about vital features such as usb, firewire, ethernet, sleep, audio etc. Somebody using a hackintosh will very likely not have all of those vital features working fully. Do you know anything at all about hackintoshes, because that is what I was specifically talking about.

Why do you think netbooks market so well? Nobody uses laptops for much but internet and word processing.

That is true. The average person doesn't need a whole lot from a computer besides the internet and a few other things. I am not an average person.



People pay the high $$$ price for Macs for one reason: Mac OS X.

windows is GARBAGE!!!!


it is worth it to spend the extra money so you have a computer that you can actually use without freezing.

Mac Hardware is nothing special... it's all about OS X. Plus Apple's tech support is the best in the industry, by FAR. (because they can afford it.)

however, if you value RAM and gigahertz more than your sanity, go for a PC
/end thread


to put it simply mac is better for people who arnt very computer savey

Pretty much. These are the same people that can't maintain a Windows OS without infecting their machine with a million trojans within the first week.

I never got over the fact that the iMac had a one button mouse because Macintosh believed 2 buttons would be too complicated for the user. LMAO!


Active member
Pretty much. These are the same people that can't maintain a Windows OS without infecting their machine with a million trojans within the first week.

It's actually the exact opposite. Apple completely dominates the high end PC market. Market research backs up that statement. And apparently, the people who are the most knowledgeable and have the most money to spend choose Macs again and again.

It is the average joe who is totally clueless about computers and who goes and buys one of those $300-$400 crappy netbooks. Your average PC user is not somebody who builds their own mega machine and maintains it.



It's actually the exact opposite. Apple completely dominates the high end PC market. Market research backs up that statement. And apparently, the people who are the most knowledgeable and have the most money to spend choose Macs again and again.

People with more money also buy more expensive cars and that doesn't make them better. My subaru held up far longer than my parent's cadillac and they paid over twice as much. People buy mercedes and bmw to satisfy their ego. "Look at me, I'm important, I drive a Mercedes."

People who buy Sony tvs tend to always buy Sony tvs also. It is called brand loyalty. Nobody wants to admit that they made the wrong purchase.

but let me rerun that one
Apple completely dominates the high end PC market.

Apple doesn't dominate a market it isn't in. That is like saying taco bell dominates the fast food hamburger market.

have the most money to spend

So people who can't afford apples don't buy apples? As Keanu would say: woah.


A dell is a PC. Technically speaking, a Mac is also a PC.

PC = personal computer

The main thing that separates Macs from the other machines is the operating system.

Then why does apple spend so much money advertising "MAC > PC." X can not be greater than Y if X is Y. If a mac is a pc then apple's commercials should advertise "mac=pc."

Apple goes through great lengths to sell people that macs aren't pcs, that macs are better than pcs. They try to say pcs are a thing of the past and macs are the future.

If you advertise that you are not a pc, then you don't dominate the pc market.

apples are like roors. They do the same job but cost twice as much.


Active member
Then why does apple spend so much money advertising "MAC > PC." X can not be greater than Y if X is Y. If a mac is a pc then apple's commercials should advertise "mac=pc."

PC's have always historically been associated with windows. When Apple is making fun of PC, I don't think that they're making fun of PC hardware, they're mostly making fun of windows.


Bud Bug

>lets see does mac crash NO


Well they built it around hardware so they handpicked what was the most compatible. If you like what Apples tells you to do and what hardware you should use and pay extra for it then go with a Mac

does mac go blue screen NO


Haven't seen a BSOD since early windows XP. Haven't seen one yet in Vista/7 or any of the Linux distros I've used.

does mac get virus NO

It can and it will. If it didn't why would it have this http://www.apple.com/macosx/security/

>does mac get hacked NO

Yes just ask the UNIX/BSD guys, they never get hacked.

>If you have never owned a mac then you have no opinion.

I don't want to and never will. I'd like to use my hardware as I wish and not how some company tell me it should be used.

Also my head it not big enough to fit the ego that comes with Mac owner ship and I can't afford these pockets



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