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Feds tell ebay to stop sales of high times

Feds tell ebay to stop sales of high times

  • Yes!

    Votes: 220 55.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 127 32.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 47 11.9%

  • Total voters


Well the same auctions that were up several days ago are STILL up.

Hate on ebay, PayPal, Meg Whitman, whatever, but the whole story about the feds making them pull HT Mag form auctions is BS.


Just an observation...
I don't know if I believe the story to start with..not as reported anyway.
I also don't care much for ebay or paypal. I don't do business with ebay, but paypal has some very questionable practices.
If the feds mandated a book ban, there is no need for discussion, as it will eventually be rectified in the courts.

But let me add this...in my humble opinion, had this story popped up two years ago, these posts would be FULL of George Bush. I would bet my eye teeth that the majority of posters in this thread would make a GW comment. Yet, I hear very little to nothing about Obama orchestrating this fiasco.


I wouldn't think of it as a double standard in the way you are. Think of it more like "we have a limit per person of how much shit we'll take." Although Obama might be pissing people off, he hasn't hit the level Bush did with the prolonged Patriot Act, the war that's been dragging on for what's getting close to a decade, blocking stem cell research, and some of the other things that piss people off.

Also, you're on a liberal forum. Of course there's some bias and double standards. Fox News tried to make Al Gore look like an idiot because there was a snowstorm on the eastern board. I think Comedy Central (The Daily Show) did a pretty good job pointing out the problem. Just because there's one snowstorm in one region of one continent doesn't mean there isn't global warming.

^And I don't think Global Warming is the problem people are making it out to be... I'm just saying that to say a snowstorm means no global warming is laughable.

So yeah, there's bias no matter which side you go to. If you're in a liberal internet forum full of stoners and expect educated, unbiased responses, you're just looking for frustration.


What the hell!! Our tax dollars are being spent on selling or not selling old issues of HT on E-Bay. More failure of the system.


Active member
ICMag Donor
xfargox, I think that you will find that about half of the people get pissed off at what the other half does or doesn't do. What pissed you off about Bush, such as the Patriot Act, that was put in place to protect us from an enemy during a time of war, and hasn't infringed on your rights one bit, may not piss me off...not near as bad as it pisses me off that folks threw around vile and baseless charges at George Bush. See there are two sides to everything. Many only see they're side, which is glossed often by their perception of things.
Take for example your perception of this place. I didn't read anything about it being a bastion of liberalism. And I bet you would be surprised by just how many "conservative" people are here enjoying this place and all it's about.

And I think that you may also find that there are some very intelligent people here. From all walks of life, including professionals. But I understand the perception of this being a den full of stoners. lol....

Perceptions often suck.

I am of firm belief that if a person does consider themselves to be on the side of decriminalizing mj, then they have no choice but to subscribe to a conservative doctrine.
Thinking that liberal means allowing more freedom is, well, it's mostly a fucked up perception at best, and not in line with reality.


New member
xfargox, I think that you will find that about half of the people get pissed off at what the other half does or doesn't do. What pissed you off about Bush, such as the Patriot Act, that was put in place to protect us from an enemy during a time of war, and hasn't infringed on your rights one bit, may not piss me off...not near as bad as it pisses me off that folks threw around vile and baseless charges at George Bush. See there are two sides to everything. Many only see they're side, which is glossed often by their perception of things.
Take for example your perception of this place. I didn't read anything about it being a bastion of liberalism. And I bet you would be surprised by just how many "conservative" people are here enjoying this place and all it's about.

And I think that you may also find that there are some very intelligent people here. From all walks of life, including professionals. But I understand the perception of this being a den full of stoners. lol....

Perceptions often suck.

I am of firm belief that if a person does consider themselves to be on the side of decriminalizing mj, then they have no choice but to subscribe to a conservative doctrine.
Thinking that liberal means allowing more freedom is, well, it's mostly a fucked up perception at best, and not in line with reality.

I wouldn't say this is entirely accurate.

The Patriot Act is hardly patriotic.

1. Financial Issues - It installed a whole new branch of government. (I don't have a $ fig. but I think we can all agree it's more than a wheelbarrow full of $). This it a tremendous burden at a time when we are literally on the brink of collapse.

2. Safety - Would you really say you feel safer since the Patriot Act? Personally I have more fear of a police state that has no respect for the law they enforce. By their own reports they have convicted many in their own ranks

3. Constitutionality - It absolutely lays waste to the Bill Of Rights, when they say they can strip people of their rights. But they're doing it while they can get away with it. Someone has to get this before the Supreme Court. Law Enforcement wasn't designed to go corporate.

As far as the Rep./Dem. mock war goes. It appears it don't matter which of the 2 parties are in. They're both selling us out for their own greed. The system isn't broke, the people in the system are.


Active member
ICMag Donor
1. Financial Issues - It installed a whole new branch of government. (I don't have a $ fig. but I think we can all agree it's more than a wheelbarrow full of $). This it a tremendous burden at a time when we are literally on the brink of collapse.
It was installed at the very start of financial woes, just after the Clinton recession had begun. But the nation, even during a time of war prospered for several years afterward. And how many attacks have we experienced since the Patriot Act was enacted?

2. Safety - Would you really say you feel safer since the Patriot Act? Personally I have more fear of a police state that has no respect for the law they enforce. By their own reports they have convicted many in their own ranks
The only "police state" anyone experienced was past the gate at an airport. The reports that these blogs give out to back up our rights being violated by the Patriot Act, are actually reports of the acts of individuals, acting on their own, and not on behalf of the Patriot Act.

3. Constitutionality - It absolutely lays waste to the Bill Of Rights, when they say they can strip people of their rights. But they're doing it while they can get away with it. Someone has to get this before the Supreme Court. Law Enforcement wasn't designed to go corporate.
Many of the provision of the act were made with sunset clauses, meaning they knew this wasn't something we wanted to keep, and much of the act has/had expiration dates attached. And "someone" already has started challenging the act, most of which are suing on principle, rather than showing damages.


New member
It was installed at the very start of financial woes, just after the Clinton recession had begun. But the nation, even during a time of war prospered for several years afterward. And how many attacks have we experienced since the Patriot Act was enacted?

The only "police state" anyone experienced was past the gate at an airport. The reports that these blogs give out to back up our rights being violated by the Patriot Act, are actually reports of the acts of individuals, acting on their own, and not on behalf of the Patriot Act.

Many of the provision of the act were made with sunset clauses, meaning they knew this wasn't something we wanted to keep, and much of the act has/had expiration dates attached. And "someone" already has started challenging the act, most of which are suing on principle, rather than showing damages.

Move along, nothing to see here, were just slaughtering a few sheep. SHH

I'm sure glad the government doesn't abuse it's powers again & again, jamming up decent human beings for greed.

Is it just me, or has corruption just gone so far, that they are readily admitting to it and saying "yeah-so".

In the past there was at least a little bit integrity, yeah all politicians are probably crooks to one degree or another. But today there is no integrity. Everyone is making $ off of legislation that we taxpayers paid them to enact. It also looks like every pos piece of legislation restricts more and more people either with money or the illusion of safety.

I think there are basically 2 ideologies here, I believe.

1. A free nation of free people with just & common sense laws.
We actually weren't designed to have a police force in the constitution. I believe America was design to be self ruling. But I will agree with the need for law enforcement, but with common sense.

2. A nation of slaves bound to serve and pay taxes to a government that will conspire behind closed doors to legally pay each other off with votes on more corrupt and greedy laws. And have a bunch of tax collectors wearing blue uniforms and carrying badges to legally shake you down with a ticket, or you do go to court when you haven't done anything wrong and then they really hit you up for some "Taxes". Let's not even get into the war on citizens er. I mean drugs.
Entrapment - it's down right immoral & illegal.

The Constitution was designed to keep us from what is now happening. This is why people are mad.
This doesn't piss you off that this is happening?
Take for example your perception of this place. I didn't read anything about it being a bastion of liberalism. And I bet you would be surprised by just how many "conservative" people are here enjoying this place and all it's about.

But due to the neocons that are the majority of the republican party you post this in Holland and not in the USA. This melding of Ron Paul's Libertarian views and the neocons running the republican party is a marriage that wont last. You may be a blushing brides maid now but you'll have a short reply in response to any republican authored bills legalizing marijuana.


xfargox, I think that you will find that about half of the people get pissed off at what the other half does or doesn't do. What pissed you off about Bush, such as the Patriot Act, that was put in place to protect us from an enemy during a time of war, and hasn't infringed on your rights one bit, may not piss me off...not near as bad as it pisses me off that folks threw around vile and baseless charges at George Bush. See there are two sides to everything. Many only see they're side, which is glossed often by their perception of things.
Take for example your perception of this place. I didn't read anything about it being a bastion of liberalism. And I bet you would be surprised by just how many "conservative" people are here enjoying this place and all it's about.

And I think that you may also find that there are some very intelligent people here. From all walks of life, including professionals. But I understand the perception of this being a den full of stoners. lol....

Perceptions often suck.

I am of firm belief that if a person does consider themselves to be on the side of decriminalizing mj, then they have no choice but to subscribe to a conservative doctrine.
Thinking that liberal means allowing more freedom is, well, it's mostly a fucked up perception at best, and not in line with reality.

I didn't say everyone was a stereotypical stoner hippie. I said that there are more liberals here than conservatives, and I'm pretty sure it's the truth. If you asked people here if they'd rather vote McCain or Obama in, I'm pretty sure most would pick Obama.

And if you "subscribe to a conservative doctrine," then you're siding with the party that's trying to reverse any and all advancements that have been made in the MMJ/legalization effort. Maybe in theory you're right, but I would say that the notion is, as you put it, "not in line with reality."

I would not vote for McCain. He's a republican (unless you want to differentiate conservatism and republicans as I know they aren't necessarily the same thing) and you say that he should be, in realistic terms, granting more freedoms than Obama. McCain is against net neutrality, legalizing marijuana in any form, abortion, and gay marriage. Limiting those doesn't sound like more freedom to me. If I'm mistaken, I'd be genuinely interested to understand my error in thinking.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Things are not judged solely on McCain and Obama.
McCain an experienced idiot, Obama an inexperienced idiot. Neither a champion of the American Way.

And no advancements have been made by either party on the national level, and none have really made any sort of statements that they intend to make any sort of substantive changes in mj legislation. -Save for Ron Paul, and I don't think the left gets to claim him.
You could maybe point out local level legislation that gets hampered by a so called Republican, but that really isn't the issue.
There is nothing in the liberal platform that I can see that shows promise that we may rid ourselves of this crazy taboo that has been placed on a plant. However, if we truly believe in freedom and personal rights, as we would have if our Constitution were more closely adhered to, then we can only have hope that the Conservative movement,,,including both the republican and libertarian stripe, will end it.
But there are far more important things to be changed at present than pot. We will get to that.


May your race always be in your favor
There's only one political party in this country. The corporate party, which pays our legislators to vote the way they are told. The only way it will change is when everyone vote the bastrds out and we start over with a new bunch until the money corrupts them too.:moon:The Supreme court made sure the corporations have the power they want.

Flying Goat

Delighted to see those who would boycott are ahead in the poll!

Only by voting with our pocketbooks can we hope to achieve victory over prejudice & ignorance.

EBay should know by now that, altho at one time they were the leader, nowadays there are just too many places to get things from...

Three cheers for US! :jump:


New member
i support my local businesses just on the principle of keeping my cash out of corporate bonuses and politics. ebay has been a joke for at least 5 years...there's no real deals.there's always a catch. why stop at ebay...don't support the home despot..take a look at where there political donations go. all corperations are the same. i feel especially strong about this because i am a local business. help out your neighbor and you will help yourself!


Just Call me Urkle!!
Ebay is sooooooo corrupt and they HAVE to know there are tons of dudes on there selling stolen shit!! I know dudes that have bought houses and cars solely being thieves and listing shit on Ebay for half the price brand new!!! Do it for years and years and never get caught that shit blows me away!! Not too mention like somebody else said sodomy being illegal in some states but yet they sell gay porn(no I don't have any problem with gay and lesbian folks) with no problem WTF! This country is so contradicting these days I'm shocked the kids growing up haven't gone nuts yet. It seems like all the shit they taught me in school I was FORCED TO GO TO OR MOM GOES TO JAIL! Is not true anymore like free speech for example, NBC payed millions of dollars so folks couldn't say Olympics on TV or they will be sued WTF!!! I say again WTF!!! Shit is so damn backwards these days it's amazing and it's the Pharmaceutical Corporations that run shit they make the MOST MONEY and pay to keep shit how they want. I heard the other day if a Doctor cures cancer without using Chemo or Prescription medication they go to jail! Then you got the Petroleum Industry that really stops natural shit like Cannabis being used to make everyday items and textiles ect..

Voting with our wallets and pocket books really is all we can do cuz when the profit starts dropping on them THEY'LL TAKE NOTICE since it's really all they care about. Fuck you and me and the dudes on the front lines protecting our so called "safety" LOL MOTHERFUCKER we aren't in danger and if assholes came sneaking in our shit with guns trying to take over they would have our military and the cartels to deal with and they aren't gonna let shit get taken.... Stop listening to the media, read free press newspapers and listen to real free speech radio shows that report on what's really going on.. We are so easily distracted with dumb shit like reality shows like Jersey Shore!! Who fucking cares what a bunch of douche bags do in a house!!! While you're caring about that shit politicians are sliding bills through unnoticed that will eventually have us in shitty situations.. FUCK THE PATRIOT ACT!!! That shit can declare us as enemies if we don't agree with those in power and I could have sworn that's why we left Europe and came here starting our own country to be ran by the people not a monarchy which it seems to be now... Secret Societies like Skull and Bones and Book and Snake the Bohemian Grove are very real things with very powerful wealthy men not rich but wealthy!! Big difference Wealth men write Rich mens paychecks.. These assholes discuss policy behind closed doors and decide who's gonna run what states ect and we all just let it happen cuz heaven forbid questioning things. Don't want to do anything to disturb that happy lil suburban lifestyle huh? Until people realize that we will continue to lose our freedoms and pay more taxes.... Which I'd still like to see the laws that state we HAVE to pay income tax after seeing Zeigeist ....

For those who think I'm just a paranoid nut watch the following then comeback..
Grass - The History of Marijuna
Alex Jones : Martial Law 9-11 Rise of The Police State, Masters of Evil, Dark Secrets: Inside The Bohemian Grove and any other documentary he's put out and you will see we are living in a country working it's way to a one world government and if it's hard for you to believe just think about how much they lie about the effects of Cannabis and have a huge war on drugs putting people in jail for shooting heroin but turn around and hand it out in pill form like it's fucking skittles!


Sounds more like a political move on Whitman's part. It sounds like they are using the feds as an excuse. I haven't heard exactly WHO or WHAT federal agency made this request. I just checked amazon and Barnes and Noble and you can still purchase cannabis themed books and mags there so it doesnt seem to be a blanket internet prohibition. The whole thing seems odd. One problem with the original post. Sodomy laws arent on the books in Virginia or any where else in the US. The Supreme Court invalidated them in Lawrence vs. Texas. Peace.


Too bad man! I used to use ebay to sell used car parts bought cheaper on other forums. Made some good change, people sell things so cheap on forums, its easy to turn it around.

Bye Ebay.

Whats next, google bans marijuana searching?


Active member
the feds have probably beaten the constitution cause all they did was make a request not make a law or threaten prosicution,ebay is to blame cause they wont stand up to them.sad really, i wont buy/sell anything from there site.really sad if ya think about it,a american company that wont stand up for 1st ammenment rights? somthing is fundimentaly wrong their.