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I wonder if it´s possible to grow with hydro in a computer ?
My computer is an almost hightower, so its quite high and large :)

So i wonder if it´s possible and if maybe someone already did that...

if you have some tips of a possible setup for my grow and maybe it there is a guide or something that have´nt found... of would appriciate that!



it would have to be very compact and very custom, but I don't see why you couldn't get it to work. Search through the forums. if it's doable, someone has probably done it.



New member
From my experience, trying to do a hydro grow with DWC takes up too much vertical space to be effective. Aeroponic/NFT method is a bit easier to scale down in a small enclosure like a PC case, but scaling ANY hydroponic system into an enclosure that small means you would need a smaller reservoir, which means frequent topping, temperature fluctuation, and other water issues. If this reservoir were external from the PC your job is a lot easier, but you are battling heat, space, and a million other factors already.


New member
it would have to be very compact and very custom, but I don't see why you couldn't get it to work. Search through the forums. if it's doable, someone has probably done it.


yeah i also thought that it had to be compact and customed but there is always a way to solve it, i think ;) i could´nt really find a hydro grow in a pc or something like that :)

From my experience, trying to do a hydro grow with DWC takes up too much vertical space to be effective. Aeroponic/NFT method is a bit easier to scale down in a small enclosure like a PC case, but scaling ANY hydroponic system into an enclosure that small means you would need a smaller reservoir, which means frequent topping, temperature fluctuation, and other water issues. If this reservoir were external from the PC your job is a lot easier, but you are battling heat, space, and a million other factors already.

okey but as you say if i had some of the parts outside the computer it would maybe be a lot easier, some links to good guides? :) so i know which parts and stuff exactly you mean that i would need to the grow...
Hey Haligowski, im about 2 weeks away from harvesting my DWC. I use a 1 gallon plastic tub with an airstone and pump and cut holes in lid for net pots.
The air pump is a little loud and makes the pc less stealth.
With the smaller res does come more work with keepin ph in range and nutrients.


Sure you could, I was messing around with the same idea for the fun of it with a full tower and a micro DWC / scrog setup. 2ft T5s, home made carbon scrubber and a couple of PC fans.

I never built it though, changed my mind about wasting cuttings for a microgrow when I have a full size flowering room.


New member
I built aeroponically using a 4" pvc fence post for potting and a tote as the reservoir. The dimensions of my case were 21"x 8.5" x 21". I built an aeroponic/nft start-to finish system with 2 plants under a scrog. I basically made it so that the tote was inside under my pvc fence pots and they both tilted towards the center of the PC case where I had a drain going back into the reservoir. This helped with reservoir temps as the light was not directly hitting my tote. The Aeroponic pump i used was a small 180 gallon pump fitted with a PVC manifold and just drilled 4 holes to put in EZ clone misters that went into the pvc fence post. (2 misters per pot). I used no media in this grow situation.

You will run into temperature problems with the pump in such a small water reservoir. You will run into big swings in PH and PPM as well because of the small reservoir as well. I had a PC water-cooling unit that I was considering using for an ebb/flow system that can stand separately from the PC, so you can justify an outside res as your "water cooling" unit for the sake of "stealth". Forgive me being facetious because I hardly thought the thing was stealth in the end. Between the sound of the spraying and the air stone going off in my tote - It was just kinda a nightmare, but a nightmare that had a somewhat happy ending.

I don't have any pics of the old thing because I have moved on to different things with the same parts, but the low pressure system did what I wanted it to - just with a lot of heartache along the way.
Yes, it is possible! I currently have a DWC setup in a old Chieftec Dragon Case. I wish it was maybe a inch or two taller, but it works perfectly. I completed my first case about 2 weeks ago, and my lil seedling loving it. After building the first one i got to understand the workings alittle bit more, and decided that once I have a couple extra bucks laying around I will revise the whole thing to make it look a bit nicer. I'm using a 1/2 gallon rez for my DWC, granted, thats small, but it works. I swap out the water every 3 days. I dont mess with trying to top the rez or any of that. I havent run into any issues yet. Granted im still in the very early stage of growing at this point

Check out my build at https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=158868


New member
Hey Haligowski, im about 2 weeks away from harvesting my DWC. I use a 1 gallon plastic tub with an airstone and pump and cut holes in lid for net pots.
The air pump is a little loud and makes the pc less stealth.
With the smaller res does come more work with keepin ph in range and nutrients.

okay but what du you mean with DWC because i´ve never heard about it, any pictures on your grow? Which setup did you use ? nutrients and all that? :) content of your grow? :)

Sure you could, I was messing around with the same idea for the fun of it with a full tower and a micro DWC / scrog setup. 2ft T5s, home made carbon scrubber and a couple of PC fans.

I never built it though, changed my mind about wasting cuttings for a microgrow when I have a full size flowering room.

sweet but do you have and pictures on your grow in the computer? DWC? :) and how was the final harvest then ? satisfied?
yeah if i could i would grow in a tent or something but right now i can´t so it need to be kind a stealth project :)

built aeroponically using a 4" pvc fence post for potting and a tote as the reservoir. The dimensions of my case were 21"x 8.5" x 21". I built an aeroponic/nft start-to finish system with 2 plants under a scrog. I basically made it so that the tote was inside under my pvc fence pots and they both tilted towards the center of the PC case where I had a drain going back into the reservoir. This helped with reservoir temps as the light was not directly hitting my tote. The Aeroponic pump i used was a small 180 gallon pump fitted with a PVC manifold and just drilled 4 holes to put in EZ clone misters that went into the pvc fence post. (2 misters per pot). I used no media in this grow situation.

You will run into temperature problems with the pump in such a small water reservoir. You will run into big swings in PH and PPM as well because of the small reservoir as well. I had a PC water-cooling unit that I was considering using for an ebb/flow system that can stand separately from the PC, so you can justify an outside res as your "water cooling" unit for the sake of "stealth". Forgive me being facetious because I hardly thought the thing was stealth in the end. Between the sound of the spraying and the air stone going off in my tote - It was just kinda a nightmare, but a nightmare that had a somewhat happy ending.

I don't have any pics of the old thing because I have moved on to different things with the same parts, but the low pressure system did what I wanted it to - just with a lot of heartache along the way.

okey sounds good but about the temerature problem i heard little about it and i can put the water/air pump outside the computer but i don´t need to be exactly a stealth grow but kind of a :)
tips about a good setup maybe? :) se i know which parts will fit and work good with the grow :) which strains did you use? because it need to be a low growing otherwise it would´nt fit :) but where you satisfied about you grow or was it okej or something? :)

Here's 2 I can think of Aerohead's and D.I.trY's.
thank´s a lot and i have already seen them and they were good i think :) but and tips about strains ? good setup? :)

Yes, it is possible! I currently have a DWC setup in a old Chieftec Dragon Case. I wish it was maybe a inch or two taller, but it works perfectly. I completed my first case about 2 weeks ago, and my lil seedling loving it. After building the first one i got to understand the workings alittle bit more, and decided that once I have a couple extra bucks laying around I will revise the whole thing to make it look a bit nicer. I'm using a 1/2 gallon rez for my DWC, granted, thats small, but it works. I swap out the water every 3 days. I dont mess with trying to top the rez or any of that. I havent run into any issues yet. Granted im still in the very early stage of growing at this point

Check out my build at https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=158868

okey sweet but what´s DWC never heard about it ? :) were you satisfied about your grow? any more pictures on that ? which setup did you exactly use? nutrients? and tips about some low growing strains? :)
okey sweet but what´s DWC never heard about it ? :) were you satisfied about your grow? any more pictures on that ? which setup did you exactly use? nutrients? and tips about some low growing strains? :)

Sorry, I think we're encountering a language barrier... That is my first grow, so am I satisfied? Well, I will be able to tell you that in about 8 weeks or so :) I hope I will. More pictures? i think I got every angle covered, but if you need another picture, let me know what you are trying to see, and I can try to clarify it for you. What Setup did i use? DWC, aka bubbler aka bubble bucket. Nutrients are General Hydroponics Bloom and Micro. Low grow strains? No idea, cant help you there


New member
Sorry, I think we're encountering a language barrier... That is my first grow, so am I satisfied? Well, I will be able to tell you that in about 8 weeks or so :) I hope I will. More pictures? i think I got every angle covered, but if you need another picture, let me know what you are trying to see, and I can try to clarify it for you. What Setup did i use? DWC, aka bubbler aka bubble bucket. Nutrients are General Hydroponics Bloom and Micro. Low grow strains? No idea, cant help you there

oh sorry when i aswered all the feedbacks i got i maybe read wrong, ;) i saw the pictures on you grow and i must say that i have almost exactly the same computer as you ;) hehe,
Did you connect your fans and lamps to the power supplier of the computer or how did you do? :) ANY guide on how the DWC works and such ? i would apprieciate that :)
oh sorry when i aswered all the feedbacks i got i maybe read wrong, ;) i saw the pictures on you grow and i must say that i have almost exactly the same computer as you ;) hehe,
Did you connect your fans and lamps to the power supplier of the computer or how did you do? :) ANY guide on how the DWC works and such ? i would apprieciate that :)

the power supply is powering the fans, the lights are seperately powered by a power strip that is hot glued to the top of the case. the wire for that hangs out the back, If you look at the picture titled external3.jpg you can see a white white coming out of one of the expansion slots, thats the power strip


New member
the power supply is powering the fans, the lights are seperately powered by a power strip that is hot glued to the top of the case. the wire for that hangs out the back, If you look at the picture titled external3.jpg you can see a white white coming out of one of the expansion slots, thats the power strip

okey thanks a lot ;) did you connect the to wires from the motherboard that is going to the power supplier? i mean the green and the brown one with each other? :)
I almost think its not worth using a PSU, even though I have one in my build, I plan on ripping it out ASAP and replacing it with a wall wart


I was going to use a psu in my vegging PC, but went with 120v fans from Radio Shack. My flowering PC will be using a wall wart type solution. I dislike the heat that the psu's put out

my PSU stays relatively cool, i even taped up the vents, so i havent noticed a problem... but i also found some mini ITX psu's for about $15 online, i may look into that to power fans, they are alot small than a regular psu