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Just simple convo...

Just simple convo...

Great Thread!
Been a fan for awhile.
Still have a pack of C99 f1's somewhere....
Here is a conversation I copied from OG or CW? I dont rememba..lol:moon:

Anyways here ya goes, ENJOY!!!

Mr Soul
When I breed, I consider it the male's "job" to contribute the genetics of the strain of which he is a
member. I mix the pollen from ALL the healthy males of a particular strain into one vial and pollinate a
chosen female. By doing so, I guarantee the most diverse group of genes representing the male's strain
are transfered to the female.
If you pollinate with a SINGLE male, you are only passing on a limited selection of the total possible
genes of his strain. Since males are not the intended "product" of our gardens, it's meaningless to try to
evaluate them by smoking them. The best possible outcome of choosing males based on their potency
would be the creation of a seedline that produces POTENT MALES...is that what you're breeding for?
I'm not.

Vic High
Hahaha we got a good one going here don't we. haha Ya your right mrsoul, my method would be a pipe
dream in this case but after looking at what I've seen being offered in the way of strains and the poor
breeding practices that went into creating them I feel that there is a need for some of us to go back to
the book and quit taking the shortcuts.
As for the selection of the male, lets compramise(sp?). The male can be selected for many traits other
than potency. Let's face it we already have some pretty potent pot. Why not have our males come from
a line that we already know is potent. Often we are now looking for other traits such as yield, growth
habits and the biggie for me, flavour. Also, often traits are somewhat linked. Like say the most potent
females are ????say purple??? for sake of argument. We would obviously pick males that are the most
purple along with having all the other desireable traits that we want. With common sense, worrying
about which male is the most potent is not something to loose sleep over as long as you use more than
one male and you have a good genetic foundation.

I'm sorry but I also agree with mrsoul about the inportance of genetic diversity. It's too easy to
accidently select for an undesirable trait with inbreeding or small gene pools. BC has the largest
clearcut in the world simply because they accidently bred the susceptibility of a bark beetle into the
entire line that was planted in a particular area. The beetles had a field day and drilled to their hearts
content. If you don't like my forestry analogy then consider our pets. So many dog breeds are prone to
deformities (like hip displacia) because of poor breeding. Even with certified breeding they can't seem
to get rid of it. It would be heart breaking to breed the perfect "kong" strain and then have an unknown
virus wipe it out simply because there was not enough genetic diversity for some to survive.
I fully agree VH with your comments about linked traits, enough potency already and greater interest in
taste. I'd add to that high type or quality. I simply can't understand why anyone wants pot that knocks
you off your feet with one bong hit and makes you stupid and sedated for 12-24 hours. It like some
macho competition "MORE POWER!!!!". Hit each other in the head with a hammer in you want to fall
down... smoke pot to get HIGH not down.

Vic high
To explain my methods is going to take a bit so please bear with me.
First of all I work on a perpetual harvest system where I harvest, start flowering, and clone every week.
At most times I have clones from each mother that I wish to breed along with my production crop.
After selecting the males I wish to keep I hold them in the veg room. Once every week one of them goes
into the flower room. When it's close to bursting I move it to a private room that I call the sex room.
Here I obtain the pollen and then go to the bud room, turn off the fans and then using a small artists
brush I brush the pollen onto a few lower buds of of each of the mothers that wish to breed. I then tag
the branch.
I'm able to repeat the process every week or two and therefore can go through many matings in a year. I
also mist the walls, ceiling and floor of the room between males to kill any lingering pollen that may be
lingering. The problem comes when I have all those seedlings to assess. This is the part that slows me
down. It's often challanging striking a balance between my main production clones and growing out the
I also believe in keeping two or more distinct lines that that can on occasion be crossed to take
advantage of hybrid vigour. I'm going to do this with my blueberry. I purchased seeds on two seperate
occasions and plan to keep their two lines seperate. They actually appear different in that the second
batch has wider and more blunt leaves. Curious.

Well, I'm truly pleased to have the intelligent discussion that developed on this important topic. It's just
the sort of discourse that would be taking place on the HBC S/G page if not for Voltaire's observation,
"The masses are asses" being so true.
Crane, I'm very happy to have your opinions adding to mine and VH's, you have my respect; you're a
gentleman and a scholar. I actually agree with most of what you say and in an ideal world we'd be doing
things more in line with yours and Vic's methods. I think by revealing my GOAL when breeding an f1
hybrid from two different strains (which isn't the same goal as in my "cubing the clone" of
Princess...that's another matter) I will explain why I breed as I do:
With my space limitations, I can flower no more than 40 seedlings when I grow out a batch of seeds, so
I am starting about 80 seeds when I do. These numbers are awfully small for breeding selection to be
done correctly. That's the reason why I prefer to have the seeds be the result of pollination by ALL the
males; there're going to be some that came from the best male, even if I didn't "pick" him out of the
When the seedlings are grown, my goal is to find the ONE or TWO best females to keep as clone
mothers to represent the cross. I usually mix pollen from no more than 10 males, so let's assume that
10% of the seed is the product of "the best" male. Then when I evaluate my 40 female seedlings (50%
of the 80 I started with), 4 of them will be his. That's enough for me to have my clone mothers from the
very first group of seedlings instead of growing & evaluating many groups of seedlings, each from a
different male...although I do lose the ID of the resonsible male.
With that in mind, I propose an improvement to my method, thanks to your comments: It would be
better to pollinate selected branches of the chosen female, each with the pollen of a different male (one
from each stud) and tag the branches accordingly. The seeds would then be labeled, kept separate, and
when grown out, only a small number of seeds (8 in my case) from each male would be combined to
make up my 80 starts. This would allow me to ID the responsible male when the superior group of
seedlings is identified. Once identified, he could then be used to mass-pollinate the selected female for
a HUGE batch of "superior" seeds.
The problem is that I don't have the space to keep clones of the males in veg, while I evaluate their
offspring. I admit that if my goal were to create a seedline, keeping the males would be
ESSENTIAL...otherwise, once the best father was identified, he'd no longer be around to perform "stud
service". So, you see that what I'm doing presently reflects my goal of creating a single MOTHER for
future propagation via CLONES, as opposed to creating a seedline.
Thanks so much to all for the stimulating discussion. I'm proud of the mature way we debated each
other...let's keep it up.


Peace and positive vibes.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Awesome nice read asiatica thanks..!!!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Very very informative to see how diff breeders see the usefullness of males in their programs.


Active member
Save the drama...

Save the drama...

Dude its time for an indica break.

What I simply meant was that....

I still have an original pack of BROTHERS GRIMM Cinderella99 from like a decade ago.
Bought it from HS for 150.00 just like everyone else from back in the day.
Im not saying anything other than that.
F1 or F2 or F100 aint my game brother.
Jus called em F1s out of simplicity/conveinience.

All im trying to do is throw out some info/convo.

Got a shitload of "Convo" so I thought it would be kool to throw some of it out there.
Had no idea there was so much drama/confusion regarding the C99 gear.
However you folks want to take it is your own.
Ill leave it up to "The masses"
The rest of you breeders can decypher it yourselves.

Please dont think im trying to "CONVO" with MrSoul and VicHigh...lolol
Those dudes are masters of the game, im still in rookie training camp.
I dont know enough about breeding so lemma clear this up again.

I have a pack of OG Bros Grimm C99 in original HS fashion (a couple folks know what im talkin about on that).
Even got the letter they used to send out with the orders to confirm what I have is "what I have".

Whether it is an "F1" or not...AGAIN...I have no idea...ill leave that up to the breeding masters.

I just called em F1's cause thats easy for me to rememba.
As far as what ill do with it, dont know either.
Maybe ill gift it to someone maybe ill put it up for auction maybe ill germ em and share em with the Kali med community.
Who knows.
Just throwing it out there.
Thats it and thats all.

As always....

Peace and positive vibes.

We need a "What filal generation is the BROTHERS GRIMM Original Cinderella99?" thread.
So all the IcMag master breeders/growers can discuss/talk/argue with each other.
Just leave me out of it, unless you need someone for smoke tests of course.


On a more civil note, we can't go back ten years and buy BG cindy, Benji your are a Mosca tester, how does their cindy compare?
I guess what I am trying to ask is "if you were going to buy cindy beans, who's would you buy?" Thanks, enjoyed reading most of this thread:)



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
just ~BUMP~

Sorry Rosy, but I put a lot of work into this! :tongue:

Too bad it got a bit derailed, but a lot of great info here. Hopefully a new page will get it back on track...
Anyone have anything to add?

See a lot of new C-99 offerings out there, how do they stack up?
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I remember running your A-11 F2s - they were really great. I like the clear high and the taste. Very easy to grow and quick. Definitely something I want to try again someday.


Great Thread!
Been a fan for awhile.
Still have a pack of C99 f1's somewhere....

Asiatica-- I picked up mine from HS back in about 2000. I pulled them out of the coin pack and moved them to a plastic vile, froze them within about 6 mos of receiving with a few shoebox desiccants in the outside container and still got 8/10 to pop a year or two ago. I hope this inspires you!

C99 is not technically an F1 since the P1 generation were not strains that were unique to eachother (although prolly stable enough)...Any progeny from a cubing is not technically an F1, in the classic sense of the term-- with the exception of perhaps the first cross. Folks, like Asiatica, realize this technicality and get beyond it since using the term F1 with a cubed project like C99 is still useful in that it continues to denote the number of filial generations removed from Souls original offering.

I hope I haven't contributed any off track motion. Thanks for resurrecting this thread HL-- It's a good one thanks in large part to you!
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
C'mon BENJI, 'fess up, you cleaned this puppy up, didn't you? :D

bcell, always a pleasure! :wave: Apollo will always be w/ me in some form, I've seen to that. ;)

Asiatica,Cinderella99, thx both for your contributions! :yes:

Can't believe you guy's have held on to those 10 yrs!

Grow the goodness!



Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
I cleaned up the thread and edited some posts so we can get on with what we came here for info and pics on Brothers Grimm strains thanks everyone for contributing especially Highlighter, Asiatica, Cinderella99 nice pic there highlighter m8...:biggrin:


Just stumbled upon this thread thanx to Highlighter's bump....nice work guys! I wonder if someone can help me identify which Apollo, 11 or 13, is in this cross....

Background Info: Cross: SAGE x Apollo 11 or 13
Flower Time: 49-56 Days
Taste/Smell: Orange/Tangerine w a SAGE aftertaste
Also, the nugs are very dense and it dries and cures perfectly! If you want to read the story behind this just click on my signature where it says SAGE' N Sweet.

Thanks for any help!


Here's a Highlighter A11 F2 I grew awhile back.

Nice stuff.


  • 444a11_50dayb.jpg
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i recall, about 6 yrs ago in Tampa/St Pete area, that C99 was eveerrrrrrrywhere. the sources were multiple, but every sample seemed almost identical, regardless. i remember wondering how so many diff unrelated people had the same bud for months at a itime. i then came across a particular sac that had about 5 hidden seeds deep within on the main stalk. so, whoev bred the Cindy must have missed the pollination & haphazardly spread or distributed the seeds along with the bud & Tampa was a happy town for a while. my point or problem is this, i never ever enjoyed the Cindy that was in Tampa. it was undoubtedly hydro set up, seemed there was no flush, & i felt like w white widow headache was running rampant upon every smoke. the problem was it looked & tasted so good, nobody had an issue spending 40 or 50 bucks to grab a sac. i just wonder how much C99 has been spread around & accepted as C99 b/c of the crappy seeded run the tampa guy made way back when......there really is soooo much horrible breeding & irresponsibility in an effort to make a few bucks, i am surprised the whole strain/breed of MJ hasn;t been wiped out by accident entirely yet from a idiot who spent $3000 on a 10pk of OracleGodJesus KC Mary &JoJo bud. I know it is not so easy to do so, & thats why it is important to use the p[ollen from 50 males rather than 1 like Soul says to ensure survival etc etc under allll conditions.


i have a 5 seed pack of original 'Apollo 11' back from heavens stairway days remember when you could buy 5 or 10 seeds... i dont know if they will be any good to germinate now as i have had them for many years now... i really should get around to see if they do germ or not one day....i just have so much other stuff going on right now...

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