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Florida Growers Thread

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Lol, I think Evl was being a bit of a jokester (he's got jokes!) as he already has his holy grail of starter pots in the green plastic Solo cups. But I'm checking that link for 5x5 clears as tha would rock so hard it's silly!

you got me thinking so im looking around. here is a link to clear Orchid pots and a quote from there site.

"Plastic orchid pots are a staple of any orchid grower because repotting orchids is a regular and critical part of their health and beauty. Clear plastic orchid pots are popular for orchids in part because one can see what's going on with roots and moisture content. Orchid roots engage in photosynthesis and clear orchid pots make this possible. Additionally, some orchids roots, most notably Phalaenopsis, will tend to stay in a clear pot where they will grow outside a dark colored pot. On the other hand, white plastic orchid pots look great with plants in them and they less susceptible to algae growth on the inside."


ill post any more i find.



Active member
Ioni- :yoinks: nice puck of hash :yes::yes:

i finally found a pain erb cant help :frown: fuckn kidney stones that shit HURTS and i havent even passed it yet doc says its 5mm says im basicly gonna give birth to a baby in the nextday or 2 :dunno:

now i know why when i was in prison every now and then ud here a guy n the middle ov the night screammn like he was gettn raped with a shank :hide: expectin the next mornin when they pop the doors to c a gurny go buy with a body just to find out dude was passn a stone :eek:

stay safe


Don't hold your breath on this state going medical anytime soon.
That said, I've been ordering from the 'bay and the boutique for years without issue. Imo, they are thee two safest most legitimate
sites around.
Besides, i owe EVERYTHING I know about grow to this site. It's why i'm a supporter and why I give those two seed banks all my biz.
Shop with confidence bro:biggrin:

Please this is the type of thinking thats going to hold up the smokin world. See we have people advocating to keep marijuana illegal and thats why its still illegal. everyone that smokes is like "yea it'll never happen" but i have to say it has happened in 14 other states not just cali. But I guess I'm doomed to live in a state w/ such harsh laws and weak people. People that don't even want to try to help the movement. You would think that everyone on this thread would want it legal. I guess everyone just wants to make money. :dunno:
Ioni- :yoinks: nice puck of hash :yes::yes:

i finally found a pain erb cant help :frown: fuckn kidney stones that shit HURTS and i havent even passed it yet doc says its 5mm says im basicly gonna give birth to a baby in the nextday or 2 :dunno:

now i know why when i was in prison every now and then ud here a guy n the middle ov the night screammn like he was gettn raped with a shank :hide: expectin the next mornin when they pop the doors to c a gurny go buy with a body just to find out dude was passn a stone :eek: stay safe

My 18 y/o son has a stone in his bladder right now he is waiting to pass. Poor kid was in terrible pain for 3 days while it made the journey from his kidney to his bladder.

I feel for you amigo...:comfort:


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
WOW...where im from them are fightin words kydenj29...everyone here wants legal MJ...evl said that becuase he is speakin the truth...this state doesnt have the greatest attitude towards MJ...do you think we like runnin from the law, or bein paranoid everyday for growin a plant???? you got your facts all messed up bro
Please this is the type of thinking thats going to hold up the smokin world. See we have people advocating to keep marijuana illegal and thats why its still illegal. everyone that smokes is like "yea it'll never happen" but i have to say it has happened in 14 other states not just cali. But I guess I'm doomed to live in a state w/ such harsh laws and weak people. People that don't even want to try to help the movement. You would think that everyone on this thread would want it legal. I guess everyone just wants to make money. :dunno:

Dude. Really. This is your 8th post and you're talking shit about people here who have more than just a chiwawa in this fight. Part of sit back and learn is shutting the fuck up and keeping youself in check until you know people here well enough to render an INTELLIGENT opinion on their feelings on the movement. The only person who I've seen that actively states they want the law to remain the same is Krunchbubble, and he's not from Fla. We know the law will change in time, it just isn't going to happen anytime soon. Many of us actively distribute the petition and are working towards Medical, but we are pragmatic enough to know that it ain't happening anytime soon, especially in 2010. How many signatures we got? How many do we need? Enough said.

Now really, STFU, sit down, and try to become part of the community before you start popping off. The 'ol boys here (which I ain't one...) can talk abortion, gun control, politics, and religion. They know each other well enough. You don't yet.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Dude. Really. This is your 8th post and you're talking shit about people here who have more than just a chiwawa in this fight. Part of sit back and learn is shutting the fuck up and keeping youself in check until you know people here well enough to render an INTELLIGENT opinion on their feelings on the movement. The only person who I've seen that actively states they want the law to remain the same is Krunchbubble, and he's not from Fla. We know the law will change in time, it just isn't going to happen anytime soon. Many of us actively distribute the petition and are working towards Medical, but we are pragmatic enough to know that it ain't happening anytime soon, especially in 2010. How many signatures we got? How many do we need? Enough said.

Now really, STFU, sit down, and try to become part of the community before you start popping off. The 'ol boys here (which I ain't one...) can talk abortion, gun control, politics, and religion. They know each other well enough. You don't yet.



Dude. Really. This is your 8th post and you're talking shit about people here who have more than just a chiwawa in this fight. Part of sit back and learn is shutting the fuck up and keeping youself in check until you know people here well enough to render an INTELLIGENT opinion on their feelings on the movement. The only person who I've seen that actively states they want the law to remain the same is Krunchbubble, and he's not from Fla. We know the law will change in time, it just isn't going to happen anytime soon. Many of us actively distribute the petition and are working towards Medical, but we are pragmatic enough to know that it ain't happening anytime soon, especially in 2010. How many signatures we got? How many do we need? Enough said.

Now really, STFU, sit down, and try to become part of the community before you start popping off. The 'ol boys here (which I ain't one...) can talk abortion, gun control, politics, and religion. They know each other well enough. You don't yet.

yea see ive had to go away from the smokin world cause they would never sign a petition to get it legal all the petitions i got signed was from people that never smoked weed and never would. So i guess i'm just frustrated that I was born into a world so f-ed up. You have to see my delima. I very well cant just move to amsterdam or cali. But all the nervousness is causing me paranoia. see ive already lost my sister to pain pills and a step dad to alcohol and my dad to aids/hep c from shooting up. and you tell me to shut up and sit back and listen. But i want my voice to be heard. so what if the truth hurts. let me ask you how many people are on this thread. how many more people could they get to help the cause. So i guess ill just leave yall to all your little grow stories I guess yall can just take all the pressure


Active member
2 ears and one mouth,.......(we all know the rest)

On a lighter note, i heard that at the swappy buggy races in Naples,this year.That the Popo there were giving people that got caught holding a $130 ticket, with no court apperence.I like this step, if its true. Sorry no proof, just heard from a source i trust. I would love to see a time here in the 3rd coast where we dont face jail\loss of license for 6 months, for a small amount of a plant.

yea see ive had to go away from the smokin world cause they would never sign a petition to get it legal all the petitions i got signed was from people that never smoked weed and never would. So i guess i'm just frustrated that I was born into a world so f-ed up.

We understand. We all feel the same. You get nowhere ranting at those who share those views and frustrations

see ive already lost my sister to pain pills and a step dad to alcohol and my dad to aids/hep c from shooting up.

I really am sorry for your loss, and I not trying to sound cold and heartless, but... Cry me a motherfuckin river. You think you are the only one here that has either lost someone close to them to the scourge of the pharmaceutical industry or have faced to demons of addiction from legal drugs? Or how about the people here who are legitimate medical patients like myself who every day risk loss of their home and livelihood due to the unjust laws? We all share the same burdens and loss.

and you tell me to shut up and sit back and listen. But i want my voice to be heard. so what if the truth hurts. let me ask you how many people are on this thread. how many more people could they get to help the cause. So i guess ill just leave yall to all your little grow stories I guess yall can just take all the pressure

Maybe I should be more clear. Shut the fuck up IN THIS THREAD. I come here to socialize, learn, and share my grow successes and failures. If you feel the "need to be heard" then go to the Toker's Den and start a thread there. This is a social thread, not an activist thread. If you don't want to be part of our community and just want to proselytize, then just leave please.

I am only wasting my time on this subject because I think you are just a kid who doesn't know any better yet. I hope you can learn from this and realize that the right to free speech is NOT the right to be listened to or agreed with. We (well, I) invite you to stay and become part of the group, although at this point it's going to be tough.

Peace and Pot :rasta:


Ok look i just posted about trying to help get if legal and everyone here just tells me to shut up and listen and then you call me a kid. Look man i just want to spread the word. if you don't well dont tell me to shut the f up. I never cursed at you. But hey tell me how little wayne does it?????????????????????????????????


Active member
yea see ive had to go away from the smokin world cause they would never sign a petition to get it legal all the petitions i got signed was from people that never smoked weed and never would. So i guess i'm just frustrated that I was born into a world so f-ed up. You have to see my delima. I very well cant just move to amsterdam or cali. But all the nervousness is causing me paranoia. see ive already lost my sister to pain pills and a step dad to alcohol and my dad to aids/hep c from shooting up. and you tell me to shut up and sit back and listen. But i want my voice to be heard. so what if the truth hurts. let me ask you how many people are on this thread. how many more people could they get to help the cause. So i guess ill just leave yall to all your little grow stories I guess yall can just take all the pressure

dude every1 on this thread has done more than u will ever do for the cause :biglaugh: see we dont sit around and wait for the gov to give permission to grow WE are the front line in this revolution c we have the balls to keep meds flowin thru the state and risk are asses and family for the cause dont come with a fuckin soapbox if u aint even got the balls to order seeds :crazy:

now dont get me wrong im glad ur out collect'n signatures and shit but ALL of us on this forum take this battle way past just "wanting a revolution" to starting the revolution by growin and showin others how to grow and free themselves eventuly we will overgrow fla

how many ppl have u helped to start growin there own this year??

stay safe
Ok look i just posted about trying to help get if legal and everyone here just tells me to shut up and listen and then you call me a kid. Look man i just want to spread the word. if you don't well dont tell me to shut the f up. I never cursed at you. But hey tell me how little wayne does it?????????????????????????????????

good drown

on a new topic....
im doing a outdoor veggie garden soon. real veggies. anybody know what does good here in fl? like what kind of tomatoes and whatnot?


on a new topic....
im doing a outdoor veggie garden soon. real veggies. anybody know what does good here in fl? like what kind of tomatoes and whatnot?

I'm also starting a real garden outside this year. I'm going to be doing a small aquaponic system with romain lettuce, indeterminate tomatoes, some green beans, cabbage. I also bought blueberries and blackberries and strawberries. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe keep me informed how yours goes.
on a new topic....
im doing a outdoor veggie garden soon. real veggies. anybody know what does good here in fl? like what kind of tomatoes and whatnot?

I don't know why, but I can't get anything to grow right except weed and houseplants. Veggies have consistently either died or failed to fruit. I guess I should try some leafy greens and go from there. Last years' sacrifice to the dogs of the brown thumb were cucumbers. I had nice healthy plants, they flowered nicely, but the fruits never developed. I know they pollinated so I was at a loss, yet again :dunno:
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