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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
saints better get their shit together.. only 30 minutes left... to not throw the ball into the endzone when they got stopped on 4th down was not the smartest move... gotta get their shit together now.. peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
WHO DAT!!!!! BAYBEEE!!! I was 5-0 in my last picks....



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
What a big set of balls by sean peyton saints coach to kick an onside kick at 3rd quarter!!! That won the game for them... peace..



"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Yep sack, yer quite right, that took some serious nuts to do the onside kick, and I'd definitely say it won the game for them. Good game, overall. The commercials were funny as hell too. The Doritos one where the kid slaps his moms date and tells him the rules was priceless! :D

Big D

OMG, I have the worst(best) hangover I have had in awhile :D


Congrats to the Saints, World Champs!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
that doritos comersh was hillarious. But overall the comercials of previous years were way better.. Ohh btw Jamarcus russell sux camel balls.. He is over paid and has nothing more to work towards in his mind im sure, he thinks he has made it.. peace.



Today was a fucked up day at work....
hella hungover / still drunk this morning... It was a ruff one

Go job saints

Time to get ready for the draft


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
On the clock (choke) AFC's Oakland Raiders: Looking to off AL DAVIS and Jamarcus worthless Russell... and gain some new found respect from the rest of the league.. peace..


heavy dank nugg

man in crowd : "c'mon yank it"


crowd: gasps, ohh's ahh's and cheering


crowd cheering
Troy's voice : ohhp


announcer :pauxatony polamalu has seen his shadow 6 more weeks of football


congrats saints fans, well deserved
Last edited:


Horse-toothed Jackass
The Saints have won the Superbowl!


Is this a sign of the end of days?


Lets hope not. Especially so the Saints fans can enjoy their championship for a bit.

From this:


To this:


Only in America.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Lmfao!!! good stuff the troy doll is like the lil penny doll... lmfao.. Saints were the better team and the coach had bigger marbles to play with.. Great coaching job no doubt... peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Well Until next season i think we are done here.. Unless you all want to keep on going thru the NFL draft and such... Have a good free agent off season... Here is where teams are made or broke.. peace..



sorry... BIG D....im a football cat..4 LIFE ....dont cover other sports like i do football....im all about the draft in a couple of weeks.....I say we keep it football man.....especially with the no cap coming, free agents, the combine, the draft...shit it aint over not by a long shot man.....this shit is gonna get bananas....I think this off season is gonna be a good one...

whats up sack, your raiders at my niners....im def gonna be there next season bro.....
My niners vs the super bowl champs next year, what do you say about that one bid D...its gonna be on and crack'n....

yo sack, heard they are gonna keep cable.....i think the team played hard for him.....with exception to your boy J-Russ.....

hey bababooey.....heard yall got Mike Martz.....and Torry Holt might be on his way to Chicago.....


Horse-toothed Jackass
[FONT=&quot]I was no fan of Ron Turner but im not totally on board with Mike Martz. He hasnt had a decent offense since the 'greatest show on turf' days with the st louis rams. I say it's 50/50 whether the O gets better or worse next season. I just hope the O-line gets upgraded and/or starts to play better. Need to get Forte back on track; if not him then the running game in general.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He OC'ed the Niners last year, didnt he? What did u think of that stint? Not much, probably, since Singletary fired his ass for not running enough. Maybe that wasnt the only problem, but if u cant consistently pick up first downs in the passing game then you need to run the ball, especially with a good RB in Gore.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I dont know, Sack, I know Jamarcus is basically a bust so far, but dont u think theres a chance he could still be something? Have you watched all of his games and basically come to the conclusion that, the way he is now, he will never be even a decent NFL QB? I think its important to try to stay positive. I'm sticking with Cutler even though he threw INTs last season that made me think he was paid off by bookies. There have been plenty of QB's that lost their job then came back to redeem themselves. [/FONT]


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Yea Babooe i think J Russell is in the mindset he has made it... BIG contract and well now he figures he dont have to work as hard... He dont put in the extra time watching film like other successful QB's He cant read a defense to save his life.. He throws the ball aimlessly it seems.. And its cos he cant read defenses worth a crap.. His attitude sux its like everyone else around him is terrible he is great.. I just dont think we will win with him and The dayum walking dead AL DAVIS.. Man its frustration to be a raider fan for the last uhm forever... lol.. peace..

EDIT: I could go on and on and on, on this subject...



Horse-toothed Jackass
Much has been said on the subject of the Raiders and their recent run of futility. Every Raiders fan knows the whole sordid tale, from AFC champs a decade ago to a league record for consecutive 11 loss seasons. Truly this once proud franchise has never sunk this low...

But taking a look at the last two Superbowls, from Arizona almost winning it last year, to the Saints winning it this year, you have two of the league's most moribund franchises (historically speaking) having great success.

I guess my point is that the Raiders, like a lot of teams in the league, are probably not that far off from being successful. Granted, it would be surprising if Jamarcus was a part of any sort of turnaround, but if its mostly an attitude thing with him, well, if he can man up and take this job seriously, then maybe he can fulfill his potential.

On the plus side, I believe that the team is set at RB with Fargas, Bush and McFadden. McFadden has the potential to be a top 5 RB, not that he's shown it much so far.

The D had a down year last year but thats probably mostly to blame on the offense, which couldnt sustain drives.

Maybe all they need is a legit QB? Which could be Jamarcus or maybe someone like Vick. Gradkowski can win some games but i dont know whether he can lead them to the promised land. Maybe he can, apparently he's well-respected by league scouts.

And... what can i say about Al Davis. He's been brilliant at times and downright puzzling at times, and right now he's in a multiyear stretch of head scratching decisions. I hope for his sake that the Raiders can become good again in his lifetime. He's deserved a lot of the scorn for his recent management, and you gotta believe it hurts him terribly as well. Im not happy with a lot of draft picks Jerry Angelo has made either, but at least he's not passing up Crabtree to take Heyward-Bey. The draft is enough of a crapshoot as it is without making wild decisions like that.

Still, 2010 is a new year, and every fan hopes that his or her team will dominate the league. The Browns, who havent made the playoffs since coming back to Cleveland a decade ago, finished 2009 winning their last four; can they continue it? Even the Raiders had some quality wins, beating the Eagles, Steelers, Bengals and Broncos. Sometime to build on, surely...

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