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RSC Garhwali Jungli, Malana Cream and Lebanese


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Hi there,
This thread should have been called RSC Garhwali Jungli, Malana Cream and Parvati.....my aploz folks

I'd like to introduce you to the latest addition to the family if I may......a little baby Garhwali

After a nice selection of Garhwali, Malana, Parvati and more Mazar & Lebanese IBLs arrived at the end of the week we couldn't resist popping a couple despite having just got some space cleared in the veg room :sasmokin:

This is a Himalayan strain (I've always had a thing about weed from this part of the world :yummy:) used mainly for hand rubbed charas as I think most of the local farmers in that area practice
this is the kinda stuff I'm talkin about

It's an IBL of a jungli Himalayan charas line grown at 31°N latitude at an approx height of 2000m-3000m (I think I'm correct in saying that about the height it's grown at?, I must clarify that) high in the mountains around the Ganges Valley in the Indian Himalayas

Reaching heights of 1.5m-3m outdoors and having a surprisingly early finishing time of early October at it's region of origin

We're hoping to use our chosen Lebanese male to pollinate this strain to achieve an earlier finish but hopefully disease resistance too.

It's still early days before there'll be any of that goin down tho

On the 9th Jan 3 x Garhwali were placed into soak for 18hrs or more then into a small germinating tray I use with a multi-purpose compost............this one broke the surface of the soil on the 11th and was potted today :dance013:
Certainly no problems with germination with these anyway :yay:

On the 10th 3 x Malana Cream were placed into soak and left all night before they were placed between a couple of small squares of moist capillary matting, that's been very handy for such purposes, on the 11th.....just checked on them and am happy to see 1 has a healthy white tap root so will also need potting

These will be potted up as & when they need it with maybe a touch of Canna Rhizotonic or S/Thrive when doing so, other than that they will be fed nothing other than regular 24hr tap water
We've ordered a kilo tub of bat guano incase a wee boost is required during bloom?

Lighting during veg will be a 250w 8U CFL atm then under a 600w sodium dual spectrum bulb for the last week's veg and bloom

Hopin to have a pic of the Malana by next update so keep your fingers crossed for me

Cheers, Esskie


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couldn't resist tossing another 2 each of the Garhwali & Malana into pre-soak to keep the Parvati company :ying:

and I'll try not to get em mixed up this time for anyone who's read anything of my Lebanese & Mazar thread :eek::

either I'm suffering from middle-age dementia or I shouldn't do things that involve thinking after smoking :rolleyes:


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today's pic

the 1st garhwali is properly up & past the swan-neck bit now showing it's first true set of serrated leaf :biggrin:

we've been thinking about the use of a good pre-mixed medium for these plants such as one of Canna's or Bio-Bizz's ready mixed stuff

Bio-Bizz All-Mix is 20% soil, 35% compost, 10% worm castings and 30% Perlite & 5% of their special 'pre-mix'....w00t
normally I'd consider this as an ideal soil and wouldn't hesitate to use it, however if these are anything like the Lebanese they won't need fed very much if at all so maybe the All-Mix is too rich?

Anyone growing any landrace/IBLs in any of these soil mixes?, I'd love to hear what your views are?


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Man those Parvati don't hang about!!..........both seeds had split this morning when I went to take em all out of their soak glasses

one of the 1st batch of 3 Malana was placed into a small pot like the 1st Garhwali today too, the tap root is approx 5-6mm long and looking ready to shed the husk so I'm hoping it should be up through by morning?

Just to save any confusion 3 x Malana & 3 x Garhwali were started at the w/end say....we'll call these Batch:1

Last night, another 2 x Malana, 2 x Garhwali & 2 x Parvati were placed into soak......these we'll call Batch:2

So as it stands atm, 1 Malana & 1 Garhwali both from Batch:1 are in pots already

Really impressed with the germ times on the Parvati though :dance013:, been doing a load of reading of related grow threads on another forum which are proving to be a wealth of information!


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Just noticed that this thread is named RSC Garhwali Jungli, Malana Cream and Lebanese when it should've been RSC Garhwali Jungli, Malana Cream and Parvati lol.......doh!

anyway, that's both Parvati, both Garhwali and 1 of 2 Malana from Batch-2 all split and into soil :dance013:

just an observation, one out of every pair in Batch-2 was scarified lightly and have ended up being the first to produce nice white tap roots while the others have split but not so much.

As it stands atm we have 1 x Garhwali & 1 x Malana Cream up through so it's back to checking them eagerly each morning to see if any others have sprouted :watchplant:


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Alright mate? All sounds good. I've heard from loads of folk that allmix is very rich, not really sure about those pre mixes but heard good things about the plagron royalty mix one. Maybe mix some coco or something in to cool it down a bit.


Parvati likes nutes as long it is organic.Grew this strain last summer outside and in the greenhouse.I had a female and a large male outside which did the pollination of my Yunnani indica and a wild Nepal strain from Pokhara.Its fun to grow such beautiful landraces and they are very strong.Had no problems with mold or other diseases and the most important thing you dont have to expect to get hermi's.

Parvati male


Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



A landrace grow diary,coooooooollllllll... :biggrin:

I'm really interested by the garhwali,i wonder what they'll give indoors...i wish you a good sativa grow!:yes:


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Hi there elmanito, ptg :wave:

I've seen grow threads from both of you and loved what I saw!

As it happens elmanito, we've got 2 x Parvati just literally up through this morning (still to shed the husks tho)

All together my better half & myself have Lebanese, Mazar (inc Mazar f2s from RSC seeds), Garhwali, Malana and Parvati all just in/or just past the germination/sprouting stage

If our Parvati turn out looking anything like that big male of yours elmanito I'll be a happy camper :canabis:

interesting to hear the Parvati likes nutes, these strains don't seem to be very receptive to anything other than soil grows with very little nutes
can I ask what/how often you fed it please man?

here is a couple of Malana that've sprouted since my last post making that a total of 2 x Malana and 1 x Garhwali

Malana on the left & Garhwali on the right


and the very latest to sprout

this is just mp compost they are in....not exactly the best stuff to be sprouting seedlings in due to the tree trunks in it....they do break down through time though

on a related note, I have a 50L bag of Bio-Bizz All-Mix here but was looking at J.Innes and/or Westlands mp compost but have been informed they are a bit rich so if that's the case the All-Mix will definitely be too rich?

maybe mixing something inert through it such as more perlite or clean, washed sand?.....what d'ya both think?

I really value both your opinions as I know you can both produce the goods with these strains

feel free to sub to this thread as it'll be kept up to date right through to bloom

one last Q, ptg, your Pahari went directly from seedling into 12s right?
I've read that the Parvati will likely keep stretching for most of the bloom period.....you guys think it's advisable to put the Parvati right into 12s?

Cheers and look forward to your valuable advice
Regards, Esskie


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To Peat or not to peat?

To Peat or not to peat?

Just been looking at a compost trial on a grow forum and it seems the favourites contain as much as 73% peat

this may sound like a silly question to seasoned soil growers but is peat based or peat free multi-purpose a choice worth considering for these strains?

everything is telling me yes due to the way peat forms but I've been wrong before!....also the peat-free stuff contains "essential nutrients and trace elements" anyway.......I know they require no feeding at all, especially the Lebanese

we bought a couple of 24L bags of B&Q's own brand Sowing and Cutting Compost while we were out this afternoon so I can mix it with the mp

also, coz I wasn't sure some B&Q Peat Free mp along with a bag of B&Q mp (37% peat free)......the latter was a score actually!, 125L for £7

plenty different sized pots & planter tubs at the ready so I think we are pretty much set :yes:


Exciting grow. I replied in the other thread, but i can reply here too(postcount issues).
I got them at "DCF Frøbanken" from denmark. Stealth and fast. They only sell one pack per person though.


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Hey dude, should have said the reason All-mix is a bit hot is the high ratio of wormcastings which has lots of nitrogen whereas the royalty i mentioned has guano in which releases more P so it's good for flowering. Or at least it used to, heard of something called batmix which is meant to be good. I used to like west+ but been hearing bad things lately. Westland MP might be your best bet. Was there a which compost trial last year?

I think the main arguments against peat are environmental. I think it's non renewable iirc. best kept for making whiskey ;)

Or you could check out the organic catalogue and build your own compost http://www.organiccatalogue.com/catalog/


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I recommend J.Arthurs bowers top soil (regular) avaliable at klondyke garden stores(mixed with perlite). Used it many times to good effect. (ph 6.5-7.0). I does contain a fair bit of bark so i mix in a washing up bowl and weed most of the big sticks out. B@q and homebase used to sell it but dont anymore.



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elmanito - Unfortunately no man, only the camera on my mobile phone but it's utter garbage & you couldn't see any writing......there's the security thing with using mobile phone cameras too although I've used it before :whistling:
elmanito, was it you who did malana cream indoors?......I know you did that big male Parvati :respect:
was it RSC Nepalese can I ask please?

I think the Nepalese may be on the cards from RSC?, that & the Pahari.....hopefully we'd find a shorter "indica" phenotype for making hash :biggrin:

this is the stuff here though or if there is anything particular you want to know about it I could try and read it off the bag for you?

Bom - I read your post in the other thread bud?, it's good to know it's available through a seed supplier as Dodsnark's 2009 outdoor grow really was quite something to be proud of!

SuperConductor - Hi man, I've seen Plagron Light-Mix, Royalty-Mix and the Bat-Mix you mentioned mate but have never used any of them so it's always good to hear the opinions of others.....kinda wish I'd bought Plagron instead of the BioBizz now but we bought it before we knew we were going to be growing very light-feeding heirloom strains in it so :dunno:
they are in their small pots atm but will be getting potted up soon into whatever they are going to grow in......maybe I can try a couple of Lebanese clones in the biobizz well cut with Sowing and Cutting compost to see how they fair :thinking:

thanks for the link friend, I'll have a look through the site in a bit :)

Funnily enough, like yourself I've been reading a few posts on 420 mostly about Westlands burning the shit out of seedlings in one case and causing problems with older plants for others.......the Westlands with J.Innes mixed through it was mentioned too. This is in total contrast to reports of it working great & producing really nice yields.......seems to be a bad batch or the newer stuff?
It has to be something like that as it'd be consistently problematic otherwise :frown:

LUDACRIS - Hi mate, It's good soil bro, we've used Bower's stuff before but don't think it had perlite through it?, a different one maybe?
there's a bag of B&Q mp 'Super Enriched Peat-Free' mp compost in the shed which is the exact same regarding the tree trunks man :yoinks:
They do break down over time though but it's rough as hell to begin with if they're anything alike......come to think of it that 50L bag has done us ok?, bought at the end of 2008ish? I'd say it's probably ready for being spread over & dug into the flower bed in the garden now though.......it's been re-used a few times with a noticeable decrease in yield the last time

It's these strains Ludacris mate, as this is the 1st time they'll have been grown anywhere else other than their country of origin they'll be expecting the same in terms of growing medium, temps & available nutrients etc
although I know they are all very light feeders, I'm not exactly sure if the Garhwali, Malana & Parvati are as bad as the Lebanese?

well as it stands atm all the seeds germinated & have sprouted :whee:......I hate waiting on seeds to sprout lol

they won't be vegged for very long at all, they've had a couple of days of 18/6 already so will be moving into the bloom room probably tomorrow?.
the sooner I get em under a decent light the better as the first couple to sprout are a bit gangly now while waiting on the others....wanted to put em all into 12s at the same time...

A grow report I read on the Parvati done indoors under a 600w was given no veg time at all but still managed to finish at 50cm bearing 4 huge fat colas weighing 40g.....if we end up with anything remotely akin to that we'll be very happy campers :smokeit:


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No mate the bowers soil does not come pre mixed with perlite but i cant fault it in any of my grows.



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Ah gotchya, I'm pretty sure it would've been Arthur Bower's multi-purpose here too?, I can say that with some confidence as it's usually always mp we buy lol

think we got a wee bag of cacti compost once which turned out to be not so bad, it had a fair bit of sand through it I remember that but the drainage was good

you know the way things have worked out for us here is crazy!, talk about spontaneous & best laid plans

basically, after having been growing in soil for the last couple of years I decided I wanted to go hydro again but on a much smaller scale than before (130L rez & 24 buckets running F+D) so after moving a load of stuff around and sticking a wee DIY 1m square F+D tray in a BudBox, got the fan & filter sorted out to match the tent and eventually got the temp/humidity dialled in..........here we are starting a grow in what medium? :bashhead: :biggrin:
Mad, ach it's not that bad tbh, the hydro sys is working away as intended with Dutch/Canadian genetics so everything has it's place lol :ying:


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Hey there people :wave:
Apolz for the time between updates but been a lot going on here plus I hate not being able to post good pics.......some of the pics are so shabby I'm aswell not posting them at all :frown:

However, a good friend happened to mention the Fuji FinePix A170 (I'm sure that's it?), 10M/pixel, x3 zoom, image stabilisation and, most importantly of all......macro capabilities for only 66Euros/58GBP/90USD..............my last was this same make but a FinePix 1400Zoom & it took great pics with a crackin macro function that could capture trichrome/resin gland shots well

Anyway, talking of pics we'll start with the pair of Parvati:

Parvati #2 top

Parvati #2 side

Parvati #1 looking a bit droopy here but they'd all just been re-potted and have been a bit off-colour so to speak

this is where I wish the camera was better so you could see the stem clearly.......the Parvati def seem to be growing the most vigorously out of them all!
this one's stem is getting thick
Parvati #1 stem

almost like you can see them turning from seedlings into small plants everytime you look at them.......the Parvati seems to be a quick growing, hardy strain from what I've seen from these wee things already


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Malana Cream

Malana Cream

Here are a few pics of the Malana Cream which are all doing just fine :)

although still small, like the others these will no doubt shoot for that light once they get going proper.....knowing my luck, to the point of being uncontrollable probably :biggrin:

there are 6 Malana, how'd that happen?......well I'd already put 3 in to germ then another 3 that had all been scuffed a few days later, not that the Malana are difficult or slow to germinate but the scuffed seeds all split and had placed into the medium quicker than the un-scuffed ones

Malana Cream #1

Malana Cream #1 top

Malana Cream #2

Malana Cream #3 (sorry about the glare from the plant label in this one)

Doesn't seem to be any pics of #4?, I'll catch it next time :whistling:

Malana Cream #5 (again, like Parvati #1 this one has been a wee bit droopy since re-potting but is picking up......trying not to over water!!)

Malana Cream #6 (3rd of the droopy looking trio)

Like the other strains, these are in a very diluted mix of Bio-Bizz All-Mix and mp compost or All-Mix & Canna Terra Seed.......the latter of seems to be doing the best so far?
certainly the mix containing All-Mix & the Canna Terra is much, much lighter and more airy!.......I was a bit concerned about the All-Mix being too rich to begin with but it seems to be doing ok with these so far (touch wood)

these have had no feed other than the solution I wet it with initially before using it.......it contained 3ml/L Rhizotonic root stimulator & a few drops of SuperThrive but have only had 1 watering since then of plain 24hr water.........I never bothered about the pH as it was at 6.8-7.0 anyway

never got any pics of the Garhwali so will catch those next time too :whistling:

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