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Pre 98 Bubba Kush vs. Bubba Kush?


here is a couple of week 4 flower shots.. can anyone help in identifying which cut this is..




The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I got the pre 98 bubba kush and katsu bubba kush! The pre 98 grows taller then the katsu, The katsu is better end product, I was quite suprised how good the katsu is. Both are nice but smoke wise I prefer katsu.

Katsu for me grows right with urkle. I will attach a couple vegging pics to show ya size differences etc!


Active member
I got the pre 98 bubba kush and katsu bubba kush! The pre 98 grows taller then the katsu, The katsu is better end product, I was quite suprised how good the katsu is. Both are nice but smoke wise I prefer katsu.

Katsu for me grows right with urkle. I will attach a couple vegging pics to show ya size differences etc!

I believe you may have the two mixed up.. after reading up on Pre98 today, I hear it is the more thick stalk, shorter, denser plant, whereas the Katsu has kind of flimsy/lankier/taller arms.

Does this sound like it may be right?? :dunno:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I believe you may have the two mixed up.. after reading up on Pre98 today, I hear it is the more thick stalk, shorter, denser plant, whereas the Katsu has kind of flimsy/lankier/taller arms.

Does this sound like it may be right?? :dunno:

No confusion I had pre 98 quite a while before getting katsu, There is absolutely no chance at all that I mixed them up, The only possibility is the second bubba isnt katsu bubba but another bubba, However I dont get cuts from bullshit sources so thats highly doughted!

Both bubba's grow pretty thick pre 98 grows more vertically with thick fat indica leafs katsu grows more like a indica sativa mix compact structure with leafs which resemble a indica sativa hybrid middle size fingers pre 98 has large indica fingers now during flower the katsu may stretch more but pre 98 is always the taller of the 2 in the end.

Here is a picture both plants are the same age and had the same care and lighting all along. Both rooted and planted together!

Pre 98 on the left katsu on the right! This pic was taken with my camera on my phone, I will get a better pic once my camera battery is charged!


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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
blazeoneup, can you post some pictures showing the difference in the two? i would like to know which cut i have.

I will get some good pictures for ya soon, I will also be doing a side by side comparison thread, 2 1k tents. Katsu in one Pre 98 in the other!


Active member
Awesome stuff thanks for the picture. I wouldn't mind running either. The reason I was curious was because I am debating between Pre98 Bubba and Pure Kush and Purple Kush.

How long does the Pre98 take to finish?


Well-known member
Great pics. Love the Bubba! I think it's best letting it go a full 70 days, otherwise you're not getting the full narcotic effect of the plant. They look ready after about 56 days, but the taste and the high just keep getting better if you let it go the full 70. I use bat guano up until the last couple of weeks, and that seems to make it even tastier.

Peace, KB


Registered Cannabis User

This is the only pic of my bubba on record. I was told its pre 98 and im pretty confident it is true. Can anyone tell? Tiny yielder, huge indica fan leaves.


just don't molest my colas..
Katsu bubba with proper P

Katsu bubba with proper P

heres some pics of a Katsu bubba thats about 25 days from chop. to back up some of my earlier posts in this thread...I'd say 90% of the time purpling in the katsu comes from low phosphorous. It needs a bloom booster or it will turn purple and the bud formation will be stunted. Since I have started upping P levels with bubba I have yet to have one purple on me and my yield has increased by A LOT. so here's some fat green katsu bubba nugs.







i obtained this cut from a local collective and ive flowered it once already.. i know for a fact it is bubba because it has the smell, taste and look... it yields fairly well.. got about 2oz dried manicured buds from a plant switched to flowering from a 4 inch tall clone hardly rooted.. and pulled early (day 50).. i recall it smelling like coffee in the jar at one point.. on the plant it smells like bubblegum sort of with a kush undertone.. very berryish though while also very strong kushy sweet smell.. the plant pictured has been rooted and about 3-4 weeks of veg in soil... i have it under a 4 bulb t5 fixture and kept it right on top of it so this is the absolute minimum stretch i could obtain.. i just chopped the top growth before taking this pic to get the nodes to grow out more so i can take a few clones in another month.. so its pretty tall and stretchy under the circumstances.. i recall when i first got the clone it stayed short and bushy but was very vigorous.. grew noticeably every day. anyway. if anyone can help me distinguish to whether this may be the pre98 cut or the katsu cut id appreciate it.. i have a feeling it may be pre98 but im just not sure.





Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Master Kush

Master Kush


Master Kush grown side by side with Pre98 Bubba. The MK doesnt turn nearly as purple from the cold but makes fatter buds. Plants look and taste almost identical. The MK makes a bit fatter buds and the bubba turns purple from nice cold weather.