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Rebirth of a pc grow case

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
I just found out that its a guaranteed female because I gave a friend some and everyone was a fem!!Thats 6 seeds he is growing now all female, indica TrainWreck..nummy..


Grow like nobody is watching
Looks pretty yummy, man. You're getting excited I can tell :D

About the soil - I'm having big probs with my attempt at organic/soil. The main problem is that I used unfamiliar/unknown ingredients. Any further attempts on my part will adhere strictly to the rules. (LC’s Soiless Mix #1 since I have those ingredients)

These are proven recipes with many hundreds if not thousands of people on IC using the same mixes. So (a) there should be no problems, and (b) if there was, there's a lot of people familiar with the circumstances and can advise knowledgably.

So that's my plan and I guess I would recommend the same to you. It seems like a gamble to use that stuff, and I know that my particular gamble didn't pay off :yikes:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Scrub! The guy at the hydro store was king enough to mix me soil for free as a tester..cool...Its ingredients are complete greek to me so I will go back and write them down for you to see...
Thanks counterculture!! might as well add a little humour and fun in to the thread too!!
my plant is pretty well ready..2-3 days tops...I measured her and its 11.5 inches tall! so small but its all bud..right down to the soil! Almost anyways..maybe an inch from the ground so thats 10 inches of happy bud!!!
My drying box is complete...I used duct tape to cover the outside..2 layers of it! no light leaks for sure..
Thanks everyone for making this so much fun

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey all..
My little plant here is just days away..The trichomes are almost 50 amber 50 cloudy which is the way I like...
I made these adapters you could say, for my scrubbers...the heat from my pc keeps melting the duct tape and they keep fallig off! sheesh..its been driving me crazy checking evry hour to see if the scrubbers are on the ground!! Not anymore..these bablies will hold em nice!
The trainwreck seed popped up yesterday too..I think I will go 12/12 all the way..
Do you all think thats a good idea?
Please let me know...


Grow like nobody is watching
Hi BC looking damn nice there. I don't really understand the point of 12/12 from seed. The plant is not going to flower for weeks, until it's ready, so for those weeks you're vegging at only 12 hrs a day when they could be getting 18 or more. Plus you lose control of flowering - everything is on the plant's timetable, not yours. You haven't begun to reach the size boundaries in that case, so I would just do regular veg style, personally.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Scrub..you are more than right.
How long should I veg? 1 week? 2 ?
Thanks Scrub and there is some good news! After 24 of darkness, I cut her down earlier today..She was a total of 12 inches tall and I got 114.7 grams!! Is that good?? Hope so!
Thats a microscope beside the main cola...it is 7 inches long or so..nice..
So, I lose 75% right? At least anyways but since you all have done this many, many times, what do you think the final weight will be?
I'd love to hear from all of you...
Thanks for your help everyone..


Grow like nobody is watching
Wow that's freakin' great, man! My congrats :trampoline:

I only just started with the wet/dry weight thing but mine worked out to the numbers you said. So you should get about an oz! :woohoo:

I recommend to veg it until it's vegged :muahaha: Sorry man, but that is actually my serious answer! Please keep us filled in, peace.


New member
BC Chronic, I usually lurk here and watch the PC grows progress, and I've been following yours. Congrats on the hard work paying off. You deserve it! :)



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hi brother BC, 12/12 from seed usually works wonders, but the enviroment and genetics will play a big part, I did 12/12 from seed for my first few runs in my micro cabs and had stellar results with both indicas and sativas (lollipoped no tipping/training)under 313w of mixed CFL, if you don't have much headroom it can be an option (I have quite a bit of headroom), but in your case I would do a veg and tip and train those suckers down scrog style, just to increase your yield, imho. Good Luck Mate.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
hey thanks microgram, Hauk and OMJebus and b00m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are all the ones who helped...all I did was listen...well, sometimes I did'nt, hey Scrub!!!
The herbs almost ready to start curing..I did try a couple of the tiny buds and its really good! Totally surprised me...2 tokes and I was very happy..thats how I usually rate herb..on the toke scale!!
Tasted nice, no ferts, I am postive the bigger buds that actually saw light will be much better!

Here are some pics of my pc..I'd like to start off that way again...There is 165 watts now..all cfl's...thats not the equivelent, thats actual watts..temps were always around 77-79..
I made those 2 metal pipes coming out the back to mount the scrubbers..I used duct tape which kept melting and I constantly had to fix them so this way, I'm safe..
The last herb stunk badly so The scrubbers have to be secure..
The pic where you can see 2 fans is like this..The one at the bottom is if I need any extra airflow on the plant..the top one is for the lights and at the bottom where you see metal mesh, is the intake hole..
1-120mm, 151 cfm Delta and 1 scythe 80mm for exhaust ..it worked for me last time so why mess with it!
So, I have a Trainwreck seed and another unknown in the green pot..
hope you all stay with me for this new grow..
b00m, how long should I keep it in veg?1 or 2 weeks?
I'm not too, too worried about returns on this grow but now that I think of it, I would love to try for another oz...
I will either go scrog or LST...I did LST the other one and it worked so I don't know..


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Go with what has worked bro, looking at your pc pics now, LST and training and a bit FIM would look like a reasonable option, I also have no experience with TW, but scrubz TW x PD crosses have seemed to stretched quite a bit in flower, so on that note I would not veg for much longer than 2 weeks(limited headroom) and would be ready for tying and training in the flower stretch. It all depends what the plant does and you are more than on to it bro, go for it and see what the plant decides to do.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks b00m!1
I'll keep my eye on her for sure!!Gotta love the ladies!!
Just in case, the pic with the planters? They are on a screen of sorts to keep them higher...I have about 1.35 cubic feet to work with..
I kept that other plant high the whole time..imagine how much bigger the buds would have been if I let her stretch!!
thanks bro...


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah man just roll with it. Smoke a bowl and do what seems right. That's how I work usually :) I would expect 2 oz next grow! Doesn't really matter which training you choose, as long as you train it.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks #1Cheesebuds!!
Thank you too Scrub..
Well, the trainwreck seed is coming along nicely...
I am going to LST the heck out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buds are dry..from 114.7 to 33.1 isn't bad at all!
For cfl's, the buds are really tight..very tasty and I got quite baked off of 1 bud..small one cause I want to cure the bigger ones..17 budsites in total!!When I finally took the remains of her out of the planter I used, it was ALL root!! No wonder the water just went right on through!! sheesh...
Well, I sure hope this seed isn't a hermie..I doubt it but there is so much talk about this variety that its hard not to think about it..
Take care all and look forward to your comments..