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UK Outdoor Growing 2009


I had some HUGE 8ft skunk x hazes last year untill about 3 - 4 weeks from harvest some cock stole em. Thaught my locations wer good obviously not! Oh well theres always this year



cheers mate, just cracked a few auto varieties and some of the crosses i made last year...

... were back in business!

i did send out some beans at the end of the 2008 season? wonder if anyone tried them out (cant remember who got em?) SpeedQueen x [LL] AutoWR gonna crack some in a few weeks for myself.

SpeedQueen from mandala finished well that year and im pretty sure was lovely smoke, not to powerfull, just nice ;)


Hi Mr B, not me i am afraid. A friend of mine grew speedqueen once and was a really tasty smoke. I would imagine the crosses would be decent as well.
A lot of the auto beans i made didnt open, i must dig out the rest and see whats left. :)


Forgot to mention that i found some Polish Vodka 57.5% i think and made a tincture from that. The only problem was i left it in the same cupboard as an identical jar of cleaning alcohol and now cant tell the difference. Been cleaning my volcano in a jar full of it. Gonna have to chuck it i think. Was an intense flavored drink though for sure.


I had some HUGE 8ft skunk x hazes last year untill about 3 - 4 weeks from harvest some cock stole em. Thaught my locations wer good obviously not! Oh well theres always this year

Gutting mate, you have my sympathies!
This is the white force that i want to try outside. Grown with a real lack of care this time round but still got some decent buds.


Good info Soulfly,

Pity i feel it wont change much, I've been stopped when I was younger countless times. Apparently going for a walk after the sun sets is suspicious? we will never win!



Hey Blatent, tbh I don't see it changing much either but atleast it got some publicity. I must say I have had a very positive incident when I was younger with a police man. I got caught skinning up down a side street and all the copper said was 'Your not doing anything your not suppose to be doing are you?' ...'No officer'...'Good'. Could of easily nicked me but was really quite sound about it!

Any body got any ideas about growing males in the same flower room? The only thing I can think of is covering the male with some sort of breathable translucent material. I think zedhead has done something similar in the past, not sure how exactly.

I found this by 'Doobieduck' - I've harvested several times cutting a male that is a few days from opening and placing in a glass with water, separate area, then putting the water glass on a mirror. When the pollen falls to the mirror in a couple days scraping it up with a razor blade. Then storing in a small airtight container in the freezer. They burst just a few days after you see them formed...be careful, don't wait to long to get them out.

Sounds like a pretty good way.



I found this by 'Doobieduck' - I've harvested several times cutting a male that is a few days from opening and placing in a glass with water, separate area, then putting the water glass on a mirror. When the pollen falls to the mirror in a couple days scraping it up with a razor blade. Then storing in a small airtight container in the freezer. They burst just a few days after you see them formed...be careful, don't wait to long to get them out.

Sounds like a pretty good way.


Yeah i've had some good experiences including having mates on the force. They appreciated that a victimless crime like supporting your own needs and not lining dealers pockets wasn't worth the paperwork!

That method works by the way, keep em in a cold room to buy yourself a few more days. Or make a frame and line it with plastic (clear) small holes at the top and reduce airflow as much as possible, has worked for me before.



Any body got any ideas about growing males in the same flower room? The only thing I can think of is covering the male with some sort of breathable translucent material. I think zedhead has done something similar in the past, not sure how exactly.

I found this by 'Doobieduck' - I've harvested several times cutting a male that is a few days from opening and placing in a glass with water, separate area, then putting the water glass on a mirror. When the pollen falls to the mirror in a couple days scraping it up with a razor blade. Then storing in a small airtight container in the freezer. They burst just a few days after you see them formed...be careful, don't wait to long to get them out.

Sounds like a pretty good way.


I have tried this method and it definitely works. You have to be super careful leaving a male in the flower room as i have found out. Most of my seeds have been made as a result of leaving the male in the room just a few days too long, i got over 500 of my smallish cutting. Thankfully they were good males and the seeds were useful. I normally shake mine over some paper and pour it into an envelope to keep dry. Never frozen any though. I have a habit of leaving the freezer door open when i put beers in there.:dance013:


Active member
Hey everyone :wave:

Been nice to catch up on things. I don't know about you lot but i'm really hoping for a nice season. Like i said before i may well just go the Auto route this year...imo they have come on so far since the ole original lowryder came out!

Yeah i have to say that everytme i've been in contact with cops its all been good. Had some weed and once some speed seized but was just thrown away...not great having your weed stash thrown away after bombing a load of speed lol.

I suppose we should start a 2010 Thread soon hey?!?

Peace all, tps :smokeit:


Good to see you back TPS, i am really hoping for a decent season as well, think i found a spot now, fingers crossed. 2010 thread sounds like a good idea! All the best everyone!:dance013:


hi all----misses has a habit of takeing my stash and keeping it for a later date---i thought i had smoket all of wams leb cheese well 3 fat joints later what a lovely taste and stone--3 month cure wow---deffinatly stands out---i had been spoilt at the time i last smoket it this time round sure is a fine bit of outdoor grown weed---yea allways hopeing for that amazeing sommer and fall---may get a chance to visit some friends liveing in portugal in april may plant some plants when im there make another visit in oct-----any ideas on strains for southern portugal


it was a welcome suprize---i dident smoke it pure not enough===it was the first smoke of the day----i was looking at portugal 37 lat they have 12 hours of light at end of oct---solar altiuge is also 37 degree wear as uk is 9 hours of day light an 20 something solar altitude at end of september ---the sun hear is 37 degre high like late july hear -----its only cheap flights in oc or nov ---they can put up with me for 2 or 3 weeks probably build a load of brick walls in return for lodgeing and harvest when ready----busy time of year ----stay safe all

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Hey Blatent, tbh I don't see it changing much either but atleast it got some publicity. I must say I have had a very positive incident when I was younger with a police man. I got caught skinning up down a side street and all the copper said was 'Your not doing anything your not suppose to be doing are you?' ...'No officer'...'Good'. Could of easily nicked me but was really quite sound about it!

Any body got any ideas about growing males in the same flower room? The only thing I can think of is covering the male with some sort of breathable translucent material. I think zedhead has done something similar in the past, not sure how exactly.

I found this by 'Doobieduck' - I've harvested several times cutting a male that is a few days from opening and placing in a glass with water, separate area, then putting the water glass on a mirror. When the pollen falls to the mirror in a couple days scraping it up with a razor blade. Then storing in a small airtight container in the freezer. They burst just a few days after you see them formed...be careful, don't wait to long to get them out.

Sounds like a pretty good way.


if pollen is properly frozen it could maintain it's viabilty for years. by properly frozen he states that the pollen should be dry, free of plant matter and oxygen if possible.
yust like the pic sows i let the pollen val and than i filter the leaf and stuf out with a sieve.
than i put the pollen in a litle Medicine Container ( can put a little bit of dry rice too prevent unwanted condensation 4 /5 beans )roll then in a tisjoe and put the Medicine Container with pollen the freezer
wen take out allow them to fully adjust to room temperature before opening the container. This will prevent unwanted condensation from forming on the pollensurface.





here some pollen from my Highland Oaxacan x Viking


Owh and UK growers i sent wotamess some Eirdbei seeds for you guy's too test outdoor.

Ierdbei is the Frisian version of the well known and robust Swiss strain ‘Erdbeer’ (=strawberry).

Most plants in this line exhibit a short stocky appearance and combine excellent potency with a good flower to leaf ratio. In general two distinctive phenotypes can be found; a Sativa side which carries traits of Jack Herer and a more Indica type which is influenced by Black Domina. The basis of this line was constructed out of several good paternal lines (crosses of Jack Herer, Citral, Black Domina, Swiss Miss) and an especially resinous Erdbeer#Purpurea Ticinensis maternal line.

Overall the Erdbeer comes through very strongly in both phenotypes, giving hard dense buds with little effort. In general both phenotypes show long slender, and tight buds which are less susceptible to grey mold/Botrytis cinerea. Next to this they are a breeze to harvest without much manicuring.


The high comes on strong but eases a bit with time spend in storage, still it packs a good punch and especially the Domina influenced types are typical day-enders with great medicinal potency. Taste is somewhat ‘earthy’ and strong, curing should be done to get the maximum potential. Ierdbei is the perfect choice for commercial outdoor cultivation in difficult area’s like Northern Holland & Germany. One of our all time favourites!

hoop you guys like :joint:


Active member
just got back today!! hope you guys are well... :yes:

great post LBH :yes: and i'm happy to say that i have a big bag of erdbei seeds!! only found out as i got back... :D

i traded them for a bunch of auto biddy x auto mtf, auto indi x auto mtf and auto biddy f2's i made earlier this year, to keep things clear... plus some other stuff... hopefully LBH will keep doing some good work for us (including an auto haze project, which has some zedhead genetics in it!!), as his goals are similar i.e. growing outdoor in tough conditions!! welcome... :yes:

pulled out the jars, and oh MAAAN! 6 weeks cure is some kick ass shit... only smoked the sensi star x lebcheese, and almost all the 'green' flavour is out... pure candy sweetness... and excellent stone... everything else was smelling great too... (when doesn't it!! :D)

my seed collection mission was kinda good... i have a lot of 'standard' swazi seeds, as well as a smallish selection of 2 other strains, some from the swazi 'rooibard' bud pic (there's contention elsewhere whether it's 'truly rooibard' or not... i'll let you know how that goes) and some from other potent swazi... a really nice spicy e.g. that puts you to rest if you don't concentrate!! no trankei :( although i did smoke some of 'the brain melter' - brain melting stone incase you didn't get it ;)... kept me aware of the true nature of transkei weed when you find the gem. THE BEST.

all THE BEST then...

-wam- :D