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PC Case Growers Club


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I thought it was about time I posted my latest efforts in this thread, instead of just talking about it. I wish the pictures were better, I had to use my web cam and it's not the best but it works. I'll post more pictures later. The larger plant is sativa and is working on a cola as you can see, and frosting up nicely. The smaller one is a younger indica/sativa but for her size is really frosting up hard and smells very good. I pollinated both of them from the males of the Indica/sativa so I should have some good seeds, there is one more girl, she is a late bloomer and is making up for lost time, she is flowering up nicely. I'll show her later on. They have at least 4 or more weeks left to go. They are in my first PC Grow Case shown here I also will take more pictures of it later. I just wanted to get something out here for all to see. :eggnog: :smokeit:


I have a question. Should I run a 70 watt hps in this case or get 3 x 36 PLL.

I want to do a dr buds type grow this time. I can get 8 of the milk jugs in there just fine two side by side.

Paranoid one

Depends on how strong your intake and exhaust fans are...
I would go with the HPS if the fans are strong.


Grow like nobody is watching
I would choose Pl-l but I've not used hps. For one, dr bud uses fluoros. Also you'll have far more headroom. The lm/w of a 70w hps is nowhere close to the lm/w of a 600 hps so fluoro vs hps isn't such a black and white argument imo at lower wattages. The 36w pl-ls are quite efficient, next to the highest efficient ones, the 55s.


the fans I have will work with hps no problems there this is from my last grow with a pc and 70 watt hps would the pl-l get the buds this thick or do they not have the penataion. this plants not done yet and now is even bigger


Grow like nobody is watching
Wow nice work! Nah I doubt PLLs could penetrate that far/well. I would advise a flat grow method with pll or any fluoro.


ScrubNinja, thanks. yeah I dont really want to do a srcog. so I will go with the 70 watt hps. Also thanks for the light trap idea it works well.
Here is mien

Here is mien

x2 9w 4000k pl
x1 11w 4000k pl (turned off cuz off heat)
x1 36w 5700k cfl
x1 48w 5700k cfl
102 w all together...

my temps near the plants are around 82f ...tried every thing...this pc fan sucking out hot air is very strong and its able to run air trough the light trap easily ..not so quiet aether..its runing on 9v adapter because its way too loud with 12v.

i have two regulator pc fans hanging near the bulbs but i found that when they are off its cooler somehow...
creative solutions are welcome [= (but non that require a lot of work cuz I've been busting my ass on this pc !!!)

humidity is around 50% with the wet towels
right now i am experimenting with bag seeds untill ill get my lowryders...


Paranoid one

x2 9w 4000k pl
x1 11w 4000k pl (turned off cuz off heat)
x1 36w 5700k cfl
x1 48w 5700k cfl
102 w all together...

my temps near the plants are around 82f ...tried every thing...this pc fan sucking out hot air is very strong and its able to run air trough the light trap easily ..not so quiet aether..its runing on 9v adapter because its way too loud with 12v.

i have two regulator pc fans hanging near the bulbs but i found that when they are off its cooler somehow...
creative solutions are welcome [= (but non that require a lot of work cuz I've been busting my ass on this pc !!!)

humidity is around 50% with the wet towels
right now i am experimenting with bag seeds untill ill get my lowryders...

Looks good! ill post my Case up soon! ORDERED my camera last night :)


New member
Hello ppl! I'm also growing in a pc case and I've been having some problems with my plants. I'll try to explain it.

They are about 10-13 days old and the first couple of days they were growing really fast and then they just stopped growing. Instead the leaves have been curling up and it looks like they are dehydrating.
The temp in the case is around 30 degrees Celsius although I have a pc fan blowing on them so I doubt its heat related.
Could it be the humidity? I dont have a way to measure it but I've placed a glass of water in the case to let it evaporate.. will that help?
I'd also like to add that I water them about every 3 days, when I feel that the soil is dry.

Here are two pictures (won't link them directly due to their size)

Like here on the first pic, its a bit blurry but the second par of leaves havent grown a millimeter in several days.


New member
(sorry, but pics didnt come through).. what kind of soil are you using? What's the PH of the water ur using? Have you fed any nutes? info please...:thinking:


New member
(sorry, but pics didnt come through).. what kind of soil are you using? What's the PH of the water ur using? Have you fed any nutes? info please...:thinking:

They should work now.
I don't know the word for the soil but its used to plant the seeds and to grow the plant in during its first couple of weeks.
To be honest I don't know the PH of the water, I've looked around and I don't think it's ph related but I could be very wrong ofcourse. I will make sure to check the PH when I can.
Other than that I've gone 12/12 on the light timer since I planted them and I'm pretty sure no light can get in. And no I haven't fed any nutes.


New member
I'm thinking it's heat, cause i had the same problem at the start(even +30) and they were stretching, looking not so nice. As I solved the problem, everything went well and they started to grow. :dance013:
Get it like +26,+28 and see what happens.

Also, how close the lights are staying and how much W are you giving them?


New member
I'm thinking it's heat, cause i had the same problem at the start(even +30) and they were stretching, looking not so nice. As I solved the problem, everything went well and they started to grow. :dance013:
Get it like +26,+28 and see what happens.

Also, how close the lights are staying and how much W are you giving them?

I had the top of the plants like 5 centimeters from the lamps but a couple of days ago I moved them so now they're like 20-25 centimeters from the lamps. I'm using 60 watts of cfl.
I don't really know what to do to lower the temp more since I have one fan blowing out air from the case and one fan blowing air on the plants.


Grow like nobody is watching
Blirre can you post some pics of the setup at all? Sounds to me like it would be the heat too. Often people miss some of the basics needed and maybe that will be revealed in a photo or description. For example, do you have the exhaust fan at the top and your intakes at the bottom? How many amps or cfm are each fan?

Paranoid one

Hello IcMag.
This is my PC case :)
Back of PC


Front with cover

Front without cover




Paranoid one

Im still going to work on it.
I need to clean it up a bit and in the back i need to fix the power plug a bit, i accidentally kicked the back of the pc case right on the plug when i was turning around to get a drink.
That is why in the 4th pic i see that dent.

I also need more bulbs because these are the ones i collected from all over my apartment.