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Four States Considering Marijuana Legalization


Active member
I hope 2010 tips the scales & its legalized properly in our lifetimes, i dont fancy another incarnation just to experience a world with legal herbs. Planning a move to BC either way

BTW in the UK it was decriminalized, then they found excuses to recriminalize it, fuck it pisses me off so much!

What year was it decrimed in the UK?? or do you mean it was reclassified to a Class C drug which still carried penelties BTW!!
If these states decriminalise MJ its the biggest global move to the total legalisation of medical MJ. Whatever the States seems to do the UK seems to follow suit a few years later, so lets hope this is one move Gordon Brown/Government doesent object to in the near future! If it all happens at all, i aint getting my hopes up too high or holding my breath, i might go green! But, We All Live in Hope'


<table class="tborder" id="reply3007436" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt1" valign="top">
is this guy serious? i want to slap the living shit out of this ignoramus.
nothing good for society?
what about all the non-violent drug offenders that would be let go out of prison. freeing up resources for people who actually commit crimes?
what about the time and money saved by LEO, and other government officials?
what about the unimaginable tax revenue?
what about preventing hundred of thousands of americans from going to jail, or from being fearful of their oppresive government?
maybe more americans would respect government officials and LEO ?
what about the hemp industry?
how does making our country completely self-reliant for our energy needs not help the economy?
what about the millions of acres of forests that could be saved by producing hemp?>
what about stopping the murderous drug cartels in their tracks? does that not sound good to you?
what about all the millions of americans who could be weaned off of wasteful and dangerous prescription drugs by using safe and natural medicine instead?
how dare you travis! you are everything that is wrong with america. burn in hell.
any way you look at it, jobs are created if your growing cannabis...or selling it.
last time i checked, jobs are good for the economy...

considering that use wont go up from legalization i dont see how there will be more accidents.....if someone wants to smoke weed, they're already doing it.
how could healthcare costs go up? i would say they would go DOWN considering how many people could stop using Rx drugs...
Wouldnt there be people dying and suffering right now if that were true?

*looks around* i dont see anyone dying!?! what are you talking about?
you need to lay off the booze lush....
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Oh man this is why we need to get more information out, until Discovery Channel and The History Channel and the news agencies start to talk about the truths of this wonder plant then we must all keep spreading the truth.
With ignorant old farts unwilling to listen to science and peoples calls for reform what can we do?


Cannabis may be Legal in 4 States soon!

Cannabis may be Legal in 4 States soon!

Thanks for the heads up from Cannabis Culture Mag..

In an article http://smartabouthealth.net/drugs/2...arijuana-may-soon-be-legal-in-four-us-states/

From SmartAboutHealth.net

Boston (SmartAboutHealth) - The push to make marijuana legal continues as four U.S. states are currently pursuing the legalization of marijuana.

The hope from these states is that marijuana will become fully regulated, as well as completely legal.

The four states pushing to legalize marijuana include Massachusetts, California, New Hampshire, and the state of Washington.

I'm impressed.. It Starts with one.. Come On California!


Patient Grower
Wow, after all that brouhaha in MA about decrim they're going to legalize now? Color me skeptical. Isn't MA legalization bill due to a quirk in the law that forces their legislature to consider citizen proposals, and that it's the work of one guy, and that he's been sending this bill to them, and being ignored for decades?


I'm not sure on that myself but 4 is better than two.. Anyone for Mass?


I think Oregon may be the 1st state to legalize. OCTA ( Oregon cannabis tax act ) will most probably be on the ballot next Nov provided enough sigs are gathered (almost a sure thing) and takes effect Jan 1 2011 if it passes. I think if it can't pass now it never will. OCTA allows unlimited personal use growing. No taxes, no permits as long as it isn't sold.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
if NH is considering legalization then its seriously only a matter of time. next year or two.


OH NO! i abolished my US passport for canadian/something else...

good reason to hop over the border though..bah, now ill HAVE to get a firearm to protect myself.../rollyeyes

fuck this is so great. exciiiiiting

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^They didnt even include oregon. that actually makes 5 states. Plus you might as well count colorado you know they are gonna hop on board. so probably six. Well 5 states means only 10 percent nation wide by state initiatives. 14 medical states is 28 percent nation wide support for medical use. plus DC now. We need a minimum 51 percent majority nation wide to get forced legalization.


Peace, :joint:

PS. Non prohibition is the only possible outcome for naturally occurring events. Weed and volcanic eruptions will be around long after our sorry species is gone.

Don't forget the cockroach!:canabis:


Well-known member
all it takes is 1 state, that's the crack in the dam
some of the other 'on the fence' states will follow, maybe not right away
the momentum here is really exciting, it's beginning to look like some form of legalization will happen by 2011


i wish alabama would pass a bill for mmj or mississippi.i have a house in both states. i dont even know if one has been drawn up for alabama yet?

Flying Goat

Jyme -

Please get in contact with me by Private Message. Alabama has a bill that is being presented this month - January 2010!

Depending on your location, you would want to join either Loretta's group (Alabamians for Compassionate Care) out of Birmingham or our group (Bay Area Chapter of ACC). Either way, please join ACC & help us in this fight!

Bay Area has a new poster-boy president, a medical patient (epilepsy) who is very photogenic & has met with some representatives re our bill. Please contact me for more info. We would love to have you on board!

The link to this article no longer seems good. Do you have the publication data? The Associated Press release of Dec. 28, '09 was printed intact and in expanded forms in a number of newspapers. I can't find any printing in the LA Times though.

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