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the truth of helocopters


Overkill is under-rated.
The helicopters detect heat from the overturned soil at the plant's base due to the lack of vegetation.

Pretty close, its the dark soil that is freshly turned/watered absorbing more of the sun's energy, making it appear to be a white ring on FLIR.

I've heard a CAMP pilot on another forum tell us the only plants he can't see from the air are ones under camouflage netting. He says NOTHING else works, and camo netting is amazing.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I've heard a CAMP pilot on another forum tell us the only plants he can't see from the air are ones under camouflage netting. He says NOTHING else works, and camo netting is amazing

That's priceless info folks. Thanks man.


Pretty close, its the dark soil that is freshly turned/watered absorbing more of the sun's energy, making it appear to be a white ring on FLIR.

I've heard a CAMP pilot on another forum tell us the only plants he can't see from the air are ones under camouflage netting. He says NOTHING else works, and camo netting is amazing.

How much light does camo netting block out though...? And wont it look pretty suspicious to be flying over an area and see a big thing of camo netting there. They may not be able to see past it but what could someone be hiding there in the middle of the woods?


como netting doesnt really block out any look it up on cheaperthandirt.com but if u use it someone could see it from the ground easyer
Not sure if anyone can read this post, but ya it's the rippers, cops are just another form of a ripper but they charge you too (usually). Ya never grow on private property, unless it's a corn field.

Fact is public land makes great grows, they usually have a a lot of natural growth preservation programs...things to let nature over grow herself....so that means some old shrubs that take over fields....those are the best, just tunnel in and hallow out a spot for plants.

I have seen LEO fly and they are dumb, could thrown a rock and knocked that guy around. They rip out a plant or two out of a corn field that is somehow 5 feet tall by July, probably one of their boys that put it out there, being the corn field hicks that they are!

Ya the rippers, I'd swear that is more of a problem then cops....might even be them off duty or their cousin...you know they do favors for their inbreed relatives.


I still have a hard time believing that camouflage netting that would allow light to come through would stop plants from being spotted...

I've seen camo netting before and when under it, it basically puts you in the shade, with a few light leaks....

I've been googling it being used in grows and can't find much.....anyone got a pic of how much light can get through and with what type of netting?


Can they even get warrants for houses which are close to land that has plants on them? Even if the land is NOT owned by the people at the house?
Nope, unless they have a reasonable cause to apply for a search warrant, ie: They found a trail leading to your house and found some clippings, plants, or anything else that would lead any reasonable person to believe that YOU are the culprit. If you had weed leaves or any other sort of pro-activist materials. Abstain from wearing and promoting these things, even though we are all very passionate, you can't. As long as there is no clear evidence to support that you're the culprit, then they can't.

And then there are corrupt judges. Then you're fubar.

Camo netting is for islands that no one else has foot access to. You can't stretch it across like a tarp, you need to 'tarp' the plants individually..

pothead6, good idea with the rooting the whole stem, it'll keep your plants to a lower profile. I believe it was either BC or silverback(R.I.P.) who discovered this method, pure genius.

Xtensity: I'd say it'd be no more than 50%, but bye bye yeild. You might be able to camo it better with a native (non-toxic) viney plant. You'll just need to train the crap out of the vine. Anything to make it look as natural as possible is what you want to do. Water surrounding areas if you can, you'll be going through a lot more water, but you can't harvest what has been seen. If you till up land, do it in small patches, don't do it in a long run. If this means buying a million hose repair kits, then you might just have to. Either that or run lines in parallel, tap your source with say, 5 garden hoses, one at 5 feet length, the other at 10, and the other at 25. The first one goes to the middle of the first patch, then attach it to a soaker hose face down around your few plants, rinse lather repeat. Remember to save as much natural vegetation as possible to help camo the ganja. Plant as far out as you can. Thankfully I have some weeds here that very closely resemble chornic, so next year I wont have to worry about too much camo.

If you're worried about heat signature differences with dry soil compared to wet, don't plant in such a hot/cold place. Or don't use very cold water to water with. Etc. Go rent an IR camera, and check out your local army/hiking retail store for a rental. Go to your spot and check the differences in heat signatures. During the day there wont be much at all, especially if you have a resiviour that can heat up a bit. It all depends on your location and your specific needs. I always go to my plots during the day, no fisherman fishes at night. Mid day is obviously the hottest part of the day, So water in the early morning before the hottest part of the day to help keep this heat difference down (Black*68F* contrasts very well on Yellow-White*86F*). Most of us will not have to ever worry about this unless you live in a very drastic climate.

InfraRed Imaging, Black is room temperature, so water when the ambient temperature is around this, Bury your mulch and place a layer of sandy soil on top under your girls and you'll be invincible.


weed fiend
You can grow clones in blackberry bushes. You can still see the spire tips sticking out but the bushes disguise most of it, depending on height. MJ can grow all day long, anywhere blackberries grow.


Xtensity: I'd say it'd be no more than 50%, but bye bye yeild. You might be able to camo it better with a native (non-toxic) viney plant. You'll just need to train the crap out of the vine. Anything to make it look as natural as possible is what you want to do. Water surrounding areas if you can, you'll be going through a lot more water, but you can't harvest what has been seen. If you till up land, do it in small patches, don't do it in a long run. If this means buying a million hose repair kits, then you might just have to. Either that or run lines in parallel, tap your source with say, 5 garden hoses, one at 5 feet length, the other at 10, and the other at 25. The first one goes to the middle of the first patch, then attach it to a soaker hose face down around your few plants, rinse lather repeat. Remember to save as much natural vegetation as possible to help camo the ganja. Plant as far out as you can. Thankfully I have some weeds here that very closely resemble chornic, so next year I wont have to worry about too much camo.

Watering isn't a problem, I can tote water jugs back and forth.... since they're going to be small autoflowers they wouldn't need more than a gallon of water per plant. Bring 2 gallons back at a time, and it's not far from my house. There's no trail at all... since I always take a different path to and from the patch... Since the plants wont get bigger than 2 feet, Ill probably have like 2 plants grouped together in many different locations.. Since I'll be planting about 20... I don't think 2 little 1-2 foot plants would be obvious, and if there's many of them scattered everywhere, like every 2 plants would be 10-20 meters apart...

I'll figure it out. Do you think only like 2 small plants every so many meters would be to noticeable from above? Even though in the area all together there may be 20+ or so


what are some kick ass nutes i can get that will make my lowryders put on some massive wieght that i can get from like lowes or walmart im already eather planning on putting them in pots but theres a stealth factor that raises flags if id do that but id have porability. that or digging up native soil and putting in my own dankness of mixxes


what are some kick ass nutes i can get that will make my lowryders put on some massive wieght that i can get from like lowes or walmart im already eather planning on putting them in pots but theres a stealth factor that raises flags if id do that but id have porability. that or digging up native soil and putting in my own dankness of mixxes

From walmart/lowes? None...

You can get some good nutes for lowryders at a gardening shop that would last you several grows for about 40 bucks.. it would easily pay for it's self after 1 grow.


Some good posts here...but what about all the big grows out in the wide open that never get chopped for years and years, i had a neighbor with 99 monsters in the full sun wide open...i know they flew over me hard the last two years in different places, and never came down. i wasnt super blowing it up but definitely nice sized gardens...i think in norcal they are looking for 1000+ gardens but also do hear stories of them getting average sized gardens....lately just been hearing they are just doing a smash and grab job and not arresting people, just cutting and leaving.


Some good posts here...but what about all the big grows out in the wide open that never get chopped for years and years, i had a neighbor with 99 monsters in the full sun wide open...i know they flew over me hard the last two years in different places, and never came down. i wasnt super blowing it up but definitely nice sized gardens...i think in norcal they are looking for 1000+ gardens but also do hear stories of them getting average sized gardens....lately just been hearing they are just doing a smash and grab job and not arresting people, just cutting and leaving.

Yeah... theres no real leads to who to arrest unless they catch the person at the site. Just roping down to grows and smashing plants would take seconds, I can easily see them doing that. If that's all they would do then it's much more easy on the soul if you see your spot getting busted. If they did that to all spots they definitely would not have time to go after all the people/find them.

But what are they doing exactly? Cutting the plants? Almost any plant cut at the stem can be doctored back to some degree... I know they can't take them all up in the chopper.


well i heard a story this year of a private compound bust with 350 large plants they just came in, took it in loads and didnt arrest the guys, just detained them while they were destroying everything and went on their way....didnt hear any more on those people but they probably ended up getting subpoenad....