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think I found yummybuds first date story

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man I remember reading somwhere that most 17 year old girls are not even virgins anymore. so you never know a 17 year old girl may be way ahead of me.

so if you look at it that way, she'd be taking advantage of me lol.


youre right, you would be a real catch in her eyes. older, couple points for that, NOT jumping in her pants, couple points, education on the way, with goals, bunch of points. her family is probably from russia, this is probably aweomse in her eyes. decent looking maybe? couple points(like not acne, overweight friend of yours) etc...man youre already a beacon in her eyes. just DO it...

man she's totally summed you up.

she wants to put you in her bag. just play along, play nicely, MAKE HUMOUR, jebus. throw some normal into the mix, and youll be okay with her. You dont need something to talk about, just say words that make sense in the right order about something, anything, make funniness happen, not at your expense, and lead up to a big sigh, this has been fun, let's go to the aquarium...or anything.

if she KNOWS the place, and it's not far away, she will be more likely to follow with you. BEEEYYAAMMM, key point.

it really does not matter. do you not know how to talk to someone? you havent really said if you have issues talking with other people, strangers, people older than you and commanding respect towards individuals, duno if you simply have your tail inbetween your legs every moment...that could be revolutionary in dealing with this situation. I suppose it's not my business, but if you have to look at this so one sided, maybe the problem(s) are more multi faceted in which case you need to look at ALL your problems with these social situations more cognitively with a specialist. really, honestly.

or dont. ill stop bashing my head against the wall when you get some, so better hurry up with that.

others are losing faith! the religion must progress! this is the only religion that doesnt promise something... EL OH EL.


Active member
youre right, you would be a real catch in her eyes. older, couple points for that, NOT jumping in her pants, couple points, education on the way, with goals, bunch of points. her family is probably from russia, this is probably aweomse in her eyes. decent looking maybe? couple points(like not acne, overweight friend of yours) etc...man youre already a beacon in her eyes. just DO it...

man she's totally summed you up.

she wants to put you in her bag. just play along, play nicely, MAKE HUMOUR, jebus. throw some normal into the mix, and youll be okay with her. You dont need something to talk about, just say words that make sense in the right order about something, anything, make funniness happen, not at your expense, and lead up to a big sigh, this has been fun, let's go to the aquarium...or anything.

if she KNOWS the place, and it's not far away, she will be more likely to follow with you. BEEEYYAAMMM, key point.

it really does not matter. do you not know how to talk to someone? you havent really said if you have issues talking with other people, strangers, people older than you and commanding respect towards individuals, duno if you simply have your tail inbetween your legs every moment...that could be revolutionary in dealing with this situation. I suppose it's not my business, but if you have to look at this so one sided, maybe the problem(s) are more multi faceted in which case you need to look at ALL your problems with these social situations more cognitively with a specialist. really, honestly.

or dont. ill stop bashing my head against the wall when you get some, so better hurry up with that.

others are losing faith! the religion must progress! this is the only religion that doesnt promise something... EL OH EL.

I think were getting closer but what if this girl just doesn't show up for work and yummy never sees her again that would mean all of our efforts today and yesterday and the day before have been wasted and he will continue trying to convince himself to do something he never actually will do over and over and over and over again.. it can drive one mad just thinking about it.


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well she is scheduled to work on saturday and I work on saturday also.......

but if I don't ask her to do something on sat then who knows when I'll see her again. she starts school again in a week I think so she'll probalby only work like 1-2 days a week and I may not work on the same days so I may see her rarely.

but still I don't wan to put pressure on myself to ask her to come hang out this saturday.

I'll just try and go and talk to her just chat with her and see what happens.


I think were getting closer but what if this girl just doesn't show up for work and yummy never sees her again that would mean all of our efforts today and yesterday and the day before have been wasted and he will continue trying to convince himself to do something he never actually will do over and over and over and over again.. it can drive one mad just thinking about it.

well, if were closer, then we get a gold star for effort. If no one ever put down the effort to help, many things would never get done. including yummybud probably. i dont care either way i see it. it's energy not wasted in actual effect.. believing in someone can make a world of difference, unless they utterly dont believe in themselves...and as we surely will find out for yummybud in this saga if nothing is acted upon..

remember planting a seed yummy? that's what ive done with you too, even if you read what ive said once through, youve been able to understand the words, and gives you food for thought. that's all planting a seed with a girl is, giving her food for thought.


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its hard to even chat with her. she is a cashier and I can't just go and talk to her while she is helping costumers you know?

then at break I don't knwo when she goes on break or lunch and I don't be like that douche guy and be like come to lunch with me. if that douche guy is working on sat he will come around and tell her to come to lunch with him.

anyways I'll see what i can do. fuk why am I sitting around thinking about some 17 year old girl.


well she is scheduled to work on saturday and I work on saturday also.......

but if I don't ask her to do something on sat then who knows when I'll see her again. she starts school again in a week I think so she'll probalby only work like 1-2 days a week and I may not work on the same days so I may see her rarely.

but still I don't wan to put pressure on myself to ask her to come hang out this saturday.

I'll just try and go and talk to her just chat with her and see what happens.

a. you could make plans for the day of, make it closeby so there isnt much effort involved in either party. you probably live near by work, same with her, it would put negative pressure on her to be home by X, or travel time, and the unknown factors etc. keep it close if same day for that.

b. if it's a plan for another day, make it a few hour affair, dont make it short and sweet, let her get to know you, reciprocate for her as well, dont let her off so easy if youre making the effort. the object of the game is to hit a home run right?...well....not just hit it far enough to make do.

a good excuse in case you will not see her again, ask for the number so you DO NOT lose her as a contact, you can come straight up with that, or lead into it, i personally dont think it will matter either way, because she already likes you, it's fairly obvious from over here, and she wouldnt mind handing over her number on a gold label for you.

its hard to even chat with her. she is a cashier and I can't just go and talk to her while she is helping costumers you know?

then at break I don't knwo when she goes on break or lunch and I don't be like that douche guy and be like come to lunch with me. if that douche guy is working on sat he will come around and tell her to come to lunch with him.

anyways I'll see what i can do. fuk why am I sitting around thinking about some 17 year old girl.
some cheese with that whine? customers!!! oh no...woeeeees

man come to lunch with me would be taking the bull by the fucking horns. do that.

are you listening to what youre saying? if that guy is working on sat, he will come around and tell her to come to lunch with him, yes. he will, and what will she say??

probably yes, right? well why dont you beat him to it, and dont invite him.

you dont need to be an engineer or an astrophysicist to think critically mate. my buddy took his LSAT, i thought he was in your class, but he's a bit further than you in his lawyer pursuit, he said it was a bitch. start studying now...heh

yes, label her just as some random 17 year old. being positive about our prospects i see.

please take most of this to heart, im not just some dick pointing out faults, well okay, ill take that label, but ive been there done that man, just trying to relay some help.

anyways, time to go hotbox a v6 mustang. sigh. what a piece, least it rolls alright.

think real hard about what you want to be yummy. and not talking about occupation..


Active member
lol I remember when she said she really likes my car. I should have said oh want to come for a ride lol

it'd probably sound like a creeper but it might have worked lol.

"want a ride little girl?"

I actually went up to this girl at my work (didnt' like her or anything) and said "Merry christmas little girl" and she laughed and said oh my god thats creepy yummy.

but she was just joking with me. I always go up to her and say random things and she laughs.

I"m more relaxed and funny around girls I don't have interest in because I don't give a shit about what they think of me. I don't care if they think i'm creepy or weird or stupid who the hell cares.


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i'm appying to work at a phonline crisis centre......... suicide hotline. its for the government but I have no idea if they'd hire me because its a serious job you're suppose to convince people on the phone not to kill themselves.

it'd be a good volunteer reference though.
NO No no, You need to volunteer at some place where there are a lot of younger women. Ideally, being the gardener at a home for wayward women battling sex addictions. (We can all dream.) Seriously look into a position where you will be talking to and interacting with woman. Maybe you will become more comfortable around women. What about a job at a college as a tutor or ??.

Sorry if I'm a little behind the current discussion but I just logged on for the day.


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yeah that would be nice but what kind of reputable volunteer position would allow me to work with young women?


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well I don't want to ask her to lunch like that guy and do exactly what that guy does I think its lame.

maybe when I go to lunch and pass her at her till I'll say hey i'm going to pick up some food want anything? or when I go on cofee break ask her if she wants a cofee and get her one I don't know.


Active member
hmm yeah i'm just a dumbass I guess. I need a girl to come and tell me up front that she likes me and would like to ask her out for me to do it confidently knowing she actually likes me.


why dont you get lit off that drunk gofler scotch before work, and just basically tell her youve decided shes going to the aquarium w/ you jokingly

your gonna quit anyway so fuck it


Active member
get drunk before work? not sure if thats a good idea lol. I'm trying to get more hours, coming to work drunk won't help.

the problem like I said is that I can't have a long converesation with her at work. only short brief chats. I can have a short chat with her when I go by her till or when she walks by me or if i'm lucky and she is on lunch at the same time as me or on break on the same time.

otherwise wtf would I do?


dude im sure you can get her number somehow at work theres gotta be a list somewhere, just call her and ask her if she wants to hang out, have a ride in your auto-mobile
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