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Vending to clubs, what is it like for you?

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If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
$ suggestions? Not to justify, but i came here to find out the real deal. many of you got to where you are at through experience. I'm sure somewhere along the line you made a sacrifice for one reason or another. One of the factors in my decision was that i will be gone for 15 days starting tomorrow and wouldnt be to comfortable leaving my meds unattended that long.. a lot of things could happen.. But really, i know better now and i know that next round will be better and bigger. Give me a number you guys are charging and i'll stick to it or they can go f* themselves. greedy bastards. i heard every story in the book yesterday too.. you should have heard their original offer... 'money is tight right now' , look at what we just got for 25 , next time it will be more , ect ect....

this will be my last post on the topic, i dont want to get into it with anyone. i came here to find out if i got the shaft and i apparently did so... i can assure you all that wont be happening again. and i apoligize to all you vendors that are keeping margins healthy for growers. when people ask me why med mmj is so expensive i know now that its all the club and that no matter what theirs costs they will charge the max people will pay.

if you could just answer my above question that would help me help you.


$ suggestions?

if your Valley OG is really true Valley OG (that means you didnt get the cut at a club/from a vendor), then, as long as the buds are dense and taste as lemony as they smell then you can easily get 46-48, up to 52 is your shit is 1000% perfect all the way thru the elbow. VALLEY WHEN DONE RIGHT IS SUPERIOR.

that figure comes direct from an insider at a so cal coop - the pricing figures were disclosed to me (becasue i asked!)... becasue thats the kind of good shit you need to know.

hope this helps you.
dont let them bust your balls YOU ARE IN CONTROL you have what they want if you have true top shelf stuff they dont really wnat you to take your wares down the street but they are trying to keep their dollars. FUCK THEM GET YOURS.


Active member
learn how to negotiate. set a price per O before you go in and walk out if you don't get it.

i've never even done this but it's common sense. there are hundreds of D's.


Active member
if your Valley OG is really true Valley OG (that means you didnt get the cut at a club/from a vendor), then, as long as the buds are dense and taste as lemony as they smell then you can easily get 46-48, up to 52 is your shit is 1000% perfect all the way thru the elbow. VALLEY WHEN DONE RIGHT IS SUPERIOR.

that figure comes direct from an insider at a so cal coop - the pricing figures were disclosed to me (becasue i asked!)... becasue thats the kind of good shit you need to know.

hope this helps you.
dont let them bust your balls YOU ARE IN CONTROL you have what they want if you have true top shelf stuff they dont really wnat you to take your wares down the street but they are trying to keep their dollars. FUCK THEM GET YOURS.


As the buyer at a dispensary. I can verify this. If your product speaks for your self. Then you have no worries. Name your price and go from there. But be a dick. And Ill have our roided out security guard throw you out into the blvd.


Give respect to Get respect


Active member

As the buyer at a dispensary. I can verify this. If your product speaks for your self. Then you have no worries. Name your price and go from there. But be a dick. And Ill have our roided out security guard throw you out into the blvd.


Give respect to Get respect

Want to give us a heads up on what else you are paying top dollar for?


Active member
These days because of the dreaded outdoor season and also the sudden migration of growers to socal. The prices have dropped. For top shelf kushes. We pay about 38-44. Im talking about medicine that makes your jaw drop and drool.

6 months ago. This quality would cost us about 48-52. And even when the outdoor season dries out, im confident that this price range is going to stay or even get lower. We litterlly have 3-5 "vendors" come in a day. Flooded isnt even the right definition of whats going on. I predict another price drop. Which to me is a good thing.

When Socal hits Norcal prices. Then we are in the right track. Or maybe thats just the Bay in me.

I wouldnt even be suprised if Socal growers start shooting up back north to unload there crops. I mean seriously. With the shit hitting the fan in LA right now. I would say that it is HIGHLY likely.


hope this helps you.
dont let them bust your balls YOU ARE IN CONTROL you have what they want if you have true top shelf stuff they dont really wnat you to take your wares down the street but they are trying to keep their dollars. FUCK THEM GET YOURS.

my experience bears this out. the owner sure wants what i have but he is playing me the whole time, "this doesn't look like X to me...market is flooded...more growers yada yada." i swear it felt like he was doing me a favor ha. o well no hurry to vend it at all cya. there are so many dispensaries and they are close by! some even know what good bud looks like... :xmasnut:

don't get discouraged if a couple places don't buy, right around the corner there's another dispensary! :tree:


Active member
my experience bears this out. the owner sure wants what i have but he is playing me the whole time, "this doesn't look like X to me...market is flooded...more growers yada yada." i swear it felt like he was doing me a favor ha. o well no hurry to vend it at all cya. there are so many dispensaries and they are close by! some even know what good bud looks like... :xmasnut:

don't get discouraged if a couple places don't buy, right around the corner there's another dispensary! :tree:

yeah, as a former D patient who paid ridiculous prices i hope that the growers start going next door and not taking the first price offered.

there should be a thread on Negotiating skills for negotiating with D's. If they aren't lowering the retail cost and lowballing growers and driving down the wholesale price then fuck them. they are ruining other peoples livlihoods so they can take company retreats to vegas, and who knows what else. mansion in malibu? must be nice.


Active member
yeah, as a former D patient who paid ridiculous prices i hope that the growers start going next door and not taking the first price offered.

there should be a thread on Negotiating skills for negotiating with D's. If they aren't lowering the retail cost and lowballing growers and driving down the wholesale price then fuck them. they are ruining other peoples livlihoods so they can take company retreats to vegas, and who knows what else. mansion in malibu? must be nice.

Man you are living in some type of fantasy. Company retreats? Houses in malibu?

I understand and have personally dealt with shady Ds. But lets be real. Company retreats?

You got the shady ones and then you have the real ones. And then you have the in betweens.

Your product speaks for it self. If your shit is really primo top shelf. Then you should not have any problem negotiating your price to above 4k. Anything more then that then your product better really fucking stand out.

Ive delt with and even work with growers that grow really good bud. And you know what? Allot of these guys are in fucking denial and have there heads shoved up so far up there ass its not even funny. I mean they really think there bud, which is pretty good is on the same level of the top notch shit. And there not trying to hear anything else.

When in reality its not worth more then 3-3500 max. And when you tell them that, they shake there heads and get offended. They leave. Come back in a few hours or next day and I end up buying it cheaper.

And im the bad guy? You see those 1/8ths getting sold for 70 and you automatically think its the Ds fault? Do I really have to break everything down? Is there really a point? If you see 1/8ths listed at 70. Then theres a good chance the D bought that lb for well over 4k. You do the math.

If you really knew the drama, stress, and expenses to run a small sized dispensary you would think different. I would know because I was the biggest hater on D's selling 1/8ths for 75. Now I dont mind it as much. But I can only speak for who I associate with. Because like I said, Ive delth with the shadiest of shady. From the BAY to LA. So your ill feelings towards Dispensaries are understood by me.


Patient Grower
"you do the math"

I actually think you'd do a public service if you'd do the math. Most of the people here have never run a business with actual overhead, if any business and have no clue the costs invisible to the customer. They have no idea the regulatory cost of an employee, especially in CA. No clue to the reality of the ongoing costs of rent, legal fees, FUTA, SUTA, health insurance, worker's comp, shrinkage etc, etc, etc. No clue just how many people and entities see a business as a pigeon ripe for the plucking because of 'all the outrageous profit it makes', even though they haold this same view of the business. No clue that the business gets paid dead last and if there isn't anything left over that day, week, month, year that the business has to pull the money out of it's ass to survive. They mistake gross revenue for net profit. There's no understanding that the each customer has costs involved which are fixed regardless of whether they just browse, purchase an 1/8th, or whatever quantity.

Perhaps I'm wrong and it was just I who was clueless before I went into business. I made the quantum leap into business after a car accident in 1993 which gave me some settlement money. Just happened to also fuck up my neck which is what gets me my MMJ rec. Yeah, I decided I was going to get mine, take trips in first class luxury, own a fine car, blah, blah, blah. Well I haven't done too horribly, but I drive a 1997 Mitsubishi, no way I can ignore the cost savings between 1st class and coach, and were I to decide to retire today I could probably get along fine, assuming I find a nice low cost of living place and live in a house trailer. It was just a total shocker to me that if a person bought a lb for $4000 and sold it for $9000 that there wasn't $5000 in profit. It was a total shocker to me that one could buy product for 50% of retail and end up losing money. Total shocker that being in business doesn't mean a license to print money, that you don't get to decide, well I need a new Porche, so I'll increase my prices by x% and buy it. A business doesn't just decide how much it wants in profit and print a price tag, and expect people to pay for it. There's a guy down the street that will undercut you because he's OK with a Lexus instead of a Porche, then another guy who will undercut him because a used Honda is really all he needs.

Then again maybe it won't help, since so many seem to think that people should provide cannabis for minimal compensation at best.


Active member
Man you are living in some type of fantasy. Company retreats? Houses in malibu?

I understand and have personally dealt with shady Ds. But lets be real. Company retreats?

You got the shady ones and then you have the real ones. And then you have the in betweens.

Your product speaks for it self. If your shit is really primo top shelf. Then you should not have any problem negotiating your price to above 4k. Anything more then that then your product better really fucking stand out.

Ive delt with and even work with growers that grow really good bud. And you know what? Allot of these guys are in fucking denial and have there heads shoved up so far up there ass its not even funny. I mean they really think there bud, which is pretty good is on the same level of the top notch shit. And there not trying to hear anything else.

When in reality its not worth more then 3-3500 max. And when you tell them that, they shake there heads and get offended. They leave. Come back in a few hours or next day and I end up buying it cheaper.

And im the bad guy? You see those 1/8ths getting sold for 70 and you automatically think its the Ds fault? Do I really have to break everything down? Is there really a point? If you see 1/8ths listed at 70. Then theres a good chance the D bought that lb for well over 4k. You do the math.

If you really knew the drama, stress, and expenses to run a small sized dispensary you would think different. I would know because I was the biggest hater on D's selling 1/8ths for 75. Now I dont mind it as much. But I can only speak for who I associate with. Because like I said, Ive delth with the shadiest of shady. From the BAY to LA. So your ill feelings towards Dispensaries are understood by me.

You should do consultations on the side man. I am sure some people would pay good money to have their bud appraised before they walk into a D and get lowballed.


Man you are living in some type of fantasy. Company retreats? Houses in malibu?

I understand and have personally dealt with shady Ds. But lets be real. Company retreats?

You got the shady ones and then you have the real ones. And then you have the in betweens.

Your product speaks for it self. If your shit is really primo top shelf. Then you should not have any problem negotiating your price to above 4k. Anything more then that then your product better really fucking stand out.

Ive delt with and even work with growers that grow really good bud. And you know what? Allot of these guys are in fucking denial and have there heads shoved up so far up there ass its not even funny. I mean they really think there bud, which is pretty good is on the same level of the top notch shit. And there not trying to hear anything else.

When in reality its not worth more then 3-3500 max. And when you tell them that, they shake there heads and get offended. They leave. Come back in a few hours or next day and I end up buying it cheaper.

And im the bad guy? You see those 1/8ths getting sold for 70 and you automatically think its the Ds fault? Do I really have to break everything down? Is there really a point? If you see 1/8ths listed at 70. Then theres a good chance the D bought that lb for well over 4k. You do the math.

If you really knew the drama, stress, and expenses to run a small sized dispensary you would think different. I would know because I was the biggest hater on D's selling 1/8ths for 75. Now I dont mind it as much. But I can only speak for who I associate with. Because like I said, Ive delth with the shadiest of shady. From the BAY to LA. So your ill feelings towards Dispensaries are understood by me.

Any quality dispensary would be growing their own medicine, which would ensure that they dont have to overcharge their patients. No medical marijuana patient should pay even $60.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
I saw it mentioned earlier here i believe, but there should be a dispensary bud appraisal thread. I know you can get different prices in different parts of town or another shop, but it would be nice to inform people a bit and let them know what kind of quality and product they need to have before it can command top shelf prices and be worth it for a dispensary to buy.

Like pugnacious said....
Your product speaks for it self. If your shit is really primo top shelf. Then you should not have any problem negotiating your price to above 4k. Anything more then that then your product better really fucking stand out.

Ive delt with and even work with growers that grow really good bud. And you know what? Allot of these guys are in fucking denial and have there heads shoved up so far up there ass its not even funny. I mean they really think there bud, which is pretty good is on the same level of the top notch shit. And there not trying to hear anything else.

When in reality its not worth more then 3-3500 max. And when you tell them that, they shake there heads and get offended. They leave. Come back in a few hours or next day and I end up buying it cheaper.


Active member
Any quality dispensary would be growing their own medicine, which would ensure that they dont have to overcharge their patients. No medical marijuana patient should pay even $60.

Its unfair to expect dispensaries to grow their own. Can you imagine growing in a dispensary in LA right now. There is no way you are sleeping at night.

Allot of people have this illusion that these patient recs dispensaries have on file can shield them on having this legal grow. Not only is this completely fantasy. It is strait up unethical. As a grower you know god damn well to grow commercially, its almost impossible to stay under 99 plants. And really? using patients recs with out there permission? Thats bad karma.

Every once in a while we get these vendors that try to sleeze there way into accessing our patient files. Asking us to go partner with them if we give them access to our files. If im working that day. Its either going to be your last day every stepping foot inside our place or the conversation will never be brought up again.

Im flattered at people recommending me be that marijuana antique show dude on bbc. But no thanks. A monkey on roller skates working at a LA dispensary could do that job man. I guess im just commenting on these out of towners that want to head "cali for nee way". Expecting to unload there decent buds for exaggerated price.

and ill die before I become this dude..



Active member
I dunno, I am not from Cali, I see a lot of bud on this site that in my neck of the woods would be considered "fire" or more likely just called "dro." So I don't know what Ds look for when they appraise the goods.
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