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think I found yummybuds first date story

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lol this blonde girl I don't even really talk with often at work so she will probably not come but i'll ask her anyways.

and I don't even like her so I don't care if she says not it won't hurt my feelings.

I wouldn't even call her "fat" shes a bit chubby definately not a fat chick but she is self conscious and keeps on saying she is "fat".


Active member
well I finished my degree but now I have to study for my law school entrance exam which I have to take in June.... if i don't score really high I won't get into lawschool which was the whole point of getting my bachelors degree.

anyways yeah today that asian girl talking ot me obviously talking to me but the stupid voice in my head told me don't ask for her number all of a sudden she'll thinkyou're desperate and it'll be awkward so I didn't.



Active member
well girls I actually really like it drives me nuts and I get nervous and it shows and then when it doesn't work out I feel like crap.


keep trying, as long as you dont look hideous or give them a good reason to hate on you, your key should finally unlock one or two of them...

they cant read your mind dude, they dont know anything until you tell them or show them with your body language. tis where the confidence and instincts come in, but that's a learning curve for some. that's all i got for you till your next showing

ps. youd be surprised how many females dig you that you never even know about. Even just in passing. they check you out, and observe; probably even more cunning than us....




Active member
man i pulled a yummy tonight. girlie wanted to see me but i was fucking tired as fuck plus been smoking all night so i told her i was busy. she told me she got her hair and nails done too, probably missed out on some fun tonight. fucking knocks blowin me up till 1130pm but i got bills to pay man fuck...it seems every night im waiting in a parking lot somewhere


well I finished my degree but now I have to study for my law school entrance exam which I have to take in June.... if i don't score really high I won't get into lawschool which was the whole point of getting my bachelors degree.

anyways yeah today that asian girl talking ot me obviously talking to me but the stupid voice in my head told me don't ask for her number all of a sudden she'll think you're desperate and it'll be awkward so I didn't.


thats one of your problems right there, you need to beat the shit outta this "voice" and tell it to go mind its own damned business!!!

your trying to get laid for gods sake!! who and what is this voice? is it a facetious sounding nathan lane type voice? does it sound like a seething wolverine? is it an old george burns? could it be George carlin coming back in your head just to f**k with you?

and whats wrong with this blonde chick? why cant you go for her? at this point you should be concentrating on warm bodies for sex and not let your standards drift out of that range. hell, she'll already be there at the bar getting pissy and if not then hell, help her along and introduce her to "el pepito" in a bathroom stall!!

i keep trying to tell you bruh, take what you can get. i would like to say beggars cant be choosers, but damn man, you dont even beg!! you just sit there all helpless like. and what do you look like that you can afford to turn down anyone at this point in your life?

are you one of those guys whose last time interacting with a vagina was during their own birth? you seem like the type.

i still think you should date a guy and see how you much you like,since we know girls arent your thing. theres nothing wrong with being gay, but the annoying part for me and most heterosexuals is when you try to fake it around us just to save some sort of face.

dont worry dude every and i mean EVERY straight guy on here knows your gay, but i guess your just gonna keep fighting it and post thread after thread of possibility/opportunity lost one after the other.

ive never heard/read the phrase "i just. . ." form one person so much. why bother if your gonna excuse each and every time or woman you come across? "she's too this. . .", "she's too that. . . ", "i want to but. . . ". why are you fighting this so much man?

"i never asked her for her name" . . .but. . .isnt that one of the first things you do when you are interested in someone? you at least get to know their name.

OH MY GOD. . .ITS ALL CLEAR TO ME NOW. . .ALICIA KEYS!!!! YOUR YUMMYBUD!!! oh no wait, im thinking of that song she did called "you dont know my name" but in the end of the song she ended up calling the guy. imagine that alicia keys has more balls than you, heh heh, who knew?!

DAMN!!! just when i thought i was onto something! shit!!! dont worry yummy, we'll figure out just who you are yet!!! you just wait and see. . .. (dr.evil) muwhahahaahhahahha


Cannabrex Formulator
done school!! yehaaaaaaa finally finished my bachelors degree.

man today I had an opportunity to ask a girl for her number but I didn't because I was too pussy.

this asian girl in my class who always comes and talks to me (seems interested), she first came up to me one day and said " hey I noticed you always get donuts before class" so she obviously wants to talk ...

today she saw me studtying before my final and came and said hi then left then came back an hour later and said hey you still here and chated for a while then said ok well bye and I said bye and left.

I didn't know how to ask for her number or whatever without being awkward so I didn't. didn't want to just jump in all of a sudden and ask her out. but should have she probabl liked me.

I keep on missing so many opportunities. this east indian girl in my class who is pretty hot also always used to come and talk to me and once I was leaving class I saw her running behind me to catch up with me.

but I didnt' really like her. she is good looking BUT after she start talking she is not hot anymore..... she has a manly voice lol. maybe she's one of those shemales.

yeah that asian girl definately liked me but I didn't want to be awkward and ask her for her number in the middle of the conversation so I didn't.........

it has to be natural I can't just jump in the conversation and say oh I think you're hot lets go out. I haven't really talked to her much when we were in class just during breaks sometimes

yeah she was pretty hot but like I said she had a very unattractive voice.......... that just totally made her unattractive as soon as she starts talking. I like a girl with a girly voice.

the first day in class I thought man that girl is hot, then when I heard her speak not so much.

lol this blonde girl I don't even really talk with often at work so she will probably not come but i'll ask her anyways.

and I don't even like her so I don't care if she says not it won't hurt my feelings.

I wouldn't even call her "fat" shes a bit chubby definately not a fat chick but she is self conscious and keeps on saying she is "fat".


Go find yourself a good shrink....or a whole whack of psychadelic brain medicine......because yer obviously unable to do anything about your neuroses by yourself.......you have proven that with 6+ years of bullshit.


Active member
I gotta agree with them yummy

Im tired of your bullshit too

it's fucking christmas.. and your still typing the same old bullshit
talking to yourself, just having doubts all the time, not taking any advice, not ready to go forward

I dunno if your gay tho

dude yummy it's not that hard
baby steps

find out what your problem is dude.....



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ps. youd be surprised how many females dig you that you never even know about. Even just in passing. they check you out, and observe; probably even more cunning than us....

Yeah.. happens to me all the time

I pass a hot chick standing on a street (say in town centre) and we meet eyes.. i go pass her and there's this electric atmosphere, this energy/chemistry between us lol


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Ever seen a Red-headed White Chinese freckled-face kid? Oh yeah...he was bowlegged too.

Funny...Ever time a nice looking female shows up,he runs around in circles and act like an idiot.It's True.
Pix or it didnt happen...

Yeaaa Sure but I did find something out.Someone is a Ginger!

"Why does Lucy Liu have freckles?"
I thought only white people had freckles not orientals and stuff.

Additional Details:
Yea,I thought you got to be a ginger or have a parent thats a ginger.


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freckles can be really cute on a girl

some people have a loooot of them
it's like redheads (gingers)

a lot of them get quite a beating


Active member
I heard about that too.Maybe The pot community can start naming weed "red" Then folks can mellow out..some need Medical pot ya know.

Let me smoke a Red-blueberry joint.Followed up by red hash.
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