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Fuck bics and any other lighter for smoking Bud



can anybody please post a link to a BIG store that is nationwide, i dont live near a fry's and would love to know if homedepot or lowes or radio shack carries these or similiar models.

h^2 O

Lotus butane torch, all the way. $40 and had it for over a year. ALWAYS gives me a light. Rain, sleet, wind, snow...it still helps me ignite my vegetal remains


Check a lowes/home depot website or (god forbid) go to a store and look?

yeah i tried calling both of these in chico and they put me on hold so long i hung up. i am just gonna wait till i go to the bay for christmas ..hit up a frys on the way down and have a great tasting christmas....peace


Active member
Why does everyone still think you're sucking in butane?

You are sucking in water vapor and CO2. Maybe like 1% of that is butane.


How we roll :D

h^2 O

yeah im going to use a soldering iron with peeps over, drinking...yeah would be really fun, passing it and grabbing the soldering end...burning hands...burning hair...holes in clothes...scars on faces...yeah I don't think so. This is more of a solo thing


Man I remember when the whole hakko revolution started for smoking... Not here, though. To my knowledge this started over at the smoking-oriented TokeCity, my previous canna-site of choice.
But now I am a grower... I come here!

I do like mine but also love the convenience of "hemp wick". Tie some to a lighter, light it and use it like a bic. No butane, easy to deal with, start and put out.


I'm going to cry.. my hakko presto has broke. After daily use and sometimes hours of continuous use it has finally decided to stop working.

I have about 1ft of beeline left to make things worse, looks like the trust torch lighter will save me in these times of need. Till' I get a new hakko, or phedor if i decide to splash out.
fuck lighters i agree. they are so last era, welcome to the future.
da buddha comes with a 3 year warranty and its made in the US
Springfield to cape cod tonight vaporizing has achieved glory
i want to thank all the people of ICMAG


I'm going to cry.. my hakko presto has broke. After daily use and sometimes hours of continuous use it has finally decided to stop working.

I have about 1ft of beeline left to make things worse, looks like the trust torch lighter will save me in these times of need. Till' I get a new hakko, or phedor if i decide to splash out.

Roll a joint!

Take this as a sign from the Gods they don't want you to use electricity with their plants

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