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(Mossy's)Friday Night Show




sorry..crap photo..and a cheat..not what I am smoking..what I am cleaning.
Punk Chunk.
They are not drying upstairs because we are so humid..plus they are spitting seed out all over..so I'm gonna clean and warm dry.

Picks off a piece of hash, tops off a fresh pipe and hands it to Mossy....
Takes it and inhales...deeply..and gratefully...:kos:
Phew..bit strong there m8..gone a bit giddy..got a touch of Chunk in it....?

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

First photo..first class...:woohoo:
V white..is she one of the recognised "Whites"..or just generous in the tric department.
Looks like good density too...my kinda girl..:joint:

Cheers M8's..:yes:
I'll chase an update this weekend..last I heard they were in the drying room..should be some news by now.

makes me Almost kinda sad...if It hadnt made me so high
Ha ha..does that to me too.
When I take a favourite girl down..I Miss them...:petting:
Good looking bud though..I can see why she was a favourite..plenty ginger..
don't know if I am right or wrong..but if I see a good ginger in my grow I think Strength. :joint:

blynx...Nice Lady G....:woohoo:
I can see she is a bit stretched...but..she more than makes up for that with those tasty looking buds.
That is some eye candy on the trics coverage..:yummy:
Is she current..or have you tasted..?
What percentage AF you getting.
I have been Well impressed with the results putting 100% auto to long season.
Yea she's sativa leaning but finished in 63 days.
Impressive..I have a feeling that the AF is going to fettle the sati girls..
bring the grow time down make them more accessible to everyone.
Keep up the good work Man..feed our AF revolution..:woohoo:
Lemon always says afghan dom to me.


Hope ur all having a good weekend. Im sitting here waiting for the rerelease of the jems like every body else as im a big fan of the purple bud.... Cant wait to get my hand on some of Mossys genetics! I was very happy to see my current grow starting to color up, the last couple of days some purple tones are slowly showing. Himalyan Blue Diesel 59 days from seed. Still have to weeks to go so hope fully they will be rally beautiful when i cut them down.

Hope ur all having a good weekend. Im sitting here waiting for the rerelease of the jems like every body else as im a big fan of the purple bud.... Cant wait to get my hand on some of Mossys genetics! I was very happy to see my current grow starting to color up, the last couple of days some purple tones are slowly showing. Himalyan Blue Diesel 59 days from seed. Still have to weeks to go so hope fully they will be rally beautiful when i cut them down.

wow!!! is that some of mossys genetics?


Cheers my friend, im happy with what im seeing and smelling.
No mate dont have any of Mossys genetics yet..., that is Himalyan Blue Diesel, its ready available on the web. Cant linky you but its from well known place that does a lot of different "short stuff". :p


My BAD guys..gave you the estimated Finish time for the JEM's..not the dried and ready to post date..:pointlaug
(Hangs head in Shame.)
I'm told mid/late Nov and they will give me released details shortly.
(Sorry if I have p*ssed anyone off...:YaRight:)

Seedling..beautiful girl m8..nice growing..what is the genetic behind the Himalyan Blue Diesel..?
What are you estimating her finish time if you still have a few weeks to go..?

Anyway...I'd like to declare Friday officially started......:yes:
I've got the kettle on...


Work is the order of the day..once the harvest has been declared..it is time to start the cleaning up..
see how productive the year has been...:joint:
Mmmm...this is just the ones I have done in the last few days..

I'm smoking the hashy remnants of the cleaning..saves grinding for a few days..

The blunt is Cognac..filled with the ALF#3 chuff.
I'm starting early..and Large...:biglaugh:
The pheno is a deep muscle relaxant..chilled..and lets me get on with the work..
But after a couple of J's..it gives you an accumulated Giggle Juice effect..
uncontrolable..innapropriate..giggling fits
It has got me into trouble already(*)..but I am Really enjoying it..:petting:

:listen2: (*)You know I said the new dog is frightened of it's own shadow..?
Well..she was lying quietly in her bed the other day..
and she let off a fart so loud it cracked the air..
she shot out of her bed..like a horse with her arse on fire..
and hid in the kitchen..peering round the corner of the door, giving us dirty looks as if We had done something to her...:muahaha:
I cracked up..
and once it bubbled over..I couldn't stop it.
Couldn't talk..couldn't breathe..and the tears were pouring down my face.
The dog went in the huff and went upstairs to get over the embarrasment
and the other half told me off for embarassing the DOG..:yoinks:
and asked if I was Drunk....
Man....:nono:..I was only drinking coke..(cola)

So I am starting early..
to get the effect over and done with before the other half returns..:biglaugh:
and I'm sure the dog won't tell.

Have a great weekend everyone...:joint:
Thanks for the update Mossy! Way to kick off the weekend!

Seedling, that Himalaya Blue Diesel looks fantastic. I see you have harvested one at day 63. Have you tried any of it yet?


Greetings all.

Hade to stop in and say hello no pics today just greetings and probs

Mossy doing good my friend glad to see your still keeping people into the weekly budshots my mouths allways watering when I stop in

Meaty bro great job your getting a gang green thumb can tell you been hanging around mossy lol

Great weekend to all

Greetings all.

Hade to stop in and say hello no pics today just greetings and probs

Mossy doing good my friend glad to see your still keeping people into the weekly budshots my mouths allways watering when I stop in

Meaty bro great job your getting a gang green thumb can tell you been hanging around mossy lol

Great weekend to all


Wey Hey bpb...:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
LONG time no see in the threads...:woohoo::woohoo:
But you remember the friday tradition.
I was just updating Uncle Meaty about your progress..replying to your mail..
then come in here and you have been a visiting.
FAR too long m8..although..we all appreciate your time constraints.
Made my day..:woohoo:

Cheers happycamper15..
you toking on anything nice for the Weekend.....:joint:


ICMag Donor
Here's an update from yesterday of the Lady G1 x Masterlow

Day 34

Lady G1 x Masterlow



Here's the pollinated buds




and a couple top cola closeups



She's about half way there!

Sorry Mossy, forgot to answer your questions about her.

The cross (Lady G1 x Masterlow) is at F1, that's what I'm growing out (so no autos this generation). The pics are current from yesterday and this is the first run with her.

Once she comes down I plan on starting some of the F2 seeds and crossing her again to F3 (at least).
Cheers happycamper15..
you toking on anything nice for the Weekend.....:joint:

Well here is my story.

This summer I conducted my first grow. And let me tell you that it was far less than half assed. The plants were neglected a number of times. Thrown in storage bins in my basement with a single 18w flourescent on a couple of occasions, with a blanket thrown over the bins! Three plants survived out of the 9 unknown bagseed. All females. Transplanted them outside in July hidden in my tomato garden. These plants, somehow, through all the rough times and handling of a completely inexperienced mj grower, put up with it, and gave me a very small yield of pretty darn good smoke.

After that experience, I refuse to buy my green anymore, and I will only use my own homegrown. Now I am addicted to this AF forum on ICMag.

Vaping what I have left over from my very first grow this weekend. Don't smoke that often any more, although sometime I do like to spark my EHLE.

Here is a picture of that crop. I know it looks like I pulled it a little early, which I did. Still gets the job done :joint:


La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Hello guy's here some bud i gonne try/test
all came from Geurillia grow (exept the auto haze she is from garden)
al these bud where not the best for selling
that why i keep them becorse i will smoke them :joint:





Some Green Eirdbei


BubbleShack first strain i maked
BubbleGum x (Blue)Rebbelshack
very nice



Autoflowering Haze
(the lowryder type oudoor seeded not the best)





Eirdbei the purple strain





Eirdbei the green strain




so now i gone smokeeeeeeee:joint:


ICMag Donor
Happy Friday my friends... Puffing on some sour bubble bx3 x sour bubble bx4... Deliciously sour.... sharp.... :smoke:

Happy belated Halloween guys... :pumpkin:


Hey blynx..she just gets sweeter and sweeter.
I can see the seed in photos#3..
looks like you got her well pollenated..:yes:
Tric coverage is Superb...
Is that inherited off one of the parents or is it an amalgam..?
She looks one Tasty Lady..:canabis:

These plants, somehow, through all the rough times and handling of a completely inexperienced mj grower, put up with it, and gave me a very small yield of pretty darn good smoke.
happycamper15...I killed my first pack..so that puts you ahead of the game for me..:yes:
She is a good looking sati leafed girls with nice tric cover..so you must have been doing something that she liked.
After that experience, I refuse to buy my green anymore, and I will only use my own homegrown
Yup..Nothing beats your first taste of own grown...spoils you for life..
AF's are a bit less forgiving..less grow time to correct mistakes..but Excellent for stealth.
Best of luck for your next grow m8..:joint:

La Buena Hierba..Maaaaan..that is some Tasty assortment...:yummy::yummy:
If you lived closer I would be round yours for the weekend..
Just to help you out of course..
Don't like to think of you smoking on your own...:biglaugh:
Perfect Canna Harvest festival photos..
Love the gourds..and the pumpkin shaped jars.
Looks like you had an excellent season..tribute to your growing skills.
I think I would enjoy Eirdbei the green strain
I like to see my buds that shape and density...good gingering too.
Looks even stronger on the purples.
Nice colour on that Bubble shack you made...
Super array of trics on show.
so now i gone smokeeeeeeee
Yup m8..enjoy..you have certainly Earned it..:smoke:
Don't forget to save me a smoke report on the Haze..I'm dying to know.

Puffing on some sour bubble bx3 x sour bubble bx4... Deliciously sour.... sharp....
Sound delish pipe..:joint:
Sour..mmm..most of mine are sweeties..don't think I have had a sour...:chin:
should be a damn fine smoke with a BX 3 and BX 4 in it..might blow your socks off.
One you have been working on..or an "import"...:biglaugh:

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
La Buena Hierba..Maaaaan..that is some Tasty assortment...:yummy::yummy:
If you lived closer I would be round yours for the weekend..
Just to help you out of course..
Don't like to think of you smoking on your own...:biglaugh:
Perfect Canna Harvest festival photos..
Love the gourds..and the pumpkin shaped jars.
Looks like you had an excellent season..tribute to your growing skills.
I think I would enjoy Eirdbei the green strain
I like to see my buds that shape and density...good gingering too.
Looks even stronger on the purples.
Nice colour on that Bubble shack you made...
Super array of trics on show.

Yup m8..enjoy..you have certainly Earned it..:smoke:
Don't forget to save me a smoke report on the Haze..I'm dying to know.

Thanks Mossy

If you lived closeryou would be welkom too smoke my stash :joint:
and if you ever come to Amsterdam let me know ?
(i go on vacation so i wil be sure i m not in amsterdam wen you are)
no just kidding let me know and you are more than welkom:joint:

tribute to my growing skills ? lol i yust plant the seeds and nature dus the rest :YaRight:

you will have some Eirdbei next season if you like ?

smoke report on the Haze some people will taste it soon for smoke report
i already know how it is lol :woohoo:



ICMag Donor
The sour bubble and hybrids are imports from southwind... I need to check to see if he ever did come back. He had been gone a while last time a checked...

Got some spare time now, so I'll try and get some of these pics sorted for friday... Been doing everything but sorting these pics... Its a lengthy job.... :D

Loving all the great shots by the way! :yes:

Choices, choices...



ICMag Donor
Hey blynx..she just gets sweeter and sweeter.
I can see the seed in photos#3..
looks like you got her well pollenated..:yes:
Tric coverage is Superb...
Is that inherited off one of the parents or is it an amalgam..?
She looks one Tasty Lady..:canabis:

Yep's she good an knocked up lol

The trich coverage and bud structure are from the Lady G1.

Only about a month to go and I can let you know how she tastes :)