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CAP Ebb n Grow, results.... Very happy.

i finally got my 1st room up and running using the ebb&grow at this piont I'm only using 6k power some of my girls were smaller than others so i didn't need all the light. I love how easy this unit is to use and maintain. and the growth is unreal. very happy:woohoo: i just ordered my second 30 site unit today. by next week i'll be transplanting 15 powerhouse and 15 purple star. these pics are of some ak,royalhawiian and bubbalicious.


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your storage totes all bowed out full of water are scary! I'm looking forward to seeing how your 4 per light spacing goes, 4 per 1kw is what I'm just starting to do.
yeh the totoes look scary Im' going to change them out with something sturdier. luckily i only use them to help humidify the room and if they were to brake i have a couple of 4" floor drains to soak it all up.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Can you run this system with less than 12 pots?

Yes the controller buckets has outlets on the bottom and all ya gotta do is seal off an outlet. You can only run one if ya want.

This system with the Biotanicare line of nutes is what I have used for the past 5 1/2 years and find it to be what I call

"The Goober Proof Way To Grow"

replaced all aero systems with E&G, and anyone who knows aero knows its king of growth, if you complain about this system its apparent its you and not the system, goober proof indeed, anyone else here like to raise the buckets an inch?
res. changes

res. changes

the only thing i would recomend for the first time growers of the ebb and grow is you have to keep the res out of the room, or you are going to have to buy a water chiller. also when doing a res change, and this is very important but a pain in the assssssss you have to run clean water through your system befor adding the nutes because the hydroten holds alot of the nutes. after you run the water through check the ppm's and add your nutes accordingly. if you don't do this you will totally fuck it up trust me. also for those in the know, how in the hell do you adjust your ph level in the res. or better yet I have a ph meter but when i add ph up or down and i check it again it only goes up or down a little, but when it goes through a cycle and i check it again i added way to much or i didn't add enough.... i also started to mix it up with a piece of pvc to see if that helped but it only helped very minimal.
i feel your pain thinking green . i have the same problems. on the day of nute change i do a qiuk flush of the buckets to get out any extra nutes and ph. iv'e found that the hydroton holds alot of the biult up ph. i got in the habit of doing 3 ph checks one at the rez, one at the controler, and one at the end of the line of buckets. I'll get 3 different readings. a qiuk flush the day of nute change helps bring water levels right back inline.
i agree about the flushing, one thing isnt mentioned much is flush and length of time. if you purchased a clearing solution all it says to run the system for 60mins, this is BS, to properly flush this system run plain water for 2 days, theres so many places for salts to build up and like Green said about PH, i have this issue with PPMS, between all the tubing theres much surface area for salts to latch onto, i suggest a monthly flush, day 1 - empty res and add plain PH'd water, after a few fill and drain cycles your ppms will climb....day 2 - repeat process, empty and drain, after a total of 2 changes of plain water and 48 total hours you should be good to go, remember the average user of these systems only flood every 3-4 hours, so during a flush the system only has a handful of cycles to clean itself out, the key here is the 2nd change out, i know its a ton of water and a ton of time, but i have found not a spec on a leaf, not a deficiency, nothing but great health


I bought with my system a 4 by 8 tent. I have two 600 hps with cool tubes and two really good fans don't know exactly how much air they push and pull but I know it is good enough. When I have the two fans on with the lights and the air vents open at the bottom of the tent the temp still stays around 90 deg. I'm also pushing the air out of the tent into the ceiling. If anybody has any solution I would really like to know. I could use the room instead of the tent but I just like not having my res around any kind of heat or lighting for obvious reasons. The only way I can keep the temps down is to have the sides of the tent open, and if I have to do that I don't even need the tent. TY.
hey greeny, can you post the cfms for your fans? if they are 6inch fans they should be around 400cfm, this i can tell you is enough to cool 2 600's inline and you can use the other fan to exhaust the hot air...even better if hooked up to a carbon filter
Yes the controller buckets has outlets on the bottom and all ya gotta do is seal off an outlet. You can only run one if ya want.

This system with the Biotanicare line of nutes is what I have used for the past 5 1/2 years and find it to be what I call

"The Goober Proof Way To Grow"


This is what I was thinking at the end of the first run with this system. Now we have 4 36 site systems. I've installed a waterline just above each rez so I may run 40 buckets under 3000watts. Been averaging 3zips each.... nothing ever lower than 2.5zips, but as high as 7zips in the sweet spots of light!<last run. good luck all!


I ordered all my plumbing pieces today, I'm going to be able to build a 48 bucket system for less than 500$, not too shabby. I figured out I won't need 2 controller buckets, I'm going to use sprinkler valves and split the room up.

I'm going to use my trusty intellidose to control the reservoir. I will probably get to try out the res dump feature and program a auto flush. Can't wait to get this fired up in a couple months. Got the swmbo sold on adding 2 more lights for a total of 12kw


Active member
ICMag Donor
You really sound like you know what you are doing with the diy. Would you please give me any tips or hints you might have as how you are connecting all the pots and anything more on the auto flush equipment. I would also like to know if anyone thinks it is possible to run 32 2 gallon buckets on a 55 gallon reservoirs? Want to run something like that in a 4x8 tent. Have all the buckets and want to buy lids and run them with like 6 inch netcups because less rockwool to clean and more root space. I was also going to try and control cycles simply with the two pumps with timers and a float valve. Any safety precautions for this setup? Thank you all for any tips and I hope to enjoy the ease of this system someday. Peace and smoke

Dr BurnBud

New member
make sure your drain pump is all the way down on bottom. The crappy pumps that come with the ebb and grow system will lose there prime. always check after a nute change.

I have 4 ebb & grow systems . Two with 22 buckets, one with 36 and one with 9. I wouldn't recomend 48 buckets. Good healthy plants with slurp your res everyday. My 36 bucket system will use 5 gals a day in peak. I run hydroton so a filled bucket takes about a gallon of water.

36 buckets take 40 gals of nutes, plus 5 gal in bottom for pump intake. plants will drink 5 gal a day, that only gives my 2 days until I have to top off or pumps run dry. With 36 buckets I can still fill in 15 minutes ( one timer tab). I have tried 48 in sog it doesn't work with hydroton. I would need 70 gals of nutes.

Good luck, the ebb and grow is a great simple system. I have made and tried many mods to overcome the inherent problems with the system maybe I will post them.

Dr. Burnbud


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Budley Doright

Active member
I have 3 of these sytems still in boxes...

Not quite ready to get them running however....

sometime this year 2010 for sure....

Currently Im looking for a few good moms....

This looks like an excellent place to take advantage of some experienced hands...

IMO the best way to do well is to find a mentor and suck up a bit.....

It looks like the main way one grower would distinguish themselves with this stytem is what you feed....

MrWags uses botanicare.... others use gh....

any posts about how you feed would be appreciated.....

2010 I hope to apply for a medical grow in michigan....

not bad rules.... 12 plants per patient.....

This system looks perfect for lower plant counts.....


The Dude
This is what I was thinking at the end of the first run with this system. Now we have 4 36 site systems. I've installed a waterline just above each rez so I may run 40 buckets under 3000watts. Been averaging 3zips each.... nothing ever lower than 2.5zips, but as high as 7zips in the sweet spots of light!<last run. good luck all!

How long do you veg. for? Im hoping for atleast 4-5 per pot.

What do ya think @ 41 days. Think I will hit my mark?