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Your overall favourite coffeyshop in Amsterdam?


The Voice of Reason
bigbuddhaseeds said:
agreed rufi , basjoes another nice place , they do a good fresh super pollem,
also dubis choices you cannot go wrong in any choice there, although i prefer my weed or hash to be measured /cut fresh rather then preweigh bags(katsu and bluebird) what do others prefer?
Yeah man... I much prefer being able to scope out the product before purchase, and being able to pick which bud I buy don't hurt my feelings none, either...


Grey Area-because they sell good smoke and no one there gives me any shit about me wearing my cap and it's close to Seedboo.

ANYDAY-Stella Blue Yummmy. If your lucky, you'll get some buds with a few seeds. Which I do in joy from this fine smoke. Well, I like it anyways.

These are the two I liked the last time i was in town. I'm sure there are others I haven't been to as of yet. That I'll in joy also.


Bulldog coffeeshop, lol, j/k

Seriously, I don't have a favourite coffeeshop in A'dam - they all have their own bad points which means I can't say one.

e.g. a lot of people say Bluebird, but I find the service rude & unfriendly, and it's always packed with people and queues to be served....plus those steep & dangerous stairs are not exactly stoner friendly!

e.g. Grey Area, way too small & prices too high - no where to chill and can't buy decent amounts of herb/hash unless you're loaded!

e.g. Dampkring, again too unfriendly and impersonal staff, and it's too dark in there! Plus prices too high - 50 Euro/g for Ice hash, don't make me laugh!

e.g. Katsu, too far out of the way & I've not found the staff very friendly there either

e.g. Barneys - food is poor quality and overpriced....service has been average for me, but have heard bad reports about poor & rude service from others

etc etc..

I much prefer to go to coffeeshops in Haarlem when in the region....


yeah BB, i hear ya on the bluebird and dampkring, i always go back and i can honestly say i've never been too impressed with the vibe in either. The last time i was over i gave the kring a miss and just went to Pink Floyd or tweede, much nicer people to be dealin with and actually open to conversation....the bluebird, ye gotta love the menu but i've found both the bar staff and the dealers to be totally unhelpful and uninterested....i guess they must get pissed off with the neverending "what's the strongest" etc questions, but a little interaction wouldn't go a miss eh? Gettin some info from the guy in the bluebird is like gettin blood from a stone, the last time i bought the kashmir ice which he seemed to approve of, but i got the (i think) high-rise haze which was real nice and i asked the guy what he knew about it and he says "it's a haze, a good haze"...no shit sherlock, what pearl of wisdom is next? Water is wet?.
I've noticed people say the katsu staff are scary, but i'd have to say they were real nice on my first trip there in may, and the crystal clear and yummy sulu hasj make it worth the tram ride.
i've had my fair share of breakfasts in barneys and have noticed a marked change in the atmosphere over the years, shitty service and even shittier way of taking to people...i always quite enjoyed the herb but have seen many reports of poor flushes etc and tbh the whole scene with Reeferman was the final straw, and i won't be goin back. (Sure they won't miss my tourist euros anyhow but feck that sheeite, bad karma givin more money to derry i think)
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yeh ALOT of the coffeyshops have bad points, but alot of the time the great herbs make it much easier to deal with. i just love being able to buy weed legally so much that it will always be good buying and smoking weed in a coffeyshop no matter where it is. The last two times i have gone me and a friend would just pick up a map of all the coffeyshops and start going to them at random, we found 3 or 4 realy nice ones out of about 20, but because we were so determinded to find the best coffeyshop we didn't get the chance to go back to the other good ones as much as i'd hoped.

it nice to see some good coffeyshops to visit so we can leave out all the shitty places with shitty weed and focus more time on the coffeys well knows for good quality cannabis and service, the trip in november is going to be extra special now!!!

its such a great place to go and im thinking about rotterdam aswell as its quite close. any1 else going to amsterdam in november?


New member
I miss Siberie. It's a nice friendly local shop. I was there once when they were painting their counter red and I got some red paint on my shirt. Unintended souvenir of Amsterdam.

If you have a bike, the city is much more accessible -- it's a great bike riding place.

But y'all know that.

page1 said:
yeh ALOT of the coffeyshops have bad points, but alot of the time the great herbs make it much easier to deal with. i just love being able to buy weed legally so much that it will always be good buying and smoking weed in a coffeyshop no matter where it is. The last two times i have gone me and a friend would just pick up a map of all the coffeyshops and start going to them at random, we found 3 or 4 realy nice ones out of about 20, but because we were so determinded to find the best coffeyshop we didn't get the chance to go back to the other good ones as much as i'd hoped.

it nice to see some good coffeyshops to visit so we can leave out all the shitty places with shitty weed and focus more time on the coffeys well knows for good quality cannabis and service, the trip in november is going to be extra special now!!!

its such a great place to go and im thinking about rotterdam aswell as its quite close. any1 else going to amsterdam in november?

hello mate, im heading over to the dam with a mate nov 18th to tue 20th, not sure where we are staying yet! defo going to barneys, greenhouse and dampkring, the willie nelson from barneys nearly put me out cold last time, ive never been so stoned in all my life,cant wait to do it again!!


dampkring mainly for the good weed and great vibe, the informative menu, the friendly staff, the way they weight it out in front of you on those fancy scales, the orange juicer, the layout of the place and bright decor. most coffeeshops are shabby, dark and sleep inducing.
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British_Bulldog/ said:
e.g. Barneys - food is poor quality and overpriced....service has been average for me, but have heard bad reports about poor & rude service from others
I must say i didn't enjoy my last time there and didn't like the breakfast either, the dealer was a miserable sod and i bought some red diesel which was poor compaed to dampkrings nycd and i got some hash which was so bad we left it on the table, it tasted nothing like normal has, a cross between dog turd and pork scratchings. vile. i'll visit again though, it proably went through a bad spell.
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I had a good Barney experience.Friendly,courteous, ect.The weed was great too.This was last year a week or two before the cup.


I've enjoyed my 3 or is it 4?...maybe 5 trips to Barney's! haha. The breakfast is alright, I'm sure that the amount of salt put on each meal kept them from being better. The smoke was above average as far as Amsterdam is concerned. And, since I went to Barney's first and purchased a gram of Barney Rubble I didn't need to buy hash for the rest of my most recent trip...heavy stuff. I like the vibes when they aren't busy and when its not 100 degrees as it was when I was there last summer during the WC.



try, 'de Rokerij' there are more of them, but i like the 1 in the jordaan area. friendly staff, good explenation on the different kind of weeds that they have.
The coffeeshop has a 'boeddha-isch vibe/interieur to it.

lil bit expensive, but isn't all non- homegrown?


lives on planet 4:20
I like many coffeeshops, but currently I love going to AnyDay to toke on their super vaporizer bongs. Damn, a few weeks ago I toked on some Lavender from Pink Floyds and it had me feeling really nice.

But, what is even better is buying my favorite bud and going to chill with the fine females working in the hostel that is 5 minutes walk from the Pink Floyds.

I forgot the name of it, and I do not recommend staying there, but the atmosphere inside the lobby is really chilled out, and you can smoke only bud and hash...lol...no cigs or alcohol

Smoked about a gram of Amnesia Lemon from Amnesia in a small glass bong and had a hell of a time talking to a Brazilian, Spanish, and a few other females that were chilling there.

It is so relaxed, and you do not have to worry about anything, just buy your favorite meds from your favorite CS and your small glass bong from the head shop that is right across the street...and toke away all day long.

I was sharing many other strains with my new friends, and had a blast.

After chilling out in that atmosphere, the CS are not the same for me.



The Voice of Reason
I found bicycling in Amsterdam very difficult when stoned. I prefer doing it sober.

I found staying out of the bicyclist's path to be very difficult when stoned...
Every damn time I'd step into a street... "ding, ding... ding, ding!"
lucky i have good reflexes...

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Mine is Mellow Yellow.

And in Haarlem the Willie Wortels Sativa, Sinsemilla and Indica coffeeshops.



mellow yellow, damp kring, amnesia, greenhouse, katsu and a few more....I was impress of some poor quality smoke in some shops .... and not being able to pick my buds and shaky little buds.... bud hey... its an experienced been there 2 times and will be back. Someone jack my wallet at barneys :( but i like their smoke and lemonaid


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
Mellow Yellow is my favorite place to hang n get high. Other shops I really like are Green Place, Noon, Dutch Flowers, Borenjongens, Bij, and the list goes on.


only been to the Dam once but i loved the Twede Kramer,i went there everyday,,,peace

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