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Primo ciclo multistrain: come siamo messi?


SAd... foglie gialle di nuovo.

Ieri mi ha risposto MynameStitch..

"here is your problem

Biobizz all mix with 30%perlite
What Nutrient's are you using? No nutrients, only root stimulator

Weed, small plants like that can very easily surcomb to our kindness, meaning you are caring too much for your plants too soon!

Root stimulaters have a lot of phosphorus in them and high P levels will knock out a small seedling/plant and the veins you are seeing is a zinc deficiency.

In other terms it's not deficient, but it's being locked out because of high phosphorus levels in the soil, from either soil and most likely the cause the root stim, those baby circle leaves you see under the first sets of single bladed leaves are it's food storage, it has just about everything it needs to get going. You should use a weak mixture that has low nutes, but not no nutes and not use cheap soil.

Seed starter mixtures work good. Also the pot size is way too big, it's not good to put them in that size, you can easily overwaterand then you got another problem. You must remove them from this mixture and put them into cups and add some soil that does not have root stimulator, the only thing you should be using is water for the first week to 2 weeks. Tap water or something that has RO but you must suppliment it with micronutrients if you use RO water, since RO removes everything and also the micros the plant need to help it sprout.

If the seedlings do survive they will be stunted for a bit, some this size don't recover at all and it's waste. If tyou have time, I would try to save them. If not it would be faster to start over......

The root stimulator should only be used after plant are nearing the 3 week mark and used only once in a while and not on a bases like a NPK fert."