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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yes there are a lot of people who can get medical marijuana for anything. But guess what. That's one step closer to legalization.

I know that this is going to piss a LOT of people off...

I know that you are this forum's mod...

I can't believe that you think that the misuse of this policy is a positive step. I am not a medical caregiver... I am not a medical patient... with that said, I fail to understand how this furthers the movement.

Don't you think that the powers that legislate this into actual law will be disuaded from approving rampant abuse of medicinal cannabis?

I don't think that this type of view is a step toward, but a step back from, legalization of cannabis in general; we need to make good on our word so that the government may do the same.


New member
I know that this is going to piss a LOT of people off...

I know that you are this forum's mod...

I can't believe that you think that the misuse of this policy is a positive step. I am not a medical caregiver... I am not a medical patient... with that said, I fail to understand how this furthers the movement.

Don't you think that the powers that legislate this into actual law will be disuaded from approving rampant abuse of medicinal cannabis?

I don't think that this type of view is a step toward, but a step back from, legalization of cannabis in general; we need to make good on our word so that the government may do the same.

I know this user may get a lot of flack for his opinion, but I agree on aspects of what you said.
Legalization and Medical MJ should be 2 entities. While it is obvious they both share similar goals, they are separate things.

I think when one thing veils itself as another it might hurt the original cause. Whichever that is. Just my general opinion on it, nothing deep.


I wouldn't go as far to say that the people voted so sick people could get high!

I think it is probably better to assume they voted so that weed could be free from persecution.

The sick is just the carrier

And to the sick if you think the rest of us sit around believing you never smoked pot before and just started using it cuz your sick you got another thing coming!

get off your high horses your just a pot head like the rest of us

The people voted for the sick, for you to say otherwise shows where your head is at. Like I said, if you think everyone should be able to smoke pot freely then fight to legalize it, don't ride on my goddam coat tail!

I have cancer, what's your fucking excuse?
I hadn't smoked pot for over 15 years before being diagnosed so your wrong... I'm not a pot head... I'm a business man.. a sick business man.


I know this user may get a lot of flack for his opinion, but I agree on aspects of what you said.
Legalization and Medical MJ should be 2 entities. While it is obvious they both share similar goals, they are separate things.

I think when one thing veils itself as another it might hurt the original cause. Whichever that is. Just my general opinion on it, nothing deep.

Thank you for the post.

Your right, they are separate. There is a movement to legalize pot altogether, I will vote yes as will many other California folks.
I firmly believe the down fall of mmj community will be the individuals who faked an illness to get a card, and those individuals that supported those fakers.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I know this user may get a lot of flack for his opinion, but I agree on aspects of what you said.
Legalization and Medical MJ should be 2 entities. While it is obvious they both share similar goals, they are separate things.

I think when one thing veils itself as another it might hurt the original cause. Whichever that is. Just my general opinion on it, nothing deep.

Yeah, but what none of you seem to understand, is you have to remove the social taboo before it becomes legal.

Did any of you realize that back in the early 1900s they actually issued medicinal liquor liscenses, and guess what, most people who had them had no medical condition.

Its very easy to say, "DONT DO DRUGS" to joe average, but its a hell of a lot harder to say that when your talking to a patient who is ill looking for relief from pain....

"The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different." -Aldous Huxley



New member

Yeah, but what none of you seem to understand, is you have to remove the social taboo before it becomes legal.

Did any of you realize that back in the early 1900s they actually issued medicinal liquor liscenses, and guess what, most people who had them had no medical condition.

Its very easy to say, "DONT DO DRUGS" to joe average, but its a hell of a lot harder to say that when your talking to a patient who is ill looking for relief from pain....

I see where you are coming from. You have a very valid point. Medical MJ is already lifting the taboo on MJ in the US a little, it will be interesting to see where it ends up over time.

I still think Legalization and Medical MJ should be 2 different beasts though. If we win one fight however, the other will be a cakewalk. Whichever that is. On a national level as well.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Medicinal cannabis was just the foot in the door to kick down the social taboo. Once most people are OK with MJ, guess what, it will be just like alcohol and tobacco. $$$ makes the world go round and laws get passed...

I see where you are coming from. You have a very valid point. Medical MJ is already lifting the taboo on MJ in the US a little, it will be interesting to see where it ends up over time.

I still think Legalization and Medical MJ should be 2 different beasts though. If we win one fight however, the other will be a cakewalk. Whichever that is. On a national level as well.

MMJ helps alot of people, but at the same time I reccomend everyone I know to get their medical marijuana card. Why? Because cannabis shouldnt be illegal, and if a $75 card can save you from being thrown in handcuffs and your cannabis confiscated, what is the problem? You all may say that these people will cause ill tides in the medical community, but I think it has been quite the opposite. The majority of dirt slanging street dealers are be putting out of business, or they are stepping up their quality and lowering prices. The majority of cannabis prices in dispensaries has continued to fall with the rise of competition among dispensaries looking to fascilitate the enormous amount of patients that are continually growing. The more people see dispensaries, and the more they start to realize that many people benefit from cannabis, and it is not used by just drug addict losers, but people you know, people in your family, people you are friends with, people you work with, etc, etc... The only thing that will legitimatly legalize this industy will be removing the social taboo that has been associated with cannabis since the 1930s, and I have to say that without medical marijuana, many people would still be against any sort of relaxation on cannabis laws. 13 years ago california was the only state with medical cannabis laws on the books, now we have 14 states that do. Id like to think within a few years the majority of states will have these laws, and by that time the majority of america will be chanting the battle cry of relegalization.


turning into a med law thread now..isnt their a few already.

this thread should be tossed it served its purpose


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
I know that this is going to piss a LOT of people off...

I know that you are this forum's mod...

I can't believe that you think that the misuse of this policy is a positive step. I am not a medical caregiver... I am not a medical patient... with that said, I fail to understand how this furthers the movement.

Don't you think that the powers that legislate this into actual law will be disuaded from approving rampant abuse of medicinal cannabis?

I don't think that this type of view is a step toward, but a step back from, legalization of cannabis in general; we need to make good on our word so that the government may do the same.
So if a person does not have AIDS or cancer, or MS then Marijuana has no value medicinally to them? I have torn meniscus and there are 100 different ways to treat it, but MJ helps. It also helps me in many other facets of my life, as well as providing enjoyment and quality of life, so how is that abusing the system?? The system is corrupt to begin with, and I for one don't put a whole lot of stock in the idea that the government will make good on their word. The Government is supposed to be run by the people, it is not. it is time for the people to take back control.


Well-known member
I think anything that makes you feel better in any way can be considered medicine. Mj helps me physically with migraines and headaches, but also gives me energy when I'm tired, and allows me to see below the veil of bullsheit the system tries so hard to cast over my eyes. So is it fair to adhere to the government-approved list of 'valid' ailments one can get a marijuana certificate for? Mj is medicine regardless of what people are using it for, so I think even 'potheads' are medicating.


Active member
I'm with BigHerbTree on this one. If we were all on a level playing field, as opposed to facing drug warriors who will resort to any kind of skulduggery to win, and who will happily take away our families, our freedom and our possessions, then things would be different. MJ has been shown to have long-term beneficial effects. That means even recreational use can be therapeutic. I have all the sympathy in the world for people who are terribly sick and need their mmj for chemo and such. However, being sick doesn't mean that they have the right to be mean-spirited nor give them any say in who else does or does not get to use marijuana. It's probably important to remember that some percentage of those using mmj are actually drug warriors who justify their personal use for personal selfish medical reasons, but who are actually still drug warriors at heart.

Anyway, the government is not benign in this battle and neither should we be. If a simple card can keep a marijuana user out of prison then every mj user should have that card! It's a necessary step in going mainstream. Somewhere down the line, when prohibition is over, if people are abusing the mmj system to avoid taxes (or whatever) and this is resulting in higher prices/scarcer meds for seriously ill patients, then there will be room for seriously ill med users to gripe. But that time is not now. The time now is to get marijuana out in the mainstream, by every means possible. It's time for people to see that marijuana can be peacefully grown, sold and bought by civilized people in a civilized manner, without any degradation of society and without all the children going to hell in a handbasket.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
So if a person does not have AIDS or cancer, or MS then Marijuana has no value medicinally to them? I have torn meniscus and there are 100 different ways to treat it, but MJ helps. It also helps me in many other facets of my life, as well as providing enjoyment and quality of life, so how is that abusing the system?? The system is corrupt to begin with, and I for one don't put a whole lot of stock in the idea that the government will make good on their word. The Government is supposed to be run by the people, it is not. it is time for the people to take back control.

I didn't say that there aren't people in need. I simply pointed out that lying isn't the best way to go about things. The government is the entity that will control cannabis as soon as it's legalized. I guess what I'm really getting at is this:

"Are you sure you want to hustle this through legislation just to find out that the entity you never trusted, and took advantage of, now has control over the subject at hand?"

This is a medical forum and not the laws and legislation forum. I understand and perhaps I should just leave now but not without a warning.

Be careful how careless you are with your priveleges, they might get taken away.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
I didn't say that there aren't people in need. I simply pointed out that lying isn't the best way to go about things. The government is the entity that will control cannabis as soon as it's legalized. I guess what I'm really getting at is this:

"Are you sure you want to hustle this through legislation just to find out that the entity you never trusted, and took advantage of, now has control over the subject at hand?"

This is a medical forum and not the laws and legislation forum. I understand and perhaps I should just leave now but not without a warning.

Be careful how careless you are with your priveleges, they might get taken away.
To each his own, if everyone had the same view point the world would be a dull place.



I wish they would permit cards, over here!
But I am afraid they will only go with some form of artificial THC.

People are fighting at the moment in our capital, over the hash market.
After the police they were cracking down on the main hashish market.
I wish they would release it now, no matter what the user is naming them selfs.
A little talk lately from the politicians, aboudt a coffeshop solution... Let see??

Medicine for the head, body and soul.


To each his own, if everyone had the same view point the world would be a dull place.


Attitudes like that will be the root cause for losing everything those before us worked so hard to overcome


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Attitudes like that will be the root cause for losing everything those before us worked so hard to overcome
Attitudes like what? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion? And that e-fighting is a waste of time, so make peace and move on?

I never lied about anything to get my license, my previous post explained my point of view.


Sometimes I feel that we assume that the other
peoples opinion, is an attack on our own.
It dont always have to be that way. I think?


Well-known member
I liked Cobcoop's bong-hit picture. I thought it meant a puff with everyone for respectfully acknowledging different opinions.
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