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What do you guys think about games over sea's? What about an overseas franchise? I think it would put too much wear and tear on a team by just the travel alone.....

heavy dank nugg

yea im not for the overseas thing they call soccer football.
and fuck adrian peterson. great back just hopefully not this weekend.

Big D

BigD im sorry ive been an ass to you in the past without warrent.

No worries bro... that's a great post! I too am impressed and absolutely accept your apology. Big UPS to you brother! :)

Reggie Bush does not have great power. He has everything else but he lacks power. I'm glad we got him tho :D

Peace y'all :)


Horse-toothed Jackass
I don't think there will ever be an NFL franchise overseas, but who knows, in 50 years anything's possible.
NFL Europe folded a couple years ago because it never made money for the league and the owners wanted to cut costs. For one reason or another American rules football never really caught on with sports fans in foreign countries; basketball and baseball yes, but they prefer soccer over American football.
But the NFL will continue to schedule a regular season game overseas once a year or so (Mexico, Japan, the UK) just to tell the world about the most popular sport in America. But an NFL franchise overseas? Not enough fan interest, international travel is too rough (especially if it's a transoceanic flight), etc etc.

You made some very good points about Alex Smith. He never really was set up for success, what with the arm injuries, the different coaches, the lack of talent surrounding him, etc etc.
I'm somewhat fascinated by these #1 overall QB's who failed to make it in the league. Tim Couch, David Carr, Alex Smith and JaMarcus (jury's still out on that one). My Bears have had their share of failed first round picks (Curtis Enis, Cade McNown, just to name two), indeed every team has had bad draft picks, it's the nature of the game. I think it's to his credit that he's pretty much kept his mouth shut about being relegated to second string, and even redid his contract so he could stay with the team. At least he's been a professional about this.
I remember Alex Smith in college, he was absolutely awesome his senior year, running Meyer's spread option. Now that the Wildcat has found success in the NFL, it's not inconceivable that Smith could run something similar to what he ran in college and be successful in doing so. Doubt it will happen anytime soon though, Singletary seems like an old school coach (not that there's anything wrong with that). Have the Niners run any Wildcat this year? I would think someone like Smith, who showed he could run and pass in traffic in college, could do some pretty special things with it. For one, he'd be a legitimate passing threat out of that offense as opposed to most RB's who take the snap out of that formation...


in the thick of it
I don't like the games overseas at all. I hate how everything has to be multi-culturized...I'm not a biggot or anything...I just like America. I also really don't like all the breast cancer awareness stuff. I can understand the cheerleaders wearing the pink....but I can't understand why...if they have to "raise awareness" why not prostate cancer or colon cancer...something that affects men...more so then breast cancer. I may be crazy here...and I may be the only one with this opinion...I just don't get it. I want to watch smashmouth hard hitting football...not constantly be reminded of diseases which take so many peoples lives. Football is our escape from normal life. I can't image what it would be like to not have weed....I'd go nuts.
~dubwise stepping off from his soap box~


Bababooey, I think they ran a couple, but they call it the Tazer in Frisco....We have former qb's all over the team i dont know why we dont good for it..Micheal Robisnon was a QB at penn state, Arnze battle at Notre Dame, Micheal Spurlock was a Qb cant recall where tho...but penn state and notre dame are big time schools.....

its almost sunday fellas.....


lil over 2 hours away till my game....lets go niners~!

I just seen Crabtree catching balls warming up....Frank Gore is back....lets do this man!~ Im fuck'n stoked....i think im gonna go buy some carne asada to grill up for the game.....

Big D

Yes GR8shoe, getting Reggie the ball in space is key, He is one of the most dangerous players in the league with space to do his thing! Luckily the Saints have so many offensive weapons, they don't have to force it to Reggie!


GO Saints!!!!!


Both former presidents George Bush were at the coin flip. The older father looks really really old....

heavy dank nugg

Dont know if that picture was really nessesary but ok.
Adrian peterson ...who?
brett farve fumbles gives up 7 then laughs like its no big deal.........
brett farve throws a pick six....then yells at his reciver .......a bit of a double standard....
vikes are pretenders cant stand up to the big boys....
Alex Smith gets a 2nd chance and is fire.

the bears are currently getting their ass handed to them by the bungles but its only 2nd quater......
San Diego wins their "get right game" at kc....

i think Atl wins today we will see.... I hate Romo....he's a bum Mabey Dallas is starting to figure that one out.

carry on..

heavy dank nugg

its gross 5 how can ya not love dolphins.did'nt you ever see flipper?

but i do see the humor as well :) i guess im just a woss hate seeing dead animals or mamales.....

Ido and bababooey this is NOT personall i just have it in for the bears for taking one from my steelers..





gotta love direct tv.......pause the game snap the pic......its in high def on the tube though wonder what happened.

but 5 in all fairness i still think your grow journals are some of the best on the site.


Active member
Well...despite the SAINTS stinking it up in the first half, they showed what they are really made of.... made the adjustments at halftime and came back to kick some dolphin arse.

At one point....the SAINTS were down 24-3....3 TD's!!!.....on the road!.....and came back to win the game 46-34!!! WHAT!!!?

4th game this year that they put up more than 40 points!

In case you haven't figured it out.....The SAINTS are for real ya'll.

WHO DAT!!!!!





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Color me gone
I am loving how the G-Men just lost TWO in a row!!!!!

This gives my cowboys some life now in that always competitive NFC east
