What's new

pot city usa



I understand all of the above and agree with its importance on one level of or another.
I anticipate that they'll focus on the illegal cannabis trade and the heat that it brings
upon the community, and it does.

I'll address only a couple of aspects that affect the community via rippers alone:
A ripper steals a car to drive (wouldn't use yours woodja?) usually locally.
A ripper often kicks in the wrong door (WE DON'T GROW HERE!) and those
consequences range from property damage to a family terrorized to murder.
Rippers go in armed and ready to fight, legal growers unfortunately attract this,
having a neighbor or two or three that grow is now high risk for anyone nearby.

The public is now well aware of the pitfalls of the current system, they
are calling for change & the law enforcement community is reacting. Very
likely given the time and experience changes will be made to the system
and it will balance out in the end. Across the board legalization will stop
all or most of this nonsense.

for that to work, people (and i mean the general public, not just icmag) would need to understand how the current laws do more damage to society than the drugs they are meant to stop.


A&E just lost a ton of reputation in my eyes...

I'll decide to watch another channel from now on.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

hey, I'm not doubting that this show will be more propaganda than
anything else but there has to be a seed of truth to it as well, we
are experiencing the problems/issues of taking something that's not
legal one day but is the next. the proof is in the vote these days.
we'll see changes only if the voters agree that there are such needs.

otherwise kick back and KNOW THIS, your US govt always has and
always will be involved in propaganda films, whether openly or by
surreptitious means they will fight you w/your own tax dollars.......


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Ever see DEA

They bust growers all the time like they are getting the "poison" off the streets

But I have the DVR set, will have a comment Monday night for sure


I always read about these 'Rippers" that kick in doors and steal plants/murder/pillage yet,
I have yet to read a story about it.
I do believe it goes on, but it is as often as I read upon these boards?
Everyone should send A&E A message after it airs stating that after watching that garbage piece of propaganda we will never watch A&E even if they were to completely change their line-up.
Since they can count those letters, the more we send, the more damage it does to their advertising % and #'s.


govt always has and
always will be involved in propaganda films, whether openly or by
surreptitious means they will fight you w/your own tax dollars.......

thats because they always need an enemy to fight, whether real or made up. if there isnt a real war or enemy, the government isnt doing its job. and the made up enemies are much easier to fight anyway.


On TV tonight - Intervention In-Depth: Pot City USA

On TV tonight - Intervention In-Depth: Pot City USA

The Illegal cultivation of marijuana in Humboldt County, Cal., is examined. Included: law-enforcement officials are observed as they search for illegal activity and suspected growers.

Monday October 19 at 9:00PM Eastern on A&E


my cable cannot be installed until tomarow i will have to catch this on the webs somewheres .. i live here in grass valley and usually shit like this pisses me off this is not the kind of attn we need right now being this time of year and all mother fuckers


Pull my finger
Another show churned out by our gov'ts propaganda machine.

I bet I get a stomach ache watching it


Active member
wow. ridiculous.

I think the show intervention has done alot of good shining light on alot of dark issues that are often hidden and ignored in our nation like alcohol, meth, pills, and opiate abuse but to lump cannabis in with all the hard drugs that ruin lives is absurd. Especially in one of the number medical cannabis producing counties in the nation.

It's totally burning me up that they are going to air this show under the show title "intervention".....so what if there is some super killer dank being grown in numbers larger than the fed govt gives permission for. I'm in florida and know plenty of sick people who use high grade cannabis, medicinally. Just cause I'm not in a friendly state doesn't mean I am abusing drugs or fucking with shit that is gonna kill me. It would be awesome if they did a piece about the benefits of thc and maybe a little expose about how the laws are putting innocent, sick people in jail for non-violent non-disruptive crimes..........the only thing illegal about it is the ink on the paper......I'm legal through and through, even if I'm medicating and damn time I feel necessary.

It's getting to the point of absurdity all across the country and when you have shows that report on the absolute social ills and evils of drugs like speed, heroin, and crack/cocaine that start lumping the medical marijuana industry in with these violence and evil driven hard drug industries it makes it even harder to get recognition for the positive things our culture does and the positive effects the cannabis plant has on our health and happiness as a society.

I can't believe that money is still being spent to convince people that herb is evil while on the other hand thousands of normal, productive, positive, and upstanding members of society smoke, inhale, and enjoy one of the most versatile and miraculous plants on this planet.

the long arm of the law has no right touching my body, lungs, mind, stash or rights.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Im not from there or have never been there. But it seems that they realize that its the greed thats giving mmj the bad rap.

They have acknowledge several times that its ok for medical use. Its the big timers there going after. But as i said im not there.


I felt bad for some of those people

The guy with cancer and an autistic son with no place to go...

The couple who's home was destroyed by the dumbest pot growers on earth...

The overly paranoid home owners who think that they are living in some dangerous area? Visit the Robert taylor homes in Chicago and tell me if you are still scared in Arcata. It makes compton look like Disneyland.

But I don't really think it is a medical marijuana problem, it is an organized crime drug cartel problem.

And 950 dollars for a 2 bedroom? I would praise Jesus for rent that cheap.