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2012- The Emergence of Higher Intelligence Beings


Active member
Hope you dont mind me cut and pasting here from an recent reply to a similar but lost thread...this is from a 2012 discussion started elsewhere on here a while back...seems just as relevant today

Thanks Mr A another open minded thread!!

Well I think there may be more to the 2012 thing that first meets the eye. I also agree that 2k was total BS (some have even said a designed bluff)

There are various theories about what 21st of december 2012 truly represents but you should definitely check some of these out they are somewhat astounding.

First is the Late Terence Mckenna's novelty theory. In very simplistic terms this complex mathematical theory recognizes that time is like a fractal wave and that nature (or the universe) is a novelty (or connectedness ) conserving engine. think about that. In the beginning before the big bang there was well , we don't really know but from that huge event things began to condense, the stars and the planets were formed, since then things have become more and more novel or complex, through the evolution of life, higher vertebrates, the great apes and eventually the human visual cortex (after all as far as we currently know the human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe). Terence was able to map this wave and place it over a timeline of important universal events. Surprise surprise the ingression into novelty goes berserk at the time the human mind emerged continues to regress deeper an deeper into more complexity along the timeline of human history. This suggests that it is now our creations and our technology that are at the cutting edge of nature and swirling us into more and more complex and connected state. Ultimately the wave collapses into a flat line state of complete connectedness on december 21st 2012. It descends rapidly towards the final state of connectedness from late 2007.

OK this goes along nicely (spookily) with the Mayan calendar. The Mayans (again cutting a long story short) kept and produced some of the most complex and accurate astronomical charts and timelines ever known. On the December the 21st 2012 the Mayan star chart predicts the "lining up of the cosmos" when the centre of the milky way lines up with our sun. The Maya recognized themselves as part of the universal creation and the history of the cosmos was ultimately intertwined with there own history and development of consciousness. Now the Mayans did not predict the end of the world in 2012 but they recognize that the lining up of the galactic centre could herald a shift in the collective psyche, for better or for worse.

A few years ago modern day astronomers discovered that the centre of the milky way (which will line up with our sun..this is not speculation) was in fact an enormous black hole.

There are various other theories that spookily match up with these. The technological singularity is one of them, that being that soon humans will reach such a level of technological sophistication that we will pass beyond what we currently recognise as being human. Basically the singularity (named after the centre of a black hole after which something goes in it never returns) means that we will never be the same as a species again. The most likely cause would be the flowering of an artificial intelligence that would either make us obsolete (think terminator of Matrix ) or make us superhuman (think Lawnmower man). There are various timelines predicted for this but as the rate of technological growth surges on exponentially most futurists predict the singularity will occur before 2035. a serious and recent prediction put this at between 2010 and 2017........

In the current of absence of a serious alternative to the oil industry ultimately this technological growth will start to slow....again a recent prediction and forecasts predict a plateau in oil production before 2025 , with the earliest predicting we are already there and other indicating bang on 2012. The want for oil (technology basically) and safeguarding reserves for the future are already being felt...result ? global insecurity and huge economic downturn. Look at the rate that this has occurred ? Would anyone have been able to predict the speed of the downturn ? Apparently not but go back and look at Terence Mckennas novelty wave.

Another important point is the end of the Kyoto protocol in 2012....when the worlds leaders decide whether Planet earth is worth saving...

The world has changed so much since 2k..we may not notice it but really think about it. In the last 12 months alone we have experienced two of the biggest events in human history...the rapid and seemingly continuing economic collapse of the global economy AND the inaugration of the first black American president. Changes are coming whether we like it or not. Whether one choose to subscribe these events to predictions is a subjective opinion BUT these events do match the novelty theory very nicely .

As with anything the 2012 theory is now being commercialised and exploited and ultimately ridculed...the fact is there isnt any overiding 2012 theory. We are just getting into some very tight and dark places as a species and our history is now catching up with us. something will give eventually. Many things point to the fact that 2012 sits slips bang in the crunch time for our current global civilization and also within the loose time line of a variety of social, scientific and supernatural predictions of varying credibility .I think that 2012 should be a point in time for us to aim for , to hold tight through the current darkness and move forward into the future positively as a more evolved species.

The fact is something big does happen we (as the general public) may not know until after the event or may never know at all. It could be something seemingly subtle that forever changes our path as a species.

IT DOES NOT MEAN THE END OF DAYS, to quote the great futurist, artist and Musician, Detroit's Jeff Mills

"It is never safe to look into the future with eyes of fear, the future is what WE make it out to be. FUTURE=REALITY"

with that in mind stay positive, and dont believe the hype but keep your eyes and your minds open . This is the most exciting time to be alive in the history of our species.

peace M313


Paint Your DreamStrain
I like how zman equates his beliefs into Truth and having an Open Mind ... just because there are videos and books to back this belief it Must be True and Mind Expanding ... Once you Believe IN something you will go to great lengths (including Lie to others and yourself) to make your belief seem more powerful or "true" than other Ideas or Beliefs therefore Closing your mind in the process.
Reap these words. When you point a finger, three fingers are pointed back at you. Accussing others of being close-minded is a direct result of being close-minded.

We are born with our minds open! You can not tell me that my mind is closed if I don't watch this 26 hour video revealing Obamas ties to the MIB. Don't get me wrong I find all this stuff very interesting, may we all discuss the possibility of it without insulting eachother? The "naysayers" points are just as valid as those that truely believe any of this is true. It really does make sense to discredit what you don't see with your own eyes, its a foolproof system.

Im not sure if there is gonna happen anything "special" in 2012, but even if something is gonna happen. Just live ur life and stop thinking about crazy shit, some people here are thinking about the future so hard that they dont see whats happening RIGHT NOW.
This is something I realized yesterday, as I allowed my own mind to get racked with the paranoid possibilities discussed in this thread. Then the sunlight came, I watched Sonic X on Kids WB and shit made sense again.


I opened to this before the 2012 predictions went mainstream. I was not aware of the chakras but this strengthens my convictions that 2012 will awaken our true powers and allow us to manifest them in this plane of existence. You must also be aware that the "aliens" walk among us and trying to apply names to them is futile because alot of them can shift forms. there are all different types of aliens and some of us who are opening are them. I have opened 16 people to date that I know of and possibly a few more I am an ancient soul that has been born here specifically to witness and perform in this cascading chaos that the alignment of this solar system on 2012 produces. Space/time/reason are out the window and only those who can grasp the situation will live or die with honor and everyone else will either starve or be slaughtered. Anything that the human mind can imagine is real and when the great cosmos align to complete the tireless cycle of existence there is a temporary chaos beyond comprehension where our imaginations are law and all it takes is a shift in perception to perceive that which has been in front of your eyes from the beginning but hidden by a foolish mind that believes foolish virtues, this is followed by mass destruction war and famine and then peace again as the true powers emerge victorious thereby restoring balance and peace again to start the process again. also there are millions of different aliens that are existing on a wavelength of light that is currently blocked by the earths magnetic field.... when this field dissipates in 2012 due to the fact that the magnetic poles are switching all of these formerly unperceived wavelengths will suddenly be perceivable and bada bing demons walk the earth and gods will battle for its plunders enjoy the show I will be the giant fireball.......unfortunately this post is soon to follow with close minded fools with obscure opinions that are deluded in their beliefs that their is any resemblance of order or truth in a world that does not exist but is merely a perception of a ball of highly concentrated energy perceiving an infinitely changing bigger ball of highly concentrated energy that it is part of in a random multi-manifested holographic universe. Confused? ask questions. Think im crazy? your entitled to your opinions but unfortunately for you if you don't wake up before its to late you won't be entitled to your free will or your life and both can and will be mercilessly taken from you. and for you religious folks I have a special message for you. This will be gods judgment day and all who are holy and pure will be "saved" from "hell on earth" this means you will die from the natural disasters that will come shortly before all hell breaks loose and you won't have to bear seeing everything that exists in the many layers of the earths energy fields that would kill you far worse then say being within 400 miles of Yellowstone park when it does its last show as a super volcano and then a giant crater you will be "safe" in heaven which will also be perceivable by all but you won't be on earth I don't like your foolish god however so I will be staying for the fireworks. One more thing grow all the pot you can it could save your life in 2011 think of it as your personal supply of food and mental ease which you will need it until you are on your feet with you powers which will gradually become stronger as we get nearer to lining up with the center of our universe where all matter was created.
MAN THATS HEAVY..........:joint:

Space Toker

Active member
wow! :D
Let me say first off, I believe aliens do exist, if you think there is no other life in the universe as or more advanced than us, around one of the many stars out there (1 with 22 zero's, yeah that many I think), you are either incredibly dense or arrogant. How can there not be aliens?

But I am seeing a proliferation of apocalyptic NWO or alien threads around, and I do believe some of it is theoretically possible, but highly unlikely. Why all the hype or hysteria? Things are actually looking better now than they were a year ago by far, so I think we will be ok. What is so special about our planet among countless others? Why would they want this planet (aliens)? If aliens come I would welcome them as I feel it is far more likely that any alien advanced enough to travel would have "grown up" as a race and given up childish greed and conquest, and would want to share the universe with all others including us and we would become a member of a galactic community. Watch how fast we "snap out of it" or "wake up" and become more cooperative if that happens!

Oh by the way: "Pleiadans Raelians Reptilians / Reptiods Subterranean Reptilians": yeah I am one of those, disguised as a human to learn more about you before we make first contact. I know this because I dream of skies unlike our own, buildings and systems of doing things unlike our own, and I know I have been there and done that. I am here more for punishment than scientific research though, as I had fleeting fancy thoughts of greed and conquest and was sent as punishment to a planet that is, quite literally, full of shit!
yuck! :D :D :D
Seriously, I think we have nothing to fear, or if we do we can't do anything about it, so live life and what happens happens. SOMEBODY STOP ME! I am the 4th horseman of the apocalypse, and brothers we are ready to ride! Or maybe I am the 3rd Anti-Christ! :D
OK enough kidding, but kidding aside we need to stop watching so much History Channel conspiracy shows, yours truly included!


It's amazing to see how many beliefs believe that 2012 is the end of the world.

Space Toker

Active member
To clarify, I do think a big revelation is coming that we are not alone, but that will be a good thing that finally allows us to mature as a species, not some dark twisted alien enslavement and conquest thing! :D


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i dont think its the end of the world i do however think its gonna be the breaking point... of what i have no idea... social ideas? war? poll switch causeing world wide catastraphy? they all are very possible... crop circles were telling us something but we told our selfs they are fakes .... i think its retarded... just my thoughts...

Space Toker

Active member
It's amazing to see how many beliefs believe that 2012 is the end of the world.

no not the end, more like a whole new beginning! I can't wait, it's going to make everything up to this point look like mere child's play! We are about to embark on the most amazing voyage ever, where every second is more meaningful than the one before it, and where the first second is more significant than the entire existence of the human race! It will be profound and like I said it will be a whole new beginnning! Only those who seek to oppress or control others need to worry, everyone else will be welcome! I do think some great awakening involving aliens is possible, not saying it's a done deal but I think things will get very interesting in the next few years. peace

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
OK, so some believe, some are open, and some discredit all this.
I guess what I'd like to know is what can anyone really do about it?
I grew up overwhelmed and pained by the hate, fear and domination of the culture of death we live in in the form of the 'cold war'. Nuclear destruction seemed just a matter of time. I didnt feel I could emotionally handle all the evil/suffering going on, much less ever want to be responsible for bringing a new life into this mess. I no longer feel that way. It is just a matter of time before the world we know is gone. it could be 2012, it could be sooner or later, just like when our own lives. you could be hit by a car tomorrow.
Should people try to stockpile food and water and seed? Even if humanity changes or dies as we know it, life will still exist. So much worrying about ourselves in life, what a waste of the moment.
Whether imprisoned or on vacation we have a choice in how we feel and behave in the moment. Focus on love, praises, witholding judgement, giving of yourself freely. A positive vibration will set you free.
I have had visions of air and water rationing according to ones worth to society in their production capacity. I have been spoken to by spirits telling me to stay awake and awaken others as humanity is falling asleep and after a point, it may be lost. their are many people carrying a great burden to raise our vibration in forms of service, prayer, chanting, dance, meditation, etc... More much much more of us need to take up this burden and help raise our collective energy. If aliens enslave us, it wont be the first time its happened in humanity. It is happening, and will always happen whether aliens, our own thoughts and beliefs, habits, etc... Throughout the ages those enslaved have found ways to rise above their physical bondage and set their minds and souls free. Dont be discouraged, life is fleeting, make the most of it. Know that the energy you radiate wont be extinguished in death. It just moves on.

Now, if all this is to happen in the near future, what can people do to prepare themselves and their families? arguing back and forth further will just kill any goodness that may be obtained from this thread. It is well known that our current direction is suicide. Whether 2012 brings a super volcanoe, aliens, failure of all electronic devices, or a giant meteor, or another day past as usual on earth we need to change.
How can we act to raise consciousness and our vibration in an attempt to survive, or at least have lived with dignity in the light?

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
2012 is....a business deal...and the banks may blame aliens for disasters!!!

2012 is....a business deal...and the banks may blame aliens for disasters!!!

Who's Wagging Whom?
Do sinister Jews control the world
or are they mere puppets of
some white racist Illuminati?​
By John Kaminski
skylax@comcast. net

Dear Abby,

Awhile back, I got into a most interesting e-mail debate about who really controls the world. It was titled "Who's Wagging Whom?" The participants generally were split along typical conspiratorial lines: with their superior intelligence and guile, the Jews control everything, versus, the poor Jews are being used by a Eurocentric, white racist Illuminati as designated patsies in a neverending criminal Crusade against the Middle East and other hapless nonwhites.

As I recall, the debate was not resolved with finality, nor in the real world has this question yet been answered in a clear fashion.

But what may be the even more significant aspect of the question "Who's Wagging Whom?" is the growing notion that world politics is not really determined by its recognizable political entities. People are beginning to figure out that it's not a simple matter of the capitalists vs. communists, whites vs. blacks, or North vs. South. It's not simply the U.S. vs. Germany and Japan, U.S. vs. USSR, or the free world vs. the supposed Muslim terror menace.

This growing notion senses a more authentic line of demarcation that identifies rich vs. poor as the more appropriate label between sides in this new war, which is also the old war, and the endless war.

Further, it suspects, through repeated analyses of the events of recent history, that somehow a single entity manages to bankroll BOTH sides in each conflict, employs deceptive operatives who pretend to be working for one side when they're really working for the other (if they're not openly working for both), and generally fans the flames of violent hatred whenever it can for one purpose only, to make sure war breaks out and continues - because that is where the real money is, and always has been.

Perhaps the clearest recent example of this was the eight-year war between Iraq and Iran, during which the Western axis of evil - the U.S., Britain and Israel - did everything it could to fund BOTH sides in the conflict, hoping that the two nations would destroy each other. Then these usurious vultures could walk in and pick up the profitable pieces. When that didn't happen, the Western axis of evil decided it had to start its own war there, which it did. This eviscerating wound to not only the Iraqi people but to all the peoples of the world, including Americans, has reached the point where we are now on the verge of World War Three as this policy swaggers on toward its depraved conclusion.

Somebody wants World War Three. And we can locate the people who do as residing within the Western axis of evil. But, returning to our original question, is it the Jews, or are they merely pawns of the racist Eurocentric Illuminati, all of them trapped in their own demonic delusions while transporting us all toward a megamistake that can't be undone?

Jewish paranoia is an amazingly complex and frightful topic, one with two distinct aspects. The Jews themselves have had drilled into them from childhood that non-Jews consider them pariahs. Ever since Moses was driven out of Egypt, the Jews have exhibited a schizophrenic persecution complex, insisting everybody's after their butts because their God told them they are superior to everyone else. This is a message clearly presented in both the Talmud and the Old Testament, and this is precisely what drives their attitude. It is the rare Jew indeed who perceives the connection between their claims of superiority and the persecution they claim to receive. The obvious solution seems to be for Jews to admit they're just another clan in the human family, but for some reason they don't seem to be willing to do that, and likely, one day, that will result in a future for them far darker than their hubris dares imagine.

The second aspect of Jewish paranoia centers around a marathon history known generally as the diaspora. No one social group has survived intact as long as this one. The big question that never seems to be erased from the minds of suspicious non-Jews is why Jews have been kicked out of so many countries, and why, when wandering Jews arrive in another country, that country evinces a bad habit to deteriorate, disintegrate, and die.

Those who see the world's problems as a Jewish problem, and insist that Jews have caused all the wars in human history, have an impressive array of superficial historical facts to back up their arguments.

Sticking for the moment to only the 20th century, anti-Jewish thought blames both World Wars on Jews. World War I was only a European conflict until the forces of Zionism received a guarantee from England to recognize their claim to Palestine, at which point, the U.S., with President Woodrow Wilson cunningly blackmailed by his Jewish adviser Colonel House, brought America into the "war to end all wars." Even worse, after the shooting stopped, House betrayed Wilson and humanity by implementing impossible financial constraints on the defeated Germans that all but guaranteed another world war.

Darker still, U.S. Jewish bankers actually helped fund Hitler to build Germany up for yet another war. It is one of the great misstatements of history that the Western axis of evil actually triumphed for freedom's sake in World War II, when in fact, the financial powers behind the Western nations actually fomented the war for profit, and then when Hitler asked Churchill for peace before the war really got started, the West refused because it wanted to destroy Germany's economic success story for good - and of course make all that war money. The very same process happened again in 1968 when Jewish war criminal Henry Kissinger needlessly prolonged the Vietnam war for five more years.

But getting back to World War I - just for a minute - two other world changing events occurred that are also laid at the feet of the worldwide Jewish banking conspiracy. The first was the creation of the Federal Reserve legislation, which forever placed the American money system in the hands of private bankers and guaranteed that genuine participatory government was gone for good from the United States.

And second, of course, was the infamous Bolshevik Revolution which did the same thing in Russia, although in a different way. The key element in that bloody uprising was the presence of key American Jews who were funded by New York bankers. Trotsky and others were sent into Russia and supervised the murder of the czar, his family, and twenty million people. That's why Hitler was so afraid of the Jews. He saw what happened. And he saw the same crowd - again, this goes exactly to the question of who's wagging whom? - doing the same to Germany in the 1920s. So he took action. And the bankers from America, among whose ranks dwelled members of the opportunistic Bush family - rubbed their hands with glee.


alien visitors? karma? 2012?... you need tools

alien visitors? karma? 2012?... you need tools

I've always expected cannabis users to be a little more skeptical than average, which is probably a bias because of how I grew up. There was so much propaganda around marijuana that we all know is bullshit. If we didn't look at those claims critically, we would still believe that shit. Though, I think too many users have only looked at those claims critically because it either fits their agenda, or because they have contradictory experiences (smoking).

I expected them to learn from this, and begin to look at all claims critically. But this doesn't seem to be the case for the most, or they go so far the other way that they only really believe claims if they go against mainstream opinion. Either way, you're being dishonest to yourself.

You absolutely need some tools to help you wade through all the bullshit out there. We've only evolved for survival, not for truth seeking. We're not born with all the correct tools, they must be learned.

You don't need a degree in math, science, or philosophy to use these tools. All you have to do is apply them. Carry them with you and apply them everyday. It will open your eyes to how nonsensical people naturally are, and you will begin to demand better evidence from spectacular claims.

Ladies and gentlemen... I bring the Baloney Detection Kit by Michael Shermer. This is an easy to understand, point-by-point video. Put these in your toolbox as they'll come in handy.



Am I smoking too much or didn't we endure this exact thread a couple days back?You people and your 2012..it embarassing

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