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G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Robotron merits another mention because this was more than intense, for those who put in enough tokens to get good enough. No superlative is adequate and no other game compares, so intense you get addicted to it the same way as meth or coke. MAME of it is available and a replica box could be made, but I'm buying the first original I find locally and putting it in my fucking living room, Andy Botwin style.


Stay Frosty

Love this game!!!


Active member
when i was young i was more on DOS than on the SNES..i didnt get into consoles until N64. Up until then it was strictly computer and arcades.

Anyone play WOLFENSTEIN 3d??


Then there was Duke Nukem, SHAKE EM BABY.



I LOVE classic games! I've got emulators & ROMs for SNES, NES & even my old Commodore 64 games! If anyone is interested, VICE is a great C64 emulator & if you're missing your old Amiga/Atari systems - they got emulators for those too although I believe those systems and the commodore basically ran many of the same games. I'm partial to the RPGs myself but not exclusively. Who remembers Maniac Mansion? I loved that game. Masters of Magic for C64 had great music. And of course the Final Fantasy games. Some of tose old C64 games were so idiosyncratic & bizarre & wonderful too - a flying Mr. T head? Awesome. This guy - goes by the name Seanbaby - google it is you're interested, he has some hysterical write-ups of old NES games, I haven't laughed so hard in a long while. It'll bring back a lot of old memories. I'd post a link, but I don't think we can link offsite.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
the first video game i ever owned was the atari 2600.
it came stock with the game combat.

i was the champion of the bankshot.


Gauntlet for nes ..blue wizard needs food badly

from dragon slayer series, nintendo. Its unique & probly best game soundtrack for its time - medieval with a really trippy organic gothic twist but a timeless hardass beat, a couple tracks you could even use for a badass mix with minimal enhancement you got the instrumental for the next top rap. same thing visually with design of worlds and characters, play it! have some good mushrooms first (I think they made it to be played that way) ;) .if you want to blow your mind.


-Iron sword, Nintendo (another trippy/organic type dragon slayer game.. one level you go into a "tree world" to see a "frog king"


-Super C (contra 2?), Nintendo, an acid trip of a video game & pretty wicked/brutal

-Dragon warrior, Nintendo

relatively oldschool:
-Final fantasy VII
, playstation, best Final fantasy ever, period. best rpg, period lol. possibly best soundtrack for any game, ever. storyline and complexity (especially for its time) = mindblowing.

someoen already mentioned the early FPS like Dukenukem/doom so I'll move to early Online FPS:
-Half Life: another legendary title of 90s, one of a kind story line everything these days models after. (some eerie places I've passed through IRL during guerillagro reminds me of Half lifes settings, felt like I was in the game just a different set of enemies ;) (sadly can't engage CQB with a crobar and glock IRL tho ;p nowhere to go after that cept rambo life or dethsentnc)

-Counter Strike retail v1.0 Oldschool online FPS (birthplace of online FPS culture/jargon ("pwn", "newb", "nub" etc.) Halo is just a child in comparison)

-Rodger dodger
, arcade style game came in that After Dark software (flying toasters) early 90s anyone play that?

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