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DIE Mickey DIE! I Will Kill You At Any Time!!! WATCH OUT!



I caught this one doing a Tarzan up a light cord to get to seeded plants today.

Problem is : see one mouse, means 10 in house!


I hate a damn rat. To me there all rats. I will poison them fry them or any means possible to protect my house from rat shit and piss and them chewing shit. Only thing there good for are spreading diseases. Little fuckers will bite if cornered to. You don't know how much i hate a rat. First rat i see this year i will buy as much poison possible to cover my whole house in every area includeing under the house. I agree 100% die mickey die!!!


Well-known member
put steelwool around all pipes where they go thru the floor and any holes to the outside .they wont try to chew thru the steelwool


chucky cheese.... lol that one was good... heehee.

The tip about the steel wool is good. It has sorta slowed them down here. hahaha

I want a blow gun bad. That would be cool.... haha Mouse hunting.

I keep trying to interest the cat, but he regards them as toys, and only mildly interesting. He prefers to sleep on the electric blanket all day and jump on my head at night. :biglaugh:


you know most serial killers often start out their "careers" by maiming, harming, and torturing small animals... just say-in...

Chris(Luke): "Well, I guess I'll go bull's-eye some whomp rats in my T-16."

Quagmire(C-3PO): "My god you shoot small animals for fun, that's the first indicator of a serial killer" lol

h^2 O

oh Lola you're such a heat-packing sweetheart - if only you'd see karma is going to come back because of these mice... :(


you know most serial killers often start out their "careers" by maiming, harming, and torturing small animals... just say-in...

Chris(Luke): "Well, I guess I'll go bull's-eye some whomp rats in my T-16."

Quagmire(C-3PO): "My god you shoot small animals for fun, that's the first indicator of a serial killer" lol

Chris(Luke): "I live on a planet with no women and two suns!"


I also like the steel wool idea...now, if I could just connect the steel wool the a battery...:)



lol.. i cant believe i left out the funniest part... thank you!

:laughing: Was just hoping I'd got it right!...saw Blue Harvest over a year ago...it was all from memory...and a stoner's memory is....is....:joint:



lol.. i cant believe i left out the funniest part... thank you!

:laughing: Was just hoping I'd got it right!...saw Blue Harvest over a year ago...it was all from memory...and a stoner's memory is....is....:joint:

wow...did I just pass the 50 post mark?:woohoo::party:


sorry...double post...:(


LOL, Save the moussie!

So I can feed it to my cat



you know most serial killers often start out their "careers" by maiming, harming, and torturing small animals... just say-in...

Chris(Luke): "Well, I guess I'll go bull's-eye some whomp rats in my T-16."

Quagmire(C-3PO): "My god you shoot small animals for fun, that's the first indicator of a serial killer" lol

OMG! You are right too. I think I AM a serial killer, just had not recognized it yet.

Let's see, Victor sells 40,000,000 rat/mice traps a year in USA, so I guess there are a bunch of "serial killers" out there. Watch out. One may be next door to your house.....

oh Lola you're such a heat-packing sweetheart - if only you'd see karma is going to come back because of these mice... :(

I ain't sharing my house with no durn mouse. Should mice choose to stay outdoors where they belong, I will happily let them live.

Come inside and mess with MY stuff and ole mousie gonna die.

I was gonna wait till tomorrow, but I think I will go set 10 Snap traps tonite in Ya'll's honor.

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My old house had mice, i would put them in a coffee jar, get them wasted by blowing smoke in it then set them free in the graveyard down the street & over the road. They used to run round the skirtingboards in my bed room so i pulled my bed about 2 foot away from the wall, lay a box on its side with some peanut in it & some tin foil accross the edge of the box. when i heard the mouse run over the foil i would reach down & stand the box up.


Oh Hush! Weren't you gonna kill your Aunt a while back? hahaha

The electric mouse trap is so humane.

Ole mousie smell that good peanut butter, and he come down the little mousie chute.

Then he step on the little metal pads to get a lick and ZAPPP!

Ole mousie have hisself a little heart attack.

I'm with you,Lola! Up yours Mickey!:dueling:


Active member
Hello Lola!! Sorry to hear about your infestation, I went through that recently. I knew you had a cat already, but didn't think he was that lazy!

My suggestion, is to adopt another cat from the shelter. Explain to them that you want a young, energetic cat for a mouser. I got mine for the price of the neutering/shots and he's really cleaned up the problem! In fact now he goes outside to hunt mice because there are none left in the house!

If you have the room and the love to spare, a new companion could become the guardian keeper of your Moon Garden. How cool would that be?*

*Picking cat hair out of bud sucks but is better than mouse bitten plants..


[taps plays softly in the background]

[tiny mousie sobs can be heard]

RIP MICKEY.. 2009-2009

Got him the old fashioned way.... SNAP. It was over so quick, he didn't know what hit him.

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