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My Melkor fridge

Huggie bear

Active member
love the fridge huggie, im with scrub woulda never thought about cutting filter like that but excellent work im looking forward to some pics.

Yea it just made sense to me as I will not be growing in a cab that needs a can 33 for awhile I might as well use the items I have here to shape my cab of tomorrow.
I figure it will more then handle my fridge and pretty much any mini-fridge I throw at it.

Huggie bear

Active member
Wow that is great Huggie. No way to cut through the BS quicker than to try for yourself. I'm sorta kicking myself for pulling out of 11/13, this run would have been a great time to try it. I'd be very interested. I'd be extreeeemely interested if it was fluoro lighting, but beggars can't be choosers so I will see how you go.

My first commercial filter turned up today and the thing is huge :D I will definitely be applying your trick when I need it to be micro-ized.


very simple process for sure!
Remove the prefilter
drill out rivets
measure and line up area to remove.
take ban saw/dremel and have at it..
pour carbon back in and pack it well put retainer ring back on
replace top and re-rivet top
I would run my T5HO set up but I have no bloom bulbs and having two separate cabs running might not be kosher with the little miss.
Once I box in the veg/mom room inside the top and lock it up I might be able to pull it off! Man A side by side grow would own!
we will see.

Huggie bear

Active member
Well damn I lowered them down a few inches which apparently was a good thing because they have taken off in the past two days!
first pics are on the 11th and then the 13th just now
A couple of group pics and then some of the strawberryC


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Huggie bear

Active member
Here are the kalichakra and skunkmans THxSK#1
Going to have to get my ass moving on the cloning set up.


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Grow like nobody is watching
Skunkman = Sam the Skunkman right? Nice.

What does the TH stand for? I scanned back but didn't see it mentioned.

Huggie bear

Active member
Skunkman = Sam the Skunkman right? Nice.

What does the TH stand for? I scanned back but didn't see it mentioned.

Its his old school thai haze x skunk1
I know it is going to be a challenge but I like that!
From what I have read it takes for ever in bloom and is a stretchy bitch which is fine. as I am going to be camping some of the new Rez releases next month and decided that I am going to bloom what I have now and swap out to run whatever I can snag from his November and December release.

They took off again last night and I will be starting some LST work like tomorrow by the looks of it.
I just swapped out my White mini-fan for a pair of 60MM pc fans as the white one was to load and took up to much space.
While I had it apart I repositioned the light to dead center for more even throw.
I have a sucky feeling that I did not repack the carbon tight enough as I can already notice a faint smell from the plants.
Either that our I am putting to much air flow through the filter which I have plans on ordering a fan speed controller this weekend anyways.
If that doesnt do it I am thinking of getting an order sock because my girl's only rule it " I don't wanna smell it like last time"

Last time I had the filter at the end pulling out of the cab like a fool which of course I had leaks in the crapped dryer hose I purchased and it stunk up the room big time.
I will be foregoing the cloning fun I had planned as I really want my set up free and clear to start working with those new rez options that are on the way!
SO tomorrow I will flip to 11-13 and see what it brings me!


Grow like nobody is watching
So you were pushing into the filter? Yeah I heard you gotta be on point with air leaks doing that. I will be doing it in the ccfl thing (I like to pretend that I'll finish it one day)

Interesting about the TH. Apparently haze is the most reveg-prone of the lot! Which would mean that if I understand things right, it will do a lot better under 11/13. In other words, the light hours are why she "takes for ever in bloom and is a stretchy bitch". Maybe it's my bad experiences with sativas & light hours, or the fact I prefer couchlock indicas, but that sounds like the opposite of a good time to me. :)

CosyAmnesia's plant started not flowering right, and I suggested the 11/13 thing and he agreed that looks like the problem, but sadly he has gone awol soon after that :/ An aquaintance had some sensi Afghan1 clones (very sativa leaning pheno) under 12/12 and they did this as well. Interestingly, I grew the same clones outdoor during a reveg-likely period, and they did ok. They did show signs they were about to reveg right near the end, but it was fine.

Looking forward to this in the nerdiest way possible :D

Huggie bear

Active member
So you were pushing into the filter? Yeah I heard you gotta be on point with air leaks doing that. I will be doing it in the ccfl thing (I like to pretend that I'll finish it one day)

Interesting about the TH. Apparently haze is the most reveg-prone of the lot! Which would mean that if I understand things right, it will do a lot better under 11/13. In other words, the light hours are why she "takes for ever in bloom and is a stretchy bitch". Maybe it's my bad experiences with sativas & light hours, or the fact I prefer couchlock indicas, but that sounds like the opposite of a good time to me. :)

CosyAmnesia's plant started not flowering right, and I suggested the 11/13 thing and he agreed that looks like the problem, but sadly he has gone awol soon after that :/ An aquaintance had some sensi Afghan1 clones (very sativa leaning pheno) under 12/12 and they did this as well. Interestingly, I grew the same clones outdoor during a reveg-likely period, and they did ok. They did show signs they were about to reveg right near the end, but it was fine.

Looking forward to this in the nerdiest way possible :D

Setting my fridge up for a morning flip and ordering a fan speed controller tonight.
I will document 11-13 in comparison to my past grow of 12-12


Grow like nobody is watching
I forgot that, yeah the speed thing may help. The max that the filter could handle is probably a bit lower now. If you think about odor-sok, have a search for them on here first. I don't wanna slag them but there is definitely a high ratio of unsatisfied customers.

Huggie bear

Active member
I forgot that, yeah the speed thing may help. The max that the filter could handle is probably a bit lower now. If you think about odor-sok, have a search for them on here first. I don't wanna slag them but there is definitely a high ratio of unsatisfied customers.

I picked up a odor gel today an will see if that covers me until my fan controller arrives from newegg
I figured the soc as a last line defense might be an aid but I will check on here later for reviews. Thanks for the heads up..


Grow like nobody is watching
No thank you. I set up my tent again and put the new filter in and I only had scrappy old ducting, so I heeded your experience and sucked instead of blowed and it works brilliantly. :)

I'm thinking money may be an issue in odor control in this case? I have a friend on here who I respect a lot and he mentioned a machine he uses for his big ass grow. He gave his carbon filters away as soon as he got it and raves about it - probably expensive though. But I can find the name if you want, just say. I think it's a new thing.

Have you read about vaportek discs? I think that's the name anyway. They were getting a good review from people a while back. You have to get the plain one, or something, the flavours won't work as well. Not sure though, may have just been crap.

If you just want a really strong cover smell, perhaps buy cheap essential oils, tip em in an open container and put an airstone in there. Keep all these smelly things away from your grow air flow or else it'll burn out your filter needlessly.

I really don't want this grow to get interupted! Personally, I would just make the carbon filter work. Not sure how well you understand negative and positive pressures bro but if you need help just ask.

The pc fan is sealed on top of the filter and a duct fitting is bolted to the pc fan. Between fan + filter must be airtight, but my duct is essentially just resting on top of the fan, guiding the air out. If it were to leak, it would only leak smell-free air back into the cab, not the opposite, due to the pressure differences. Hope this helps but please play it safe - I slacked way off before I set up my tent, I am so glad I got it working. If you have a lot of space outside the cab you can make this work with your scrappy ducting, but you'll need a large container which the filter can fit in - so you don't have the filter inside the cab like me. It's all about the pressures. But good luck however you decide to deal with it, and holler if you need help.

Huggie bear

Active member
No thank you. I set up my tent again and put the new filter in and I only had scrappy old ducting, so I heeded your experience and sucked instead of blowed and it works brilliantly. :)

I'm thinking money may be an issue in odor control in this case? I have a friend on here who I respect a lot and he mentioned a machine he uses for his big ass grow. He gave his carbon filters away as soon as he got it and raves about it - probably expensive though. But I can find the name if you want, just say. I think it's a new thing.

Have you read about vaportek discs? I think that's the name anyway. They were getting a good review from people a while back. You have to get the plain one, or something, the flavours won't work as well. Not sure though, may have just been crap.

If you just want a really strong cover smell, perhaps buy cheap essential oils, tip em in an open container and put an airstone in there. Keep all these smelly things away from your grow air flow or else it'll burn out your filter needlessly.

I really don't want this grow to get interupted! Personally, I would just make the carbon filter work. Not sure how well you understand negative and positive pressures bro but if you need help just ask.

The pc fan is sealed on top of the filter and a duct fitting is bolted to the pc fan. Between fan + filter must be airtight, but my duct is essentially just resting on top of the fan, guiding the air out. If it were to leak, it would only leak smell-free air back into the cab, not the opposite, due to the pressure differences. Hope this helps but please play it safe - I slacked way off before I set up my tent, I am so glad I got it working. If you have a lot of space outside the cab you can make this work with your scrappy ducting, but you'll need a large container which the filter can fit in - so you don't have the filter inside the cab like me. It's all about the pressures. But good luck however you decide to deal with it, and holler if you need help.

Money is always a concern as I am a cheapskate for sure.
The odor gel seems to be doing the trick for the moment but if I have to cut it down even further to install it on the inside of the cab then I can.
I think that 130 something CFM is just to much for this thing to handle with positive pressure.
I am guessing that the carbon has settled leaving a slight gap at the highside.
This is also the brick-wall that the cab air slams against, and the path of least resistance allowing it to escape unfiltered.
They used that damn pelletized carbon in mine which is a bitch to recompress.
I am thinking I will tear it down and both repack the carbon!
I really want to keep the filter on the outside as it allows more grow space.

ALso planning on starting my PC case build in the near future, I have a ton of ideas for that!

:Edit: Have you seen or heard of information on those mini ozone creators?
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Grow like nobody is watching
No I've never messed with any ozone stuff myself. Aero was mentioning one in his thread recently but I think it was a pretty hardcore one. There are issues with safety when you use ozone I believe.

The BioZone is the one my friend mentioned. Click on General Air Purifiers and it will open a PDF. Their smallest model treats 20m2 room size - no idea how big that actually is. I am thinking about one of these myself when I get to research it better. Hydrosun discusses it at a few points in his thread.

Also I would be scared of cutting the filter down in case you have to lower the CFM so far that it starts affecting the heat/cooling.

daddy fingaz

Active member
Haha, Melkor420 is user that started grow thread in same fridge as OP.
It can be found here

LOL oh i see, i also grow a bit in a fridge u see, thought it was maybe some particular kind of fridge!! my crain is easily bonfused sometimes!!:joint:

@ H Bear imo ozone would be a waste of time for you mate, more hassle than its worth.

Huggie bear

Active member
LOL oh i see, i also grow a bit in a fridge u see, thought it was maybe some particular kind of fridge!! my crain is easily bonfused sometimes!!:joint:

@ H Bear imo ozone would be a waste of time for you mate, more hassle than its worth.

I was thinking something small like this just to run durning flowering.

I have found them cheaper elsewhere like way cheaper and just thought it would work wonders.
At the moment tho the natures wonder gel candle is doing the trick well.
I have had 3 people standing maybe 4 feet away so far this weekend and no one raised an eyebrow.
All seasoned veterans I might add.
My light cycle will run at night and that is when I will be cranking up the fan a touch bot for now I am not overly worried.
Still would love a set t and forget it mini-ozone generator just the same..

Huggie bear

Active member
No I've never messed with any ozone stuff myself. Aero was mentioning one in his thread recently but I think it was a pretty hardcore one. There are issues with safety when you use ozone I believe.

The BioZone is the one my friend mentioned. Click on General Air Purifiers and it will open a PDF. Their smallest model treats 20m2 room size - no idea how big that actually is. I am thinking about one of these myself when I get to research it better. Hydrosun discusses it at a few points in his thread.

Also I would be scared of cutting the filter down in case you have to lower the CFM so far that it starts affecting the heat/cooling.

Damn those biozone ones look nice but man they are not cheap thats for sure.

Huggie bear

Active member
Small update:

Well its been a week since my last photo update so here are some group shots of the plants they have been on an 11-13 lighting cycle now for 3 or 4 days.
I show no real sings of sex as of yet as its been such a short time but they Sativa dominant ones are in full stretch so I am keeping rite on top of the LST work to keep the canopy as level as possible.

No heat issues at all and I have just installed a cheapo fan-speed controller now to actually try and bump the light up heat up to 75 for warmer evenings.

I have debated a DIY CO2 bottle but not sure if I want to both with it as of yet.

They are currently getting 1/4 strength beastie bloomz EOD.
Thanks for stopping by.


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