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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



I'm officially in love with hash. lol... I need to learn how to make itttttt

good morning everyone - hope everyone has a great day. For the last 3 days i've felt more normal than I have in awhile. So my new med must be working, but also I havent been smoking like I have been previously. dunno if thats a correlation......... but I sure could go for some smoke right now


I wish I could roll somthin up for ya and hand it to you through the monitor KK.
I have like.. no appetite when I dont smoke... sometimes even when i smoke i dont have an appetite.. its not good, i'm losing weight really fast cause im not eating
MmMmMmMm . . . I <3 banana bread. lol

KK - You're welcome sistah = )

Saw ZombieLand last night, it was hilarious!!! I loved it. Have any of you seen it yet?


Hi Ladies! I feel sooooo naughty tonight!! Just smoked some sugar leaves after trimming two girls and we are flying higher than a Concorde!!


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Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I saw Zombie Land last week! Soooo funny! Most entertaining movie I've seen in a while! I wanna go see it again! I'll add this one to the dvd collection for sure. You had to know Woody Harlson would smoke a bowl at some point in the movie..... and with Bill Muray...... classic!

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I was naughty last night...... tee hee hee..... I cheated on my diet. I had a slice of pizza and 2 beers..... Damn I love beer! And then...... the hubby ran out and brought home milk shakes. I only had a few sips of it.... I could have been more naughty.

Good morning girls! Today my son goes to preschool, so I've got the day to myself! I love Thursdays! After I drop him off, Im comming back home and making myself some canna tea....... thanks for the tip KK. Hope all you lovely ladys have an awsome day!


Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Well, I work weekends, so my true weekend is during the week when most folks are working. Yay the weekend is over! Hope you all have a great week!
Hi ladies
Had to work Saturday, but it's a great day to work when your a hairstylist, Sunday WE ate sum butter NICE!!!!!!!!!! My date off r Sunday - Tuesday

Now baby tango and I are hanging out have to play lol...... I will talk to you all soon
Hey Ladies!!! Played hooky today, naughty naughty me!!! haha Sitting at home w/ Kony, drinking some tea and doing laundry. Possibly going out to see Paranormal Activity tonight.

Lil ~ We saw Zombie Land last week, it was awesome!!!!

Mrs. Tango ~ Had some budder last night ; )


New member
Heya all =D well thought id come to this section an intro myself have been looking at icmag with my partner for a while now an never knew about the womens section so had to join up once i saw it hehehe. Little bout myself im from sunny australia not much of a grower but love to smoke still learning about everything as i was just a smoker n thats all i was interested in but now i want to learn an be educated about all facts about cannabis thats another reason im here as this site has so much info on everything and have learnt lots just watching my partner on here its an awesome site :woohoo: so yeh thats a little bout me hope to meet n chat with you all soon

Peace Mental_Mel