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OG Kush from BOG's genetics????????


Active member
I understand where u are comming from and respectfully u are right to a certain point. My gripe is this.....u asked same question in B.O.G's forum, so u should have left it at that and waited for his reply, instead of screaming it out in public before you got your answer ?

I'm not taking sides, i'm just tired of threads getting locked and people fighting...instead we should concentrate on a more constructive way og gaining knowledge.

actually, this thread was started before i posted in BOG's forum. and what better way to gain knowledge than to ask the question? if i'm not mistaken, that's what these forums are here for, i didn't call him a liar or a poser or anything, i asked a question so i see no reason for this thread to be closed. every breeder on this board has been questioned with everything from "where did you source your stock" to "how do you know your cut is the real deal?" i see no reason why BOG should be treated any differently. look, if you guys don't want to know, it is your right not to ask and to believe whatever you choose. to try and shut me up from asking is just ridiculous and obviously, i'm not the only one that wanted to know, i was just the first to ask. why???? because, i'm not afraid to ask the tough questions.:2cents:


ICMag Donor
WoW Steele. This is bold I hope you can back it up bro. :dueling:
Unless im missing something what exactly is DMT?

DMT is a particular pheno that began showing itself in the SB Bx1 line. It is really, for most people, the more unique and potent pheno to be found. Zoolander was displaying a DMT pheno here for quite some time, but too my knowledge, went on to other things for a bit...but if I am not mistaken, has decided since, to play around with it some more.

So if nothing else, it is a unique and particularly strong SB pheno that has a different taste and structure than the rest of the line. A freak of sorts, but one that shows its face every so often...which is proof, it is not really a "freak", but rather a distinctive pheno.

MY assumption, is that it is a pheno that is displaying recessive traits. I wouldn't mind having a DMT pheno myself...look at it....LOL.



ICMag Donor
actually, this thread was started before i posted in BOG's forum. and what better way to gain knowledge than to ask the question? if i'm not mistaken, that's what these forums are here for, i didn't call him a liar or a poser or anything, i asked a question so i see no reason for this thread to be closed. every breeder on this board has been questioned with everything from "where did you source your stock" to "how do you know your cut is the real deal?" i see no reason why BOG should be treated any differently. look, if you guys don't want to know, it is your right not to ask and to believe whatever you choose. to try and shut me up from asking is just ridiculous and obviously, i'm not the only one that wanted to know, i was just the first to ask. why???? because, i'm not afraid to ask the tough questions.:2cents:

I know you mean no ill will here token...I think your question is valid and has merit. I hope I didn't offend you is saying this thread should be closed...

I wasn't suggesting this because of YOUR post...but just because of the potential for this to get simply VERY ugly, very quickly. Not all ICm'er are capable of maturity and often shoot off about things simply to fill the space on the screen...I don't feel this is what you are doing.

My apologies....however, I still think this belongs in the BOG forum, where he is more likely to see the question raised again...

I suppose in a sense, it kinda seems like this is chum being tossed into the water to attract the sharks...but once again, I know better, and Tokin' you are not the type to behave that way...

So in all fairness to Tokin'...his question is valid and I think he, as well as the rest of us, should EXPECT to see an answer to the statement that was made.


*edit* I guess all I am really saying, is that in asking the question, we should wait for an answer before we start slinging poo.


Active member
wow, great thread and read. i dont have an opinion, just a theory.
what if the alleged paki kush in the alleged og was the pine tar kush? so lets say that the chemdawg was takin to cali where the "whoever" crossed it with bogs ptk. that would be believable based on the chemd/paki kush = og kush story no? i have a og mama gifted to me from the the tahoe line(allegedly) and it actually seems to not have much "kush" in it. but the odor is very pine/rank skunk/kush/medicinal smell and taste. its definitly dark leaves and squat buds are kushy. but the high is very strong and paranoia inducing too. its like smoking a jack herer (the cut we get)to me. even strong balance of sativa/indica high/stone. one hit in a bong and i hack for a minute then baked for a solid hour. i dont know man, hard to pin it down. done alot of reading and even asked danny danko about it. he believes(coz he knows the crew) the tahoe og story, or that it is very possible. wicked idea though about bog genes, could be true, d

the og conspiracy lives on, dadanana

ps, i have the pk too, and its 100%(or seems) indica(a/k). the stone is very c afghanica. it even seems like you can smell some og in it. does the pk cut have og in it??? if not, comparing the two, og definitly is equally uplifting paranoia vs heavy eyes and chest body stone
oops, sorry dudes, ptk is tom hill as ive been informed, my bad. i obviously am not thinking straight.

well then, im proposing it possible that the chemd was crossed with a ptk to create the og, does that vibe with anyone.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
DMT is a particular pheno that began showing itself in the SB Bx1 line. It is really, for most people, the more unique and potent pheno to be found. Zoolander was displaying a DMT pheno here for quite some time, but too my knowledge, went on to other things for a bit...but if I am not mistaken, has decided since, to play around with it some more.

So if nothing else, it is a unique and particularly strong SB pheno that has a different taste and structure than the rest of the line. A freak of sorts, but one that shows its face every so often...which is proof, it is not really a "freak", but rather a distinctive pheno.

MY assumption, is that it is a pheno that is displaying recessive traits. I wouldn't mind having a DMT pheno myself...look at it....LOL.


Thats what I thought, but im a lil slow sometimes. lol
I didnt know if it was just backcrossing sour bubble, to itself to get this pheno. Or if he threww somethin else in the mix. THANKS

I just found Steele's post a lil wierd, being he using bog's creation.

But you and I both know how post can be read differently by different people.


ICMag Donor
Thats what I thought, but im a lil slow sometimes. lol
I didnt know if it was just backcrossing sour bubble, to itself to get this pheno. Or if he threww somethin else in the mix. THANKS

I just found Steele's post a lil wierd, being he using bog's creation.

But you and I both know how post can be read differently by different people.

Well, in all fairness to Steele....BOG was gone to the world for quite some time. Steele worked VERY HARD to bring Sour Bubble back to the masses, and in the process of doing so, discovered the DMT pheno. He was working hand in hand with BOG "preservationist" and was very true to the line, and was nothing but respectful to the original breeder.

In my opinion, it was a tribute...a sign of respect, to not let those genes disappear into oblivion. Once he discovered the DMT pheno, he realized he had something even MORE special than what most people were finding within their own SB. So he focused his efforts on what he believed to be the FAR superior pheno, and began working to isolate and pinpoint WHERE those traits were coming from.

Personally, I thought he gave up on this work...and in a strange way was sad when BOG re-appeared because Steele devoted so much of his time into a project, that was really, more so than anything, for the community. When BOG vanished, Steele grabbed the bull by the horns and started with a true passion, what others had attempted and failed.

Upon BOG returning (A GOOD THING...don't misunderstand) I was afraid Steele wouldn't continue his work...I am certainly glad he is. His DMT work will bring about a new generation of what is essentially Sour Bubble. But it is SOOOO unique, it is worthy of its own label and name (DMT) and still very worthy of being worked into a stable, and consistent seed line.

I mean really....how many of us are willing to hunt down recessive traits and select and breed for them...do you realize how ODD and RARE it is to lock in on the recessive genes in a cannabis plant. There is a reason breeders grow out 1000's of plants to find their parents. Steele deserves every bit as much respect and praise for his DMT workings, as BOG does for bringing Sour Bubble.

Even if the work did start with BOG, Steele in a way, is taking it to the next level. (just as he suggested) Not because he is touting his own horn, but because he has been fortunate and dedicated enough to discover this pheno...and not only discover it, but actually pinpoint and work it to stability....


Cat Jockey

I understand people wanting to not overly criticize or flame, but I think the thread starter did us a favor. People in BOG's position need to be able to back up their claims and have thick enough skin to be able to handle people calling you out on claims, like your gear is the lineage of OG Kush.

Never grown BOG gear, but have heard good things about it. Regardless, the last thing he is is the only breeder producing good beans. That being said, he needs to step up to the plate and clarify. If you are going to make a claim like that and you are somebody who has profited from selling genes, you better not lie to people about shit.

I can tell you that just reading this thread has made me decide to stay away from BOG gear. That is one hell of a claim to come out of the woodwork, especially since there is some consensus of the lineage of OG Kush and BOG is mentioned nowhere in that consensus except, apparently, by him.

If it is a bullshit story, than it is a bunch of bullshit on BOG's part, period and he deserves no defense from anybody. Unethical business practices. Is it unfair for me and others to speculate about whether he is full of shit or not? I don't think so. He threw it out there, not me or anyone else.

I disagree with the BOG defenders here, in that he made the claim, obstensebly to try to give more credit to his gear. To pump his reputation in the breeding world. If it is true, proof would be nice, or at least an argument as to why it is true. I don't buy it, but could be wrong and am willing to be proven wrong.

This guy, BOG, has made plenty of money off of selling people seeds. If he is making shit up about his genes and what they have produced, he should go out of business, from people patronizing other breeders. There are alot of good strains out there.

Like I said, I don't buy it but am willing to be proven wrong. Step up to the plate BOG, that is a pretty substantial claim you have made.


The revolution will not be televised.....
The guy has his own forum and thread so why do it like this? If you were really interested in his personal response you woulda pm'ed him and waited for a response, and got your answer and maybe even debated him a little. Lets not act like this is the right way to get down when you are suposedly after the truth. Putting it out there like you have ment you were trying to do one thing. Now we got a guy with 5 posts calling BOG out like he has a clue!

And this will offend some folks, but fuck it!!!......It does take real balls to work on a guys already established line, then claim to find(not that you didnt) a rare and previously unfound pheno of that line, market that pheno as your own, then talk shit about the same said originator, as if he was a retard who just fell into some good plants. Big steele balls.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Hay Cat that was a lame attempt to Get a rise out of BOG. For all you haters thats fine I will buy them more for me. I do belive his comments are being taken out of context. Everyone is on a witch hunt. It's al good man he will explain


The guy has his own forum and thread so why do it like this? If you were really interested in his personal response you woulda pm'ed him and waited for a response, and got your answer and maybe even debated him a little. Lets not act like this is the right way to get down when you are suposedly after the truth. Putting it out there like you have ment you were trying to do one thing. Now we got a guy with 5 posts calling BOG out like he has a clue!

And this will offend some folks, but fuck it!!!......It does take real balls to work on a guys already established line, then claim to find(not that you didnt) a rare and previously unfound pheno of that line, market that pheno as your own, then talk shit about the same said originator, as if he was a retard who just fell into some good plants. Big steele balls.

Post count has nothing to do with having a clue. This could be someone you HIGHLY respect making this post, AS ANOTHER MEMBER. Lets be real here people..this is a forum, for people to discuss their opinions...whether good or bad, or whether people agree with them or not.



Crazy X Seeds Breeder
actually, this thread was started before i posted in BOG's forum. and what better way to gain knowledge than to ask the question? if i'm not mistaken, that's what these forums are here for, i didn't call him a liar or a poser or anything, i asked a question so i see no reason for this thread to be closed. every breeder on this board has been questioned with everything from "where did you source your stock" to "how do you know your cut is the real deal?" i see no reason why BOG should be treated any differently. look, if you guys don't want to know, it is your right not to ask and to believe whatever you choose. to try and shut me up from asking is just ridiculous and obviously, i'm not the only one that wanted to know, i was just the first to ask. why???? because, i'm not afraid to ask the tough questions.:2cents:

I totally agree with everything you've just said,i myself like to know what i'm growing and if you don't ask you don't know.Honesty is serverly lacking in this buisness as it is without more confusion.


Non Conformist
Good thread Tokin!

Good thread Tokin!

lol, whatta poser, man that is pure Bullshit.

just amazin what some of these breeders come up with to pimp there shit,lol

all that is imo is self promotion, just drop the idea and peeps will talk about it for who knows, good or bad, any pub is good pub.

did the same bullshit with the sour bubble, just had to tack on the "sour" moniker, aint sour nothin in it, SourD was the cats ass at the time, and Bog wasnt gonna miss out on that,lol

what a set of nads


Like it er not this^^ is the truth! He wants folks to think there's bubba kush in the sour bubble too. That kinda bullshit jus makes him more money!

Don't even get me started on what I think of his unstable genetics, ( I've grown most of em ) you would think I hated the guy or somthin! lol Jus callin em like I see em. Take care... BC
A Well Regarded Pollen Chucker

A Well Regarded Pollen Chucker

Having experienced "Bushy" from the early days on Vic's BCGA bulletin board site, it appears that haphazard breeding has served him well.

Back then, he complained about his genetics, and the hermies that afflicted many of his lines ( or what he had at the time ). Several logs of that site have been preserved. Those who are interested could easily find them. ( several other notables posted on that site, including "subcool" )

One of the first charity seed auctions ( A-1 ) came through that site, and it was an important source for BOGS breeding stock. There wasn't even a "decent interval" between those auctions and the appearance of BOGS new seed lines. It was obvious that he'd taken those ten packs and bred them, and sold the seeds. No development at all, not even enough time to test the female, much less the male parents.

Whatever he might have done to those lines later is an open question, and one that he certainly isn't about to answer anytime soon. Whether the "Kush" lines came from him ... who the hell knows?

Call back when the DNA is tested.

Until then, grow and grow again.

Repeat as needed.


Active member
And this will offend some folks, but fuck it!!!......It does take real balls to work on a guys already established line, then claim to find(not that you didnt) a rare and previously unfound pheno of that line, market that pheno as your own, then talk shit about the same said originator, as if he was a retard who just fell into some good plants. Big steele balls.
Didnt offend me:smoker:And when was BOG ever "gone"?ya mean not here!!He was stillliving breeding and slingin his stuff "elswere"


Hard to tell what people are saying sometimes during a typed conversation...maybe?

Like, maybe he meant the keeper could be better than OG Kush, and *that keeper* was derived from BOG genetics

OK, maybe I am being creative, but possible, right?


Plant Whisperer
And this will offend some folks, but fuck it!!!......It does take real balls to work on a guys already established line, then claim to find(not that you didnt) a rare and previously unfound pheno of that line, market that pheno as your own, then talk shit about the same said originator, as if he was a retard who just fell into some good plants. Big steele balls.

Like ROJO145, I dont feel offended :laughing:


I really hope this thread doesn't git scraped, as I see some controversy but none without merit.

Dank, thanks fer explaining to some of tha folks 'bout what we're doin.

Cat, I wholeheartedly agree with yer post.

Rain, sup dude ..... I think tha thread starter brought tha thread to light, here in this area to git a wider, more substanciated audience and reliable answers. Not just more bog supporters, jaded by there own feelings for him ..... Yup I picked up tha BX1 fer tha sole reason of doin what I've done. Making a seedline better than tha original creator. Started out just recreating, closest to tha original, but tha DMT showed herself, totally different than I or anyone else has seen, and had to work it ..... I haven't "claimed" to find a rare pheno Rain, I did, proving it with pics and research, bog never showed a pheno like this. I would reason that he didn't go through enough numbers, as he would only use 1 pack of beans to play with, creating subsequent generations. So tha DMT pheno is my own, no one had ever seen it, not bog not no one, talkin shit .... perhaps. But I'm not making assinine claims, sayin that OG came from my own work, lol gimme a break. And bog WAS a retard falling into some good plants cuz dude didn;t even know that tha flat of clones was Bubba; and before that claiming it all came from his bogbubble seed . He didn't know what Bubba was and didnt bother finding out or growing it out (from what I gathered). Big Steele balls, you betcha ....

Hammer, seriously doubt it was any misunderstanding, looked pretty clear to me but .....

Solarz, agreed, post count has nothin to do with truthfulness ....

Marijuanamat, yup I agree, not many breeders are held accouontable .....

B.C. bog wasn;t even aware of what he had, and just had marketed his SB as being derived from his own bubblegum. If only he knew, not only would he have made a killing but also avoided all tha backlash.

Bass, agreed. No numbers were used in his selections ..... what else can I say.

Rojo, 420247, neep not offended in tha least .....

Hope y'all find what yer after but it appears that all tha info is out fer all to examine.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Steele - You know I got nothing but respect for you and your shit so it pains me a little to have to call party foul on you!

-Do you reason or know for sure?
-Do you gather or know for sure?
-Were you the first to find the DMT pheno or the first to rename and profit from it? Tom Hill for instance created DC but when new phenos are found, no one renames it and begins calling it there own. Do they?

I get that you put a lot of time and effort into a great project, but in my eyes the guy who is making a profit from BOG's(no matter how he got it) work shoulda been the first to say take it the pm's! Just my veiw.