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Outdoor 2009/2010 Oceanic Season


Hello crew, been busy with work
its the first time ive been in the garden
for about 4 days and what a difference
ill let the pics speak for themselves

mr nice dreamtime

dreamtime bud shots

Mazar i Sharif

white skunk

osth x sk1 male (all clones)

and a garden shot

i was having a chat to the old boy the other day
and it dawned on both of us i have been
planting seeds every month now for two years(not all grown out by me) but given a healthy start
and haversting something every 6 weeks (perpetual outdoor):woohoo:
who needs lights, well some peeps do but not me :nanana:

i love the West Aussie climate



hey Shroomy thats a bloody good question got me thinking so here goes,
about 1 - 2 weeks for the dreamtimes
just to make sure the seed has time to mature
one of the dreamtimes has a branch in re-veg so its a keeper for now

the mazar thats flowering ill give another month

males all out in a week


Hi Squiggles, perpetual harvest outdoors shure make WA look good I am dam
jeolous mate.your mazar look nice .regards Oldman:bow:


New member
looking good Squigg, im gonna try putting a few out in the winter also, maybe SOG style hehe:) , thanks for the idea.


Active member
heres my white widow if anyones keen to see..
lookin not so good at the moment. not getting much crystal production either..

we're at week 2/5days of flower. first week of using canna pk booster.

i'll try get some better shots soon, shes usually dark tho.


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Technique ,I grew the widow a lot when it was originaly released from GHS, it is slow to crystal up ,usually at 5 week it starts to look pretty good, go a bit lighter on the nuits if the leaves are curling.1.6 max its that PK that does it .black widow is a great strain for doing a bit of pollen chuckin aswell .regards Oldman
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Active member
Cheers :) first real hardcore indoor attempt haha.. and widow apparently not the best one for a first crack haha

i think the last week of veg is where the canoeing started.. its backed off a bit now tho. i need to changeout in a few days anyway so will back it down then.

got any black for me?? haha wouldnt mind some moar seeds.

On the outdoor note..

Got some soil today, organic mix with gypsum from bunnings, perlite, and some peatmoss, mixed it all up and pray! :)

photos soon


Active member
Wow madb some chunky buds, Looking awesome Squiggles nice and frosty :).

My girls have been picking up quite well I'm unsure if these are c99 x dp or nycd x dp I think one might be a C99 and the rest NYCD due to 3 being more indica then sativa and one looking much more sativa dom. If the sativa dom is female I'll more then likely pick that one.




Active member
well its a sad day

Went to do some work on my babies, only to discover they have been taken. The whole shabang, someone must of stumbled on these by shear luck. Took everything, white skunk, c99 hybrids and lemon stinky.......... even the cages they were in........ fuck it hurts, they were well on there way to reveging was going to take clones... and get my early seed crop for this season....... As i've said before there are too many assclowns out and about in WA that would rip anyone in a heart beat. Season is over before it began........ plantless, beanless... but hey its a dog e dog world.. win some loose some...

Hope you all have better luck


:yeahthats I hurts mate.but its the reality of the situation.win some lose some next lot maybe the winners.