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UK Growers thread



Thats hardcore. Remember eating 7 grams of Nepalese and it was to much. How do you actually make those tintures, does the alchohol disolve the THC?


Ryu, thanks man...not sure, she seems to flower forever, atleast the seed plant did...14weeks i think, this one might go 12..lots of white hairs still...ive shortened the light cycle to 14/10 now. The tinctures look bad to the bone, like having to walk home cos ya cant drive because all you can do is sit n mumble while ya heads going 20000rpm...the kali vodka makes my mouth water. :yes:

CC, yeah man the very one...badboy shit, £35 a pack, girls would do a kilo full season in spain...:D

Jah bless the UK crew!!


Hey Buffoonman, yup, that's the basic idea but can be achieved in a few different ways.

If you just eat weed it works but not as well as if you bake it. Decarboxylation (i think) is the fancy word for what happens when you ignite the trics and the thc-v changes to thc-a.

I may have this the wrong way round but you get the idea, you have to do this part with the weed on a baking tray or in a double boiler if you want it to be potent. What I am still trying to confirm is if the tinc is made with just vodka and ISO or BHO - does the decarboxylation still need to be done to ensure the optimal high?

My bro had the deep brown tinc this weekend and although he said it was plenty strong for a evening in, it wasn't anywhere as fierce as expected, i'm guessing I degraded the thc with too much heat or for too long. This one was made by soaking the kali trim and buds in vodka and leave in the fridge and shake very few days. How long you do this variable but I left it about 8 months as I was too lazy to finish it off untill then. Then put it all in a mason jar and then in a pan of water and hold at ? degrees F (cant find notes at the mo) for 10 to 15 mins with a candy thermometer. Lastly, filter all the liquid through a coffee filter and then condense down with a little heat back in the double boiler till its the strength that you desire.

The first way was just a blob of oil into a vial of Stoli Vodka and left on top of a warm monitor for a couple weeks with shaking every day. This way was real strong but impossible to get it all to disolve into the vodka so its pretty nasty to neck down.

Second and third batches were the baking tray method before adding erb to the vodka and finishing in the double boiler. one was ok, and the other was really really strong and just from close trim.

Last method I tried was the lighter ones above where the erb was sifted first and just kif was added to the vodka. This does seem to give a much happier cheery high with the same Kali goodness going in but so far I only tried one of each so not exactly a scientific test but fun all the same.

A cracker I found out a couple weeks ago is that my mums, workmates green tea is infact a pot of tea with erb dumped in. Told her to google decarboxylation and try the tea then. I got an email this weekend saying that she is buying a Q a week instead of an Oz for her backpain as it's working so well, maybe i'll let her make me a tinc if she got it down :)

Hope that helps a bit dude, play with your food :)


everyones plants are looking so good, big donkey dicks there bean!

gonna be firing up my 250watt grow, 2 ojd titanium females hopefully, one afghan dominant bluecheese, 2 different bagseed cuts and hopefully a powerhouse, have a nice varied harvest.

nice hash lump there ryu

gonna use all the trim for one lot of hash hopefully:yoinks:


Thanks for the info Ryu will be experimenting with my next lot of trim. Never tried dissolving it in alchohol before I've only made biscuits (dissolve bud in the butter first). My favourite trick with the biscuits was to leave them on the table for when people got back from the pub. Soon quietens everybody down, never seen as many white faces. One lad kept looking at me after eating three of them he said 'you've got arms and legs and everything' then proceeded to throw up. Those were the days a few glasses of my mates homemade Mead and a couple of Biscuits and it was another world time.


Active member
Diggin the lanky colas their BeAn, how long they got left?

Got busy with the depleting stash of trim last weekend - Sunday is now hashday until it's all gone or my girls are done :)



2nd go at some tinctures too, the dark ones have a half oz of Kali stewed is Stoli Vodka for 10 months before finishing in a double boiler. No fucking way i'm testing this but my bro seems fearless so I look forward to seeing what happens.

:yeahthats wonderful :yeahthats


I know it's only just Sunday but it's still hashday again, rocket fuel squidge is my new fav. The tinc made from kif was awesome also, such a clean high and taste compared to the long stewing shit - defo gonna make with kif again next time. Chlorophyll is bad, mmkay!

Still can't roll a spliff of this stuff small enough to finish easily, defo one for sharing. 4.9g of Immediate red eye hash :)


easy people im new ere, im from west london, i aint new to growin but i aint an expert eeva ive just split my cupboard in half wiv some 12mm mdf , the next stage is sealing all the corners and buyin the kit, ill get up a few pics when ive got all the gear, im planin on using a 250hps wiv biobizz soil n nutes, but i can realy ony fit one plant in the cupboard so the strain i gota choose has got to be the right one. so i was lookin as much as possible in to what makes you sleepy as thats my problem so in the thc and it turns out to be the CBD that makes you sleepy, so i then searched for strains high in CBD, i came up with a couple but most were no more than 1.2%CBD. but the most promising looking strain to me was Narkush, and satori, but if anyone can give me any other strains that help you get to sleep/ease RLS please let me know. i found an article saying tests were done on some plants, (a few hundred) and there was a strain wich was only 11%thc but was around 24%CBD if anyone knows a strain like this PLEASE let me know, i realy need to know what strains knock you out cold or jus put you to sleep.

thanks in advanced for any help people

try the real seed company heirloom landrace cultivars they are pure landrace strains, there will be some like the mazar i shariff, lebanese an other pure indicas that will have phenos with a high cbd an vice versa. make sure you read up on how to cultivate these strains tho as they are different from other breeders western strains. the rsc isnt a breeder they get they beans direct from the source ie afghanistan, nepal etc.
apart from that there isnt many western hybrids with high cbd its been bred out throughout the years in favour of thc
if its your first grow though you may wanna get a few other grows behind you first before tackling pure landraces. i have seen some good first time grows on em though.

otherwise pure indicas are gonna be best but still western ones wont have much cbd if you let em go longer youl get a more couchlock stone thatl put you to sleep more, i wouldnt bother with autos they are crap imo. maybe white rhino or medicine man the ones i did stayed small gave a good yeild an was some real knock out weed even when chopped a bit earlier.


New member
hi can u help im a 1st timer!!! i am growing 5 big buddah blue cheese in a 120by120by200 tent and need a bite of help along the way. im 6 week in to 12/12 and i need some more light under my jems the only spare light iv got is my 125w C.F.L. that i used wen i was in veg! will that harm them? im also running 600w on top.


New member
hi can u tell me if i need to flush the food that im feeding my crop im using biobizz topmax and biobizz bloom and biocanna bloom

mr cheese

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iv been away nearly 2 yrs and this thread is still running! love it! well they call me mr cheese for obvious reasons lol hope to get to knw the new faces as well as i do the old ones! all best lads mrc

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